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Topic » Confessionals

2488 days 6 hours ago
I got lazy and didnt update because I didnt have wifi either!
2486 days 8 hours ago
This will be updated tonight!
2486 days 2 hours ago
Day 22:
2486 days 2 hours ago
Eve (Falconbait26)
I feel accomplished. I've made merge. But I don't wanna stop here obviously, hope to make it far in this game
2486 days 2 hours ago
Armanti (it1002)
Here we are after 21 days with more people in the house than we started with. That's just... amazing. Everyone's game basically just got reset and now new alliances will be created, new enemies will be made, and new bonds will form, but trust me, the old ones aren't done with the house just yet. There's lots of tension on our side,  but who knows what went down on theirs. I just have to find those cracks and get in, so that if they do come to power, I'm not in their line of sight. As I'm typing, I'm already talking with people from the other house, so the game is starting off quick. Hopefully, I can handle it. I don't think I'm gonna go for this next HoH, because this is a brand new game, and I don't wanna come off looking like a target. Right now, I'm focused on making some stronger bonds than what I had before and make some new bonds to take me farther in the game. 12 down, 15 to go
2486 days 2 hours ago
Christian (FloatingToaster)
btw can i do the HOH and redue it later if i have to? anyway this is crazy. i know know from nick then david is after me. so im gonna try to win this to seal his fate. i dont trust connor but we need eachother right now. their are a lot of friendly people on the other side for now. im (as of right now) allies with fire,nick,kevin, and kgamer. im told david that i would put up connor if i won HOH in hopes that he gives me bracelets. and so i doesn't snich me out i already told connor what im doing. tyler is a close allie now but i still dont know if he's working with david so i need david out this week. also nick promised me that he would put david up if he was HOH which is weird but ill take it. this isnt offical but i choose to give my bracelets to 3 nick, 1,kgamer,1fire
2486 days 2 hours ago
Day 23:
2486 days 2 hours ago
Kashton (Blatastic1234)

So I just sent out the mail informing House 2 of how everyone except for me is with Kevin and Nick in some shape or form. I did this for two reasons.

1. To paint a massive target on Kevin and Nick.

2. To show me as the victim and someone open to alliances. Now House 2 will hopefully come to me and offer me an alliance or something so then I am safe with them and they will be gunning for Kevin and Nick that they won't have time to come for me.

I'm hoping to start a war between two houses, one I can just slide by.

There is one thing I am worried about, the fact that we didn't just move into a new house. I thought it would be like hey here is a new group, go join. Instead they come here and can see everything I have said, not good.
So I have David offering me an alliance, Tyler offering me somewhat of an alliance, Christian offering a deal. So I'm trying to bank on this and do whatever I can to gain their trust. David told me that their house wasn't as black and white as mine. That they were all over the place, lies everywhere, etc. So that is good, it means I have a chance at surviving with them if we take out all of house 1. But if we take out all of house 2 then I'm fucked cause Kevin and Nick basically are with everyone in some manner except for me.
Goal right now is to keep throwing targets on house 1 and get them gone.
HAHAHAHAHAHA HA! So Kevin or Nick did not win the H.O.H and I am elated. Christian did make a deal with me that 1 of his nominations would be either Nick or Kevin if I gave him a majority of my bracelets. Did I believe him? maybe like 25% but who else was I gonna hand those bracelets too?

But this comp told me a lot.

1. David lied. He said he was an outcast, no one liked him, etc. Yet he made it to the top 4 of a popularity competition.

2. Nick is more favoured then Kevin.

3. Connor, Christian, David, and Nick are the bigger targets in this game.

I have Connor playing house with me, Christian and I are getting closer, David and I are talking so 3/4 of the huge fish in the game I am getting close with which means good things for me.

Now I need to provoke Nick and Kevin. If I can bug them and have them double tea me again it shows the house even more that they are a duo and could incline Christian to place up both of them.
2486 days 2 hours ago
Nick (Nick9811)
Kashton needs to shut the hell up. He's so god damn annoying. Good thing I've already shit on his game to half of house 2. Other than that I THINK I'll be good this week. Christian and I were talking yesterday and we linked up pretty quickly so I'm hoping even if Kashton stays this week that I'll be safe too. I'm not going to force Christian to put up my target, that wouldn't be fair
2486 days 2 hours ago
Hmm, seeing Christian get 19 bracelets is really.. interesting. It could be a HUGE coincidence he has over 10 votes, or could be a sign he's not trustworthy.  Won't jump to conclusions yet
2486 days 2 hours ago
Armanti (it1002)
Awesome HoH turn out. From the results, it looks like I at least I have a few friends, and one of the five people I gave a friendship bracelet to ended up winning. Not to mention, the five people I gave bracelets to ended up being the five who got the most bracelets. Talk about good judge of character. I've had some good conversations with Christian so I feel fairly safe, but you never know in this house. A lot of people seem to be very sketched by him winning and having so many bracelets, which now that I think about is really sketchy, because that probably means he made a lot of deals and offers that he won't keep. So now I have to be a bit wary of him going forward. I have no idea what his plan is, but I hope I'm not part of it. Right now, I want to form a group to make some solid alliances and make it far in this game. I really like Connor so he's gonna be the first person to approach but from there, Idk. I also have Brian as an ally, who is partly connected to Nick whom I've previously worked with, and David, whom I made a new connection with. I told you I was gonna start playing following merge, so here we go.
2486 days 2 hours ago
Kashton :
My god XD I do not know where Tony came from, if he was ever actually in this alliance, what was happening but he just said that he was in this alliance and that everything I am saying is correct and, omg, I am laughing so hard right now because that is going to be the nail in Kevin and Nick's coffin.
This is basically how their post-merge is going
2486 days 2 hours ago
Ooh damnnnn at this tea in the backyard. House 1 is a hot mess compared to house 2, we secretive and got it together, they need help lol. I'm living for it
2486 days 2 hours ago
Day 24:
2486 days 2 hours ago
I literally didn't talk to a single person other than nick and Christian about the comp and that was them begging me for bracelets so the fact that I got 7 is actually fucking hysterical. It's kinda good for me because that reassures me that there's at least a couple people who feel safe with me but I also didn't win which is great since this is basically a whole new game and winning hoh at the beginning usually doesn't go well.

      As for Christian winning I'm not even that upset cause I'm ready to see if his whole spew about not trusting Connor anymore is true or not and if I do go up I think I can find the votes to stay so it's more of an experiment with him being hoh. Connor is shaking in his boots so that makes me think maybe this feud actually does exist and I turned my two biggest enemies against each other but until I'm safe and Connor is on the block I'm not gonna believe it for half a second.

      Even if the Connor Christian thing is real its only good for a few weeks cause once Connor leaves Christian is going to go straight back to targeting me so really if he does get Connor out all it is for me is a one week buffer for me to get some people on my side. That is however if I can't manage to save Connor this week ;) ig Connor ends up going up as the backdoor I want him staying cause that means he's not gonna target me anymore and Christian will still be occupied so their annoying shit they pulled last week on me will be directed at each other while I build some relationships with everyone. This whole plan obviously rests on the fact that they're actually mad at each other so take it with a grain of salt.

      If the house 2 drama wasn't enough we've got even juicier shit over with house 1. For some reason everyone hates kashton and wants him out so my goal is to keep kashton in so hell not only be a distraction from targeting me but hell also be great to helo take out house 1 since it seems the two houses really are stuck as if the merge never occurred and won't target the other house. So really at the moment my plan is to fall back under the radar but this time keep up better relationships with everyone so I don't have another situation like the double eviction happen again

Cast assessments coming later/tomorrow :)
2486 days 2 hours ago
Christian (FloatingToaster)
OMG I CANT BELIEVE I WON! it sucks that 19 BRACELETS WERE GIVEN TO ME. that puts such a target on my back. I really wasn't expecting that. But at the same time it shows I can trust a lot more people then I expected A lot of people like more for some reason. But I can't screw this HOH up. I NEED to backdoor David. He's hardcore throwing my name out there. But I need the pov to be in the right hands. And I need noms that won't be hurt if I put them up as pawns... I'm stressing. This is a huge move. And I know he's gonna try to ruin my game once I put him up but knowing that all these people support me give me comfort. I hope its not another week where everything goes good until the eviction...

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