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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

survivor miks favorites episode 4 - Crying over spilt rice

Jan 4, 2011 by mik124
Part 1 - After Tribal Council

Carror returns from tribal after voting Natalie off and Russell is inferiated that his alliance would betray him. Parvati, Jenna and Amanda discuss how they can get back into a power position and they all agree that taking in russell and finding another idol is the only way to beat the strong men. Amanda then goes to Benry and tell him that the girls are gonna try and pull in Russell and do some damage contol. Benry then goes to tell Russell he was the other one who voted for Parvati and had no idea that James, Jonathan, and Terry were gonna play against his idol. Benry decides it might be best to align with the women and Russell as he sees himself as the 4th man in the all male alliance. Benry goes to Amanda with this and they agree to play both sides for as long as they have to. Meanwhile at Paloo, Tyson has been campaigning hard to get Rob out of the game along with Lex and the two have reaffirmed their alliance with Julie and Stephanie. Stephanie however keeps going back to Rob and telling her this information so now Robs ideal pecking order is Lex, Tyson, then Julie. Colby and Candice continue to sit back and watch the whole tribe scramble as right now its Rob, Alina, and Courtney vs Lex, Tyson, and Julie with Stephanie going back and forth. Colby and Candice see Stephanie playing both sides of the fence and decide that they need to come up with a way to expose her to both Rob and Lex and get her out of the picture so that they can better control the game.

Part 2 - Immunity Challenge

Both tribes arrive at the island where Jeff reveals Natalie voted out at the last tribal council. He begins explaining the challenge. Both tribes will have to retrive 5 barrels and stack them up in order to reach a flag. The only rule is though that they have to roll their barrels in order to get them across. Carror starts off very strong and gets their first barrell quickly. Paloo is quickly losing ground as they have 2 barrels and Carror has 4. Carror gets all their barrells and begins stacking them. They have a hard time at first but seem to be moving along quickly. Paloo finally gets all their barrels and starts stacking them but they all keep falling down. Carror finally has their barrels stacked and has Jenna, their smallest person reach up top and grab the flag. Carror wins immunity! Carror also gets a clue to the hidden immunity idol

Part 3 - after challenge

Paloo returns to camp upset over the loss but plotting starts fast. Rob is dead set on Lex and Lex on Rob. Colby and Candice dont want either to go though because the battle keeps the attention off of them, so they tell Stephanie that they are gonna vote off Alina tonight in order to expose Stephanie to both Rob and Lex. Rob and Lex each go to Colby and Candice for their votes and they tell them what they want to here. Both Rob and Lex firmly believe they are sending the other home tonight. Candice then tries to convince Rob to vote out Tyson next as he could be a bigger challenge threat down the road in case of a tribe swap. Rob still wants to stick with Lex so it seems like their plan is falling apart. Colby then goes to Alina and tries to convince her that it would be better to align herself with him and Candice and that Colby has a better history of loyalty in this game then either Rob or Lex. Alina strongly considers the possibilty of jumping ships over to Colbys side in Voting out Tyson.

Part 4 - Tribal Council

Jeff welcomes Paloo and asks how crazy camp has been since last voting out Matty. Colby states that there has been more intense gameplay in the last 9 days then he has ever seen on survivor and that the tribe is more divided then he would believe. Jeff asks Courtney if shes been in on this gameplay and Courtney states that shes just sitting back and watching everyone bite each others heads off. Jeff asks Alina if she feels safe tonight and she states that the last 9 days have been so random that any of the Paloo 9 could go home tonight. Jeff asks Rob and Lex if there is obvious tension between the two and Lex says that they have been after each other since day one and this should be the night where the battle is decided. Jeff asks Stephanie who is in control, Lex or Rob and she says neither is in control that the rest of the 7 are just doing what they feel is best for their game. Jeff sends Courtney to vote first. Lex goes up and his vote is shown for Rob and states that this is for allstars. Robs vote is shown for Lex staying that hes been after him since day 1 and its getting kinda sad. Stephanie goes up and states that this Rob vs Lex matchup is just to good to end right now and that shes got both of them eating out of her hand. Jeff goes to tally the votes. Once the votes are read the decision is final person voted out will be asked to leave tribal council immidiatly. If anyone has an idol now is the time to play it. No one gets up. I'll read the votes.

First vote










We have a tie for 3 votes Tyson 3 votes Rob. Everyone but Tyson and Rob will revote.

First vote







4th person voted out

Tyson you need to bring me your torch... Tyson the tribe has spoken

Well its obvious to me that nobody who thinks they are controlling this tribe really is and that who ever really is running the show is doing a damn good job of it. Time for you all to go.

Votes for the first time

Rob - Lex
Rob - Julie
Rob - Tyson
Lex - Rob
Lex - Courtney
Alina - Stephanie
Tyson - Colby
Tyson - Candice
Tyson - Alina

Second votes

Rob - Lex
Rob - Julie
Rob - Stephanie
Tyson - Colby
Tyson - Candice
Tyson - Courtney
Tyson - Alina

Stay tuned for the next episode

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