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Jury Questioning: Alex vs. Austin

Topic » Jury Questioning: Alex vs...

3305 days 23 hours ago
Hello everyone!

We are now down to 2 houseguests: Alex and Austin. The jury of 7 will decide who the winner of this season will be. Once again, the jury is...

Jeremy B. (JB)
Jeremy S.
And now, Andell...

Here, you can ask the finalists any questions and as many as you want. The finalists can post any statements/speeches they want here. The finalists can not answer a question if they choose.

Jurors: please send me a temporary vote ASAP in case you get banned/go inactive. You can change the vote at any time up until I say all votes are final DURING the finale call. Anyone other than jurors or finalists may NOT post on this topic.

I need temporary votes ASAP, you can always change anytime until a certain point during the finale.


So go ahead, ask away!!
3305 days 23 hours ago
Alex... This is a vote making decision. Did you or did you not evict me at final 8?
3305 days 23 hours ago
I am going to be honest with you Jeremy I did evict you at final 8! Before you get mad just hear me out! Nick had made a deal with me that if he stayed he would work with me! At the final 8 in the game, I didn't know where your head was at and with the whole alliance of you Wyatt, Jb, and Austin going around I didn't know if what you had been saying to me was the truth especially since we didn't talk much. After Nick got evicted I knew I had made a bad decision because I shouldn't have doubted your trust, but if I would have told you the truth about my vote during the game, I feel like it would have affected our bond and alliance! I knew that for the rest of the game it was better to just keep it a secret! Ever since that point though I knew it was beneficial to keep you in the game! I am sorry if you are hurt by this but I just didn't want to lie anymore
3305 days 23 hours ago
Coming into this game, I felt that I didn’t necessarily need to prove myself after my landslide victory over Victor in season 14. I thought that I was going to be one of the first people out. So, you can imagine how great of a feeling it is to be back in the final 2 of this game. As the game went on, there became something that I realized I need to prove not just to you guys, but to myself. I will touch on what that is at the end of the speech. Anyways, there have been a lot of controversial decisions that I have made throughout this game that I will cover. I will be completely honest about everything that’s happened. I’m not going to sugarcoat my feelings – I’m going to say it how it was. This long speech is basically my perspective of what happened in the game touching on some of my feelings throughout the game. I am willing to answer ANY question you jury members give me! So, let’s start from the beginning, shall we?
I came into this game knowing everyone in the cast. Everyone. Okay, maybe not Nick – but I knew everyone else. And, I knew everyone pretty well. This was a strength and weakness to my game. I aligned with Lynette, Sam, and Alex as allies right away. I also aligned with Jeremy who contacted me right before the season started about us going far. I became very scared when I saw who won HOH: JB & Jojo. JB was arguably the greatest player in season 13 and I am the main reason that he got evicted. And, Jojo who was the only person in the huge jury last season to not vote for me. So, I quickly talked to JB. Fortunately, JB forgave me for my past actions and he was willing to establish an alliance with me. We created an alliance consisting of JB, Jeremy, and Wyatt. I felt comfortable with Jeremy and Wyatt. But, I was hesitant of JB because he is so calculated with what he says and I wasn’t sure where he truly lied (as in place in the game). I was actually in a great position after this. Our alliance decided to target the people who were going to fly under the radar instead of targeting easier outs like Lynette and Alex. Throughout this time, me and Lynette became very close with daily calls. Eventually, I won my first head of household on week 3. I blatantly wanted Jojo out for not voting me to win last season. I nominated Andell because he was the only one to nominate me last season. But, the plans changed as Lynette helped me realize how much of an asset Jojo could be to my game. Unfortunately, Andell renominated Sam (a good move considering how close we still were) and Sam got evicted over Andell. Sam was my closest ally and I knew that his affiliation to me was one of the main reasons he went. Before he went, to establish more trust (because it was kinda fading), I told him about my alliance with JB/Jeremy/Wyatt. He was angry, but I didn’t expect him to do anything about it. He seemed pretty chill. When all of a sudden, he called them out during his eviction and left me out of it. It was obvious that I told Sam about the alliance. Suddenly, the people that had my back didn’t think I had their back anymore. This caused me to definitively gravitate towards Alex and Lynette who my alliance already knew that I was aligned with. And, I stayed very true to that alliance while trying to maintain a connection with my other one. It became increasingly clear that my alliance was fading. But, they still trusted me as evidenced by Jeremy keeping me safe during the chaotic double eviction. I won Head of Household again the next week and I came up with a plan. I knew my alliance was totally not trusting of me especially after they realized that I voted JB out during the HOH comp instead of Lynette AND then took both Jeremy’s out during the POV. A line was drawn. I tried to block the Jeremy’s out of veto by nominating two pawns in Andell and Nick who I really didn’t trust anyways. The plan didn’t work and Jeremy went up. Jeremy used the veto
3305 days 23 hours ago
stupidly on Andell and he went up. Jeremy almost went home, but Andell shied away from it and decided to vote out Nick (which was the dumbest move of the season). Then, Andell won the next HOH. So, I made sure that I was not going up and that the target was on Alex and Lynette instead of me. I knew that I could be in jeopardy if I went up. So, Andell’s  growing faith in me decided to keep me safe and Alex & Lynette were nominated. Alex won the veto by default (I got one question wrong, whoops!). And then, Lynette was pretty much screwed since Andell could not trust Lynette. However, I was still in a strangely good position with my biggest ally getting evicted. Lynette getting evicted pulled me very close to Alex. Alex had a good connection with Jeremy so I strongly took advantage of that connection when Jeremy won the next HOH. Jeremy was going to put me up, but I convinced him that he could trust me because I just wanted to mend our relationship. I did want to mend our relationship, but this wasn’t the best time to make a close alliance especially when Jeremy was one of the strongest players left. Jeremy decided to put up JB/Wyatt although his target was actually Wyatt. Luckily, there was no way that any of us would vote out Wyatt when JB was clearly going to win if no one did anything about it. Then, the next week I backdoored Jeremy in a bold decision. When the jurors returned to say their two cents, it seemed that the game was either going to be won by me or Jeremy. So, I eliminated him. I didn’t want to come off as a huge backstabber to the jury which led to me becoming much closer to Alex and us really confirming our final two deal. Next, I had to get out Wyatt because he was actually decent at trivia comps. I won HOH and POV for the second time and made sure that Alex got him out over Andell. And then, I was in a pretty great position. Both of the people in the end were the people who had the biggest potential to take me to the final two on the off chance that I lost. I knew that they could still evict me so I tried very hard for the final HOH and won. I took out Andell because there was one thing I wanted to prove in this game – I am loyal to those who are loyal to me. Alex was loyal to me and I took him to the end. I wanted to be loyal to one person to make up for the damage that I had done earlier in this game. That was basically the game summarized through my perspective. There is so much more to be said! I’m just excited to be in the final 2 UNNOMMED! That is a personal achievement of mine. And it was in an All Stars! I’m just so thrilled to be here. I won five HOH’s and two POV’s. Hopefully, you guys recognize how much work I’ve put into this game and vote with no bitterness.
3305 days 23 hours ago
Jury Question

     Hello finalists, I would like to congratulate you on making it here! You both have been phenomenal players this season, and you guys truly deserve the win. The problem with this scenario is that it makes it harder to decide my vote so I have a couple questions in store. Before I go to the questions there is something I would like to say…

     This season I was labeled as the stereotypical floater but I promise you that I worked my ass off every single day. My major flaw was my inability to win challenges and I truly believe thats why I am here. However there is one spot where I was able to leave my mark, and that was Sam's eviction. My goal from the beginning of that weak was to split up the Austin and Sam duo since I saw them on each others friends list, since the veto was used I was luckily able to convince Andell to put up Sam, myself and others then campaigned for him to leave which ended up being a success. My move of putting up Jeremy also had lots of reasoning but it unfortunately failed so I will not talk about that.

     Anyways, I apologize about my not needed rant but it was something I needed to get out. Question time (for both of you): Every Big Brother houseguest has a strategy before entering the house, but 100% of the time their strategy is forced to change due to Big Brother being Big Brother… What was your initial strategy and how did it change? Why? This question may seem pointless but trust me, It shows A LOT about a persons gameplay. I have one more question but that will be asked tomorrow during the call…

Good luck both of you guys and I can't wait to hear your answers!

3305 days 23 hours ago
Hey guys!

First of all, I wanna say that I am not bitter and I'm happy you made the final two. Ya'll may have gone to the final two unnommed until final 3, but I don't think you guys played as good of games as you guys think you did. I'm voting for who I think played the better game.

Austin - You made it your mission to align yourself with everyone. Literally, every. single. person. was an ally with you at some point in this game. I find it very hard for you to say that you are loyal to everyone that is loyal to you. In TWO seasons, I have been loyal to you, never once stabbing you in the back, when you have stabbed me in the back twice. I feel like you got a ton of gimme's in this game. You just kept on making things more difficult for yourself. You aligned with everyone in the house, exposed our alliance to someone heading out the door for no reason, picked the alliance that was worse numbers-wise, and you failed to get out your biggest threat in your most critical HOH week. You did a few solid things however. Getting me and Jeremy out were smart moves, because the jury saw us as potential winners. I'll give you that. You also won comps, a lot of them. But, here's the one problem. You were in the final four with two people who really had no chance of winning, Wyatt & Andell, who won a combined one competition the entire season. You still made it here, but you chose a much tougher road, and in my book, it doesn't deserve praise. You played a helluva game, but there were times where your game could have been much easier. Taking Alex to the end may cost you, and considering you took a goat last season to the end, your point of "keeping loyalty" is not valid in my book, especially when there were people that kept their loyalty to you the entire game. You said nobody put you up, because everyone was loyal to you, and to say that you kept your loyalty to everyone that was loyal to you is the biggest load of crap I've heard all season.

I feel like I'm being harsh, but whoever is getting my vote is going to have to WORK for it, and this is going to be a close vote. My vote could very well be the one that decides the game.

Why was taking a much more difficult road to the end not stupid?

Alex - I want to vote for you because I feel like you played a dark horse game. You played a strong game, winning competitions, yet staying under the radar. However, I'm still slightly perturbed about my eviction. I'm not bitter, just a little frustrated and foggy as to how it came out. When you did not use the veto on me, you said you would save me. However, Wyatt told me you told him the same thing immediately after veto. The one thing I cannot stand in this game is lying without a purpose. I get lying, it is part of the game, but telling someone they are safe when you know they are not is the one thing that irritates the shit out of me. According to my knowledge, that is what you did to me. Austin told me straight up I was going, and I don't know why you did the same to me.

What was your purpose in giving me false hope that I was staying for my eviction?

Honestly guys, ya'll played a great game, and this is a tough vote. I don't know who I am voting for yet. The best answers to the questions will likely get my vote. GL.
3305 days 22 hours ago
Every Big Brother houseguest has a strategy before entering the house, but 100% of the time their strategy is forced to change due to Big Brother being Big Brother… What was your initial strategy and how did it change? Why?

My strategy coming into this game wasn't super specific. I was determined to adapt to any situation that I was put in. And, I thought it would be best to fly under the radar because of my recent win last season. I would say that flying under the radar was my general early strategy. A lot of people knew I was good at competitions so I didn't try as hard; but, I still tried so it wouldn't look like I was throwing them. Many times, I really wasn't throwing some of the earlier competitions. I just wasn't as driven to win them and that was because I was still trying to navigate my way through this game to establish a solid position. However, my strategy to fly under the radar (until like the jury stage) was quickly changed due to my changing surroundings. Once Sam called out Jeremy/JB/Wyatt during his eviction, I was forced to change my stance in this game and choose a side rather than being stuck in the middle of them. Although it wasn't entirely clear that I told Sam about the alliance, the alliance seemed to be less supportive of me and more weary of my contributions. So, I went with Alex & Lynette who I also aligned with at the beginning. Jojo was also kinda part of this side for an unfortunate brief time. Our bond was created right before he got evicted. Anyways, although this choice wasn't necessarily public knowledge, this decision greatly impacted the game. I don't know if Alex would be here if I wouldn't have gravitated towards them. As the game went on, I tried to make sure that I maintained a certain level of loyalty to my primary alliance as well so I could argue that I am a loyal player in the end. From Sam's eviction onwards, my outlook and strategy was changed to 1.) survive no matter what (meaning avoiding the block at all costs) and 2.) being loyal to those I truly trusted. I had to make sure that the people around me knew that they could trust me and depend on me. The others that I was drifting away from (JB, Jeremy, and Wyatt) became my new targets although I was still trying to make it seem like I was on their side. And, JB, Jeremy, and Wyatt were consecutively evicted. :) (of course, after Lynette was) My policy of surviving and maintaining a level of loyalty to those I trusted was my primary strategy for the rest of the game and especially including my last decision of taking Alex to the end.
3305 days 22 hours ago
Well people, this is what I have been trying for so long to do, make it to the Final 2 in one of these Expect the Unexpected seasons. For those of you who don’t already know my past in this game has been based off of being in weak alliances. In my first season (Season 9) I created a weak alliance of 6 that evicted me during a double eviction that I was unable to attend. Last season was just a mess, I made an alliance with debatably some of the weakest physical players in the game (Love you Danielle, but we sucked!) So coming into this All Stars season, I knew I needed to make an alliance or alliances with people I knew I could trust. From the start of the game I had only made an official alliances with Austin, Jeremy, Lynette, and JoJo, however I had deals with just about everyone. Going into the first week I had been approached by JoJo to throw the competition since I was partners with Lynette, and if I did I would be safe had they won HOH. I know JoJo and I know he tries hard in competitions so I decided to throw the competition to guarantee my safety. Going into the veto, I really wanted to win because in my previous seasons, I didn’t win many competitions until it was too late to remove the floater label. I won the first week Power of Veto and at the time I thought it was a mistake. Power of Veto is debatably the most powerful player of the week on Big Brother, but with the twist this year, I could have ended up screwing myself. I was the first one to learnt hat not only are the nominees down your throat about using the veto, but so is the HOH. I thought it was better for my game to not use the veto. I then tried my hardest to get Mike to stay in the game because for some reason I felt as if I could really get along with him in the game. I had also told Adam I saved him just so regardless of what happened, I would be in a good position, because I knew the vote was close. After Mike was evicted I suddenly found myself in a great position. Not only did Adam think I saved him, but I also hadn’t ruffled anyones feathers. I decided from that point on that regardless of my vote, that I would tell each final nominee that I was going to save them, regardless of if I truly was. During week 2 I made an alliance between myself Austin and Lynette which turned into a very strong trio. I used my strategy to kind of lay low until jury and not ruffle any feathers and stay good with the nominees all the way up until Jeremy and Nick were nominated. I had been so close with both of them and I knew I had to go against someone, however Nick seemed to be the better option to save at the time. When Jeremy ended up staying he questioned my vote (rightfully so) and I realized from that point on that I had to ditch my original strategy and start playing the game at a whole different angle. At the final 7 it was myself, Austin, Andell, Wyatt, JB, Jeremy, and Lynette. I analyzed every single alliance at that point and took a night to think about which moves I needed to make and precisely when to do them to make it to the end. JB and Wyatt were clearly close in my eyes. And myself Lynette and Austin were pretty close but when I saw Andell won HOH I knew I was going up. I knew that this was the first competition of my return that I needed to try my hardest to actually pull out a win. I pulled out the win and saved myself, but I knew it was going to be the week that Lynette was going to go because our alliance just couldn’t pull off the votes. That was the point when I started bringing Jeremy and Austin close together. I knew that these two allies would be a great shield for me but also a great way for myself to be safe for weeks to come. When JB left and Jeremy was going in an eviction vote, I had to go against Austin and save him. I had already made a mistake by evicting Jeremy earlier on in the game and I thought it was only fair to try to keep him. When Austin evicted him I knew it may put a strain in our relationship so I brought Austin closer to m
3305 days 22 hours ago
so I brought Austin closer to me even more even though I noticed he was getting closer with Andell. Well all is fair in Love and Big Brother. I started getting closer with Wyatt in final 5 incase anything had happened. Well Austin used the veto on me in the final 4 so I let him make the vote since he saved me which meant I had to evict Wyatt, and as I saw it playing out, Austin was going to win the final HOH. I decided I had to ensure me and Austin were safe so we solidified our final 2 and now here we are! This was more of just a description and summary of my game! My official speech will be tomorrow where I have a lot more to say so please do not base your vote off of this! If you have any questions I would be delighted to answer! Thanks for a great season everyone!
3305 days 22 hours ago
Well Nick as I said in my speech, I thought long and hard about what strategy to use coming into this game, I had to use my past experience and go against what I did in those seasons, because I obviously failed to pull out a win. I noticed that I had always picked shitty allies in the past, so this time around not only was I going to pick allies that I trusted, but allies that I thought were strong and would be taken out before me, had our alliance gone under attack. That is why I aligned with Jeremy, Austin, Lynette, and JoJo! All were seen as threats bigger than myself in the game, so I knew I had a shield for weeks to come. Surprisingly I didn't need to edit this strategy much, other than changing who was in what alliance around due to evictions. However another strategy I knew I had to go for was not being seen as a floater. Like you, in my previous season I came so close in several challenges yet wasn't able to pull out a win, so I was viewed as a floater, which I hate because regardless of how you play the game, you don't float, you work your ass off for it! So I was dedicated to win a challenge or two pre jury. HOWEVER When the Power of Veto twist was revealed, I didn't want to get an HOH because in the end, they could end up only choosing one nominee! I decided to work my ass off in the power of vetoes so I won the first one which was great, however I knew I couldn't win any more anytime soon because then I would be seen as a threat. Due to the twist and how things played out I had to wait until jury to try hard again at winning competitions. Now the last strategy that I really had to change was the one I made after the first week about telling each final nominee that I saved them. It worked great up until your eviction. As you know I saved you because I saw a better future of my game with you in it. However that meant backstabbing Jeremy, who I have been friends with since I joined Tengaged, its All Stars though so you have to make big moves, I had to lie to him but I could tell he questioned me, so from that point forward I could no longer lie about my vote! Sorry if I rambled but that was a great question haha and I needed to be able to answer with all of my thoughts! Thanks for making this such a great season man!
3305 days 22 hours ago
Austin - You made it your mission to align yourself with everyone. Literally, every. single. person. was an ally with you at some point in this game. I find it very hard for you to say that you are loyal to everyone that is loyal to you. In TWO seasons, I have been loyal to you, never once stabbing you in the back, when you have stabbed me in the back twice. I feel like you got a ton of gimme's in this game. You just kept on making things more difficult for yourself. You aligned with everyone in the house, exposed our alliance to someone heading out the door for no reason, picked the alliance that was worse numbers-wise, and you failed to get out your biggest threat in your most critical HOH week. You did a few solid things however. Getting me and Jeremy out were smart moves, because the jury saw us as potential winners. I'll give you that. You also won comps, a lot of them. But, here's the one problem. You were in the final four with two people who really had no chance of winning, Wyatt & Andell, who won a combined one competition the entire season. You still made it here, but you chose a much tougher road, and in my book, it doesn't deserve praise. You played a helluva game, but there were times where your game could have been much easier. Taking Alex to the end may cost you, and considering you took a goat last season to the end, your point of "keeping loyalty" is not valid in my book, especially when there were people that kept their loyalty to you the entire game. You said nobody put you up, because everyone was loyal to you, and to say that you kept your loyalty to everyone that was loyal to you is the biggest load of crap I've heard all season.

Actually, I wasn't aligned with every single person. I was never officially aligned with Mike, Steven, or Adam. And, I'd like to clarify "loyal to everyone that is loyal to me" because it obviously isn't true. I wasn't loyal to you, Jeremy, or Wyatt by betraying you guys. I didn't actually look over my raw speech because I really wanted to send a raw message of how I felt on the game. What I was getting at by that message is that it was always my intention to be loyal to those that were loyal to me. And, I was honestly loyal to everyone I aligned with besides our original alliance. I never backstabbed Lynette, Alex, Jojo, or Nick in any way. But, those circumstances were changed when Sam revealed our alliance. I don't think I explained well yet why I told Sam about the alliance so I'll explain that. I told Sam about the alliance because me and Sam have drifted away from each other outside of this game and I really just wanted to be completely honest about what was going on during his way out. I never anticipated that he would reveal it to the public. It was not a great move of mine, but it did change the entire rest of the game up. My alliance with you guys was much more fragile, so I decided to position myself with Lynette & Alex who I was also aligned with at the beginning of the game in favor of you guys. I wasn't actually going to go after you guys until I realized that you'd likely go after me soon if I didn't go after you guys. I did make things difficult for myself, but I didn't feel like you guys would trust me the same amount if I explained why I told Sam about our alliance. I certainly wouldn't have trusted me if I were in your shoes. So, I moved over to Lynette & Alex. I never intended on picking sides that early in the game. If there is anything I missed on that point of the game, let me know.  At final four and really final three as well, I wanted to prove to everyone and especially to some of the juror members (like you and Jeremy) that I was loyal to the people that I was closest to. I wanted to make up for what happened after Sam's eviction. I knew that it obviously wouldn't be an easy road to winning the game by taking Alex to the end. But, it would potentially make up for the damage I incidentally caused with our initial
3305 days 22 hours ago
alliance. It was never ever my intention to betray anyone. I tried to be loyal to those who were loyal to me. Under the circumstances that changed the game for me, I just felt that you guys would never be loyal on the same level that you were before and that is the reason why I broke the loyalty.
3305 days 22 hours ago
So, I gtg for now. All other questions will be asked after 3:00 pm EST tomorrow! And, don't worry - all of the questions will be answered. I strongly urge you to wait to make your final decision until you know everything that happened. There are still a lot of surprising things that haven't been touched upon yet. ;)
3305 days 22 hours ago
HEY JB! Thank you for the question, and I hope I answer it half as good as you asked it haha! First of all I would like to say I love your description of the "Dark Horse" I have been trying to think of a way to describe my game this season, and I feel as if that is the word I have been looking for. Yeah I didn't pull out as many wins as Austin, and yeah I was a final nominee one more time than he was, but I don't think that means I played any worse of a game (especially considering the fact that to win the majority of these challenges all you need is quick service and recorded facts about the season). I worked my ass off to make Austin feel like the Jury would not want to vote for him if he wasn't loyal to me because I made the jury seem like they were all focused on loyalty because I knew he had to have some doubt running through his head. That was one time where I lied for a reason in this game, along with many others. When I lied to you about your eviction, I actually feel as if part of it was a relevant lie whereas part of it wasn't. When the vote first occurred I didn't know who I was going to save between you and Wyatt, and you had asked what I was going to do and so was Wyatt and since I didn't know I felt as if I had to lie just so I could have some space to think on my own without having you guys try to persuade me with some deals or lies if that makes sense. I wanted to go off of my instinct with my vote rather than create more deals. Unlike it may seem my alliance with Austin wasn't always on the same page with the votes, so although he may have knew right away that he was going to evict you, I didn't! As I said in my speech I aligned myself with big targets in the game, and although we weren't aligned I was close with you and you were a big target. I knew if you had stayed in the game it would've resulted in a deal, and that would've meant I would have been in the final 5 with you, Austin, Jeremy, and Andell. That was when I realized bringing you to the final 5 would've meant having too many threats in the game with too little time, or moves to be able to get myself a winning shot in the finale. I decided on your eviction a few minutes before it happened and I knew I couldn't be completely honest about it at the time because it would resulted in an explosion. I do appreciate that you aren't bitter though, and I understand what you mean when you say you are frustrated because I was in the same situation last season where I was evicted and I wasn't bitter but wanted to know why certain things happened! Thank you for the question, and I hope I answered it to your satisfaction!
3305 days 22 hours ago
I've decided who I'm voting for. All I'm gonna say is that one of you made a HUGE mistake and it lost my vote.

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