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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

~*~Calvin's Egg Hunt RESULTS~*~

5thMar 27, 2016 by SmoothStalker12

From what I planned as a 50 egg hunt developed into a 600+ egg hunt that spanned over 3 days has now officially ended.

After three days of searching for eggs, the results have been calculated and the winner has been found! With a total of 604 total eggs hidden (some differing in value, some not found) and 92 participants, I would say it was a successful event that I had zero preparation for.

First off, the winner of the participants is..... s73100!

Now, here are the more important results. Listed from lowest to highest are the scores of all the contestants. Let it be known that the top TWO contestants will be receiving a gift because they both put in a lot of effort and I felt bad just picking the one to win.

The contestants were:
#Useamint - 1
#Jaxon - 1
#Willie_ - 1
#DownEaster - 1
#Music  - 1
#ItsAlexia  - 1
#Islandsurvivor - 1
#Galaxies - 1
#Scrafy - 1
#Boygenius2010 - 1
#Darbe - 1
#TempNeptune - 1
#Icarus_Mark - 1
#Swell - 1
#2hillaireus - 1
#QueenMichelle - 1
#TheLogic - 1
#NightCore - 1
#GentlemanG - 1
#NotNicky333 - 1
#14hukilc - 1
#Connor_ - 1
#Irelia - 1
#ohheydudeski - 1 
#Richpaca - 1
#MickyBoomy - 1
#temponeptune - 1
#bluestar1367 - 1
#S73100 - 1
#EliOrtiz1234 - 1
#Mystergame2 -1
#Dolphinz811 -1
#JamesLu - 1
#Semajdude - 1
#CheapCheep - 1
#Ethan00 - 1
#Piddu - 1
#Dophpinz811 - 1
#Labobble - 1
#Judi - 1
#Timberlie - 2
#Vansreborn - 2
#Forest_Knight - 2
#LaQeen - 2
#Matt64 -  2
#JasonXtreme - 2
#Kaylabby - 2
#FantasyPNTM - 2
#JBC1 - 2
#Corey135 - 2
#PizPaz - 2
#Gardenia - 2
#JonMcGillis - 2
#LavaWorks - 2
#Allyxox - 2
#TheSexiestDude990 - 2
#Cococolin122 - 3
#Levonini - 3
#Thetrumpetman423 - 3
#Jordnaxo - 3
#Hobo232 - 3
#Allyxox - 3
#Mastrolpola - 3
#Boytoyforcato - 3
#Typhlosion - 3
#LemJam6 - 3
#PureEssence - 3
#Blatastic1234 - 4
#Jguill - 4
DaveLooney - 5
B_Waldorf - 5
Marchesa - 5
Yoshicoolman - 5
Raydog90 - 6
Bamold1999 - 6
Marty68 - 7
Joey65409 - 7
HaliFord - 7
SomebodyAwesome - 9
C00ldude1000 - 13
Magge555550101 - 13
TrollingPenguin - 13
Db1994 - 15
Moxii - 16
TheEclipse - 17
Garygbs2nd - 18
Delete2544 - 20
Lionsden121 - 29
RobertGuajardo - 30
Icebeast - 38
Espontaneo - 95
PieGuy555 - 156

Congrats #PieGuy555 and #Espontaneo on your placements, I was SHOCKED with numbers this high.

Thank you EVERYONE who participated and everyone who didn't delete the egg on your blog! I had a lot of fun putting this all together. Hope everyone has a Happy Easter!

It's 3:30 AM, sue me for any mistakes :)


i found one!!
Sent by EliOrtiz1234,Mar 27, 2016
I got 2 wtf
Sent by Galaxies,Mar 27, 2016
fun idea
Sent by Mikey_Elite,Mar 27, 2016
I found 3
Sent by Matt64,Mar 27, 2016
why isn't my name on this list.. I found 1
Sent by ItsAlexia,Mar 27, 2016
PieGuy has no life
Sent by BoyToy4Cato,Mar 27, 2016
Sent by PotatoSalad,Mar 27, 2016
Useamint - 1
Jaxon - 1
Willie_ - 1
DownEaster - 1
Music  - 1
ItsAlexia  - 1
Islandsurvivor - 1
Galaxies - 1
Scrafty - 1
Boygenius2010 - 1
@Darbe - 1
Sent by SmoothStalker12,Mar 27, 2016
Darbe - 1
TempoNeptune - 1
Icarus_Mark - 1
Swell - 1
2hillaireus - 1
QueenMichelle - 1
TheLogic - 1
NightCore - 1
GentlemanG - 1
NotNicky333 - 1
Sent by SmoothStalker12,Mar 27, 2016
14hukilc - 1
Connor_ - 1
Irelia - 1
ohheydudeski - 1 
Richpaca - 1
MickyBoomy9 - 1
temponeptune - 1
bluestar1367 - 1
#S73100 - 1
EliOrtiz1234 - 1
Sent by SmoothStalker12,Mar 27, 2016
Mysterygame2 -1
Dolphinz811 -1
JamesLu - 1
Semajdude - 1
CheapCheep - 1
Ethan000 - 1
Piddu - 1
Dolphinz811 - 1
Labobble - 1
Judi - 1
Sent by SmoothStalker12,Mar 27, 2016
Timberlie - 2
Vansreborn - 2
Forest_Knight - 2
LaQeen - 2
Matt64 -  2
JasonXtreme - 2
Kaylabby - 2
FantasyPNTM - 2
JBC8 - 2
Corey135 - 2
Sent by SmoothStalker12,Mar 27, 2016
PizPaz - 2
Gardenia - 2
JonMcGillis - 2
LavaWorks - 2
Allyxox - 2
TheSexiestDude990 - 2
Cococolin122 - 3
Levonini - 3
Thetrumpetman423 - 3
Jordanxo - 3
Sent by SmoothStalker12,Mar 27, 2016
Hobo232 - 3
Allyxox - 3
Mastropola - 3
Boytoy4cato - 3
Typhlosion37 - 3
LemJam6 - 3
PureEssence - 3
Blatastic1234 - 4
Jguill - 4
Sent by SmoothStalker12,Mar 27, 2016
That's so pathetic...

These people with 90+ eggs should really go grab some sunlight and actually DO a scavenger hunt around your damn house or something
Sent by EM002,Mar 27, 2016
Omg yay! It really wasn't that hard guys! You just had to be smart and find a good strategy
Sent by Espontaneo,Mar 27, 2016
Yeah it wasn't really that hard. I think I found somewhere between 60-70 eggs in 10 minutes, but most were taken already, you just needed to be on at the right time
Sent by magge555550101,Mar 27, 2016
Thanks Calvin!
It was stressful, but very fun !
I haven't done an Easter egg hunt in so long, and I forgot how much I missed them lol.
Also s/o to the people saying I have no life for winning lol.
Sent by Pieguy555,Mar 27, 2016
Sent by s73100,Mar 27, 2016
I had 1 but not on the list??
Sent by benp428,Mar 27, 2016
Sent by cotbey,Mar 27, 2016
Sent by garygbs2nd,Mar 27, 2016
Sent by TrollingPenguin,Mar 27, 2016
Sent by jguill,Mar 27, 2016
i thought 4 was a lot omg rip
Sent by jguill,Mar 27, 2016
Sent by useamint,Mar 27, 2016
i'll take 3rd :)
Sent by IceBeast,Mar 27, 2016
some people LOL pretty sure i found 5 though
Sent by hobo232,Mar 27, 2016
Fifth rip me
Sent by lionsden121,Mar 27, 2016
Sent by temponeptune,Mar 27, 2016
um i found one but nice rig.
Sent by KingGeek,Mar 27, 2016
I got 4 eggs actually I think
Sent by Thetrumpetman423,Mar 27, 2016
Sent by C00LDUDE1000,Mar 27, 2016
Sent by blueu22,Mar 27, 2016
wow thats a lot of hunting you did!
congrats guys!
Sent by Richpaca,Mar 27, 2016
shocking pieguy has no life
Sent by saraj10,Mar 27, 2016
I'm calling rigged because I found an egg and I wasn't put on the list
Sent by amf7410,Mar 27, 2016
Thx sj10
Sent by Pieguy555,Mar 27, 2016

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