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You don't need any knowledge of the Liar Game series to play this game!

60 Players join a tournament that's all about betrayal, deception, and greed! Lies abound and money increases as players get eliminated, until only 1 player remains: The Liar King!

Applications are OPEN until JULY 2nd, 2011! Don't hesitate and apply today!

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Points: 7 0 comments
Unbalanced Game System. Jun 21, 2008
I wasn't going to complain about this while I was using it in our Rookies game to perfection, but I certainly did feel it was unfair to the other players and it didn't give anyone a chance to make a comeback, no matter how often they posted.

If you're HoH, all you have to do is nominate the people that COULD win HoH that aren't allied with you. Since you've nominated them, they can't win the HoH, and thus are safe for another round.   If you've allied yourself with all of the strong players, your alliance shares the HoH AND the PoV back and forth, until you get rid of everyone except yourselves.

No matter how much someone actually deserves the HoH, they can't get it because everyone in the opposite alliance is working together so they're always nominated until they are finally evicted.

You're rubbing elbows with the strongest houseguests (according to the algorithm and if you're not nominated) and you're carrying each other to the final 4.  There's no way for anyone else to make a comeback and rattle up your alliance.  You have everyone under your thumb.  Even they can't come to you and say "if I win HoH or PoV, you'll be safe next round" or some other deal, because they WON'T win. 

They would need a mole operative in your alliance from the very beginning so that if they win HoH they can make a single stab at your alliance.  But frankly, that's more preparation than most people think they would need, until they find out it was too late.  Plus, if the mole is already a trusted member of the final 4 alliance, chances are high that they'll just screw the other alliance over.

Now, it was hilariously fun to take control of the game from the very beginning, and everything managed to fall into our hands with PoV and HoH continually circling between our alliance.

But how is that fun for the other players if they know they'll be screwed over and over every round until they're finally evicted, with no chance of coming back?

Sorry, but there needs to be a change so nominated players can fight back. The PoV should go to any of the houseguests regardless of whether they're nominated or how active they are. A nominated player throws a dominant house's plans off for a loop, and a somewhat inactive player can actually be approached with deals and made more active with all the intrigue.

That, or they just don't use it, which = LOL.

But the point is, there needs to be an added layer of unpredictability to make the dominant houseguests quake in their boots and give the underdogs some hope.
Points: 0 3 comments
Grow Up. Jun 18, 2008
I'm laughing over how silly and petty people can be over a GAME.

Yes, this is a social website, and as such everyone should have fun and get to know each other.  But Tengaged is not just a social chatroom to sit around and be nice to each other on.  It's a competition.  Hell, the Tips in Newbies ENCOURAGE it:

"TIP: Have you try to send private messages to another housemate?, Maybe you could create some secret conspiracy."

Listen.  Everyone wants to have their shot at staying.  But people have to go, and in the self-centered world that you live in, when that gets stripped away, you DRAMATICALLY and publicly denounce two players who claim it was an accident, and then continue to bitch them out just for playing the same angle the game encourages.

If it was an accident, that sucks.  Move on, and stop throwing a childish tantrum.  If it was a backstab, then that sucks.  You got played.  Move on, and start another game. 

Because you do realize that when you lose one, you can just... START ANOTHER!  :O

I have a genuine belief that it was a mistake.  I've spoken to the people in question, as I've already gotten along with them very well over the site, and they were broken up about it and didn't mean for it to happen. 

Even a top player admitted that she's messed up votes herself.  It can happen.

But just in case, this is for all of you that don't understand the concept of Big Brother:

Get rid of the competition, or join up with them and trash the rest.  Yes, it sucks, but you have to do it.  I'm doing it right now, and I don't like having to do it when I actually enjoy talking to them.  But it gets me and the people that cared to talk to me in the final 5.

Trust me, you can do all this cold strategy while innocently socializing and having fun. 

So when you get evicted, just laugh in disbelief because you got owned, and start over.  You're not playing for money.  It's not your one and only shot at half a million.  It's reincarnation with people you already know and can play with again, like any board or card or video game.

It's a game of social chess.  Pick up the pieces again, reset the board, and enjoy your next round.

It's just too bad this all had to happen over an ACCIDENT.  Forgive and forget.
Points: 0 3 comments
Head of Household Discussion Question Jun 15, 2008
imageWhat happens if you nominate someone that's already nominated, but they're evicted?  Does the computer end up picking a replacement with the algorithm, possibly inconveniencing you by putting up someone you didn't intend to put up in the first place?

Also, the Head of Household can actually vote amongst their own nominees.  Do you think this is too strong, or does it work out fine?
Points: 0 1 comments
Black Female Avatar Wins Tengaged Game! Jun 11, 2008
I may not be black in real life, but this is a step forward for the under-represented black woman in Tengaged.

Fight the power.
Points: 0 6 comments
Competition Ideas May 27, 2008
imageGiven the fact that the game runs on algorithm and +1/-1 commenting, as well as a 3-person nomination, there are currently two powers I can think of inventing.  The rewards would both have to be based on the honor system at this point, but with some help from the Tengaged team they might be able to enforce it.

At this moment, the competitions will have to be run from within the game.  That means that the players have to invent games, approve of the ideas, and then enforce its rules fairly.  The games would have to run using the comments for now, unless someone gets creative. 

The winner can get one of two powers.

The good ol' fashioned Veto.  Because there are three nominees and no way to replace them, whoever wins the Veto declares one of the nominees (which can be oneself) as safe.  No one can vote him or her as a 2 and/or 3 point eviction vote.  Again, that runs on the honor system, and if people were to conspire they could still evict the person.  But if they were to, it would cause witch hunts and drama that a Big Brother game such as this needs. 

The problem is that it makes the Veto useless.  And it just wouldn't be very effective at this point unless it's enforced by the computer, so I would consider this game a way to test people and how they stick to the rules you all put together, which of course means there are reasons to vote untrustworthy people negatively instead of at a whim.

Because the regular HoH power is obsolete here, the next best thing is a Crown.  I consider this a way to ensure your ass gets kissed.  Essentially, if you win the Crown, your posts for the day cannot be in the negatives.  Tengaged could easily enforce a Crown which blocks the negative button from working for a day, but in the meantime it's still a test of everyone's honor system.

These are all ideas.  I'd love to know what everyone thinks.
Points: 0 4 comments