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A straight guy's perspective on the gay-cism issue

Oct 27, 2010 by Veli
imageHi again, tengaged!  I'm straight, and somewhat opinionated, and after reading all the recent blogs about the gay issue, I figured I'd share my opinion.  Like anyone else, I think my opinion is "right", so please take a moment to read and share your thoughts.  Hopefully these ideas will shed new light on the subject for some of you, or someone's comment will do the same for me.

     First, I'll say that I think I'd be classified as an "ally" in the LGBT world.  I'm straight, and I really have no problem with gayness, (if that is a word).  That doesn't mean I don't have a problem with some gay people, (read on).  I like good people, and to be cliche, I don't care if you're gay, black, white, spanish descent, asian, indian or whatever.  I just want friends who are trustworthy and have character that is worthy of value.

     I really think it sucks that American culture has adopted the courtesies started by political correctness for every geographically defined minority culture, (blacks, people of spanish descent, asians, middle-easterners, etc), but continues to ignore the fact that LGBT is a culture too!  In current times, the gay community is a culture, just like any race or descent, but since the insults and slurs used toward gay people aren't culturally related, they are accepted in conversation.  In most places I've been, saying "well, that was gay" or calling someone a "fag" in passing conversation doesn't really turn a head.  But on the other hand, if you make a comment about a turban, or drop the dastardly "n-bomb" people think of you differently, and disciplinary action can be taken against you immediately in a lot of places.  Why is this OK?  Regardless of the issue of choice vs. genetics, there is a gay culture, made up of people with rights, just like any racial culture.  Yet, in a lot of places its implicitly accepted to demean one, but not the other.

     Now don't get me wrong, I don't believe that should mean that we all need to be overly sensitive to gay people or anything.  People just need to back off on the aggression and regard gay people as people, and hold all people accountable for their actions in an equitable way.  For example, if a gay dude hits on a straight guy that's not into it, you just have to turn him down with the same respect you would a girl.  In most cases, you'd turn the girl down without calling her a list of names while she walked away, and certainly not to her face.  I think you gotta pay gay folks the same respect and courtesy, given the same situation. 

     Now on the other hand, if the guy or girl was sexually nasty in the process, or won't take a polite hint, then they need to be accountable for their actions.  Girl or guy, if you get a verbal smack in the face after someone politely turns you down. . .that's kind of your own fault.  Being too pushy or too smutty are things that generally piss people off, and if you choose to act that way, you should be able to figure out what's going to happen!

     Overall, I just don't understand why people just can't let go of all of the -isms and phobias and start treating people like people.  The chance a gay dude is going to come up and grab your junk or stick something where you think it doesn't belong is very slim, and if it does happen, it's treated by law just like if it happened to a girl.  Its sexual harassment or rape, regardless of the sex of the victim.

     Finally, its 20-frikkin-10 already!  Its time to get all the fear, bias, preconceived notions and all the other bullshit out of people's heads and start worrying about real problems, like why working middle class people can't afford to buy houses, and how many people couldn't afford to eat today.  People are people, and the rules of what's acceptable and what's not have been drawn, and are a two way street.  Whether we're talking about culture or behavior, the rules need to be applied to everyone fairly, equally, and consistently.  And maybe if we could just quit hating each other, we could get together and make something right.

     That's my 2(00) cents.  Please post and comment, because I'm broke as heck and you all know what that's like!  Hope you enjoyed!


plussed, please check out my blog - especially my latest post!
Sent by GeorgieGee,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by ezza7890,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by alireza1373,Oct 27, 2010
Good for you speaking your mind!  And it's very true that there are many issues out there that need to be fixed, like unemployment, housing, etc
Sent by gratefulvw,Oct 27, 2010
Read. You said everything that you needed to say. *well done*
Sent by ztalker2002,Oct 27, 2010
Good read. Very well put together.

Sent by IconGrist,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by colbelliveau,Oct 27, 2010
i cant read all of that
but plussed
Sent by xchann007x,Oct 27, 2010
perfect and well said
Sent by cstudent013,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by Leppard,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by pepperdude,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by Balls,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by Vanili,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by steevy,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by Ev32,Oct 27, 2010
agreed everyone should be treated in a just manner
Sent by vatcheabs,Oct 27, 2010
Sent by ninjajizziwizzi,Oct 27, 2010

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