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My Special Juice Is Gonna Help Me Win

Posts 2758 posts

Survivor Merge Tonight! Apr 22, 2010
For all of those who watch Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains...

The merge is tonight, and with the Villains in possession of two hidden immunity idols, it seems that the Heroes are going to be doomed. I really hope Sandra though, as the outsider of the Villains, jumps to the Heroes side and helps them out, though I dont think it's going to be any good.

Who are your favorites and what do you think is going to happen?
Points: 13 0 comments
Doing a poll for a study and I need some data. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Cotton Candy- 1
Mint- 1
Cookies & Cream- 2
Vanilla- 2
Strawberry- 1
Cookie Dough- 1
Points: 69 8 comments
Self Destruct or Wait It Out Apr 13, 2010
So, my current survivor tribe is on a sinking ship and I am 99.9% sure I am going to be voted out in about an hour. I should not be voted out because I am not he weakest, in fact, I am the strongest Match 3 player. But they are too stubborn to vote out the weaklings.

Anyways, should I self-destruct and eat all the supplies, which will kill me as we have no fire. Or should I just leave them alone and wait to be voted off?

Points: 10 8 comments
Amazing Race Final 4 Apr 11, 2010
So, there are only 4 teams left on this season of Amazing Race, who are you pulling for?

Dan & Jordan? With Jordan being such a baby and freaking out over everything, I dont know if they will be able to keep up with the others. One tough obstacle and they could be done for

Jet & Cord? They have been all over the place in the pitstops. Sometimes at the top, other times at the very bottom. But if anything is true about this team, they are extremely lucky and know exactly which Detour to pick to get them ahead of the pack.

Louie & Michael? These detectives seemed to be the ones to beat earlier in the season, but recently have just been caught in the middle. They definitely don't have the physical advantage, but I would say they have the most street smarts, which might prove to help them out.

Brent & Catie? Personally, my favorite team, these two have been on a rollercoaster the entire race. Recently though, they have gotten their act together and managed to do pretty well. Their downfall will be arguing as Brent might try to push Catie too far and she might just break down and become stubborn.

Should be a pretty exciting final 4!
Points: 53 5 comments
Laura vs. Jordan Jul 23, 2009
So, who do you want to be evicted from BB11? Laura or Jordan? Personally, I love both of them, but for different reasons, so I'm really sad that one of them is going to be evicted. Part of me wants Laura to stick around because I think she is a better competitor and would be wise enough to put up Ronnie and Russel if she wins HoH. On the other hand, Jordan is so sweet and I just love her, but her game play isn't all that great. I have a feeling that Laura will be the one evicted though, everyone loves Jordan...Stupid Ronnie! I HATE HIM!
Points: 13 6 comments
Chima or Braden? Jul 15, 2009
If you were in the BB11 house, who would you vote out? I HATE Braden, so I am hoping that he is the first person evicted. Especially after what he said on the live feeds. He's just a rude, egotistical person. And plus, they can't vote out the only black girl in the house first!
Oh, and a spoiler!
Who would have thought that Lydia and Jessie would be the first to hook up!?
Points: 58 8 comments