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S39 Entitled vs. Earned Confessionals

Topic » S39 Entitled vs. Earned..

2534 days 14 hours ago
Tim confesh

lol I was supposed to get votes tonight as Riley was campaigning HARD for me to go w/ Max right by his side. But I confronted Riley about being careful who he talks to as it'll backfire so he chickened out and voted Ethan instead so I still have no votes LOL bye Riley!

Max then got into a HUGE fight with Hudson & Davey in the skype chat. He said some vile stuff. He attacked Hudson's looks and his mental capacity. He said all kinds of mean things.. he was just attacking over and over again. He said Ethan is the best player on our side. Joe will win. I'm not winning because I will do "whatever" and don't care. Davey has no social game and Hudson is "retarded" in his own words.

I think this did nothing but bring our group closer together. On top of that Hudson found the vote steal <3333333333333

At this point I know I can't beat Joe.. and I guess Ethan now. Or any of Max's allies who might vote together in jury which means Evan, and Eric who hasn't done shit all season.

So I guess my final 3 is Hudson/Davey!!!!! but i'm not gonna even try to set it up. Im gonna let it naturally happen by planting seeds.

And tbh I fully expect Joe to immunity his way to the end, if he doesn't Ethan will end up winning lol. Which i'm fine with. I made it this far in another ALLSTAR 24 person cast that was x100 more strategy heavy with 0 votes against me AGAIN up to this point and voted correctly @ every tribal but 2 (and 1 of them we split the vote on purpose).

So i'm happy.

Yes I want to win, but when alliances vote for their alliances to win just for being in the same alliance there's nothing I can really do lol.
2534 days 14 hours ago
Hudson confesh

I've stolen Max's vote to use it against him. It's my final "fuck you" to him (you know, unless I need to put him in his place again at the FTC).

It's hilarious to me how Max and Eric bash me continually for being a "sheep", as though I should care about my shot at winning this game.

I didn't even want to PLAY this season. I joined to play in Sackeshi's Kingdom. Winning means nothing to me. I'm not here to become the Sole Survivor.

This isn't some big "chess game" to me, like people say it is. It's a game to be played for fun. I don't care about winning.  This isn't some fight between the best to never win. Please. We're all trainwrecks, trying to call any of us "great players" is ridiculous. This isn't REALLY "Entitled vs. Earned" to me.

I consider this... my revenge trip :))).

So Max, congratulations for digging your own grave. Hope you're happy with 8th.

At least it's one of Andrea's placements. *giggle*
2534 days 14 hours ago
Tim confesh

SO here I stand in the final 7. Evan & Eric are targeting Ethan. My group of 5 is voting out Eric.

Eric is hated as he helped Max in his tirade in the public chat last night.

I am on board to blindside Ethan but we need a 4th. Hudson wouldn't dare do it since he hates Eric. Davey.. no body knows what the hell Davey thinks. He's so quiet. We've dragged him to this point and he barely talks to anyone.

Joe is too scared to do it rn because he doesn't know where Davey's head is at. He thinks if we blindside him by voting Ethan out Davey could flip and side w/ Eric/Evan @ F6.

But anyways @ this point i'm closest in the game w/ Evan/Joe/Ethan.

Eric has pretty much brainwashed me into thinking I would never beat Evan/Joe/Ethan in the end. My best shot is against the remaining 3. Which I think is true to an extent.. I still fear going to the end w/ ANY of the minority.. which includes Eric who didn't do shit all season because his alliance of Max/Ryan/Marissa/RIley/Leah might vote him to win in the end just out of spite.

I think my only GREAT shot to win is against Evan/Davey. Eric is a toss up. Evan is a toss up but there's been rumors going around that that ponderosa is a circle jerk for Evan for some odd reason. and then obviously Joe/Ethan are huge threats. I get why Joe is (who will get attacked for relying on immunity).

In order of most likely to win a jury vote I think it goes
Ethan, Joe, Evan, Me/Eric (tie), Hudson, Davey.

So anyways like I said i'm willing to vote out Ethan tonight but I need Joe to do it with me or maybe Davey if we can get him to talk.

In Last Leap I had a SET final 3 by like the final 8 or 9. No one has ever brought up going to the end w/ me at this point except Evan & Joe. Joe finally brought it up today that Me/Hudson/Him were in an alliance on Day 1 w/ Max & Marissa so tbh that's a good excuse to vote everyone else out but then i'd obv lose to Joe.

But then again I fully expect to NOT win as Hudson/Davey don't seem willing to oust the threats and go to the end together (and neither would we beat Joey/Ethan in final immunity lol so one of them is gonna go to f3 w/ us anyways) so at this pint i'd rather go to the end w/ people i'm okay w/ losing to. And i'm happy to lose to Ethan & Joe. Hudson won't win so i'm fine going to the end w/ him and he'd get no jury votes and I might be the Sabrina getting a couple votes again the Kim (Ethan or Joe).

Listen I WANT to win. I came here for that W. But I can't push super hard for an Ethan vote because they will tell him and I will go home. I'm just slowly planting seeds. I'm getting closer & closer w/ Joey (whom I hated like 3 rounds ago) because he's likely gonna immunity to the end so there's no point in avoiding him. If he loses we will obviously vote his ass out but at this point it's not likely.

So yeah that's where I stand. I still have no set final 3 but Joey might want to go w/ Hudson & I. Ethan & I are still bffs. Davey is a goat at this point. Evan & Eric are sitting ducks trying to find a crack and i'm willing to work w/ them for a couple rounds but not go to the end with them.

We'll see what happens but I think I won't be a target until final 4 where if Joe wins the other 2 might throw votes on me (if Ethan & Evan are out) but hopefully solidifying my loyalty to Joe will make him tie it up and save me because I KNOW he thinks he can beat me  and would stay loyal to me if I promise him im going to the end w/ him over these other folks who want him out.

So yeah. I'm pretty much setting myself up for 2nd place again if I can snatch a jury vote or two. I don't have a Charliebibi in the jury stanning me this time around so gl me.

I honestly think I deserve to win over everyone but Joe and maybe Ethan who was a target like 6 times but never got his name written down until recently.
2534 days 14 hours ago
Tim confesh

So yeah. I'm pretty much setting myself up for 2nd place again if I can snatch a jury vote or two. I don't have a Charliebibi in the jury stanning me this time around so gl me.

I honestly think I deserve to win over everyone but Joe and maybe Ethan who was a target like 6 times but never got his name written down until recently.

Like honestly I ran the fuck out of the premerge. The minority always came to me because I was SOCIAL w/ them. I had connections with every side of this game. I am the last person left in the game (besides Joe) to have 0 votes against me and I haven't been immune since the Final 12 despite being a huge target the round Joeker went home. My social and strategic game got me this far. I always got close enough w/ the minority to make them want to side w/ me w/o pissing them off if I didn't vote w/ them. Majority never wanted me out as either. I voted off EVERY single person who is on the jury right now except Nick who pulled the purple rock. I think I will have a good FTC speech but it depends how I handle the questions.. but there's really nothing better I could've done in this game.

If I lose to Joe then my only "what if" moment would be if I voted him off the round Max went home (immunity freeze) but Max would've never voted for Joe. Only Evan/Eric/Me/Ethan would and that just forces a 4-4 tie so.. it is what it is.

No one can take away from me that I played two 24 person HUGE Allstar penultimate seasons and both times ended up being the last one (in this case 2nd to last or tied last if Joe immunities to the end) to ever receive a vote against me ALL game. I'm not a goat, i'm not a sheep. I played my own game and by my own rules. I was social & strategic. I combined everything that has failed & succeeded me in previous games and it got me to where I am today. Whether I win or not I do think i'm one of the better Suitman players. I didn't need immunity or an advantage to help me out either. In fact I was disadvantaged w/ my vote curfew but you know what? I made it work.

I hope people remember that about my Suitman legacy. Not only am I the only 2 time fan favorite.. but I was actually a hardcore player who just happened to lose against someone who played a SLIGHTLY better strategic game based on the JURY'S perception (if I get 2nd which i'm thinking I will). But we will see... we will see.
2534 days 14 hours ago
Tim confesh

Pretty sure Eric is going since Joe doesn't want to do Ethan until next round.

So I predict

7th - Eric
6th - Ethan (Me/Hudson/Evan/Joe vote him off)

@ this point things get interesting. Obviously my ideal final 3 is Me/Davey/Hudson but we likely aren't gonna make it unless one of us wins final immunity and we all flop @ comps... so.

If Joe loses, we will probably vote him off (even though i've pretty much promised him im going to the end w/ him, lost that jury vote!). If he wins... pretty sure they're gonna all target Evan. But thinking about it if I vote off Evan @ F5 and  Joe wins final immunity (99% sure he does) then i'm likely in 4th unless Joe saves me in a tie OR Hudson no longer cares about winning since Joe made it to FTC so he votes off Davey since Me/Hudson/Joe were a final 5  alliance on Day 1. But there's always that chance them 3 vote me off as i'm the next biggest threat of the group which terrifies me. I don't want 4th :(.

omg or if we vote Joe off @ f5, Evan wins final immunity.. he may do to me what he did in Last Leap! Unless.. again I get Hudson to vote Davey off due to our Day 1 alliance and I tell Evan "Hudson is voting off Davey w/ me and then Evan just gives in and votes off Davey.. or he could tie it for an extra jury vote but idk.

Damn now i'm scared im gonna get 4th. I'm pretty positive i'm not getting 7th, 6th, or 5th but 4th is my most likely spot to go home and it usually comes down to Hudson's decision. So I may have to push for a Hudson/Joe/Me final 3 which I MIGHT go back on depending on if I feel I want Evan in the end w/ me. I promised Evan i'd take him to the end a few rounds ago and I wish I didn't lol cause now Evan expects me to do it. He knows i'm the only one in the cast willing to do it too but I won't have the numbers if he DOESN'T win final 5 immunity.

Ok so I guess I should talk to Hudson and try to form a f3 w/ him.. i'll leave Joe out since we can try to vote him off if he loses. Then F3 would be Me/Hudson/Evan since Evan likely wins final immunity. Now if Davey somehow pulls out a win then we vote off Evan cause there's a pretty high chance I win against those duds. But who knows.. never ever get confident in this game.
2534 days 14 hours ago
Evan confesh

Eric is getting 6th. Unless they're blindsiding me for some pointless reason, no one is willing to vote for Ethan so there's no way around it unfortunately. And that means I would make my second finale!! But that group of 5 has so many cracks that it's still possible for me to win. Ethan Joe and Tim are going to be Jury threats, Joe and Ethan are going to be comp threats, and Hudson and Davey are going to target the other 3 so they'll be targets, too.
At this point, I need to do three things: try and get as close with people as I can, try to turn them against each other, and show people that I'm not the huge Jury threat that they think I am. I need to get every person targeting another person and seeing them as a huge Jury threat. I'm going to have a big target on my back, being the last White Rock standing (tbt to Heroes vs Villains when I was in the same boat!! Except at least Bekla was the one good player left). But I need to convince people that if they can sit next to me in final 3 and say "Evan is only here because I carried him to final 3", they'll win.
Now of course I know that's not the truth at all and I'll be able to fight that very well at FTC if I make it there. I want to write my speech just in case I DO make it to the end, because hey maybe I'll win a ton of comps or something!! Unlikely but possible!
I think I'm probably going to get another 4th, or maybe a 5th if they're really afraid of me. My best shot at final Tribal is beating Joe for final 5 Immunity (because Ethan could get another 6th which would be great!!) and then winning final 4 Immunity against Davey Hudson and Tim since they can't really do much lol. I'm just really going to have to form as strong of connections as I possibly can tonight and tomorrow. And then I'm going to need to exploit other people's targets. If I can make it through these next few days then 100% I deserve to win. And if not then it would make me sick to cast my vote for someone else honestly! But I'd probably give it to Timster if he made final 3.

I wish I could tell you more about my plans but at this point, I just need to get everyone to target each other and stay off people's radars for three more votes. And I can promise you that I want this win more than anyone. Even Ethan. I'm sorry that my last confessional ever isn't that juicy, but tomorrow all depends on who makes a move first.
But before I end my last confessional, and I've said this every single time that I've been convinced I was being voted out, thank you so much, Shawn. People are always trying to get me to play their group games bc they see how fun I am to watch in yours (!!) but I only play your games because they're so weird and fuckin addicting because everyone plays like a CRAZY person. And I'm not expecting to win bc I'm the Aubry of this season, but I'm so happy to have made my mark on a series like this. And winning a Suitman Survivor is honestly more of an accomplishment than if I were to win a Stars!! So thanks for making your games CRAZY hard, and thanks for being a great host and bringing me back for Great Britain even when I was the WORST in BOTB.
Also I was robbed in Last Leap but that's all I'm gonna say about that. I know you're rooting for me so wish me luck!!
2534 days 14 hours ago
Joe W. -- the closing confesh

I'm so glad this season apocalypse of the egos is finally coming to an end, especially with the iconic final 3 sitting there! I wish I could have played harder but life got in the way so I was unable to do as much as I hoped but I did come out with people that I never want to converse with again. These people call themselves iconic and yet they are as generic as your average vanilla-ass Tengageder. I've seen more caps at Ponderosa than at a South Central LA turf war with them all screaming at each other and sucking each other off until they had every virtual STD in the book. You got Max, Marissa, Leah and Eric all making out at Ponderosa and Riley desperately seeking approval from all of them. Its as if they came out of a fucking cloning lab! They can all say I played a bad game all they want but at the end of the day, sorry not sorry I prioritize life over an online game. I was gonna roast them all at the end since I knew I never had a chance at winning. After all, it's Suitman's Survivor status quo Joecepia loses every time she gets cast! With all that said, Joecepia flopped one final time with the stupid revelation idol in her back pocket (So smart Ik) and missed out on flopping in grand style in front of this Dead Sea of cunts! So for the sixth and final time, Joecepia is checking out. XOXO

- Bitch Taytays

(You can all start crying now.)
2534 days 14 hours ago
Episode 1: “The 51st Shade of Grey” (Joe W.)
Episode 2: “One Big Tumor on My Sanity” (Joe W.)
Episode 3: “Fucking Hate Horses Now” (Evan)
Episode 4: “Time Has Made Him Dumber” (Nick M.)
Episode 5: “Colgate-White Pasty Lookin’ Ass” (Max)
Episode 6: “Thanks Shawnbama!” (Nick M.)
Episode 7: “He Feeds Their Fantasy” (Tim)
Episode 8: “I Want Him to Choke on A Fork” (Max)
Episode 9: “It’s Been A Hot Minute!” (Leah)
Episode 10: “Basic Bitch Tengaged Handbook” (Joe W.)
Episode 11: “Good Lord, Why Am I Like This?” (Hudson)
Episode 12: “Cockroach of the Season” (Hudson)
Episode 13: “Feels Like A Civil War” (Leah)
Episode 14: “He Can Burn In Hell” (Hudson)
Episode 15: “Keep My Name Outcho Mouth!” (Tim)
Episode 16: “My Revenge Trip” (Hudson)
Episode 17: “Never Ever Get Confident” (Tim)
Episode 18: “Apocalypse of the Egos” (Joe W.)

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