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Episode 4: Insurrection

Topic » Episode 4: Insurrection

596 days 9 hours ago
| Vanguard Tower |

Bullet-Man walks through the top floor of the tower. He looks very distracted as he continues on through the hallway, which isn’t normal for him. Backwardo walks by him and stops to ask him something.

Backwardo: Hey, do you want me to go snoop around the cafe more? See if I can find that Taryn lady?

Bullet-Man blinks a few times, having not processed what Backwardo said to him. Bullet-Man turns to him.

Bullet-Man: What?

Backwardo: I asked if I should go check out the cafe. Look around for Taryn. Remember her?

Bullet-Man shakes his head, acting very dismissive, which, again, is not normal for him.

Bullet-Man: Yeah- sure. Go do that.

He turns away from Backwardo and keeps walking down the hall, still having the Diamonds on his mind…


| 2010 |

Sixth Sense, one of Bullet-Man’s former colleagues, knocks on the door to an apartment. A young Bullet-Man stands behind him, eager to be a part of this mission. Bullet-Man looks at Sixth Sense, while he just stares directly at the door.

Bullet-Man: You feel anything?

Sixth Sense: Two people. Male, female. Their heart rates just spiked after they looked through the peephole.

Sixth Sense turns to look at Bullet-Man

Sixth Sense: It’s them.

Bullet-Man nods. Moments later, the door opens. Jack Diamond, a well put together, attractive man opens the door. He sees the Vanguards standing in front of him, and his face lights up as he smiles at the two.

Jack Diamond: Holy s-… Sixth Sense? And your Bullet-Man! I-… Honey! Look who it is!

Emma Diamond, a woman some would call a sight for sore eyes, with eyes that are as blue as the ocean, walks over to the door. Like her husband, Emma’s face lights up at the sight of the two Vanguards standing at their door

Emma Diamond: Would you look at that! Two brilliant heroes, at our home? What can we do you boys for?

Sixth Sense walks into their home without permission and starts looking around. Bullet-Man steps forward and stands in the doorway, following his lead. Jack and Emma side eye each other and try to keep cool when the two Vanguards do this.

Sixth Sense: We got reports of some unusual activity in the area. We need to take look around.

Jack Diamond: Don’t take this the wrong way sir, but do you have a warrant?

Sixth Sense turns to look at Jack. He takes his glasses off to make clear eye contact with him.

Sixth Sense: You don’t need to worry if you aren’t hiding anything, Mister Diamond.

Sixth Sense turns away to look around the apartment. Jack and Emma give each other another look before Jack looks back at Sixth Sense.

Jack: … How do you know my name?

Sixth Sense stops snooping around, and turns to Jack. Bullet-Man watches Emma closely as she balls her fists.

Sixth Sense: … Mr. Diamond, would your son happen to be home?

Jack’s eyes widen after Sixth Sense asks that. Emma nervously looks back and forth between the two of them. Jack gulps and makes his best attempt to muster up a confident answer to that.

Jack: We don’t have a son.

Sixth Sense: Is that the truth, Jack? Your blood pressure is 138 over 90… Take a minute, relax. Then tell me the tru-…

Sixth Sense’s eyes suddenly turn white and his jaw drops, as he has lost control of his own body. Bullet-Man sees this and his eye’s widen. He looks over at Emma Diamond, seeing her holding one arm out and the other on the side of her head with her eyes closed. Bullet-Man places his hand over his gun holster, and Jack yells out at him before he does anything

Jack: NO-!!!!

Bullet-Man quickly unholsters his gun and shoots Emma in the side of her abdomen. She screams out in pain and falls to the floor, causing her to let go of the hold she had on Sixth Sense. As he gains control of himself again, Sixth Sense quickly gathers what’s going on, and immediately thrusts his palm into the center of Jack Diamond’s chest, sending him flying into the kitchen. Emma Diamond looks up at this, holding her gut.

Emma: Stop! Please!

Jack brushes off the broken kitchen cabinets he was thrown into and stands up. He clasps his hands together and slowly pulls them apart, creating a blue orb of energy between his palms.

Emma: Jack!

Jack looks up while charging himself up to attack, seeing Bullet-Man holding a gun to his crying wife’s head. Jack quickly raises his hands up, making the orb dissipate. Sixth Sense smiles as Jack surrenders, and approaches him.

Sixth Sense: Now that’s out of the way, where’s the boy?

Jack: You’re gonna have to kill me before I give up on my son…

Sixth Sense: That’s really… Unfortunate.

Sixth Sense looks down and nods, accepting that they aren’t going to give up any intel on their child. With that, Sixth Sense releases the knife that’s attached to his wrist, and sticks it in Jacks gut. He angles it upward to break through the diaphragm and pierce the heart. Jack Diamond lets out his final breath and collapses onto Sixth Sense’s shoulder. He lets Jack’s body fall to the ground, pulling the knife out as he does.

Bullet-Man: Jesus, S.S! The fuck did you do that for?

Sixth Sense looks over at Bullet-Man, but his attention switches to Emma, who is now screaming and crying on the ground, while still holding her hand over the bullet wound.

Sixth Sense: Kill her.

Bullet-Man: What? What the fuck, no! We need to find the boy.

Sixth Sense: If she lives, she tells the world what happened here. She has to die, Bullet-Man.

Bullet-Man looks down at Emma as she is in a pool of tears, looking back up at him, shaking her head.

Emma: Please! No… Please…

The pressure starts to build up too much for Bullet-Man. He looks up and grits his teeth. Sixth Sense yells at him to do it, finally sending Bullet-Man over the edge. Bullet-Man pulls the trigger, shooting Emma Diamond in the head, instantly killing her.

Bullet-Man looks down at her body, still gritting his teeth. He holsters his gun, and looks up as Sixth Sense walks over to him.

Sixth Sense: They attacked us. We had every right… But it’s going to be a lot harder to find that boy. We should go; let the first responders handle this.

Sixth Sense walks out of the apartment while Bullet-Man stays behind for a moment, recollecting what happened. He reassures himself that he was in the right, and walks out behind his partner.

As the two exit, a very young, 12 year old boy, named Weston, reveals himself to have been sitting in the corner of the apartment this whole time. His face is red and full of tears, as he looks around at the scene in absolute horror…

| Seattle Apartments |

Wes sits alone in Pipers apartment, looking outside the window at the Vanguard Tower off in the distance. He’s been laying low for the past few days now that he’s officially a wanted man. He looks over at the door and stands up when he sees it open.

Piper walks in with Hisea following behind. Wes tilts his head as Hisea wasn’t a part of his and Pipers plan to look through files.

Piper: Don’t worry she was there for the same reason as me.

Wes: Oh! That’s good, you guys find anything?

Hisea: Take a look

Hisea walks over to Piper’s living room, setting the copies of files they found, down on the coffee table. Wes scoots over and takes a look through them. He shakes his head as he reads one specific name over and over.

Wes: Bullet-Man. Bullet-Man… Bullet-Man.  Goddamn guys, I knew he was bad, but…

Piper: We have to do something.

Hisea: Like what? We can’t release these files… We sure can’t fight them.

Wes looks down at the files, focusing on Bullet-Man’s name. He turns his head to look back out at Vanguard Tower, thinking of how he could finally take Bullet-Man down.

| Hell’s Angels Warehouse, Central District |

A car quickly pulls up to the recently burned ruins of the Hell’s Angels. The tires screech as it comes to a sudden stop. The passenger side door open and Daniel comes running out of the car with tears streaming down his face.

He runs through the caution tape that’s set up around the perimeter of the lot. Nearby first responders don’t notice him, as they’re currently rummaging for evidence and bodies. Daniels eyes latch onto a half burned picture on the ground with a body next to it.

Daniel examines the picture and comes to see that it’s a picture of him and his brother before their dad died. He remembers giving his brother this picture before, then slowly turns his head to look at the body with a horrific realization.

"No, Sean no. This isn't you. Please no please."

Daniel looks for the scar on his neck from an old bullet wound, and sure enough, finds it.

For a split second time stops for Daniel. He looks toward the sky and yells as some mysterious energy starts to build around him, and eventually lets out a sonic blast. Everyone nearby either dives for the ground or have to cover their ears. The Blast from Daniel breaks nearby windows on other buildings, sets off many car alarms, and completely rips the caution tape away from the scene.

All the first responders immediately turn to Daniel and start approaching him with their guns pointed at him. In tears, Daniel grabs the picture of him and his brother, then removes the necklace off his corpse, pocketing it.


Without even looking at the cops around him, Daniel uses his telekinesis to make their guns go flying out of their hands. While the cops scramble to go pick them back up, Daniel quickly flees the scene.

| Daybreak HQ |

Echo lays, sleeping on a hospital bead. He has many IV tunes connected to his arms, and has a mask on to feed him oxygen. In the hall, Austin shuts the door to Echo’s room. Boris is standing near him with his arms crossed, leaning on a wall in the hallway.

Austin: At least he’s alive…

Boris: he’s just one out of the three. We don’t know where Nysa and the other Echo are… We don’t even know which Echo he is.

Austin looks down and placed his hands on his hips. Boris starts rubbing his eyes and shakes his head

Boris: Okay, I think it’s safe to assume that he knows something about this anomaly. We should just wait for him to wake up and he can tell us.

Austin: Are we sure this is something we can sit around and wait for?

Boris: I don’t think so. Remember, I told Nyx about it and I’m pretty sure she was about to agree to help until Bullet-Man showed up. We can see her and continue scoping things out.

Austin nods in agreement then starts walking out with Boris following along, ready to keep working towards figuring this out.

596 days 1 hour ago
(You may begin posting)
596 days 1 hour ago
Taryn sits in her cafe, reading a book as always

Austin walks around the park with a stroller
596 days 1 hour ago
Daniel teary eyed scrolls through his contacts then hits call and it goes to voice-mail

"Hey Wes, I'm that kid you gave your number to at the party. I don't know if your a sham but your the only one I know that isn't a hero. They killed him. They killed my brother. Please help me, I don't know what to do anymore." You can hear sniffles in the background. "I'll do anything to avenge my brother, just call me back when you get this."

Daniel gets an Uber and tells him to go to a local Seattle cemetery
596 days 1 hour ago
A hooded woman stands over a grave at the cemetary
596 days 1 hour ago
In the vanguard tower, located in the training room. *
596 days 1 hour ago
Garmanarnar sits in the training room, watching Morgan. For some reason It cheers for her when she takes water breaks
596 days 1 hour ago
Raised my hand and a shadow spear appear. Takes a breath*
596 days 1 hour ago
Start doing sone practise swing*
596 days ago
Nova walks by, seeing Nyx training. She walks over to her
“How you holding up?”
596 days ago
Stops and looks* im
596 days ago
Nova shrugs, walking up to her
“I’ve been better. Just a lot going on, you know?”
596 days ago
Nodded. Thinks* i have a question for you
596 days ago
(I am not going to be able to be on today)
596 days ago
(I'll be around today, but I might be taking things kinda slow this episode. Been doing roleplay stuff nonstop for a few weeks now.)

*Boris is currently in need of funds, so he's out and about with the ice cream truck. Not in uniform, but the truck is cleaned out and ready to be used again. He parks at the park.*
596 days ago
(Sounds good!)

Boris sees a child walking around the park with a pint of ice cream that says “The Ice Cream Man’s Famous Vanilla. The pint has Boris’ face on it, and was definitely sold at a grocery store.

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