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S39 Entitled vs. Earned Confessionals

Topic » S39 Entitled vs. Earned..

2535 days 3 hours ago
The confessionals from the thirty-ninth Suitman's Survivor season, Survivor: Entitled vs. Earned - Roulette's Revenge.
2535 days 2 hours ago
Evan confesh

This twist changes EVERYTHING. Everyone's plan, whether you're one of the 13 who have already been cast or whether you're still playing in Earned, has gone out the window. I was starting to come up with a sort of game plan in my head: Get super close with Maxi and Jacob, try to mend things with Robby but then cut his throat early on, try to work with Eric as soon as we swapped tribes, and a bunch of other little plans. But now like, none of that means shit. Because we're going to have to re-shape our game every single day. You're going to need to make deals with people that you may never even get to play with again. This twist is going to keep everyone on their toes, and I'm more than ready to play.
My strategy this time around is going to be different. Every single time I've played, my goal has just been to play a good game so that I could hopefully make it to the end and win. This time, my goal is to win. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but like in Last Leap I tried to play the best game I could by making everything work out in my favor. I'm almost certain I would have won if I made final 3, but I didn't make it to f3 so I didn't win. I've been taken out for every reason under the sun: being a jury threat in Last Leap, being the leader of my alliance in Fans vs Favorites, being on the losing tribe at merge in Heroes vs Villains or Brains vs Brawn, being a big player in Great Britain, or getting put on a tribe with 3 best friends and 1 person I voted out in HvV in All-Stars. Every time it's been due to a lack of self-awareness. I need to play a great game that no one can detect until I've already voted them out. Does that make sense???
Basically if you're still in the game, you should be thinking that you can beat me. But then once you realize I was behind everything, you're already on the Jury.

Anyway thanks for reading that legit ESSAY. This season is gonna be either wild or messy or both. Can't wait for my last shot :)))))
2535 days 2 hours ago
Evan confesh

I went back through my seasons to look at some people I've played with, and it looks like in Polynesia when the people still in the game had to vote either me or Snake back into the game (u didnt host that 1 lmao but I took Snake to the end in Madhouse bc he was inactive so I assumed a Madhouse jury would vote for me, but 1 person was bitter and the other person didn't even log on to vote. So since it was 1-1 Wyatt turned it over to the people still in the game. And they obviously voted in an inactive player over me, since I can screw up people's games and he can't). And it looks like Jacob actually voted Snake back in!!!! I'm not bitter about it and I don't need revenge because I wouldn't have gotten back in anyway (the vote was 7-4, if he voted me it would have been 6-5). BUT that does tell me that my friendship with Jacob is worth less than a win in this game. And I'm not mad at him bc we're not BEST friends (he's still one of my very good friends on this site and we used to be really close), but I also know that he'd be willing to blindside me if he needed to get me out. And that makes me trust him a bit less.

TL;DR I'm okay with going after Jacob if I need to. I'm gonna keep telling him he's my final 2 and my closest ally, but if he was okay with me getting voted out in Polynesia then I'm okay with him getting voted out in Entitled vs Earned. This would all happen at the late late merge, assuming I got that far. This time I'm winning.
2535 days 2 hours ago
Riley confesh

I am so excited to be back to play the game again. This summer I have alot less going on. Last year when i played in honduras I was in the middle of getting ready to move away to college, so it kinda messed up my head being in the game. Like legit....the final tribal happened on the day i moved to college. So I couldn't address the jury. Now I'm back for the summer with plenty of time to spend planning my second chance. My plan this time around is to play a little more vocal and once merge hits. I think last time I played I played a great game...but it was too under the radar. i think my first game was a hybrid between aubry bracco and hannah shapiro. I forced rocks when wasn't necesary. Also perhaps my biggest move was when I told Zach that he should play his idol and i targeted someone else. HOWEVER, the jury didn't see that that was my move. I also was kinda wishy washy. I went out of my way to save zach...and then voted him out like 2 days later. I want to play the game more fluid this time around. I clearly have what it takes to make it to the end of this game. I have played a total of three times. (1 full season, 2 fast saloon). All three times I made it to the end. My third time I was able to master my game play. I played vocal enough where everyone knew that I was making the movies that i wanted to. So this time around I want to think SMARTER. I don't want to play like zeke and make a big move just for the sake of doing so. From this moment on i need to play smart and know how to get to the end in the most efficient way without pissing off a large number of people. I have done a fair amount of getting to know my fellow now I guess we just need to wait until the opening night. I am excited because i think over the past few months I have learned how i play survivor best. i need to focus on having better jury management skills, while also not pissing anyone off in the actual game. So fingers crossed...but i want to fucking win this game!
2535 days 2 hours ago
Hudson confesh

~*~*~ Hurricane Hudtantrum's Heinous Return ~*~*~

If you look up the definition of DISGUST in the dictionary, you will find:

A) this goddess

B) a picture of me

Suitman's Survivor has well and truly jumped the shark.  I'm low-key about to have my first tantrum of the season, like I am about to fuck shit up.

Not ONLY am I stuck in a cast of TWENTY-FOUR FUCKING PEOPLE (my Skype sidebar is permanently fucked now, fml) but I'm stuck on a tribe where boring NJKoda1998 has, like, twenty million friends or something. Of course, he comes sidling up to me all, "HUDSON!!! IT'S BEEN SO LONG HOW ARE YOU BFF??? <333" even though we pretty much NEVER talk oops.

And I p. much sat there like

Luckily, Joey and I, along with our other friendly neighborhood whores are plotting his demise *cackle*.  That, along with the prospects of both giving EM002 12th again, AND enabling Ashley in CC2, AND the fact that these magenta buffs are cute af, is the only thing keeping me from a breakdown :-)

I'm also readying myself for either Qaztoria (for obvious reasons) or EthanTripleSatan (for being shady as we ALL anticipated he would be) to be eliminated on that other tribe. That is, if the Messgenta tribe can actually manage to win a challenge :x.

Anyways, those were Hudson's hourly rants. Get ready for tomorrow's when I undoubtedly fall flat on my face and get voted out first.

Praise Our Lord and Savior Sackeshi, Hallelujah!!!
2535 days 2 hours ago
Joe E. confesh

This season is my personal hell.

I am stuck in a season where I am immediately in a fantastic position due to all of the relationships I have with people, but run the massive risk of pissing off enough friends to lose in finals. Literally, coming into this game, I have good relations with
- Hudson
- Marissa (since we've never played together and she's friends with Max we're basically automatically on good terms)
- Max
- Nick (for now)
- Riley (idk how he feels about me this is just imo I have no beef with him)
- Robby
- Tim
- Alan (kind of, he thinks I hate him but I really don't, he is annoying tho)
- Brittany
- Davey (especially since I gave him the winning ticket)
- Evan
- Jacob
- Piper
- Charlie
- Ethan
- Joe W
- Leah (we get along well but idk how she feels about me)
- Nick
- Maybe Qaz idk

That's a total of NINETEEN PEOPLE IN A CAST OF TWENTY FOUR that I have good relations with, with the people I have no relationship with being the people I don't have good relations with. Like, how am I gonna get through this whilst pissing off a minimal amount of people?

Anyway, I got stuck on Kapalai A.K.A Messgenta in a really solid position. I think everyone on this tribe except for maybe Riley would love to work with me, which is incredible, except I can't work with everyone. I'm with Max, who is possibly my best friend on the whole site other than Rob or Rhys, so I want to go far with him. I'm with Marissa, messy bitch and iconic queen of randomness, I'm with Hudson, who I'm really good friends with and I love talking to, I'm with Tim, the king of drama himself and I think will want to work with me, I'm with NJ who will want to work with me but I don't really want to work with because I know he'll fuck me over over a lot of these people, I'm with Robby who I fucked over in NZ but we're cool because I tried to help him in a fast game kind of, and then there's Riley, who is a massive wildcard to me because he's friends with the people I don't particularly want to work with on this tribe and we've never gotten along great, but I don't think we have any bad blood right now.

Right now, I want to work with Max/Marissa/Hudson/Tim on this tribe. Like, just look at that alliance. It's iconic. There's no getting around that. There is no way you could possibly say that alliance sucks. It might be messy down the line, but it's an incredible group of 5 messy drama queens. I'd work with NJ and his friends, except he's in a position in this game similar to mine, and there's only room for ONE person to get carried to the end, and that's me.

At the end of the day, I hate writing giant blocks of text, but I feel like I have to. This is my last chance. I'm not losing a game that I'm very capable of winning again. I've shown time and time again that I can win this game, but I never actually do it. I'm basically a boring gamebotty Cirie. I want to be my standard assfuck self, and I will be, but it's going to be incredibly hard to balance that and what I want to accomplish in this game. I am NOT losing another Suitman season. Not today. Not any day. I'm going to win this season, and I'm going to win CC 2. And I don't give a shit how I have to do it, I'm going to do it.

This is going to be a bloody mess. And I'm gonna be a part of this mess until the bitter end.  I'll steamroll these fucks.
2535 days 2 hours ago
Davey confesh

Well, I'm back thanks to good old BrantSteele and the fact i wasted about 12 hours of my life playing games that did not benefit me at all but hey i made it and that's all that matters.

The fact of the matter is that my confessional title is kinda a lie, kinda the truth as we have got our tribes but the first challenge hasn't happened yet so I guess we're in Survivor purgatory. So I guess since the game  hasn't really begun I'll just do a little cast assessment

Hudson J./Number1SurvivorFan - I don't know her
Joe E./TheEclipse - Well Joe is the reason I'm here which is iconic I think we have a really tight bond and I can't see us screwing each other over unless I'm Dawn and he's Brenda and the ticket to this game was my teeth.
Marissa W./winner132 - Supposed to be an utter mess and they already seemed a little angry just the way they speak to people. I'll be watching them from afar before working out if I'll work with them.
Max A./Maxi1234 - I can work with Max I guess, i feel like he's the type of person who I'll talk to and then not make a formal alliance then vote me off
Nick J./NJKoda1998 - We have some sort of relationship i think, probably through a frookies. I don't know if it was bad or good but a potential ally I guess
Riley A./RArsenault - I don't know her but they popped up to me on skype so I'm assuming there intense pre gaming as why would anyone wanna talk to me
Robby J./Robbyjak - I feel like I know her but overall I don't know her
Tim T./Timster - King, I'll work with him any chance I get and he could backstab me for 23rd and I'd still root for him to win

#Malacca (Black Buffs)
Alan D./AlanDuncan - Alan and I have such a rocky friendship, we're allies every game we play in to a certain extent but we'll most of the time backstab each other before the end. Alan's kinda psycho though but yeah I know we'll at least be with each other till one of us is voted out
Brittany J./LaFierceBrittany2 - I remember I voted her out first in last chance saloon and that's about it, I hope she forgot
Eric M./EM002 - Well I got kicked from the TTRS VL because I called him autistic so we have that history but then we successfully got Ethan out of a win for backstabbing me so I guess we're on ok terms.
Evan T./etaco75 - Again someone who I feel like could go either ways, I don't think he'll be my number one ally, we don't know each other on good terms but not bad enough to not work together but I'll see.
Jacob B./BOBROCKS333 - No chance he'll make merge unless he plays a top tier game, I like him but I know if he makes merge it's near impossible for him not to win
Piper I./IceIceBaby - Yeah we'll work together, we have a little history of aligning and I can trust her to work with me. One of the people I truly trust at the moment.
Ryan R./ryan5676 - Already coming for me, can't say I'm shocked, however I don't think he'll hold much weight in this game and is an easy boot whenever necessary.
2535 days 2 hours ago
Davey confesh pt. 2

#Redang (Cyan Buffs)
Charlie B./CharlieBibi - He had me blocked, I don't know why, this should worry me
Ethan H./Ethan000 - LOL basically the running joke of the game at this point. I have no idea where we stand but I like Ethan and would like to work with him.
Jake S./JakeGoesOnline - When I posted in CYA (Quittersville) the cast, I was told immediately by BrandonPInzu to take him out, I don't know him so if the opportunity arises I may do it for Brandon.
Joe W./Joeker - I know of him but I don't know her
Leah P./PeachessnCream - She played when I hosted years ago, she didn't stand out. We talked last night and she removed me after so lol?
Nick M./manalord - King, I trust him at the minute but he's also my pick to win so i should watch that probably
Qaz W./Qazwdxedc - I voted him to win that game over Ethan for the lolz, but I truly have no memory of him and that was a week ago, but they must like me I guess i think we worked together so yay
Will I./IceBeast - Again we either have a good or no relationship because we used to play skype games together and we were always on the other side so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out

Overall, this was a boring and possibly unnecessary confessional but i was bored so enjoy.
2535 days 2 hours ago
Nick J. tribe assessment

Hudson J./Number1SurvivorFan - Trio with Mana/Joecepia. Good dude though, and I have no problem working with him and the other two.

Joe E./TheEclipse - Haven't played together in forever, but I think he's cool. Would work with totally.

Marissa W./winner132 - Never played before, but I know she's a mess. Might end up working together through Max (they are a duo 100%).

Max A./Maxi1234 - Pregamed with me quite a bit. We have a F2 deal, although skeptical that will stay true with Marissa on the cast too.

Riley A./RArsenault - Friend from my survivor. He'll work with me 100%. Will work with if I need numbers, but I don't how if I can protect him for too long. He'll get targeted by the bigger names quickly, and there are more of them than him.

Robby J./Robbyjak - I love Robby, he's my main bitch in this cast, and I trust him almost fully. Only issue is its a very easy/predictable pairing for us, so we can't hide it.

Tim T./Timster - Played with him once and I named a merged tribe after him because he missed out by one vote. Never actually worked together because we never were on the same tribe, but I am open to working with him if it will benefit me.
2535 days 2 hours ago
Nick M. confesh

Sooo here I am back with the Whorehouse for my SIXTH time playing this ratchet ass group. Umm why did I agree to this shit. Well right away we form a majority WH group and then a side group on our tribe with like Leah and Jake idfk. But I don't trust Ethan so right away imma lock down Felix who is like... 'BRO WE NEED WILL'. Like so much strategy already can we CHILLZ. I mean I know what I signed up for but like. me and joe just wanna showdown.. So ya know... At this point I'm just gonna push for Qaztoria as he is a season ruiner. Get the bores and Season ruiners out so we can have the cluserryest, messiest, most dramatic #BIGMOVES merge ever that will make Shawn jizz for weeks. It's gonna happen. This is the Final Floptier.
2535 days 2 hours ago
Nick M. confesh

So we are just waiting for the challenge plotting and planning and it seems TOO EASY! Like everyone say 'I'm fine with Qaztoria leaving' which is Righteous but Survivor.. is rarely righteous. It's  a battle of like... chaos and madness and disgustingness, and in all honesty I am ready for a lose and me or Joecepia to only be together in one tribal, in three seasons... Liiike why does the Suitman Gods hate Manacepia.

So everyone is playing this game aside form the Black tribe who I have no clue whats going down on #TribeBorewhore. #TribeMess is looking Fabolous whie my majestic #TribeEgo is well.. its not messy but Ethan is a shady Bible Boy.

Legit I asked him to swear on the bible and he just lol'd. AVOIDINCE, first sign of guilt and I KNOW he has been running his mouth already trying to stir le pot. But don't worry, Sister Christian I won't let this... wicked demon defile your scared text yet again.
2535 days 2 hours ago
Marissa confesh

Kapalakiki won the challenge much to my surprise. The Vixens are back and this time the alliance consists of Me, Max, Evan, Piper, and Leah. Do I think its gonna be successful? Not at all, I already want to vote off Piper for being an idiot. Max is a fucking dumbass who can't keep anything to himself and couldn't strategize if his life depended on it. Our plan was to vote off Robby first if we lost, but we didn't, so now we want to push for Ethan to get voted off on Redang because he's a snake and deserves a 24/24. I told Max about a 9 person alliance I was added to, Max told Piper, Piper told Hudson (who is in the alliance), and Hudson told Nick who is also in the alliance and now they are looking for the leaker and they know that it was me. So this is fantastic because I already had a target and now it's even bigger than I'm a "rat".

Rip Marissa 23/24
2535 days 2 hours ago
Evan confesh

Time to get to work!! Playing Stars the first few days is gonna be really effing hard, especially because I plan on winning both hehe!! (So if ur reading this confessional support me in Stars ok!!!) I think my tribe could be better but I'm definitely happy that one of my closest allies (Jacob) is with me. I think I can get a good group here because I have some type of connection with everyone on my tribe and I think I could find myself in the middle early on.
Also that challenge was a mess and a half and I'm glad the black tribe pittied us enough to give us the win LOL we killed it
2535 days 2 hours ago
Joe W. confesh

So I'm back for my 6th time and I don't know why I begged Shawn to let me come back. I will just flop again like I always do and then act as if this is the first time it happened. Anyway, the first challenge ended and already its as if the atomic bomb of drama was dropped on Hirosuitman and everyone is in radioactive shambles! Meanwhile, Ryan is the fucking kid eating paste in the back of the classroom being a fucking cheerleader and sucking Jacob's roided techno-dick. If he wasn't so worthless at gameplay, I would just vote his ass out personally. Honestly, if anyone has a brain cell this season, Jacob will go super early so nobody has to deal with his bland strategic-less booty winning all these challenges all over again. If I'm going home for 24th, at least I did not get screwed by Hurricane Sandy again! XOXO

-Bitch Taytays
2535 days 2 hours ago
Davey confesh

So I got in a fight on day 1, typical crazy me. I didn't wanna do it but with Piper pressuring me to fight I tried to do it as passively as possible without attacking anyone but Hudson and not bringing in any names. Once the attack was overall i had to perform damage control and ensured Hudson and I would have no problems moving forward.

To give a bit of background, Piper gave me a background on some 9 person alliance and the whole thing was interesting to say the least. To fill in the details it was basically an alliance which spread to all the tribes which was lead by Ethan and included Leah, Mana, Jake, Joe, Hudson, Joey and Messriessa. Now some how these details got through to Piper and Maxi and they told Hudson and I, this information got back to the alliance from either Hudson or I and I was able to provide screenshots to prove it was not me. This lead Mana to blow up in the chat and start world war 3, i was just sitting back and having fun when Hudson decides to blame me for the leakage of a chat i'm not even apart of. So I attack him a little and make him look like shit, I didn't want to but Piper was telling me to join in and I didn't wanna but I needed to instead of just passively letting Ethan's side that did not want me rule the game. So after attacking Hudson I go back to him and basically was like yeah i didn't wanna do that and they forced us against each other and i think we're ok. He tried to say I was close with Nick, I knew he meant Mana but I pretended I thought he meant NJKoda so I screened my empty pms with him and the conversation moved on.

I don't think I wanna stick long term - with the likes of Piper as I know she's a mess who barely does well but at the moment she has my best interests in site so it would be foolish of me to isolate her when she has a few numbers scattered in the game so at the minute I have to keep her close and make sure she thinks that I'm her biggest fan.

I just need to take it slow and try to go back into the background and help repair some of the bonds that may have been damaged as a result of the argument.
2535 days 2 hours ago
Nick J. confesh

Hunny get a mop ready because I'm gonna be spilling some TEA today!

So we got to the challenge, and it was honestly awful, but we somehow dominated, despite our tribe being probably the weakest physically out of all 3, and we won by an insane amount. The one round I played at the end, which ended the whole thing, I originally wasn't gonna try and just not make enemies or anything, but when I saw it was mother fucking CIRIE FIELDS, THE ONE AND THE ONLY LEGEND, I had to honor her and win the round.

The decision to let chatzy pick was one just to have some fun, although in a perfect world, it woulda picked Malacca to really make the challenge fun and interesting going into Round 5, but even then Jacob woulda won it cuz he could play again, and the outcome woulda been the same so who cares!

We end the challenge, and Andrea immediately starts trying to spill "tea" about hudson leaking an alliance of nine consisting of Myself/Mana/Hudson/Joe E/Joe W/Robby/Jacob/Ethan/Robby to her, which to me instantly screamed a few red flags
1. That alliance chat doesn't exist, or I'm being excluded
2. Hudson would be the LAST person to sell out Mana/Joe W

Andrea's game is very interesting because she proclaimed to me before we got tribes about how she didn't wanna play the "andrea persona" that "everyone expects her to play", yet she on Day 1, pulls this "tea session" with the whole cast. *sips tea* But that's none of my business, now is it?

If this is how this game is gonna continue, this season is gonna be a messy one. Hope you got a good seat Shawn. I'm sure you're wetting yourself already at this season, and the damn wheel hasn't even spun yet!

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