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S8 Melanesia - Blood vs. Water [Confessionals]

Topic » S8 Melanesia - Blood vs. Water..

1800 days 14 hours ago
Yandere (Yandereboy12) Confessional EP:2

So ty got voted out in the messiest tribal I've ever been too oof and I voted harry lmao I don't know who he is and I wanted to cause drama cause why the fuck not!? Anyways I think people suspect its me and I mighteve lost trust so I may need to fight but that's OK and Adam is out meh
1800 days 14 hours ago
Josh (Joshbb17) Confessional EP:2

Surviving tribal council was great. To be honest, I thought that if my name appeared at tribal for sure I was doomed because I hadn’t heard anything other than Ty’s name all day.

I know I’m not in the best spot, but I’m chipping away and hopefully earning trust. So far my inner demons haven’t come out and I haven’t had to lie through my teeth and throw anyone under the bus just to escape a vote. I’m nice josh right now, perhaps not entertaining, but I came to win, not be this big character.

So my position sucks, more so I feel because of just past relationships, people feel I’m untrustworthy, or just don’t know me. Hamlet once said, god gives us one face, and we must make ourselves another. This is a great metaphor to my game and I’ve got to be the author of my own fate, I may have been dealt a bad hand, but I can work with it.

So far, in my opinion, Patrick is in the best position. He’s likable, good socially, and I don’t think his name will come up any time soon. I’m trying to sell myself and be his sidekick—-hopefully. Harry as well. I figure they are together. I want to work with gamers as typically they are rational and will understand when someone needs them.

Me and Logan built a good bond based off of last vote and us almost going home. He revealed to me he had the idol and I told him I had it too. Not a big deal to say, as it’s a 50/50 chance to have it. But I hope that relationship can carry me far.

If I was to gun for anyone next, it would be Ryan. Logan dislikes him, and he doesn’t fit in any of my plans.
1800 days 14 hours ago
Patrick (Pokepat) Confessional EP:2

Hello viewers of the BigBen's Survivor Viewers Lounge! I have returned back to this series for my third playthrough. Time to ruin my 4th place average placement! But seriously, I do enjoy playing this series and I don't think this is going to disappoint.

This cast has a lot of history with each other for some reason, and it's a really interesting dynamic to watch. I've already seen the chaos unfold in this first tribal, and it's a miracle no idols have been played. I think Harry and I have solidified ourselves into being the "middle men" of the tribe, with possible allies of Ryan/Anthony or the other side of Logan/Josh/Yandere, with me being unsure of where Nicky/Stoner/Seth stand. I believe that Nicky and Seth are more pro-ryan, while stoner is more caring of where I will go. Ryan and Anthony are strong players, but they're very shady and I don't know if I want to play with them.

On top of that, they have a lot of enemies and one of their enemies, Tashi, is my partner. So it would be in my best interest to team up with logan/josh/yandere and hope that stoner follows Harry and I. Obviously this game has worked out really well in my favor in the start because Ben casted three of my bffs for this game. My partner, Tashi, and the duo of Harry and Tina(Purple). We've already set in place a final four and even though this tribal was a little crazy, I think both pairs have settled into a good place in our respective tribes.

But now we have to play the middle of both sides, and that's a dangerous road to play. We're going to make some enemies, and I have to let go off that guilty feeling and focus on how to set my alliance up for an easier path to the end. My plan, if we go to tribal council, is to blindside Anthony. Tashi gave me vital information that Anthony has the idol, and frankly, I think everyone believes that Ryan would be the biggest target and if anyone were to be expected to get votes, it would be him. That makes Anthony the perfect person to blindside.

Unfortunately, pulling off a blindside on Anthony isn't as easy as I would wish for. Harry thinks that he can trust Anthony, and even if we can, I feel like Anthony could become a really dangerous player and I'd rather he not reunite with his partner in the game. I MIGHT be turning my game into overdrive here, but I feel like it's going to be a necessary choice in this game if we don't want to be torn apart in the game.

Anyways those are just my thoughts right now! Anything could and probably will change.
1800 days 14 hours ago
Stoner (Gaiaphagee) Confessional EP:2
1800 days 14 hours ago
Mearl (Mearl) Confessional EP:2

Confessional:  So far so good. I wasn’t sure how that first vote was going to go. There are so many idols out there that being idol sniped is a real possibility at any moment, blindsides will be super important...   Which brings me to my alliance.. the Loudspeakers. We don’t actually have a name but that’s what it should be because it seemed Everyone knew our plan last time and yet it still somehow panned out.   Corey started the alliance and included me, though we hadn’t spoken. Also included is Leanna Tina and tashi. That gave us a majority 5 out of 11.... wait a second that math doesn’t add up. Who the hell leaves an alliance intentionally one short of majority? So let’s say I was a little skeptical about that group and especially Corey.  I heard that Tashi was another target. My partner Stoner told me to be careful of Tashi so now Tashi has become my number one ally on this tribe, naturally. However when the votes came in it turns out that the majority of votes ended in Math. The whole majority of 5.... well shit I guess that actually worked???  Anyways, there has been a common group of people that seem to want to work together so I’m gonna hitch my wagon on that group. We have a core alliance of myself tashi Tina Dakota and latisha; latisha is being considered to be added to the other alliance to give us an actual, real, mathematical majority of 6.   So that’s 7 votes i should be able to help steer versus 3 I can’t. Tyler, X and Sharon are on the outs so maybe we can take them out one by one.
1800 days 14 hours ago
1800 days 14 hours ago
Logan (lhooper902976) Confessional EP:3

So somehow I survived that crazy first tribal which was a great relief since no returnee ever wants to be the first returnee out. Before that crazy thing happened Josh and I became allies, like why are these people going to me, I'm through with being a villain and they literally are trying to set me up to backstab and betray.

Anyways our tribe flopped at the immunity challenge since the other tribe was super active . I knew my neck was on the chopping block for passing it to Barbra when the person I havr blocked on skype quit the game. Honestly I do feel bad for him a bit since I know the why. Will's Survivor All Stars he got swap tribe idoled screw when that happened not too long before tribal that no one changed their votes. That isil cancelled 7 votes and only 3 votes were valid, a self vote and 2 votes him so I know he is angry and left other games as well.
Thanks to him tribal was cancelled so thank you Ryan, even though he probably still would've left anyways since he was one of the targets at tribal.

Now all I got to worry about is Nicky and psycho X who's trying to get me out using anything, even bullying like he tried to yesterday.  Well I have news for X, I was a bully victim in preschool and it ended with me leaving preschool early and going to real school with just 90 days left in the year to give me a fresh start. Now all these years later I'm not letting anyone bring me down to their level, I'm the protector of the weak and helpless and I will not be a victim.
1800 days 14 hours ago
Josh (Joshbb17) Confessional EP:3

Ryan quitting is honestly great for my game, never planned to work with him, and I am one placement forward.

I’d love a tribe swap. I need the game to be shaken and have new relationships tested. I am kind of a lone wolf in the game, I don’t have many friends, a few allies, but I’ve become more and more skeptical that I’m expendable and not a priority in anyone’s plans, except for Logan.

How is it day 4 and I’m not in any alliances, I tried pitching it to Harry, Patrick, Logan, yandere, Anthony, stoner. They all game me zip, nothing. All of em are scared to mention who they want to work with, who is bad news. They gave a lot; yet give nothing. I’ve been very open to these people

I’m just looking for one honest player to tell me their true thoughts and for us to strategize and game with. Trust is hard to find.

Every day is a new day
Patrick (Pokepat) Confessional EP:3
I have figured out the votes. or at least i think
Josh: Anthony, Ryan
Logan: Nicky, Ty
Harry: Seth
Ty: Stoner, Josh, Harry, Me, Yandere, Logan

So anyways i got that settled so i move into phase B and before I can get things rolling towards Anthony’s elimination, Ryan walks. I do feel bad for him but this actually helps my game because it frees Anthony who then in turn clings to harry and myself. Right now we could be looking at a Seth vote out next round. Potentially...

I have good ties with a lot of my tribe members so I’m still weighing my options. I need to figure out who I want to work with fast or else this ship will sink. I’m running out of things to talk about, so let’s end this here.
1800 days 14 hours ago
Sharon (SharonMaltems) Confessional EP:3

confessional: ryan really walked from the game.. like why?
1800 days 14 hours ago
Yandere (Yandereboy12) Confessional EP:3

So I'm a dumb ass didn't realize Ryan quit till Ben told me and it seems like I'm the only vet at the challenge ;-; prey for a tribe swap soon from this messy vets tribe cause I already know I'm on the outs xD
1800 days 13 hours ago
Patrick (Pokepat) Confessional EP:3

CONFESSIONAL:  Our tribe is a flipping mess. I mean, people hate each other and have each other blocked. It’s a madhouse up in here, and I’m navigating the waters. Unfortunately for me tonight, Harry is being targeted and I have to come in for the rescue. I know that Seth is a strong strategist; however, I have the social connections with people to sway them to vote Seth out of this game. It’s bittersweet because I hate having people mad at me when I like them, but then again I just get guilty at everything I do. So I have to push my guilt aside and go emotionless and figure this out.
1800 days 13 hours ago
Logan (lhooper902976) Confessional EP:3

So apparently us Vets either just are plain bad at challenges or we picked our own poison and have strong blood.

Me and Yandere were the only vets to show up and the rookies demolished us since me and Yandere suck at phrase speed challenges. As muchas we both sucked, we deserve to be immune since we actually showed up to the immunity challenge on time.
The plan tonight is simple. Harry wants  Seth aka Barbra out while Seth aka Barbra wants Harry out so we need one of them out.  However since we got tje idol business, it's my job tonight to throw my vote if both play their idol and I'm throwing it on Nicky since I need them gone.
1800 days 13 hours ago
Patrick (Pokepat) Confessional EP:3


This vote is getting really hectic, but I've managed to calm the crowd and get everyone to do what needs to be done. Hopefully, if no idols get played tonight, Seth goes home and I deal with Anthony/Nicky being mad at me.

During this round, I have managed to get Logan to trust me and for him to tell me he has the idol, while I lie to him and say that Tashi has the idol. Hopefully this doesn't bite Tashi in the butt; however, I had to give him an answer and that's what I came up with.

I really have put my faith in Logan that he stays true to me and doesn't turn against me. I told him an alliance was made and that hopefully him/me/josh/harry/yandere would vote Seth and that'd be it. Logan is sneaky, so let's hope he's sneaky for me and not against me. I really can't tell with Logan. I don't get any vibes from him.

I do get vibes, however, from Chris. Chris is also wanting to vote out Seth and we both have weighed our options and we have chosen Seth, fortunately. Chris and I know that we'd rather go with the weaker players because there won't be a huge clash of power like there could be in the alliance Nicky made.

Really I'm acting like I am weighing my options, but I go into every conversation knowing what I want to come out with and it's worked to my favor so far. I'm playing to win this season - know that.
1800 days 13 hours ago
Josh (Joshbb17) Confessional EP:3

Not sure what’s going down this tribal

For as far as I know it was between barb and harry

Just talked to Anthony and he says he’s voting Logan. With such a short deadline do I tell Logan this info and have him use his idol?

Don’t want him to waste it, I may let nature run it’s course and take that risk

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