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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I don't get the HYPE

May 22, 2017 by personofinterest
these are some survivor/big brother players i don't get the hype/stanning around...

no hate but feel free to enlighten me/give ur opinion!! and comment people who u don't get the hype around

1. Godfrey Mangwiza (BBCAN3)
2. Hali Ford (Worlds Apart/Gamechangers) ALTHOUGH i will admit I love her ponderosa's so maybe that's the hype
3. Alecia Holden (Kaoh Rong)
4. Christina Cha (One World) though this one may be a joke when people talk about her idk
5. Morgan Mcleod (Cagayan)
6. Trish Hegarty (Cagayan)
7. Jessica Lewis (MvGenX) this one I cannot express enough
8. Elissa Slater (BB15)
9. Paul Abrahamian (BB18) he is the exact type of person that i find the most irritating ever it's like the insecure guy that overcompensates by being so obnoxious and arrogant and loud
10. Jackie/Becky/Meg/James alliance in BB17, they all were lame and couldn't win anything I'm sorry, also james is just the absolute worst and should never be on big brother



Godfrey was awful
Jessica too
Elissa was worst
And the bb17 alliance was useless
So much support for this blog other than hali
Sent by christossss,May 22, 2017
HALI FORD < 33333333333
Sent by Chemicalali,May 22, 2017
1. I like that he was something we've never really seen before or after, he's one-of-a-kind, but his game was more interesting than impressive
2. She's just so likable lol
3. Agreed, people just like her b/c she stood up for herself
4. She suffered from Alicia's bullying maybe? but yeah not too impressive
5. She literally gave no fucks, she's a queen, she invented being young and beautiful
6. Random, unconventional player to stan
7. Yeah, sucks how she went out but she didn't really do much of anything
8. LOVE, she was able to survive multiple weeks as the house target and made the game super interesting in the beginning and when she was HOH.
9. He was a really cool person and player imo but I am glad Nicole won
10. Yeah, they definitely weren't clever in the game, but they atleast gave us hope for an interesting game not ran by 1 side (Vanessa and Austwins). Unfortunately, James was the only one to make a successful move, I do love Jackie and Meg personality-wise, but Becky is the only one worth returning again because she DID try to get Vanessa out and it was her alliance's fault that she left.
Sent by PoohSnap,May 22, 2017
2. Hali Ford- She was interesting to watch at tribal council and for me it just comes down to the fact she is a likable person.
3. Alecia Holden- Literally was great to see her be on the bottom and survive 2 tribal councils, and never quit until the very end. Was robbed of an idol and screwed by a tribe swap that was late. On a tribe with bullies that she stood up for herself in.
6. Trish Hegarty- Shes just entertaining to watch, not the best gameplayer though.
Sent by Jaxon,May 22, 2017
christossss personofinterest

did you two really just insult Becky?
She was the ONLY PERSON in the damn season who could see through Vanessa's game the whole season. She was strategically amazing and had a great social game as well as being a comp queen. She by far had the best shot of winning in jury if retarded country hick James and dumb whore Meg didn't ruin Becky's plan.
Becky would've ben guaranteed F4 at least.
Sent by TDBigBrotherLover112,May 22, 2017
becky was fine the rest were bad tdbigbrotherlover112
Sent by christossss,May 22, 2017
I love Trish
Sent by Notsae,May 22, 2017
2. Hali Ford - she SLAYED tribal councils with her reactions and the things she said. "I do not consent." she had many iconic moments that no one has really ever done before in tribal.

3. Alecia Holden - FIRST, she was on the Brawn tribe because her dad was involved in boxing and they tried to play it off as her being an adrenaline junkie. So her being very misplaced automatically put her on the bottom and made her an underdog. She didn't play very smart, but she was bullied by 2 grown men and stood up to them. She also didn't quit on the fire even though it took her HOURS to make.

4. Christina Cha - Also very much an underdog. People expected her to be pre-merged and she ended up making the final 4. Colton and Alicia constantly nagged her and even told her to jump in the fire. Although she was the likely one out every time, she managed to survive.

5. Morgan Mcleod - Also on the outs of her tribe. Her alliance with Brice was short lived, but she managed to still make the merge even after her closest ally got out so early. She also got revenge on Alexis and her smile and hairflip as she was blindsided was iconic.

7. Jessica Lewis - She was ALSO on the bottom of her tribe. She managed to pull a big move by rallying the girls together to vote out Paul, but immediately after, they tried to vote her out but was saved by Ken. Ever since, she stuck close to his side and made moves with him, despite being a big pre and post merge threat. She got rocked out, so a lot of people want to see her return because she could've made it very far if that hadn't happened.
Sent by snowflake3,May 22, 2017
1. Godfrey Mangwiza (BBCAN3) AGREE. Didn't start playing the game until like the Final 4. LMAO
2. Hali Ford (Worlds Apart/Gamechangers): I think a lot of people liked how sneaky and sly she was her second season. She was SOO entertaining at tribals too.
3. Alecia Holden (Kaoh Rong): I think this queen was the only person from the Brawn tribe until the merge that you could root for.
4. Christina Cha (One World): What funny is I find her SOOO ANNOYING. Like usually most underdogs I LOVE, but i just felt like kicking her. Idk why. Maybe cuz she played the game blindly following bigger players? IDK
5. Morgan Mcleod (Cagayan): Personally I never was a fan either.
6. Trish Hegarty (Cagayan): I actually disliked her both times I watched cagayan.
7. Jessica Lewis (MvGenX): I never thought Jessica had a cult following?? She was just a mediocre player in my opinion. HOWEVER, she kinda reminds me of Sarah from this season. So I wouldn't be surprised if she did quite well in a future season if she returns.
8. Elissa Slater (BB15): QUEEN. I loved her I don't give a shit what people think about me attitude. She's all the rachel reilly in a much calmer persona.
9. Paul Abrahamian (BB18) I think your critique of him NAILED it. He reminds me of someone who was bullied as a child, yet grows up to treat other like ass wholes still.
10. Jackie/Becky/Meg/James alliance: I mean I think this alliance was a great group of contestants. HOWEVER, I agree they clearly were not the best game players. So I love them all in theory, but I agree on paper if u examine the success of this alliance they sucked ass.
Sent by RArsenault,May 22, 2017

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