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My Name is SnaxAttack

Posts 23 posts

Day 12 Jun 3, 2013
Another day in Survivor and today we merged again.  Today was a immunity challenge only and it was a trivia for Saj's Survivor not the CBS Survivor questions.  Slim won again and I could of made the game go a little longer, but  I prefer to play fair and let Slim win.  So far this game is going my way and maybe tonight will change a lot of stuff.  At tribal the biggest blindside so far in this game came and eliminated Cole.

If you want to watch Saj's Survivor here is a link:
Points: 11 0 comments
Day 11 Jun 1, 2013
Today is Day 11 and I am happy I made it this far because whoever gets eliminated goes to the jury which I'm happy about.  Anyways todays challenge which I attended was another picture game except instead of guessing the video game it was guess the Survivor contestant.  I stank at this and our tribe Laomi lost from 0 to 4.  At tribal council it was a scatter of votes and Nova was eliminated.

Also if you want to watch Saj's Survivor here is a link:
Points: 0 0 comments
Day 10 May 31, 2013
Today is day 10 and we finally had the 12th person out which was Tundra.  Today I couldn't make it to today's challenge, but seen the challenge which was a Survivor quiz except with guess the image from a video game.  First two people to get 3 points win.  Slim got the first 3 questions and got immunity then Allan got immunity.  Congrats to them.  While this challenge was happening Ryan_Jambe was throwing a fit for having issues and losing.  It wasn't Saj's fault really it was no ones fault.  Something that bugged me based on what I was seeing with Ryan_Jambe was he kept saying he had 12 idols which I highly doubt because if he was losing why would he worry.  Anyways at the end Ryan_Jambe rage quitted and no tribal.  At the end of today another twist came from being a merged tribe to separate tribes again.  I am back to being on Laomi and hope I survive.

Also if you want to watch Saj's Survivor here is a link:
Points: 0 0 comments
Day 9 May 29, 2013
Today is another immunity challenge where people can vote for who should get immunity.

Here's the link for voting:

Also if you want to watch Saj's Survivor here is a link:
Points: 0 0 comments
Day 8 May 28, 2013
Today we finally finished the long thread challenge and the winner of this challenge was Cole91.  Congrats to him and Ryan_Jambe came close, but not close enough.  At tribal council a lot of people wanted Ryan_Jambe out, but he played another hidden immunity idol.  He was safe and Timothy was eliminated.  After the elimination Ryan told Cole he had 12 immunity idols from finding 1 immunity idol and the twist was after finding one he got 12 which I don't know if that is true or false.  If its true personally I kinda find that cheap, but their might be a twist to change that later.  If it is false then he is bluffing so we will have to wait and see.

Also if you want to watch Saj's Survivor here is a link:
Points: 0 0 comments
Day 7 May 27, 2013
Today is day 7 and I was almost eliminated yesterday which made me a little worried.  Anyways today's immunity challenge is a trend challenge.  If you would like me to win this immunity and reward say my name for the trend.

Here's the link to the trend and Saj's Survivor:
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