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Winners VS Runner-Ups Jury Questioning

Topic » Winners VS Runner-Ups Jury..

3528 days 15 hours ago

        F22= I assumed, incorrectly, that the Olive Toppings would win most of the competitions.  Therefore, I personally wanted every vote to be as unanimous as possible.  With the exception of fairly random votes against Alex, that Russ cast to frame other people , every vote was unanimous.  The first vote was discussed between Jarrod and myself.  We mutually wanted Keith out because he was the most dangerous person not in either of our alliances.

        F18= However, I was always very weary of Mearl.  The Dominant, especially Russ, already wanted him out.  I didn't want to piss off Shadi or Joe though.  Mearl talked to everyone and made a bunch of alliances that were all funneled through The Dominant.  I was waited for Mearl to do something against Joe or Shadi that I could use to justify getting him out.  He eventually spoke against Shadi.  I told Shadi and Joe and things were set into motion.  I do take a decent amount of credit for getting Mearl blindsided by a unanimous vote.  However, I'll admit that I/everyone was dumb for throwing the challenge that round even though I think Mike's flag woulda won regardless.  Additionally Eddie was officially added to The Shadis at this point
3528 days 14 hours ago

        F17/16= The next couples votes were fairly rudimentary.  Austin and Jeff were the only people not in the Dominant or Shadis.  I felt Austin was more dangerous and Joe wanted him out anyhow so he went first.  I actually liked Jeff and would have worked with him long term if we didn't go to TC again.  We did though and he was just an easy vote.  Around this time me, Eddie, and Jarrod officially formed a F3 alliance.

        F13= As for the Shadi vote, I think that he was out next no matter what I did.  However, I did try to do everything I could to make sure that it was unanimous so we would be a big group of 6 going into the merge.  I mentioned to Joe that I didn't trust Shadi.  Additionally, I encouraged Russ and Alex to make an alliance with Joe going forward (I'm not saying they wouldn't have anyhow).  With the exception of Russ's intentional hinky vote, all the votes went towards Shadi who talked to me the least in the 6.
3528 days 14 hours ago

        F12= This round didn't go swimmingly for me.  I ended up in a fire duel.  I did try to make a deal with Coldan that I would try to keep him safe if he did the same.  However, I didn't fight too hard to not receive votes initially.  I was under the assumption that the tiebreaker was purple rocks (my own fault for not reading the rules).   Therefore, I was pretty comfortable receiving the votes until I figured out otherwise, but it was too late.  Honestly, I doubt I could have kept from getting votes that round anyhow, but I would have tried if I had read the rules.  I wouldn't have voted for Alex R. this round if it had been my choice.  I just felt others were more likely to be flipped on though I doubted anyone would flip.

        Pagonging situation= During the Pagonging, it really became first person to say how they were voting more or less got their way.  Joe normally voiced his opinion first, and I would argue he dictated the boot order for the most part.  Alex, myself, and Eddie tried to have some input in the order.  Russ and Jarrod didn't say too much in the chat though I wouldn't be shocked if they did try to affect the order behind the scenes.

        F11= At this point it was pretty clear that a Pagonging would at least happen until F9 probably F7 or F6.  Some of my tribemates (Joe and Alex in particular) wanted Andy out first.  I wanted Andy around longer because I felt he would be more likely to help me if shit hit the fan.  Ultimately, Eddie joined the get rid of Andy party, and things couldn't be flipped at that point.
3528 days 14 hours ago

        F10= Not much to say about this round, I thought Rich was maybe the biggest threat coming into the merge.  Joe wanted him out too.  This was probably the most input I had in the boot order because I know that Alex said more than once that he thought Rich wasn't dangerous (which is a little crazy if it wasn't gamesmanship).

        F9= This was the first of three consecutive rounds that I was working and didn't really get on until the votes were pretty much locked.  I had put effort towards at least getting Coldan to the F8 because of our deal before (everyone except me ironically wanted Sean to go to F7).  I didn't get on until later, and Joe had already led the vote against Coldan because he showed up to the challenge.  I tried to flip the vote onto Nick, but I just got on too late tbh.

        F8= I actually tried to get Nick out earlier.  I don't know whether his "I'll sheep" strategy was real or fake.  However, I knew he probably was the biggest immunity threat of all the RUs.  If Nick started doing the challenges I could have seen him running the table depending on what they were.
3528 days 14 hours ago

        F7= This was humbling.  I genuinely felt that the tribe would finish the Pagonging before/if anything crazy was going to happen.  However, I give credit to Sean for using my mail message with him to create paranoia.  It made the other Winners think I was trying to get RU jury votes (which I was).  Also, props to Russ, Joe, and Alex for getting together to go after me.  Intended to go to the end with Eddie for sure and probably Jarrod at the time.  However, they should have secured Sean's vote well in advance (like around F9-10).  Jarrod collected Sean's vote and made sure Eddie stayed with us (for now lol).

        F6= As much as I was humbled in the F6, I was further humbled this round.  I genuinely had Eddie's back 100% and thought he had the same.  He proved me wrong.  I don't blame him.  I should talked more to him post merge than I did.  Ultimately, I built a fire to get out Joe who was the bigger jury threat in the Joe/Alex combo.
3528 days 14 hours ago

        F5= Yet another bamboozling for me (lol).  Jarrod and I had a conversation about the vote early on.  We agreed (so I thought) to vote out Alex.  This round was plagued by Russ trying to bully/blackmail myself and Jarrod into voting out Sean.  I'll talk more about this 'fun time' later.  Ultimately, Jarrod changed his vote at the last minute.  I still don't think this was a good move by him.  I'll explain why if anyone ask me (not here because this is getting too long).

        F4= I hated this round.  I really felt like I had grown tight to Sean.  The original deal between me, Jarrod, Eddie, and Sean was to go to the final 4 together.  I do kind of feel like we owed Sean to an extent which was why I thought we needed to take Eddie to the F3 to be honest with him.  I was genuinely annoyed by Russ and Alex at this point as well.  Ultimately, I knew that voting to keep Sean would screw my chances to win and Jarrod's as well (I do think I owed him a lot do to F7).  I self voted more to joke around than anything else, but I really didn't want to vote for Sean either.  It was worth it because of Alex's reaction (haha).
3528 days 14 hours ago
3528 days 14 hours ago

1. I fully intended on created an alliance/group of people that would be willing to Pagong the other tribe from the beginning do to fact we were playing back to basics style.  I feel that I did a good job with this and probably did genuinely have the most control of the premerge game on my tribe.

2.  I tried to have at least one good social interaction (non game if possible) with everyone in the game.  I might have missed a couple of you though I think I tried to talk to you all.  I was always playing the game to have a good chance to win if (IFFFF) I made it to the end.  Hopefully, I achieved this goal.

3.  You don't have to count this one, honestly.  I'm well aware that those fire duels are more luck than anything else.  However, I will argue that I used the superior strategy on both occasions.  I changed my strategy mid duel against Alex and was unlucky (used more tries than statistically average) but still managed to win before he even struck too matches.  I figured out the best strategy possible (statistically) for the challenge going into the Joe duel.  I got lucky with my matches anyhow, but I had a better shot to win regardless.
3528 days 14 hours ago

1. I didn't do a great job maintaining the relationships I had premerge.  Some of this can be faulted with work.  However, I was admittedly a bit overconfident.  I did intend on making tighter deals with those outside my F3, but chose not to because I felt I may have needed their jury votes.  This was retrospectively a mistake. 

2. I threw/didn't do the challenge the round that Mearl left.  I honestly thought our tribe was going to decimate the RU tribe going into the season because we had such challenge beast.  I'm not positive that I could have designed a better flag than Mike, but I think I could have.  We would have been up in the numbers if we won that.  To be fair, it was a group imposed decision.


My challenge performance post merge has been pitiful (LOL).  Some I missed because of work or because I was sleeping do to being tired from work.  However, even the ones I showed up at I didn't do well at all.  I'm still embarrassed that I thought I won the F5 immunity and said so before I realized that I couldn't win.  If I could go back and do one thing it would be to play some of these a bit harder.
3528 days 14 hours ago
So I want each of you to pick the worst things you said about all of us and I know there was a lot of gossip this season amongst us winners so don't try and hide it.

Can you clarify if you mean overall the worst thing I said about a particular person, or the worst thing I said about everyone on the Jury. For now I'm just doing the one:

I called MMA a bigot, and that was probably one of the worst things I said.

Follow-up question is if you three were on the jury, who would you have in your place and why?

I'd give mine to Eddie.
He was probably making the finals, but worst came to worst for him and he got terribly ill and couldn't play. Had he played I would've been out in the F5 and he'd be in my spot. That's why I want Eddie here if it wasn't me.
3528 days 13 hours ago
"We all had ideas about what was going on, whether they were true or not. We all thought Jeremy was the leader over there, but based on what I was hearing at ponderosa, he was going to go 6th. That makes me want to vote for him MORE than if he was the leader, so good game for that info lmao."


I think that I'd claim that I was more or less the leader premerge and maybe to a degree at the TC where I got 6 votes from yall.  After that I certainly didn't do enough to maintain my relationship with Eddie and more or less chose to not explicitly lie to Russ, Alex, or Joe.  They were smart and got together against me.  I did consciously make alliances with Jarrod and Alex because I thought they would warn/help me if something like this happened.  I was right on 1 of 2.
3528 days 13 hours ago
" Jeremy isn't going to get it, because he explicitly told me he doesn't care about my vote, Joe's vote, or Eddie's vote."

- Context and hyperbole.  I said that I didn't care about getting yall's votes at the expense of betraying Sean.  The only vote is straight up said that I didn't care about was yours when you kept arguing with me about it, and 100% trying to blackmail me into it with your ONE jury vote.

" Jeremy, you explicitly said that you did not care if three people voted for you, said at the last Tribal Council that you wanted out, and said that you were considering taking Sean to the end just to troll everyone instead of trying to win."

- I never considered outright taking Sean to the end.  I considered letting him duel for a spot in which I would have hoped that he lost.  The comment at tribal was a joke.  I knew where Alex and Jarrod were gonna vote so I had some fun.

" Why should anyone even consider voting for somebody who openly does not care about jury votes or really care about winning the game?"

- I believe what I reference above shows that I care a great deal.  Whether you like it or not you only have 1 jury vote.  You have the right as a juror to vote as you see fit.  I didn't vote Sean out because I was more concerned with his vote as well as the 5 runner ups that are far more likely to be sympathetic to him and value his opinion.

" On top of that, you were going to go home in 6th until I overplayed my hand and only made it into the majority because of a luck challenge and because Jarrod, not you, talked to Sean. Are you willing acknowledge that it was incredible luck that brought you to the end?"

- I am willing to acknowledge that I'm perhaps the luckiest person sitting here in the final three.   Jarrod certainly saved me at F7 though I do think he would have had a tough road to the end if I left.  However, it doesn't change the fact that I played the game more in the social realm later on to get jury votes.
3528 days 13 hours ago
Okay guys!!   I have been hearing so much bull that it isn't funny anymore.  You all 3 got to the Finals...Yay for you!  I am not bitter just a little confused on who to vote for.  Because, tbh...none of you really showed much fight in the game that I could see.  I am hearing all kinds of things but I feel there is a lot of non-truthfulness going on right now.

Bingo:   The only way you will ever receive my vote is if you tell me in truthful words why you ignored my emails after the 1st merge vote went down?  Yes, I tried throwing you under the bus because you pissed me off that you were not answering any mails.  But, if you wanted the vote in jury a little response to a message would be respectful.

Alex:  You never once even attempted to talk to me.  So, again if you were playing a social game and knowing all the Runner-ups were going to be on jury.  Don't you think you should have been nice and at least attempted some type of conversation?  You will not get my vote just for that simple fact.

Jeremy:  Oh Oh OH!! The big weasel of the game.  You are a sly one and you did attempt talking to me and made me feel assured and comfortable. I appreciate the few words even though I know they were just buttering me up for the jury.  Start telling some truthful statements on why you deserve to win this game or you could lose it all just for that.

Everyone!!  When the viewer's lounge opens I have said some things playing up the Villain because I wanted to make it interesting.  Remember it is just a game and you are all great players and glad to be friends with you all at anytime.
3528 days 13 hours ago

"1. Eddie was inactive and couldn’t help beat Sean in the final 4 challenge, 2. Eddie personally requested to be voted out and 3. I wanted to get Alex onside to prevent any potential plan of Sean and Jeremy voting me out at final 4 if Sean won immunity."

1. You are a challenge beast.  I legitimately think you could beat Alex at virtually any challenge.
2.  All the more reason to take him.
3. I wouldn't/couldn't have voted for you (I have some heart in me after all) and you probably would have received Alex G.'s jury vote because he would have wanted me to lose at any cost.
3528 days 12 hours ago

As first jury member, I didn't really keep up with the group so idk whats going on

My vote will be determined by one thing:

Sum up your entire game in one sentence.  Whichever I find most amusing/insightful/awesome will get my vote

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