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[S8] Week #2: Model, Model, Pants On Fleek!

Topic » [S8] Week #2: Model, Model,..

2771 days 4 hours ago
2770 days 13 hours ago
2770 days 13 hours ago
Let's see what Kira and I thought of your photos this week. Who wore pants the fiercest?

OLIVIA: I totally am IN LOVE with this photograph! I think the outfit look stunning, you look stunning, and your face is totally fierce. This is what this challenge was all about; showing you could wear more than just a dress and you did it here in this photo. Very good job, I like it a lot. Great job!

CAYLA: When I tossed around the idea of this challenge, I was afraid of photos like this one. Just a total basic photo with nothing special going on at all. Also, why is there watermark/text all over your photo? This is modeling 101 here and you missed the boat completely. Not much to say. Just not good.

ALLISON: I think this is a nice photograph from you. I think you are telling a story with your outfit which is so good, I feel something looking at this photo. I'm not in love with your slouched over body pose but I think it works with the story you were trying to tell. Good work this week.

LALISA: I mean come on, WORK IT GIRL. This is high fashion with a capital HF!!! I love the body pose, I love the control of your face here and I think you did a great job of showcasing the pants overall. This is the kind of photos we are looking for girls. You are one to watch, Lalisa.

LUCIA: Let me look at the challenge description really quick. "Submit a HIGH FASHION photo..." Your not that. This photo straight up commercial photograph, which is very uninspired and very boring. I think you nailed a commercial look but this is not what we asked for.

SUJIN: Ooohhh!!! I like this one!!! I think you look so in control of this photo and you are working this pant suit like there is no tomorrow!!! I also love the use of the hat and I think this is a GREAT photo. This is the step up I wanted from you, now keep up the good work my dear!

KYLIE: Woah! Your face in this photo is simply so beautiful to look at! I love the innocence in your eyes and your entire photo is sold on this face alone. I think you took a good risk here and it was and I am really proud to see you step up after last week. Great work!

RE: Umm...gross. I am really not a fan of this photo. It's just so weird and quirky but like in a terrible way. This is not that fashionable also and I don't really understand what you were going for here. Also, are we even sure these are pants? This looks like a skirt to me.

NATALIA: I think is photo is hot. You are selling me the goods with this fierce ass jumpsuit. I think your pose looks strong and your face is keeping up with your overall badass vibe with this photo. Be careful of submitting two photos, that is not allowed and your first photo was fine.

YAJA: I was sold on the Naomi Smalls last week but here you lost me. RuPaul? I mean. I guess it fits the challenge parameters but I just think this is totally a boring photo with very little imagination to it. Where is you the model? I don't see it, I just see cheap impersonations.

ALLIE: GIRL, YOU ARE 2 FOR 2! This photo is AWESOME. I love the use of the challenge and I think you looks so breathtaking overall. Your face is fashion forward and you are selling me the garment. A lovely job from you and I've got my eye on you, I think you're fierce.

SONG HANA: I don't think this was your intention here, but I find this photo to be kind of slutty. We've also lost your neck with your head turn around. This looks kind of immature to me and I think you could have done better overall. I don't hate it but I am not a fan either.

CINNAMON: Both sassy and sexy, I like it. I think you are selling us something good here with your sassy smirk and your sassy pose. This is a nice photograph. I think your eyes could be a little more fiercer here, just needed some more smize. Focus on a stronger face next week.
2770 days 13 hours ago
I just closed the poll and Tengaged have voted...
LUCIA!!! You are the fiercest model of the week for the second week in a row!!! Congrats. Very impressive.
2770 days 13 hours ago
Yaaaay So happy you guys liked my photo <3 Thank you again ^^
2770 days 11 hours ago
Olivia- I love this! David Bowie in Labyrinth realness! The pose, the inhale, the fierce face. Its all working. There is a feeling of movement that isn’t soft which I enjoy. And you’re selling the outfit! Good job this week.

Cayla- What is this?!?! This photo looks like a bad senior picture- not to mention the watermark. Being in the bottom two last week I really expected you to step up your game this week. Its not fierce and its not high fashion.

Allison- This photo is ok. Its pretty boring and I feel like you played it safe this week. I feel like its missing that high fashion edge and it make you look short, but that face isn’t bad.

Lalisa- This is such a FIERCE picture. It has energy, its high fashion, and the star is definitely the pants. I love the profile. If I had to critique something I would say more inhale or tension in the mouth. But this is another GREAT photo from you. Girls look out.

Lucia- Hm. I don’t know if this is a model or if this is some woman who asked her friend to take her picture after they went to brunch. It’s a fine picture I suppose but its NOT high fashion AT ALL. It looks like you might have taking it out of a catalogue (or someone’s facebook). Im not impressed.

Sujin- I love this! Androgynous fierceness! The outfit, the attitude, and your rocking that prop. There is something so cheeky about it. I would be wary of blocking part of your face like this, however I think it works here. Good job!

Kylie- Hm I don’t know how I feel about this picture. I think you look amazing, but those jeans are just straight up UGLY! The capri paired with your other leg/foot disappearing, I think it makes you look short. However your face is beautiful and youre really piercing the camera with your eyes.

Re- I picture sure is interesting. Im still not sure how I feel. I like the eyes practically daring the person to look away and the cheeky smile. But the look with the pose- it just kind of comes off creepy. What are the hand doing? SO odd. And this pose definitely make you look extremely short and does nothing for the clothes youre trying to sell.

Natalia- I LOVE this! Its FIERCE! It has attitude, and the pose is SO sharp. You look long and lean. The face is inhaling FOR DAYS and has just a great energy. If Im being picky I would have loved to see a little more neck and your right hand looks a like awkward because of the way its turned. But overall, great picture!

Yaja- I’ll be honest, I am NOT a fan of this picture. The garment is WEARING YOU. The pose is basic, and the mouth is awkward. You look tall but Im just not a fan, it feels stiff and safe. I think its missing that high fashion edge.

Allie- Hm I like this picture. Its not blowing me away, but your eyes are amazing and its has the effortless beauty look that I enjoy while its clear youre still engaging. I hate your hair and your pose is extremely basic. I would have liked to seen you push the envelope more. But your face is fierce so you have that working in your favor! Overall, not bad.

Song Hana- I actually like this picture. BOOTY TOOUCH FOR DAYS. The coy look over the shoulder really works. You face looks great. I would have liked to maybe see you leg extended because I think you look kind of short here. Also I think this is lacking the high fashion edge. But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad picture. Keep pushing yourself and I think you’ll go far.

Cinnamon- I don’t hate it, but I certainly don’t love it. Your pose is BASIC, and an easy turn to your left and you would have found your light. But right not it looks like they went in a post and brightened your face up. Speaking of your face its also pretty basic. I feel like your relying on your natural beauty and not using your modeling skills to ELEVATE your pictures. The outfit and photo had the potential to be high fashion but I think you let the opportunity slip right through your fingers.
2770 days 11 hours ago
And correct me if Im wrong Ozzy, but you ARE allowed to change your model week to week. You do NOT have to stick to one model.
2770 days 11 hours ago
Yes you are allowed to change models week to week and it is encouraged to show versatility!

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