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The TadNuggets69's blog

Posts 241 posts

Big Brother 14 and Big Brother UK opinions.. Jul 17, 2012
Big Brother 14 has only been going for a week and dear god.. so many people are just playing absolutely terribly.. If people would get through their small little brains that is only the first week and just shut their mouths until Thursday after eviction, the whole house would be so much better off. I'm really leaning towards Ashley and Willie being my favorites for the season. Even though Willie can't keep his mouth shut, I feel that he should be around for a while, and Ashley is in a good place in the house right now..

As far as BBUK, I haven't really been able to watch that much of it being here in the US, but I do like Lauren. And the house is pretty cool looking this year. Big Brother UK is quite a bit different and in my opinion, more colorful than BBUS. I like the fact that its up to the viewers to vote out houseguests. I wish that the producers of the US show would look at BBUK and maybe think about incorporating some things into the US show..

Just some opinions. Tell me how you feel, if you'd like! :D

Points: 33 5 comments
BB14 Love/Hate? Jul 16, 2012
Well Big Brother 14 has begun and one week in, the house is already splitting into alliances and talks of backdooring and backstabbing is already taking place in the first weeks!!

So my question to Tengaged is, who do you love and who do you hate?

Are you a fan of Team Boogie? Team Janelle and Britney? Or Team Dan? And which individual house guests do you despise? And who can you not get enough of?

For me: so far i like team janelle.. They have some strong players and Janelle is doing a good job as coach, and Willie is playing the game too hard, too fast, and it's gonna bite him in the ass sooner than later..

So leave a comment with your opinion!

Points: 13 2 comments
It's been a while.. Jul 16, 2012
I've been gone for over a year, and I must say things have changed. I like the addition of frats, and I love coming back and being able to meet some awesome people and have fun. I really enjoy this site. I hope I'll still be able to be on and active after August when I start college. Just a few words from a white level player. :D
Points: 0 0 comments
Im Back... Jul 16, 2012
Finally the Rock has come back... oh wait... im not the rock? crap... anyway, i have returned to the site and i shall be playing more games. :D
Points: 0 0 comments
Dont Trust Anybody. May 2, 2011
You could have a six person alliance in a game and then get voted out and betrayed. So dont trust anyone. dont rely on anyone. Ive learned it the hard way for the past 16 years.
Points: 0 1 comments
Hey Tengaged.. Apr 26, 2011
Does anyone else out there feel that they dont have a sense of direction with their life? Man i dont know what it is but lately ive felt like... just straight up crap. I wish i knew what to do with my life. Im only 16. i have a few months before i can get my license and a job.. I have alot of options for college. Im just glad that i have those options. people in other places in the world dont have the same opportunities. and that sucks.. I want to thank god for that though.. I appreciate all that i have.. i just wish i had a more productive life. Thanks for reading. Plus if you'd like. Negg if you want. i dont really care.
Points: 21 3 comments