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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Tengaged and age

Sep 20, 2008 by Teachermissy
So I've gotten some criticism about being an old fart on here and that's fine, people are entitled to their opinions.  Honestly, shouldn't everyone have better things to do than play this game, regardless of their age?  Maybe people who are retired or independently wealthy should be the only ones allowed to play?  I will tell you this, I have a very full life.  Lately it has become a little less full, since I have finished my masters degree and we are fully moved in to a new home.  I've had a little more free time, with which I chose to play this game.  I usually read when I have free time, but the library in our new town is awful and I can't afford a bunch of new books until we sell our old house and I pay off my degree.  It's really not too hard to feed a baby or watch Sesame Street and read some chat posts at the same time.  Last time I checked there was no age limit for Internet use or tengaged, so I'm fee to do as I please.  If you don't like it, that's fine, you don't have to.  We'll see if you feel the same way when you're 34.


Something I like about Tengaged is the diversity of people:  Different locations, personalities...and age!  While most players seem to be in their teens, I think we are oldies but goodies! HA HA  It's fun to get their perspective on things and heck...I think sometimes a lot of them are more mature than me.  And on the other side of the coin, they get to interact with adults and see our perspective.  Variety is the spice of life!
Sent by Grayson10001,Sep 20, 2008
First of all, i didnt call you an "old fart". I was just suprised because my mother is around her mid 30's, and would NEVER have the time to watch Big Brother, yet alone play it on a website. She is too busy taking care of the homme for my family, picking up and driving her children to wherever they need to be next, and other things inside and outside the house that consume time. And she doesnt even have a job. The fact that your a teacher, a wife, and a mother abolutely disputes having the time to play this game. But if you do, have fun. Also know that its a little awkward for a 34 yeard olf woman to be playing internet games with children of 12 and 13.
Sent by Innovative,Sep 21, 2008
If you're an old fart, dear, I'm dust. I'm 73 years old and proudly the oldest person on the site!
Sent by Francine,Sep 21, 2008
And I have grandbabies in their 20's and I retired 10 years ago, I was also a teacher, dear. I love this site and everybody has been great.
Sent by Francine,Sep 21, 2008
I like the fact there are people from all ages and walks of life here, don't be put off by what other people say
34 isn't old!
IMO older people are often more interesting than us teens because they have more experience and wisdom and usually a completely different perspective on life
Sent by AndyShields,Sep 21, 2008
34 isn't old at all.<3
Sent by tobias,Sep 21, 2008
I agree, this should be for everyone!
Sent by William94,Sep 21, 2008
It appears that there is a large group of 13 year old kids around here. But there is also a bunch of mature players which is great. I guess I fall somewhere in between.
And 34 isn't old at all. Maybe to a 13 year old it might be but in reality it is NOT.
Sent by Aarias,Sep 21, 2008
Don't worry Missy alot of people on here Hide behind their keyboard and act all tough.. they have no respect and are too young or immature to know what respect is.
Sent by swatza,Sep 21, 2008
Innovative, perhaps your mother would have some time to live her own life if you helped pull your own weight around the house?   Just a thought. Some women love being homemakers, some do not and I am one of those. I love my kids and take good general care of my home-I just finished vacuuming- but that still leaves me with some time to play.  (PS.  I'm a self-described old fart.)
Sent by Teachermissy,Sep 21, 2008
You go girl!
Sent by Francine,Sep 21, 2008
Hope to see you around here long time Teachermissy.
Tengaged is definitively for all ages, and I personally enjoy seeing people like Francine here, it's been one of the most amazing things here.
By the way there are a great number of people on their 30's here (including me).

On Tengaged the only age requirement is explained in the TOS, which basically says we will ban from the site to anybody under 13 years old.
Sent by randomize,Sep 21, 2008
haha innovative got owned!!!!!
Sent by SlowMoving,Sep 21, 2008
34 years old is not old.... ive seen people 60 years old or older playing other internet games.
Sent by Latina,Sep 21, 2008
i think everyone of all ages should play this game, the casts would be much more diverse that way!
Sent by Bowler23,Sep 21, 2008
Like real reality TV, Bowler!
Sent by Francine,Sep 21, 2008
Welcome, Missy :)  I'm REALLY glad to see that more of the 'older' crowd has settled in here.  When I first started playing here at Tengaged, most of the people here were indeed 12 year olds.  But I stuck with it and little by little, I started finding more people here that were around my age.  It's nice to see people like you, Francine and momeeoftwo here :)  Stick around!  I hope to play a game with you sometime soon!
Sent by peenk,Sep 21, 2008
I agree diversity on this site is a great thing! I've had my fair share of awkward moments already because of it, like when people post pictures and I say, "You look cute!" But then it dawns on me I'm not even sure if I can say that to people under eighteen without looking like a perv. Haha.

But 'tis nice to see a widespread of ages and maturity levels. I think it's certainly one of the many appealing aspects of this game!
Sent by ksax00,Sep 21, 2008
Do we have?


Spaces? If so, I'm blogging like crazy!
Sent by Vindication,Sep 21, 2008
Sweet! We have spaces! Sorry if this is random, but everything that needed to be said, has been said.

Sent by Vindication,Sep 21, 2008
In response to Innovatives comment, you say your mother doesnt work, but still doesnt even have time to watch BB because she has to take care of the house and drive you places... they are called legs... use them, if its a long way then take the bus! And try helping her - she might have a little time for herself then.
Sent by TomB,Sep 21, 2008
whats the youngest player 8? but 34 isnt old 80 is old 70 isnt that old my opnion u can take care of urself ur not old
Sent by Darren,Sep 21, 2008
I completely agree. Being old is a state of mind. I still act like I did when I was 18.
Sent by Francine,Sep 21, 2008
Sent by tennisallstar94,Sep 21, 2008
Real reality tv includes all ages, so why shouldn't tengaged?
I don't see why this is an issue at all, really. Age has nothing to do with the person you are.
Sure, some people can't find the time. But if you can, why not use it to do something you enjoy?
Sent by elig,Sep 21, 2008
Missy, I wrote a blog about this situation. I would appreciate is all who commented checked it out.
Sent by Innovative,Sep 21, 2008
It's nice to see older people here :)
Sent by Daniel,Sep 21, 2008
Innovative is a terrible person just ignore him like the rest of life does :D
Sent by HOLYLOL,Sep 21, 2008
Just for the record everybody, I have no ill will toward Innovative or anyone.  I was just making an observation.  I believe in personal responsibility and choice so I was just saying it was my choice to do this during my free time, and it is a choice for all of us, no matter our age.
Also, I'm really glad I'm old.  I wouldn't go back to being a teen for anything.  I might go back to being an early 20 something for a day or too just to whoop up the fun with less responsibility, but ultimately, I really like my age.  (except for the gray hair coming in.  not a fan of that.)
Sent by Teachermissy,Sep 21, 2008
Hmmm...and Innovative, I will read your blog as soon as I figure out how to get to it.
Sent by Teachermissy,Sep 21, 2008
just click my name. and scroll down a little bit.
Sent by Innovative,Sep 21, 2008

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