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cancanpiano's blog of randomness

Posts 307 posts

Pray for Henry... Mar 7, 2015
So today I just found out some really bad news. So, as some of you know, I am in Les Miserables, and our first show is tomorrow night. So we had our dress rehearsal, and before the director started, he told us some news.

There is a kid who is sort of my friend named Henry who played Marius in our cast, and last week during one of the rehearsals the girl playing Eponine fell on him wrong and injured him since he had recently had an incident with his leg. So unfortunately for him, he does not get to be in the show.

We found out that he would not be in it on Tuesday, and some of us felt really bad.

But then, today before we started, there was more to the story. When they were doing surgery on him, the doctors found that he actually has early stages of cancer. frown However, there is supposedly a high chance of recovery since they found out about it early on, but everyone was concerned and there was even one girl crying about it. I really hope he gets better. I heard that he is going to get a mohawk and dye his hair pink before he gets chemo and loses all his hair.

So pray for him to get better.
Points: 51 2 comments
Can't Wait For R2B Mar 1, 2015
Who else is doing it?
Points: 12 2 comments
My Problem with Castings Feb 28, 2015
This is something I've been meaning to address in a blog for quite a while now...

There is a big problem/flaw that is in casting. This happens in almost every game, save for 1 or 2 I have played. I have been a victim of this countless times, have done it countless times, have been saved by it countless times, etc.

But anyways I think you might know what I am going to say. The first day you say goodbye to the few inactives (or possibly multiple) who were not being active at all for the first day and "die" because they lose all their health. At the end of Day 1, 3 people who are usually just barely close to death do not die because they are nominated, therefore last a long time. Often two of those people have not been on for over a day, so people vote the one who has been on a bit more.

However, each time a new person goes, those same 2 people usually end up staying for the entire game and get 4th and 5th by doing absolutely nothing. Since the new person almost always goes home, these lucky people who almost died Day 1 got a free pass to the end.

Why do people evict whoever just went on the block? Because they are a "threat" to them and could possibly win. That is just total BS. If you go on the block once, it is super duper unlikely that you will manage to get off it, so you will just stay on it until you are evicted. I can think of one case where someone managed to get off the block, but that is ONE (and they did not end up winning).

Basically, people are just rewarding inactive players for doing nothing, and let these people keep on going since there is a 0% chance they could win. But the people who go up on the block past Day 4 have usually been playing and talking, but they don't have a key or did bad in challenges. But, they are still voted out, even though they are playing fairly.

I think people should evict those who have been inactive because I believe that the people who have a problem will get the same placings anyways (or end up going on the block and getting evicted). People actually want to play the game to have fun, but get evicted instead. So, I really hope that from now on, people don't just keep saving those who haven't been playing.

Honestly, I don't think anything is going to change with some selfish people on here. RANT OVER.

Points: 58 0 comments
The Big Game Feb 26, 2015
Before I talk about my idea, here is something Randomize said on his original Wordpress blog. This was before Stars was created, and it was called The Big Game.

“The Big Game”. We will also release a never ending game. It will be the central game in the site, where everybody will be able to vote. 10 people, infinite days. But all of us will vote just as the real “Big Brother” game, the difference is that each day one person leaves, but a new one will enter too. More details soon.

Now, he retracted this idea once stars was decided upon, because this would be similar to how people would be voted off. However, if it was to become a game, here are some of my ideas.

1. As it says in the description, when one person leaves, someone else will join. How will that person join then? I have 2 ideas. Number one, there is a super duper long waitlist that you put your name onto, and then wait. Or, raffle tickets could be bought every day similar to the Stars seat.

2. Another concern by people is that once there are 5-6 people who are in some never-ending alliance, and so they will always stay together. Two ways again how this could be changed. Only one person will be safe each day, based on a challenge, and the rest are all up for eviction. Or, there are less people in the game or more than one eviction per day.

3. Challenges should play a part in this game, but the longer you stay in the game, the smaller percentage you get (NOT BONUS). For example, on Day 1 you will get 100% of the score you earn, Day 2 95% with a cap somewhere between 25-50%.

4. Each day you make it past, you get a certain amount of karma (and not too little because it is hard to get in to the game in the first place, but not too much since there is a good chance you will make it past each day).

5. I feel as if Tengaged needs to be responsible for some part of the aspect, whether this be voting for nominations or Evictions.

6. Johneh or other games coordinator must be responsible for this game. Maybe everyone is up for eviction, but Johneh hosts a challenge that is not one of the few challenges we play in our regular games, so that experienced players can't cheat or just do super well. Also, twists should be introduced that least for maximum of a week, but hopefully more if possible.

I know this idea seems complicated and hard to pull off, but wouldn't it be nice to see an idea Randomize originally intended?
Points: 31 2 comments
Race to Black Feb 26, 2015
Does anyone want to be my partner? I'm desperate.
Points: 7 1 comments
Dear Lemjam6 Feb 24, 2015
I know I'm going to get hate from this blog, but really...

Dear Lemjam6 (you don't even deserve this trend),

Why do you have to ruin EVERY 20 POST CASTING! This is ridiculous. 20 post castings are made to really show activity, and how well you do in challenges. But why do you ruin all of them? We all just want to have fun.

About a month ago, I was in game 130165, where we had a 20 post casting. Of course, you decided to just ruin it. I, being fair, did not talk even though some other people did, and ultimately this got me 11th place, but at least I didn't cheat.

Just a few minutes ago, I joined as the 19th person in another 20 post castings, game 131159. 2 minutes later, you joined as the last person, and 10 SECONDS LATER, you said "oops". Why do you have to ruin everything? I am mad at you because I wanted to play a fair game, but you obviously don't want to. Rage over.


PS: I'm being shameless but ask me some questions because the only person who asked me is Arcaninemaster because I asked him to and we swapped questions.
Points: 0 6 comments