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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother Story Week 1!

Aug 3, 2014 by dougx
Julie Chen walk into the room in a bright pink dress and smiles at everyone. “Welcome to BB 1 were 16 house guest will enter on a 3 month power struggle for $500,00! The first 8 house guest will now enter the house!!”

Andy, Jordan, Nicole, Boogie, Jen, Jocasta, Derrick, and Jeff enter the Big Brother house to find out that there will be 2 HoH’s! At the HoH competition some decided that they are going to throw the challenge because of what Julie said. and they first house guest to fall off is….Nicole! The 2nd house guest to fall off is...Andy! The other house guest to fall off in order are...Boogie, Derrick, Jocasta, Jordan! Jen and Jeff are still in..amd the first HoH is…..Jeff!!!

Brittney, Brendon, Spencer, Devin, Rachel, Frank, Amanda, and GinaMarie have now entered the house and are taking place for the next HoH competition. The first HG to fall is...Amanda! The 2nd HG to fall is...Spencer. The other HG to fall in order is….Devin, Rachel, Frank, GinaMarie! Brittney and Brendon are the last two….Brittney falls off and Brendon wins second HoH!!

Jordan has a idea to make a all girls alliance and asked Jocasta, Jen, Amanda, and Nicole and they all agreed. But they feel worried since none of them have HoH. Nicole ask Amanda that she will have her back no matter what even if the alliance is broke and Amanda says the same about Nicole.

In the HoH room Brendon and Jeff chat. Jeff said that he would not like to nom two boys or two girls and will nom a boy and a girl. Brendon says the same. Jeff ask if he think that Frank is a good choice and they both agree were Brendon said he would put up Boogie. Jeff said he would not put up Nicole just because she fell off first. He also said Jocasta would be a good pawn for Brendon.

At the nomination ceremony Jeff reveals his noms first and shows his nominations to be Frank and Rachel. “Frank, you seem like a tough competitor and I want you to show me in the BOB. Rachel, you haven't talked any game with me and did not do well in the HOH comp”. Brendon steps up and reveals his nominations of Jocasta and Boogie and says basically the same thing. At the BOB competition the two teams were head to head and Frank and Rachel came on top dethroning Jeff!

In the HoH room Jordan, Brendon, and Rachel talk about the renom, and Brendon said he would like to put up Nicole to get no blood on his hands. They all agree and decided to make an alliance called the unexpecteds (Sorry for the bad alliance name lmao)

Brendon as HoH, Jocasta and Boogie as nominees and 3 other house guest will compete in the POV comp. Brendon selects Andy. Jocasta picks Jordan. Boogie picks Nicole. At the POV comp it becomes really close between Jocasta, Nicole, and Boogie and...Jocasta wins the Power of Veto!!! obviously using it on herself and at the POV ceremony Brendon follows through with the plan and put Nicole up as a replacement nominee. With the whole all girls alliance shocked and Brendon, Jordan, and Rachel very satisfied, Nicole and Mike Boogie sit on the block during the live eviction…

Julie Chen welcomes the house guest and the first vote is casted…

Here are the votes:

Andy- Boogie
Jordan- Boogie
Jen- Boogie
Jocasta- Boogie
Derrick- Boogie
Jeff- Nicole
Brittney- Boogie
Spencer- Boogie
Devin- Boogie
Rachel- Nicole
Frank- Boogie
Amanda- Boogie
GinaMarie- Boogie

From a 11-2 vote...Boogie has been evicted from the Big Brother house!

Who will win the next two HoH and will a shift in power occer? Find out next week on Big Brother!! (Meaning tomorrow)

PYN to be tagged!!!


#casting #rookies #bb16 #Stars #shops #Survivor


Sent by dustin24688642,Aug 3, 2014
Sent by davidmat2831,Aug 3, 2014
Me plz
Sent by Macda27,Aug 4, 2014
Sent by LoopyCoco1,Aug 4, 2014
Sent by Libanz00,Aug 4, 2014

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