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Episode 5 || Face Off

Topic » Episode 5 || Face Off

582 days 2 hours ago
| Vanguard Tower |

Bullet-Man stands in front of a crowd on the outside of the tower, answering questions from the media. Most of which have mainly been about the protests in the park, and the Hell’s Angels attack on the tower recently. Unlike the last press conference, Bullet-Man’s teammates aren’t standing by his side. He’s all alone up there.

Bullet-Man: We have come to a consensus… To relocate Daybreak. It is clear that Discovery Park was not the correct place to locate the team, and starting today, we will be working to find a new location for the team.

As Bullet-Man says that, a wave of new questions start getting thrown at him, regarding Nysa and Echo, the missing members of Daybreak. Bullet-Man clenches his jaw and looks down for a moment before returning his gaze to the crowd.

Bullet-Man: I regret to inform you that Nysa and Echo were found dead two days ago… And as for who we believe killed them? “The Projector”, Weston Tiberius infiltrated Vanguard Tower and used his reality shifting abilities to cause a distraction in the lower floors of the tower.

The crowd in front of him is in stunned silence for a moment before bombarding Bullet-Man with more questions about the Hell’s Angels attack.

Bullet-Man: The Hell’s Angels did not attack the tower. It was the terrorist, Weston… I know, I know, I am well beyond fed up with his antics and his attacks.

Bullet-Man clenches his fist and grabs the microphone, putting it up to his mouth and stepping away from the podium.

Bullet-Man: I promise you! I PROMISE you, the Vanguards will bring in Weston, and he will NEVER see the light of day again! He has attacked, manipulated, and stolen from you innocent people, and it will no longer be tolerated. AMERICA won’t tolerate it any more!

The crowd starts going wild as Bullet-Man goes on about bringing in Wes. The media can’t get a question off, as they are struggling to even stand still with the crowd jumping and running around everywhere.

Bullet-Man: Any heroes out there, who love this country, I implore you to come to Seattle, and join our fight against the Torrorist, Weston!

| Piper’s Apartment |

Hisea, Piper, and Weston are seen on the couch watching Bulletman’s report. Weston stands, instantly balling his fist up in a storm of fury.

Hisea looks up, concerned. She would send a calming energy towards Wes. He would slowly unclench his fist and sits down on the couch

Piper: He played you…

Wes: Now I have no choice but to release the information

*Both girls Simultaneously shout*: NO

Piper: Wes, if you release the information on Nova yourself you’ll be even more at risk, and who knows the damage it will do for the society. Once I’m sworn into Daybreak we can release this in a more systematic safe way…

Wes: HE JUST LIED PIPER, and said he would reveal himself but he fucking made it worse. Accused me of murder

Hisea focuses on the calming and she looks at the two

Hisea: She has a point, waiting at the moment is the best action. We have Vanguard after you and then we will have a world destroyer enraged. I’m not sure I can even calm her.

Weston, looks at both girl uncertain of the right action to do. He feels calm thinking about it

Weston:…I need some time…

He walks out of the place and the girls look at each other. Worry on both of their face as they truly are uncertain what The Projector has in mind .

| Winnie’s Apartment |

Winnie whistles the song “Let It Go”, from Frozen, while over in the kitchen, making food for Austin and Boris. The two are sitting in the living room, watching the news, where it is showing the aftermath of Boris’ apartment building being completely obliterated. Baker Johnson, the famous news reporter is on the TV screen.

Baker: Hello everyone, I am Baker Johnson, on the scene where an apartment building on the east side of Seattle, mysteriously burned to the ground. The cause of the fire is unknown, but thankfully there were no casualties, and all residents were removed from the building before the fire… But that brings up the question… Was this planned?

Boris shakes his head, while Austin looks down at his phone. Boris sighs and stands up, walking over to a window so he can look outside.

Boris: Those people are going to identify you two. Especially you, Austin.

Boris looks back at Austin with a look of concern. Austin looks up at Boris and puts his phone away.

Austin: I know… People are trying to cancel Daybreak anyways, so… What’re they gonna do, fire me? Good. My mom and grandma are safe in Colorado, so once this is over, I’ll get to go see them. I can’t wait.

Austin smiles at the two, while Boris still gives them a look of concern.

Boris: You know they’ll pin this on you guys. They’ll never blame NovaStar.

Winnie looks back at the two of them, frowning.

Winnie: We did nothing wrong, though.

Austin looks between the two, thinking about the situation.

Austin: Well she knows that we figured her out… I say all we can do now is rally the troops and fight her. She can’t take on every superhero in Seattle…

| Central District |

A man dressed in all black falls to the ground, grunting. He moves around slowly, as he is clearly in a lot of pain. A hand reaches down and removes the ski mask off the man’s head.

The camera pans up to show The Flare, Farrah Haywood, holding the criminals ski mask in her hand.

Farrah: I’ll never understand why you people try to fight us…

The ski mask in her hand shrivels up into ash, as her hand completely burns it to nothing. Parker Kurr walks up from behind her, smiling.

Parker: That’s the last of them. Good days work I’d say. So are we calling the cops anonymously, or are we bring them in oursel-…

Suddenly, NovaStar lands down in front of the two heroes and the criminal. She holds a stone face as she approaches them. Parker and Farrah smile at her, while the criminal looks up at her with fear in his eyes.

Farrah: No-Nova?! I-… Hi! My name is Farrah, I’m a huge fa-

Before Farrah can finish, her sentence, Nova looks down at the criminal, pointing her hand at him, and shooting the power of a star directly at his face, burning it off until only his skull remains.

Both Farrah and Parker’s eyes widen at this sight. They take a step back, now having the same look of fear on their face as the criminal had before he died.

Parker: I-… Why did you do that!?

Nova looks up at them, her eyes now glowing green. Without saying anything to them, she holds up her hand.

As she does this, a black hole is formed behind Farrah, sucking her in. Farrah’s body gets torn apart into subatomic molecules as the black hole quickly sucks her in, making her nonexistent.

Parker screams out in horror as he watches this. He turns to Nova and shoots lighting out of his finger tips. The lightning bounces off Nova, slightly shocking her enough to turn her attention to him. Parker’s face turns red as he sees Nova glaring at him.

Parker: Nova… NovaStar, let’s just talk about this… Okay?

| Five Minutes Later |

MoodSwing walks around in Central District with his hand’s in his pocket’s. He gets a whiff of an odd smell and looks around for a moment. MoodSwing rounds a corner, going into an alley, and notices smoke coming from the ground.

MoodSwing: What the?…

He takes his hand’s out of his pockets and scurries over to the smoke. He looks down, seeing the completely charred body of Parker Kurr, and the criminal he caught.

MoodSwing: Holy shit…

He takes his phone out and snaps a picture of the bodies, then hurried out of there before the cops arrive.
582 days 2 hours ago
( Welcome to the season finale! Happy to have finally made it and I’m excited to wrap up the season with you guys!

Remember, don’t post until 5pm EST tonight.)
581 days 23 hours ago

Taryn sits in the cafe

Austin walks around town with a hood over his head
581 days 23 hours ago
*ok ill have a few unexpected minutes*
581 days 23 hours ago
*I might actually have time for this we'll see lol*
581 days 23 hours ago
The protestors have piled up to an amount of what would be a small concert’s worth of people.

There are an unusual lack of fans outside the tower because of the recent attacks and deaths around town
581 days 23 hours ago
(Be on in 10 mins. Just taking care of my kitten!)
581 days 23 hours ago
*although I have no idea what to do with Daniel lmao*
581 days 22 hours ago
*Tommy and Allie playing fetch at the park*

*Crystal is training in the training room*
581 days 22 hours ago
*didn't expect to have internet today*
581 days 22 hours ago
Daniel walks up to Tommy and Allie.

Hey how are you doing today on this fine day?
581 days 22 hours ago
Crystal can see Backwardo standing up in the office, watching over the people training

Danie can see posters of his brother hung up on walls, labeling him as a terrorist
581 days 22 hours ago
*Tommy smiles*

Tommy: I am doing good just playing fetch with my...

*Allie jumps up onto Daniel and starts licking his face*

Allie: Hi there, wanna play
581 days 22 hours ago
*Crystal smirks at Backwardo as she continues to train*
581 days 22 hours ago
Can your dog talk? That's super cool.
581 days 22 hours ago
*when he saw the poster there's no noticeable reaction from Daniel. But you can see the knife has returned with a necklace wrapped around it, with the initials of SEO. The knife whizzed at the poster and marked itself in the word terrorist.* (before the conversation)

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