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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

survivor miks favorites

Dec 31, 2010 by mik124
Using my favorites from all 21 seasons I will be writing a story of survivor using for results and here are the tribes


Colby s2
Lex s3
Tyson s18
Stephanie s10
Courtney s15
Matty s17
Rob s4
Julie s9
Candace s13
Alina s21


James s15
Terry s12
Parvati s13
Jenna s6
Natalie s16
Benry s21
Russell s19
Jonathan s13
Eliza s9
Amanda s15

Part 1 - arrival

Paloo arrives on their beach and begins to set up camp, rob begins thinking of who he could align himself with to further himself in the game and approaches Alina with a final 2 deal. Alina seeing this as a good opportunity to further her game as well agrees and begins trying to bring in Tyson and Julie to make a solid alliance. Lex remembering what rob did in allstars begins plotting against him and recruits Matty, Julie, and Stephanie to his side leaving colby and Candace in the middle, meanwhile at Carror beach Russell begins starting trouble by trying to align himself with everyone on the tribe. Parvati tries to use this to her advantage by creating an all girl alliance with Jenna, Natalie, Eliza, and Amanda. Jonathan predicting it gets the men of terry, James, and benry into an alliance and tries to convince Russell that if he sides with the girls they will betray him afterwards, Russell sees parvati as someone who would blindside him and plots with Jonathan to take her out, meanwhile benry and Amanda make a secret alliance and to protect each other from the opposing groups.

Part 2 - immunity challenge

Paloo and Carror arrive at the challenge island where Jeff greets the cast away and begins the challenge. The challenge is that each tribe must have 5 people swim out to collect 5 balls so that the other five can try to toss them into a basket. First tribe to complete this wins immunity. Colby, Tyson, Matty, Stephanie, and Alina swim for Paloo while Natalie, benry, Amanda, James, and Jenna swim for Carror. Colby and Amanda are the first out and Amanda gets an early lead on colby, Amanda gets her ball first and colby makes it back seconds later, Tyson and Natalie go out and Tyson gets a huge lead. Stephanie goes out next and gets back at the same time as Natalie. Alina and Jenna head out next and get back with their balls at the same time James and Matty start to head out and James gets a good lead and makes it back, Matty struggles a little while benry quickly gets his ball and beats out Matty. The rest of Carror begins tossing their balls into the basket and make everyone the first time before Matty can get back. Carror wins immunity!

Part 3 - after challenge

Paloo arrives back upset and talking begins as rob thinks Matty should go after losing them the challenge, Lex begins plotting to get rob out and tries to talk colby and Candace into voting with his alliance and states that if they don't get rob out now they might never get the chance. Colby considers this but also acknowledges that Matty had a poor performance in the challenge. Rob approaches Candace and promises her final 3 with her and colby to secure their votes

Part 4 - tribal council

Jeff begins tribal with the normal ritual and starts asking questions as to why they lost the challenge. Colby states that Matty did poor and that they can't risk going on a losing streak. Lex then begins campaigning hard to vote rob out before its too late. rob starts to defend himself stating that Lex is still pissed about allstars and that his attitude will hurt the tribe. Paloo begins to vote starting with Lex and it shows him voting for rob calling him a snake and that he needs to leave, robs vote is shown for Matty stating that he lost them the challenge and that they can't have that. Jeff goes to tally the votes and comes back to read them off

First vote










First person voted out Matty you need to bring me your torch

Matty the tribe has spoken.

Votes went as followed

Rob - Matty
Tyson - Matty
Lex - rob
Matty - rob
Colby - Matty
Alina - Matty
Candace - Matty
Courtney - Matty
Julie - rob
Stephanie - rob

Stay tuned for the next episode in a couple of days

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