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Total Drama The Ridonculous Race Rankings Oct 9, 2015
So, tonight (October 9th, 2015), the season finale of Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race took place. I'll admit, I had my doubts about this spin-off, since I've seen what happens with Cartoon Network show spin-offs (Teen Titans Go), and it makes me puke. I didn't want the series to be ruined. But, of course, I was going to give it a chance. And I'm really happy that I did. Wow, this season was amazing. I am REALLY hoping that they continue to make more, but at the same time I don't want them to deviate from the original series too much. If they can possibly give us one season of Total Drama and one season of The Ridonculous Race per year, I would be cool with that. Let's see if they can deliver on that. Oh, and I'll say this now. I know that each and every season has an "alternate ending", but that's bullshit. The official winner (to me, at least) is the team that I watch, with my own two eyes, win the game on my television. THAT is the official winners. So, if the runner-up makes more "sense" to you as a winner...I'm sorry, but you're wrong. Whoever was on TV are the winners. Accept it.

These are my rankings of all 18 teams that partook in this season of The Ridonculous Race, followed by the OFFICIAL winners of all the seasons and how I would rank them, too. Tell me what you think, please! Oh, and yes, I didn't HATE any team at all on this season! That's insanely rare, but it's true. I liked each and every team in their own way, for some reason.


18. Ellody & Mary (Geniuses) - Again, nothing against them, but what did they bring to the race? Absolutely nothing. They were just there. And then they were eliminated out of nowhere. The only consolation that I can give them is that Ellody is freaking hot and she's one of the crushes I got from this race.

17. Kelly & Taylor (Mother & Daughter) :bulletyellow: - Once in a while funny, but overall just not a really likable team and didn't bring much other than parental conflict. Sure, a clever spoof on actual Amazing Race teams, but just not all that enjoyable. Kelly is a nice woman, and Taylor can be hot, but just not fun to really watch.

16. Jay & Mickey (Adversity Twins) - I'm sorry, but WHY exactly do all you people hate Cameron? Honestly, I liked Cameron a lot, while these two were just...annoying. How is "not taking someone seriously" more entertaining than taking someone seriously who is clearly an underdog? I don't get you people. The point is, these two were alright, but again just more annoying than entertaining.

15. Laurie & Miles (Vegans) - So...are they vegans or hippies? Or...vegan hippies? I really didn't get this team. I would've much preferred Dawn coming back. Their elimination episode, and the one before it where they got saved, were pretty entertaining, but I just can't rank them any higher since they really didn't leave much of an impression on me whatsoever.

14. Rock & Spud (Rockers) - Rock is a good guy with a lot of heart and passion, and he was fun. But Spud...ugh. There's a right way to do stupid (Owen, Geoff, Brody) and a wrong way. And this is the wrong way. To be fair, both of them were funny together, and I did find myself rooting for them sometimes, but this is as high as anyone with a brain could feasibly rank them together.

13. Chet & Lorenzo (Stepbrothers) - I REALLY wanted to rank them higher, or even rank them with green bullets, but I just can't. Half the time they were invisible or irrelevant, and that just killed me. When they were together, they were easily likable. Their new sibling rivalry was funny and cute, and when they started to get along, it was adorable. But, just too much being irrelevant and having no story. Really sad.

12. Leonard & Tammy (Live Action Role-Playing Gamers) - How nice, the black guy gets sent out early in Pahkitew Island, and then kicked off first in The Ridonculous Race. How racist of you, Fresh TV. Oh well. Personally, I just like Leonard. He's funny, and even if his voice is grating, I can't help but root for the goofballs, morons, or underdogs. But, the fact that he and Tammy are ranked this low tells you how amazing all the other teams were.

11. Tom & Jen (Fashion Bloggers) - From start to finish, they were just...normal. They didn't fully have any distinguishable qualities that separated them from the other teams, other than being...well, fashion bloggers. They were charming, silly, a bit arrogant (in a good way), and cocky, but they were fun. Plus, they had a sweet elimination episode that made me rather sad to see them go, so even if they weren't all that special, I did really enjoy them.

10. Jacques & Josee (Ice Dancers) - The fact I'm even rating the villains this high, AND saying that I liked them, is impressive. When you get me to actually like your villains, you did something right. But, mostly because they ended up losing. If they had won...yeah, that wouldn't have worked. But, seriously, these two were downright insane and hilarious. Josee really was a great villain; almost as great as Heather in terms of being villainous. Jacques complimented her perfectly, being ALMOST just as evil, but also being kooky and adorable. Really, they reminded me a LOT of Jessie & James from Team Rocket. And...really, when you look at their names...I wouldn't doubt that's where they get the idea for Jacques & Josee from. So, I'm glad they lost, but I did really enjoy watching them.

9. Stephanie & Ryan (Daters/Haters) - I feel so mixed on them, yet since I'm ranking them this high, I guess it means I liked them more than hated them...which, ironically, goes with their Daters/Haters team name. Really, half the time I was cracking up at their arguments (mostly Ryan, since I just found his comebacks and attacks more hilarious than Stephanie's, who was mostly just about yelling and insulting...typical woman), but the other half I was annoyed or bored with them. I seriously didn't expect them to finish all the way up at 6th place, but I'm really glad they did, now that I think about it. They were fun to watch be your typical train-wreck.

8. Carrie & Devin (Best Friends) - Thank God they didn't win, or else we would've gotten the cliche ending that we all feared. But, for what they were, I was impressed. Carrie is a sweetie, and is rather attractive (for a blonde, which I normally hate), and Devin was a huge train-wreck himself. They were a fun team to watch, but much like the Ice Dancers, they work better as losers than winners. Plus, I give them huge points for being nice enough to bring back Geoff & Brody after the Surfers sacrificed themselves for them to stay in the race in the first place. Cute and fun team that I didn't have high expectations for going in.

7. Gerry & Pete (Tennis Rivals) - Yep, these two grumpy old men are all the way up here, and I couldn't be happier with my decision. Much like Statler and Waldorf (The Muppets), these two are pretty much just rotten, sarcastic, insulting hecklers...and I love it. They aren't mean or malicious, and are more like jokesters. Every second they spent on-screen is gold, and I always crack a smile. Are they overrated on my list? Sure, maybe. But, this is how I personally felt about all the teams, and I just really adored these two old kooks.

6. Sanders & MacArthur (Police Cadets) - I kinda feel about them how I feel about the Daters/Haters, in that half the time I loved their obnoxious craziness, but the other half I was either bored or annoyed. Sanders is a nice foil to MacArthur, but...sadly, until the last third of the season...Sanders just didn't do much for me. She was just...there. Really, it wasn't until her broken arm that she finally became interesting and badass. But, this is as high as I can rank them, since I just never was outright rooting for them to win. They're one of the teams that work best when they don't win, since they caused just as much damage as the Ice Dancers in the long run, so they didn't deserve it. They were fun, though.

5. Dwayne & Junior (Father & Son) - Honestly, I really wish I had a father like Dwayne...because I'd just like to have a father in the first place. These two were perhaps rather cliche, since it's the whole "father is overbearing and embarrassing and son is annoyed and mortified" troupe all over again. But, they really were just so heartwarming and fun, since it real. Junior's little crush on Carrie, Dwayne saying accidental sexist/moronic/uncool/funny things, and both of them outlasting so many other teams made them a great story. I'm glad they went out over Owen & Noah, but I really wish they hadn't gone out that soon. I loved them a lot.

4. Emma & Kitty (Sisters) - What a shock, right? I'm sure we ALL thought they were going to win, but we were wrong! Oh, and don't lie to me and say that you knew they were going to lose, because you aren't fooling anyone. We all got tricked. Admittedly, I didn't like these two sisters coming into the race. Emma was just a calmer version of Courtney and Heather combined, and Kitty was just calmer, female version of Lindsay/Owen, and...that's just not all that interesting. But, when they got involved with Owen & Noah, they became a thousand times more interesting and likable. Emma started to be more fun, Kitty started to act a bit more serious, and they became a likable team to cheer for. I was really sad they didn't make the finale over the Ice Dancers or Police Cadets, but I ended up loving them.

3. Ennui & Crimson (Goths) - Again, just admit it; none of you expected the Goths to be this entertaining or likable coming in. Most of you thought they were going to be villains, or be like the Geniuses and just be irrelevant. They were neither, and I'm glad they were neither. The Goths are just so fascinating because you can tell they have their hearts in the right place, but they show it and act in such odd ways that you can't help but find them fascinating. It's almost like The Addams Family, am I right? In that great movie/TV series, what they do is highly disturbing, creepy, and weird...but they all love each other so much and enjoy what they do so much just works. The same goes for the Goths. Who they are, what they say and do, and how they came across on the race was just fantastic. Giving them too much airtime would've ruined them, so for what we got, it was brilliant. I adored them, and was heartbroken when they left. Also, go Loki!

2. Geoff & Brody (Surfer Dudes) - Our winners! Coming into the race, I was rooting for them a little, since I really wanted a Total Drama player to win The Ridonculous Race, but they weren't my first you can tell. However, this is easily the most I've ever enjoyed Geoff. He was...alright in Total Drama Island. He asshole in Total Drama Action. He was...just there in Total Drama World Tour. But, here? His likability really shined through. I'm going to mostly ignore Brody, since other than his crush on MacArthur, he was basically just a Geoff clone...but that's fine! Geoff's constant positive attitude was allowed to come out more on the race more than it ever could in Total Drama, and that's a plus. A lot of people will disagree, but they were probably the best possible winners for this season, even if I hate to admit it. They never gave up, they always fought for one another, and time and time again their infectious positive attitudes let them charge ahead. Also, I think that's the underline message of the season: good karma always comes to those who open their hearts and be nice to others. Geoff & Brody sacrificed themselves for Carrie & Devin, and were unfairly eliminated. So, what happens? Carrie & Devin withdraw from the race and Geoff & Brody are brought back, and they win. That's a great message and a great ending to the season. Still not QUITE my favorite, but they surpassed any and all expectations I had. I'm impressed.

1. Owen & Noah (Reality TV Pros) - Yep, nothing is ever going to knock two of my favorite players of all-time from the top spot. The fact that the show put them TOGETHER as a team...there was less than a 1% chance I was EVER going to NOT rank them #1 coming out of the season, regardless of their final placing. I HATED them being eliminated and found it unfair, but I suppose it all turned out alright in the end. Owen was so hilarious here, much more than any other season he's been in, except maybe Total Drama Island. And Noah gaining a shocking relationship with Emma? Hell yes! To all you morons out there who love Noah x Cody and thought Noah was gay...just stop. Trust me, I feel your pain; it sickened me seeing Twilight Sparkle being paired up with Flash Sentry in Equestria Girls! But, you know what? Just deal with it. Emma and Noah make a really cute couple, and really it makes sense, since their personalities are rather similar. Owen was not only funnier, but a lot smarter and more focused on winning this time, while Noah shifted gears and was a lot more distracted due to Emma. Both of these changes really helped keep them fresh and entertaining, even though they already were (to me), and it just made them THAT much more amazing. They may not have won, but they're easily my favorite team of the season.

7. Duncan (Total Drama Action)
6. Mike (Total Drama All-Stars)
5. Lightning (Total Drama Revenge Of The Island)
4. Heather (Total Drama World Tour)
3. Geoff & Brody (Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race)
2. Shawn (Total Drama Pahkitew Island)
1. Owen (Total Drama Island)

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Worst Big Brother Season Ever Sep 23, 2015
And you wanna know WHY it was the worst? Because I have never seen such a bigger robbery than what I just witnessed. Not even Natalie White stealing Russell Hantz's win was this outrageous. What was an amazing season...turned out to be shit because of its awful ending. I don't care HOW likable Steve is; he did NOT deserve that and you all know it. And Liz is just trash. Just like Survivor Cagayan, what was a great season turned out awful (in my personal opinion) because the wrong person won. Awful.

Let's just hope this Survivor season is good. At least we're off to a good start, so that's something.

Points: 44 2 comments
Survivor Cambodia Rooting Order Aug 30, 2015
So, before the long-anticipated new season of Survivor (which is technically season 32, since they already filmed another one, but I digress), I'm going to give my order and rooting interest in all the players. Basically, when it comes to me rooting for somebody, these are the things I care most about:

1. Likability - In simple terms, if I like you as a person, I'm going to root for you. Screw the edit and your game-play. Mike, from Worlds Apart, was incredible; I could care less about how he was edited. Shirin, regardless if you think she's "victimizing herself" (which she isn't, so get over yourselves), is a wonderful girl with a good heart and I adore her. Basically, just endear yourself to me and I'll root for you.

2. Underdog Status - Typically, if you're someone who is on the outs, or is being hated on or ostracized, I will likely root for you. Don't we ALL root for the underdogs? Well, not all of us; I know some of you who root for the Derricks from Big Brother, since you just respect that kind of game-play more than the underdog, and that's fine. It makes you a rotten person, but it's fine.

3. Deserving Of Victory - I always go back to Samoa with this argument: Natalie White had no business stealing Russell's victory. Yes, Natalie fit into the first two categories in this list, but not in this one. She didn't deserve to win. Just being likable isn't always enough for me. If you literally did nothing the whole game, and the person sitting next to you is at LEAST entertaining or funny in some way other than just being flat-out unlikable and awful, then you don't deserve to win.

So, yes, these are my three conditions. Once more, I do NOT care about your editing; whine about how Mike's edit from last season was bad all you want, but I highly disagree. And, again, I don't care if you're a mastermind and you played a great game; you still need to be likable or at least entertaining. I don't want a boring strategy bot to win the season (AKA Kim from One World). So, without further ado, this is my rooting order:

1. Woo Hwang (Love)
2. Shirin Oskooi (Love)
3. Keith Nale (Love)
4. Stephen Fishbach (Love)
5. Spencer Bledsoe (Like)
6. Ciera Eastin (Like)
7. Peih-Gee Law (Like)
8. Kimmi Kappenberg (Like)
9. Jeff Varner (Like)
10. Tasha Fox (Like)
11. Andrew Savage (Like)
12. Kelly Wiglesworth (Neutral)
13. Terry Deitz (Neutral)
14. Kass McQuillen (Neutral)
15. Abi-Maria Gomes (Neutral)
16. Vytas Baskauskas (Dislike)
17. Joe Anglim (Dislike)
18. Monica Padilla (Dislike)
19. Kelley Wentworth (Dislike)
20. Jeremy Collins (Hate)

Points: 0 1 comments
Big Brother Sucks Aug 13, 2015
For the first time in a long time, I actually thought this season was gonna be good. But, in just one night, it's all come crashing down. It's complete shit now. The obvious people are going to run away with it to the end, all the good people are gonna be left out, and the assholes and creeps are going to reap the rewards. It's awful.

Hopefully next season will be an All-Stars. We badly need one. To make up for the years of shit we've been having to deal with.

Points: 0 0 comments
Screw Steve & John Aug 13, 2015
So, all you assholes still think John is so great? He's a bastard. And so is Steve. Screw this entire season now. It's garbage. Meg or James winning would be the best, but it's not gonna happen. It's over. John is a complete piece of trash, and Steve is the biggest idiot ever. Can't believe I ever liked those rejects.

Meg, James, one of you PLEASE win.


Points: 0 0 comments
Survivor Worlds Apart Rankings May 21, 2015
All I can say I don't think it's one of the best seasons ever like Max tried to sell us, but that finale really boosted this season up a lot for me. It was simply one of the best finales I have ever seen. You know what? It kinda does make up for the rest of the season (at least in my books). Mike's mom...Mike winning two more challenges...Mike forcing a tie-breaker to teach Rodney a lesson for all he's done...Mike forcing himself to apologize to help Dan's ego and shockingly get Dan's vote...Shirin and Jenn's speeches...and Mike getting his deserved blowout win. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. And, at the reunion, I loved Shirin sticking by her guns and not being swayed into saying one thing or another; she stood her ground, which I love. be very honest, Dan isn't a bad person. He really isn't. He's just...stupid. But, I really do think he's a nice person on the inside; he just has no filter. So, I do believe him when he apologized and explained himself. Oh, and Rodney's that I know he didn't win, it was hilarious to see that happen.

As for the contestants for next season...the ones I'm most angry about not getting on are Teresa, Max, Shane, Troyzan, and Sabrina. So, five out of 20 isn't bad! The five I would take out are Kelley Wentworth (how the hell did she get on), Monica Padilla (again, how the hell did she get on), Joe Anglim (boring eye candy), Terry Deitz (it's criminal that he's here and not Shane), and Jeremy Collins (still hate the bastard). So...a bit sad for the five I wanted to be on...but, overall, not bad. I know fans are going to be in an uproar that Shane didn't get on, yet Terry and Andrew did, but...hey, you're the morons who voted. Blame yourselves. I voted for Shane every single day, but apparently you guys like Terry and Andrew more. Fine, whatever.

Anyway, onto my rankings of all the players of this very conflicting season:

18. Lindsey Cascaddan (15th Place): I'm sorry, but when I think of the people who just REALLY pissed me off and made me utterly despise them, Lindsey is the first one that comes to mind. Her trashing Mike and daring to insult God like that? I don't care what you believe in or what you don't believe in; you do NOT personally attack someone like that. It's just as bad as what Will did. Lindsey was a loudmouthed, cocky, arrogant, rude, obnoxious, irritating, annoying, hateful bitch. I loathed every second I saw of her and I hate her the most on this season.

17. Rodney Lavoie Jr. (4th Place): Ultimately, he reaped what he sowed in the end, and that was hilarious and awesome to see. That said, he was a jackass and I hated his guts. Sure, he did make me laugh a few times, but that doesn't excuse the fact that he was still a racist, sexist, rude, lazy, annoying, idiotic creep. Just because you're someone who is "fun to point and laugh at", that doesn't mean we should like them. A touching last scene with him (right after one of the rudest ending confessionals ever) was nice, but it doesn't make up for what a dick this bastard this.

16. Will Sims II (3rd Place): I loved him in the very first episode...and hated him from every one from there on out. From him getting Vince out for a freaking innocent comment, and then calling Nina "dead weight", and then his obnoxious with always mocking Mike and saying he "better win or he's out" and "I already have a final three" and so much more. Oh, did I mention his attack on Shirin yet? Did I also mention just how pathetic he was in every single challenge? How can someone start off as so beloved and sweet, yet turn so ugly and disgusting just like that? Really shows that Survivor will make you show your true colors eventually.

15. Joaquin Souberbielle (13th Place): The second my eyes landed on this guy, I was already disgusted and knew I would hate him. Yes, looks can be deceiving...but, he didn't do anything to justify my dislike of him. He was a douche. He really didn't do anything in the game of importance, other than get all chummy with Rodney and get quickly get taken out by Mike for doing so. Joaquin was just unlikeable in every way. Ugly to look at, always sneering or scowling, and not all that great at the game. Nothing you can fairly HATE him for, but nothing you can genuinely like him for, either.

14. Sierra Thomas (5th Place): While Sierra may not have been the most horrible a person as others (Rodney, Lindsey, Will, Dan), she was horrible in other ways. First, she whined like a big baby when she got voted for, and Mike comforted her. Dan and Rodney did not, and even pissed her off worse. Then, what does she do? Align with the very same people she said she hated. Not only that, but she sided with the other villains, too. And every time she talked about "making a move", she never did, and always kissed Rodney's ass. She's just a pathetic little girl with no heart whatsoever. Just a disgrace.

13. Carolyn Rivera (2nd Place): Why she suddenly got a lot of love in the past few weeks is beyond me. What did this bitch do to deserve it? Sure, she found an idol in the first episode. Yeah, she was acting all cutesy and fun in the past three weeks. Sure, she took down Rodney in a tie-breaking challenge...after an hour. But, did you all forget all the stuff in-between? All the ugly sneering and leering she did at every tribal? The way she was rude to Shirin? The way she sided with the villains over the good guys, when she was supposed to be a "mother" out there? The way she stabbed Tyler in the back? Sorry, but I didn't enjoy her.

12. So Kim (18th Place): I feel so bad for So. She was going to be on San Juan Del Sur with her sister, but she couldn't. Then she gets out there, immediately makes us want to hate her when she calls herself the devil, and promptly gets voted out first. That stings. To be honest, I didn't mind her. She kinda reminded me of Parvati in a sense. She was pretty, and seemed to be decent in challenges, but ultimately was a poor liar and aligned herself with the wrong person. Oh, and one last thing. Would you all please GROW UP? Stop with all the So jokes. They're not funny. Her name is So. We all have a name. Deal with it, you rejects.

11. Hali Ford (11th Place): Sorry, but why all the love? She was...pretty useless in the grand scheme of things. She was just the No Collar tribe's narrator. Joe would smile and look pretty, Jenn would act like a rebel, Nina would complain about being bullied, Vince would be stalking around, Will would be wasting oxygen, and Hali would be narrating. That's all she did. She had no impact on the game, her elimination episode was unmemorable, her final tribal council stance was boring, and she really had no purpose other than be "that likeable No Collar girl other than Jenn". Nothing horrible, but nothing really amazing, either.

10. Joe Anglim (10th Place): Once more, all the love for this guy is just outrageous. What is wrong with you people? So he's pretty much just another Malcolm. So...wonderful. Whatever. He's boring eye candy for the ladies (and maybe gay males), good in challenges, and sucks in the social aspect. Just a cliche boring male Survivor. No real personality or entertainment factor other than being likeable and handsome. That doesn't make me amused or interested in you. Maybe he's a nice guy and you like that in a season with creeps, but he just wasn't for me. Glad he voted for Mike, but whatever. Take him or leave him.

9. Kelly Remington (12th Place): Eh, my mother liked her because she was a tough cop who fought through probably a concussion and was rather likeable, for the parts we got to see when she wasn't being invisible and irrelevant. Harsh elimination episode for her, thanks to a lucky idol play by Jenn, but I think she was decent. Nothing special, or really all that important, but if Mike was willing to throw a challenge for her, then she's a good gal in my books. Too many people named Kelly play this game, though. Now we've getting two back for next season. Heaven help us if one goes out first and one wins the whole thing. Ugh.

8. Nina Poersch (16th Place): At this point, from here on up, these are the people that I really loved or liked, for one reason or another. Nina is someone I felt so bad for. She was clearly getting bullied by Hali and Jenn (do NOT defend them; I know bullying when I see it) and she couldn't do a thing about it without coming across mean. Yes, she complained about her hearing a lot, but what can you do? When you're being forced to not participate in a damn challenge, and others are having fun with out at camp...what are you SUPPOSED to think? Nina was a lovely woman and she really deserved to stay over Will. Such a sad way to go out.

7. Tyler Fredrickson (7th Place): My early winner, and for a while I was feeling confident about it. Tyler really is a good person. If you listened to his Ponderosa video, you'd understand his game-play a bit better. Sure, he was on the villains side, but he wasn't a bad guy. He was doing his best he could, and he got backstabbed by his closest ally. He never even ratted out Carolyn's idol. A nice guy to the end. Sure, he was a bit boring, but again, blame the editing and his style of game-play. Him being a former footballer has nothing to do with him being this high. I just genuinely liked the guy and what I got out of him this season, that's all.

6. Vince Sly (17th Place): Basically the better version of Joe that I WISHED had stayed in the game. Seriously, Vince was hilarious. Sure, he was creepy, but cut him some slack. He had some good insight on the game and he was just playing the best way he knew how, much like Tyler. He was amusing, funny, good in challenges, and was taken out only thanks to Will acting more paranoid than Mike did in the entire game. I highly enjoyed Vince, and it pisses me off that Max isn't on next season so that Vince could be his loved one to visit him. That would've been gold.

5. Max Dawson (14th Place): It hurts me to put him this low, but the four others above him just did a lot more to impress and entertain me. Max was amazing for what we got to see of him, and you stupid fans that kept him out of next season are hateful jerks. Max was funny, he was really intelligent, and he was so clueless that it was hilarious. He was like Woo, only intelligent about all the wrong ways. It was perfect. I was told by a certain asshole that I would likely love Max going into the season, and for once he was right. I did love Max. He really should've lasted longer.

4. Jenn Brown (9th Place): I never imagined I'd have Jenn this high. I loathed her so much all the way up to her elimination episode. Why? Because she bullied Nina, she acted like a more mellow version of Lindsey, she acted like a pompous moron, she talked smack about everyone, and above all she didn't want to keep playing. Sure, she didn't quit, but she may as well have. When you start saying that you wish you weren't there, then you lost my respect. HOWEVER, she gained it all back by siding with Mike, and then delivering one of the best speeches ever in the final tribal council. Plus, she loves animals, and I love animals. So, she redeemed herself.

3. Dan Foley (6th Place): Yep, you all knew this was coming. There's ALWAYS that one controversial pick we all have that pisses everyone else off and makes them laugh at you. Well, bring on the hate. I loved Dan. Sure, he pissed me off really badly for all he did to Mike...but then he finally realized the error of his ways and gave him his vote. Yes, it took an undeserved apology from Mike to get it, but Dan finally wised up. And I was also impressed by his answers at the reunion. He really isn't a bad guy; he's a lot like me. When I tell jokes, all of you people get mad at me and accuse me of being a jackass, when I'm not. Dan is the same. He simply has no filter. He's not a bad person at all, I fully believe that. His game was just so much fun to watch. We all knew everything he said was wrong. We all knew he was going to crash and burn. We all knew he was not going to win. Just admit that he made the season entertaining. Without him, the season wouldn't have been what it was.

2. Shirin Oskooi (8th Place): To those who dare call her annoying, ignorant, self-righteous, or're a scumbag. Shirin is amazing. And I love how she keeps bringing up her past and the awareness she wants to bring to it. Just because you say something over and over again doesn't make you annoying or preachy; it NEEDS to sink in for you idiots to get the point. Anyway, Shirin was awesome in the game. She was crazy and ditzy, weird and wacky, and just the right bit of strategic without going overboard and boring me to death. She was just perfect on every level. I loved this crazy woman, and I loved her final tribal council hijinks.

1. Mike Holloway (1st Place): Ladies and gentlemen, we may very well have someone who unseats Fabio, Cochran and Natalie Anderson as my favorite Survivor winner ever. That's how much I adored Mike. Not only a Christian, but every single thing he did in the game was beautiful. He had flaws, but he learned from them. He fought tooth and nail for everything he got. He found an idol. He did all the work around camp. He thanked God all the time. His sweet mother was there for him to help get him through those final days. He won five immunity challenges to tie the record. He did happy dances. He was loyal and honest and genuine. He forced a tie that could've bit him in the butt, since Carolyn SEEMED to have a lot of support, but he did what he felt was right and deserved and it paid off for him. Every single thing about this man is wonderful and what I admire in a Sole Survivor. Him alone could be the reason why this season is ranked a lot higher on my list than maybe I initially thought it would be. Mike Holloway is incredible and I'm so very, very happy he won.

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