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Final Tribal Council

Topic » Final Tribal Council

2802 days 21 hours ago
Fred: I never saw much of you in the game until Kolby and I approached you pre-merge to use you as a number for a vote, can you please explain what you did post-merge as a solo player since I was evicted for most of the merge?

AJ: We were working together since day 1, and at the beginning, I was more loyal to Pika and Kolby, but then as I sensed doubt, I began to trust you more and you were my number 1 ally. Please explain how you bounced back and what strategic techniques you used to get to the f2. And this is not a personal question, just wondering why strategically: why didn't you tell me you had an idol? I had a gut feeling I was going and we could've arranged something.
2802 days 20 hours ago
The Millenials suck! They got rid of their smartest member instead of the hoe!
2802 days 15 hours ago
Give me a few minutes to make my speech and answer the questions!
2802 days 13 hours ago
I am probably the only swedish on this site that plays survivor group games, being a veteran group gamer since 2011, I have had a goal/dream and that is to actually win a survivor group game, I have made it to the finals or been cut short due to being a threat, and I have been given the early boot just because of my old experiences and aggressiv/strategic gameplay. I got casted for this season when I just had been voted out in a few other games, I realized that I need to calm down because I more than anything wanted my first win. I started to work with Nick, Liam and MC back in day 1 and we had a solid alliance taking out inactives. The tribe swap was bit different since I ended up in my tribe with none of my alliance members, I was a target in that swap-period and my only chance to survive was to work with Pug and Ryan, I almost went home but Harleyquinn took that attention off me and I managed to take her out with Billy and Pug and later make the merge.

Merge- I came to merge and realized that I need to hold my aggressiv gameplay and still be calm, I tried to talk to Pug, Liam and Snick but didn't get the signals I wanted so I gave 100 % to win the first immunity challenge and make sure that I am safe and get adapted to the merge, I lost it but I won the second immunity challenge and was safe. Me, Nick and Liam decide to make a final 3 deal in f9, I started to get a good connection to AJ and convinced Liam and Nick to bring AJ in and make a final 4 to take over the game (this was when I started to play hard since I had a solid alliance). Nick suggested to bring Billy in and make it 5, us 5 talked about taking Kolby out and everything was good, then Kolby told us that Ryan told him our plan but he didn't believe him (thank god lol) so we all agreed to take Ryan out, I was afraid that Kolby would find the truth and target me. That is also why we took Kolby out in final 8. Final 7 was intresting since tried to make my biggest move. Me, Liam, AJ and Nick planned to take Pika out and Pika+MC wanted Liam out (Nick had immunity), me and Aj decided to side up with Pika and MC since Nick did not trust me when I tried to help him and Liam to understand that Liam is in risk, and they didn't tell me about the idol, Liam played it and took Pika out, I was still okay with it because we were still 3 against 2, and that was when me, MC and AJ decide to go to the f3 together, voting with Liam and Nick would be risky since they didn't trust me and I didn't want to risk ties when they botg would be safe. Me and Aj was mostly in the middle since Nick+Aj was tight and MC+Pika was tight. In final 5 we decided to take Liam out but I got left behind since I were the only one that voted for him and MC went home. I was nervous since I had a feeling that Nick and Liam would convince Aj to take me out but me and AJ decided to stick to our plan, I actually liked Liam but there was no point to save him when Nick wanted him gone too and he was a huge challenge competitor (respect!). It was now final 3 and I could feel the finals, my plan was to win it and decide who take with me, I gave my all to the challenge even if it was late in Sweden and I had school but I won it and now I am here lol, I decide to bring AJ since we had a deal and I think that Nick played a better game than me and I really want to win it so I decided to stick to my deal and have a fairplay final with him. Also creeds to Aj, I am not going to throw dirt to him since he deserves this to, may the best man win.

This was a really hard game and I think that everyone had a huge role in this game no matter what. I honoured to be in this final when we had strong players like Nick, Liam, MC, Pika and Pug (kolby), and Ryan mixed the game up good so it was really hard to make it all the way, I thought that I was going hom back in final 10 lol, thank you to you all and I will soon start to answer the questions!
2802 days 13 hours ago
Also sorry for the bad spellings, I am on my phone and in school and I am trying to get better with my english grammar :P
2802 days 11 hours ago
Remember jury votes due by Saturday!
2802 days 10 hours ago
Fred- What was your best move in this game? My best move was to join you guys and take AJ with me to make us 4 and take Ryan and Kolby out (2 people that could hurt my gameplay if the real plans came out since I wanted to keep a low profile) and later join up with MC and Pika when they needed 2 people to have the numbers the other way because with that I managed to get people out from both of the alliances since me and AJ was in the middle and that was the only way to make sure that us both could make the finals.

Both- What makes you deserving to be the winner of this game?  I gave my heart and soul to this game and I actually worked really hard to get a solid position in the merge, I started from the bottom in the merge with no allies to being in a good spot with 2 of the main alliances in top 6. I played a social, physical and startegic game at the same time. The social aspect I used was to talk with everyone and make sure that no one would like to see me as a potential target. The physical part is the reason that I am here but I could cost me the game too since I showed people that I can win challenges but I was lucky that you where better than me at challenges lol. I gave 100% and won the final immunity and made the finals and my strategic side was that I didn't sheep for anyone, I always had this on my mind "what move will take me to the finals" and that is why I worked to stay in the middle and pick out people from both sides. I worked hard and managed to make it here even if went trough bumby rides, just to survive that tribeswap and not having anyone to trust in final 10 is a huge part for me.
2802 days 8 hours ago
1. What were your highest and lowest points in the game- My highest point was to take Kolby out and make sure that me and AJ would be tie-breakers in the future and that was the case when both alliances targeted eachother and we could just pick what way to go. Another high point was to win the final immunity and go to the finals and also pick who to bring with me.
My lowest point was to not be careful since we almost screwed our plan when it got leaked at final 8 and we had to vote Billy out instead.
2. if you were to switch the person next to you in f2 out and replace him whom would it be if anyone? I am actually thinking about 3 people but in different aspects- With emotions: I would say Liam since he really gave it all in the challenges and he played a clean game. With justice: I would say Pika since he got idoled out and he could make it far and was a good player. With brain: I would say MC since I liked him and we had a good connection and my plan was to continue my road with him and AJ but our plan didn't work in tribal.
Also: I would like to sit at the f2 with Nick but I would have a 0 chance since he played the best strategic game in my opinion
2802 days 8 hours ago
Fred: Which social connections in the game could you trust the most to bring you the furthest? Well I had a bumpy road with no allies that I could fully trust untill the final 8 and that was the alliance I went with till final 6 but I always decided to trust myself because if not trusting yourself; you will get paranoid and get voted out. I also had AJ to ride in the middle with but I have always had trust issues and it was a huge challenge to actually trust people this season but this was actually a great season where I connected with everyone.
2802 days 8 hours ago
Also with Billy* I meant Ryan lmao.. my head is working in 110% right now
2802 days 8 hours ago
1. If you had to compare your gameplay this season to someone from any season of real life Survivor, who would it be? I would say a mix of Spencer and Tony since I played a smart game like spencer and I made moves but I wasn't standing in center and screaming "it was my move!!" and I started to get louder at final 7 when I felt more comfortable in my position, I fought hard to get a hard position like Spencer and I played the game hard like Tony but still not loud like him, I had 1 allie that I stayed true to and took to final 2 and that was AJ, bit like Tony and Woo.

2. Based on their chances of winning had they gotten to the finals, rank the jurors from least likely to most likely to win (assuming that you are the other one in the final 2)
Likely to win
Least to win
2802 days 7 hours ago
Fred: I never saw much of you in the game until Kolby and I approached you pre-merge to use you as a number for a vote, can you please explain what you did post-merge as a solo player since I was evicted for most of the merge? - I wrote my speech late so I included your question and made my merge analyze more detailed but ask me if there is anything more you want to know :)
2802 days 4 hours ago
i dont know what to ask you cause i think everything is over the table and i have enough stuff to decide the winner of the season, i just need to re-reed everything to make sure im doing the right decission

gl luck to the both of you

im really pleassure to you ferdinand for knowing at least what was going on in bitom haha
i didnt knew that leaving the shadows and expose myself were my execution reason

aj what you have in advantage against ferdinand its that i dont really know you in a bad way as the bitom members

even that i have to said im not a bitter jury and i have cero hard feelings haha
that what i wrote in my last day here just was like my last breath here to try to be saved again, nothing wrong with anybody haha

GL to the both of you, im delivering!
2802 days 4 hours ago
Fred, when you ranked Nick's question for the players most likely to win, you put Kolby one place higher than me. I made the move of exposing the plan and would've had the numbers to destroy the plan but Kolby made the MISTAKE of not believing me. If he hadn't made that mistake, Nick would've been gone, and Kolby sealed his own fate by leaving the next week. If he had believed me, the game would've been much different. How is he ranked higher than me if he made the mistake in the plan? Not bitter, I'm curious. If he did some moves that I didn't see then I totally agree with your decision, but Kolby and I worked together for most of the game, and I made most of the decisions on who was leaving pre-mere.
2802 days 4 hours ago
Ryan I wrote that you played a good game but I think that bitter jurys would screw you and I didn't really have a reason to put him higher, I also had in mind how the other jurors would vote not how the gameplay was

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