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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Journal Post #2: Starbucks (#musthave)

Sep 19, 2013 by Skye126
imageDear Journal,

Okay, so everyone hates waking up and only a couple things make it more acceptable.

1. A warm shower with my favorite products obviously anything that makes me smell like a vanilla cupcake...oh and did i mention that the bottles have to come in Baby Blue or Pink...yes, a necessity.

2. Gummy 1 a day vitamins... yes gummy bears that give me pretty much all the nutritions that I need all day, cause I don't have the time nor the calories to be waiting for my McMuffin in the morning!

3. Finally the most important thing... My Starbucks!

And that leads to my first #musthave of the fall... Pumpkin Spice Lattes!!

I don't care if you're late to work, tardy to class or broke...there is always time and spare change for this delicious treat plus a fabulous bitch can't be seen without Starbucks... The cup alone is a status that every girl needs whether it is morning, afternoon or night.

P.S.- If I ever hear one of my fabulous bitches say "2% please", you might as well march that ever so growing ass back to the basic bitch section of this post...Non-Fat Milk only ladies!!



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