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Survivor Brazil Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Brazil Confessionals

1986 days 1 hour ago
1986 days 1 hour ago
Brady S. (CoachWade):

Omg I can’t fucking believe I’m back in this Survivor again! I honestly never thought after season 5 I’d get another chance to redeem myself and here I am. I played this series 14 seasons ago and at that time I was still kind of getting used to how group games work which is why I think I didn’t make a great impression my first time. However I think as time has progressed since then I’ve gotten so much better. I’ve played in a ton of group games and I got a lot of experience and I’ve done pretty good for the most part which is why I think I was asked back.

Now that I’m back I know I have to play balls to the wall this time because I can’t have my second chance go to waste. I really want to prove myself to people and that’s what I plan on doing this season.

I wouldn’t necessarily say that I have a strategy coming into this however. I like to usually come into games open and then decide what I’ll do from there by looking at the cast. However for this season I feel like I got to play hard because I’m only one of two returners and that makes me an easy target for a vote which scares the shit out of me.

I was definitely thrown for a loop thought at the cast reveal. I certainly didn’t ever expect that I’d be responsible for picking my own tribe and I didn’t like that at all because it made me stand out even more lol. My strategy as I was picking the tribes was to pick people who were active that also looked approachable and people that I considered working with. Not going to lie I also chose people off of who looked dumb and who didn’t tbh cause I wanted as many dummies on my tribe as possible. My first picks though were strategy to pick people who seemed to really wanted to be picked and then I picked players who I figured would help in challenges but people that didn’t seem very threatening which is why I pick people like Cody, Drew and Lemons.

I’m not going to lie though the people I didn’t want on my tribe were saved mostly towards the end. There was no way in hell I wanted Ethan, Ruben or Chili on my tribe because they all seemed like bigger personalities who I didn’t want to work with. I’ve seen Ruben kill it in games like in Winner and Prezs Survivor and I see Ethan and Chili as people who aren’t scared to make moves and that’s what I didn’t want. After I picked my tribe though I felt very good about it and I was super excited and Jasoi came up to me right away which was a good feeling.

Then my world was flipped upside down when I was told me and Will we’re switching tribes.

I honestly felt like such a moron because it was a twist that I should of seen coming too. Right when I saw my tribe I wasn’t feeling too good. I didn’t want Ethan and Ruben on my tribe which they both were and then I had Garrett who I have a little beef with because I used to hate his best friend hufus and then we also have the Burgerman on my tribe X50 and his name is Mark. I’ve seen Mark as a crazy and annoying prick and recent games so I was also worried about him too.

So I knew I had to start talking to my tail off to the right people on my tribe. My adrenaline is pumping though that I actually got cast. I really don’t want to waste this second chance so we’ll see what happens.
1986 days 1 hour ago
Chili L. (Lalisa):

Okay so I’m trying to reel Stef and Will into an alliance to counter the assumed 4-5 person alliance on the other side. All I’m going to need is a moment of weakness from what I assume isn’t a super solid alliance anyway to hopefully get leeway and then momentum so I can start knocking bitches out of here one by one. I’m already trying to see if I can fit into any cracks in my tribe and I think I’m doing just that as of now atleast. What’s important as of now is to assimilate with the tribe and seem like an easy extra vote so they don’t all try to go after me first. We’ll see what happens next!
1986 days 1 hour ago
Stef L. (lemons):

And just like that the game has started. I’m super excited to be out here and as soon as I hit the beach and was able to size up some of my competition I knew that I was going to have a good time out here in Brazil.

So I’m just out here super excited to get to know these other people and hopefully go far with them.

It’s a little while to think that one of us 16 players is going to win this game. And I’m ready for me to claim that crown. This is my first (long) game ever, so far I’ve only ever played Minis and short-term games which usually just relies on being in the majority alliance and sticking with it. I’ve been pretty successful in short-term games and I’ve actually won twice, but in a longer game like this its going to be hard to transfer over my skills and I’m going to have to develop new ones as well.

The first twist of the two returning captains picking their teams and then immediately being swapped is soooooo shocking but also kinda relieving? These captains picked their “friends” and people that they wanted to work with in this game but since they were swapped they’re pretty alone now and they really don’t have anyone they can exactly latch onto.

Initially, one of my biggest fears walking into this game is not knowing anyone and not really having any strong connections with people. I only know two people from before this game, Mark, who I slayed a Fastings with. And then Jasoi who won one of my Brantsteele’s that I hosted. So in reality, both of these connections are pretty weak and not as strong as I would have liked to have coming into this game… BUTTTTTT the stars are looking out for me I guess because Chili approached me to be in a three-person alliance with herself, me and Will, the returning player.

Since finding a group was literally my biggest fear in this game this was literally my reaction when I got in one,

I don’t think anything will really be set in stone in that alliance until we get the chance to vote with each other and actually prove our loyalties, but I’m confident that we can stick together and go really far in this game together!
1986 days 1 hour ago
Jasoi A. (Jasoi):

So far i made good bond with everybody by talking to people.I also made allies with Honey F.,Josh A. and Drew B.HOORAY im being a great member in the tribe so far.Turns out being nice will do great
1986 days 1 hour ago
Jasoi A. (Jasoi):

1986 days 1 hour ago
Jasoi A. (Jasoi):

Soo....Will and Honey and Chili and me did the challenge.And Me drew Josh and cody are friends.Obviously my only option is Stef.Gonna talk to my friends will and honey about the vote.Gonna talk to Chili as well
1986 days 1 hour ago
Garrett A. (Garrett5):

Hello M&N peeps! I am Garrett, of course. lol

I'll talk a bit about the cast, and then give my general strategy for the game.

I looked at everyone's account in the game, and noticed that A LOT of them have friends that are in the game.
Jasio- Keizo/Foxy_Piplup, Josh/MusicBoy, Mark/Pies
Josh- Honey and Jasio
Tester- Honey, Keizo
Honey- Josh, Tester, Keizo, Cody, Jasio, Mark
Stef- Mark (Lemons and pies... hmmmm)
Chili- Nick, Ethan000

~My tribe~
Nick- Chili, Will
Keizo- Nick, Honey, Jasio, Tester
Mark- Jasio, Brady, Stef, Honey
Blossom- none
Ethan- Chili, Ruben/Cole,


I reached out to Blossom, Mark, and Ethan right away. Ethan and I added each other on skype, and had a good conversation that had little to do with the game. Just talking, and connecting.

Blossom and I talked about working together like right away. lol Mark didn't say much. I was worried about Brady to be honest. He had a disdain for Hufus for a good amount, and I made five blogs saying "Love you Hufus" after he made five blogs saying "fuck you hufus." And he of course didn't like that lol but apparently he and Hufus made up. So Brady and I talked about working together. We agreed that pretty much everyone else has a lot of connections, and that working together would be beneficial.

I won't trust anyone completely, but it is important early in the game to find alliances and not be on the bottom. So my strategy is to lay low, but also be social and work that angle during this early stage. Under the radar pre-merge, but hopefully getting myself situated well heading into merge where I can open up my game more.
1986 days 1 hour ago
Jasoi A. (Jasoi):

So we are either voting for Cody or Stef.I want Stef out however.Because Cody is my friend and i have to convince people to vote Stef
1986 days 1 hour ago
Chili L. (Lalisa):

So basically we lost today's challenge lol. I felt like I should've stepped up to do the puzzle because I'm notorious for being skilled at puzzles on, but I was worried that if we ended up losing, the blame would be shifted onto me if we happened to lose and I'd be the immediate target. I did my best to literally CARRY my entire tribe by knocking down the wall, but Will was no match for Ethan in the puzzle. After the challenge, I was able to solidify my alliance with Stef and Will and I think they should have my back for a while. I know I will have their backs for as long as I can and then I'll cut them when it benefits me. I think today's vote SHOULD BE easy, assuming the alliance of literally everyone else on the tribe decides that voting out someone they know who didn't show up for the challenge and has been offline for 2 days (Cody) would be more beneficial than voting out Will, Stef or I. All I can do is wait for tribal!
1986 days 1 hour ago
Keizo T. (Foxy_Piplup):

Hell yeah! The game starts perfectly for me! first thing first i was one of the 2 that got picked first. Second thing I already now Mark, Ethan, Nick and Brady Soo i have people i know i can trust... and there's plan for two alliances BOTH because of me. First one is Brady, Me, Nick, Ethan and Garrett. Second is Me, Brady, Nick and Mark. i'm in control at the moment. And the last great thing...WE won the challenge...I have my game set just like i wanted and i plan to sticking with these 5 people as far as i can... i would love to see us all in F6 but my F3 is lock with Brady and Nick and if it's F2 i'm taking probably Brady with me...

And hey better look far in the game then just hoping that i'll make merge i know what my gameplan is going to be and i know i WILL be there in the end.
1986 days 1 hour ago
Jasoi A. (Jasoi):

even though Cody M. is my friend.We are voting him i got Stef to do it as well and everyone so it obvious the vote will be  7 vote Cody M.(including self vote) and 1 vote Josh A.(self vote).Since i dont have anoyne else to go for.Ill make Stef be my ally BUT ill betray her ill use her in the pre merge for votes and stuff.She even has the avi like "Clueless".LOL thats iconic
1986 days 1 hour ago
Honey F. (honeybunch1):

well this game is doing to be tight and tough
but i am making allies so who knows ugh sorry
hate puzzles  but hopefully i can make Merge with my allies
1986 days 1 hour ago
-----CODY GETS 16TH-----
1986 days 1 hour ago
Brady S. (CoachWade):

Alright guys so last time I sent a confessional I was basically just talking about how excited I was to be back. Well now since that feeling has sunk in I’m here to talk game. So after the tribes were revealed I thought to myself what would be the best way to go about this. I actually thought of a pretty good idea and the idea was that I’d approach Will so I could get information out of him and see what he thought. I decided to approach Will and say you know what we both failed to make a impact last time so let’s stick together since we have targets on our backs and so we could use this second chance wisely. He seemed to agree with me and then I asked him who he’d recommend me working with. The first 2 names that came out of his mouth were Noxity and Foxy which didn’t surprise me for a second. I’m like okay that’s great so maybe if we both survive to the merge we could have like a cross tribal alliance or something. He thought that sounded great which was good. However, the reason I decided to talk to Will was for the benefit of me. I figured if I went to Noxity and Keizo about working together and saying that Will recommended you guys to me then it’d bring us 3 a or closer.

In Survivor the best alliances work when you all have a common connection so I’m like okay then are connection can be getting to the merge to reunite with Will. So that was my first mission to get started with Noxity and Keizo. Noxity I didn’t get a good vibe from at all and he often took forever to respond to things or he just ignored me. We didn’t really get anywhere with our conversations and it was a lot of small talk. My talk with Keizo however wet a lot better. He seemed a lot more approachable and we seemed to get into a good alliance so I did really trust him at the moment.

Usually in games I then go look at people on the casts friends lists and see if they have anybody on the cast. I know friends lists may not seem like a big deal to a lot of people but to me it is because usually when you have people on your friends lists it means you’ve worked together before. Boston Rob said that you could see whose working together by whbsleeps where at night. Well obviously this is Tengaged and we’re not going to be sleeping with these people but that’s kind of how I look at things involving friends lists. Usually in games I don’t see many friends and I started looking and I was appalled.

Once I finished looking at peoples friends lists I was like holy fucking hell. I’m like omg did I enter Survivor or a Friends of Friends paradise. Seriously I had to freaking get out a piece of paper to write everything down and this is what I came up with y’all.

Literally if you look at that link it seems like everyone at least has someone in the cast. The only people that weren’t on anybody’s friend pages were Me, Lemons, Blossom and Garrett. Like I’ve seriously never seen this before in a game and that left me rethinking my options. I’m like okay so if I go with Will and his people then I’m clearly going to be disposable to them in the long run and that does nothing for me. So I then went to Blossom and Garrett seperately and I told them about it. So that kind of just immediately attracted us together and I made an alliance of us 3 in it and that’s the one I plan on sticking to all the way because I definitely trust those 2 the most out of anybody because they don’t have pre existing relationships.

However Keizo seemed to just put me in his alliance of 4 with Noxity, Mark and himself. So that puts me in a bit of a pickle. Right now I have 2 separate alliances so I feel like I’m at least safe but I’m going to have to figure out a way to work around it. Honestly I’m aligned with everyone on this tribe except for Ethan and Ruben so I’m going to try to get one of those 2 out first if we do go to tribal so that way I don’t have to pick and choose a side early on. Personally if we did go to tribal I’d love to take Ruben out c
1986 days 1 hour ago
Brady S. (CoachWade):

However Keizo seemed to just put me in his alliance of 4 with Noxity, Mark and himself. So that puts me in a bit of a pickle. Right now I have 2 separate alliances so I feel like I’m at least safe but I’m going to have to figure out a way to work around it. Honestly I’m aligned with everyone on this tribe except for Ethan and Ruben so I’m going to try to get one of those 2 out first if we do go to tribal so that way I don’t have to pick and choose a side early on. Personally if we did go to tribal I’d love to take Ruben out cause I don’t trust him for shit and when I talked to Ethan it was literally so awkward lol.

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