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Survivor Heroes vs Villains Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Heroes vs Villains..

1967 days 13 hours ago
Kara K. (k4r4k):

oh goodness me :x

well first off HA HA HA that they didn't get me to play my idol ^_^

Matt is reporting that I'm their vote again today and they still think I have an idol. he even went as far as to ask if he could make it tie and vote for me then vote joey in the what? no, no i don't like that idea. he admitted it's selfish but wants to gain favor and its like i understand you want to seem cool in everyones eyes but what about me? am i really your ally? i appreciated him coming to me and expressing his thoughts before tribal but damn....please dont vote me lol

ps i still have not told anyone about my idol

dana thinks they are just trying to draw out my idol and if i have one, i should hold onto it. he has a feeling they will vote david.

tbh it makes a lot of sense for them to vote me. i'm not really close to any of them. joey is the only one i talk to and i've voted him numerous times. we've been opposite sides the entire game so why wouldn't they go after me? david is friends with will and dana has worked with them in the past. and now matt is working with them.

im just having a hard time deciding whats real. my intuition and logic were right yesterday, but could they be right for me again? i have so much to gain if i DONT play my idol...but if im gone i cant do anything lol. i would figure people would have to be INSANE to keep joey over me if it tied but this whole game has been not what i'd expect...joey and will can dig thimselves out of any mess. and if someone like matt or even dana thinks they will carry them to the end, they might just take it. i've tried to be a good ally to them so they'd trust me and work with me but maybe i havent done enough.

what the best play for them would be is to say im the vote when im actually not. then they would vote someone else and get them out along with my idol. then it would be me and either dana or david versus dylan/will/joey/matt. voting someone else and trying to get rid of my idol is the smartest thing for them to try to maintain control going into the next vote.

if they feel like i have an idol, why would they vote me? are they telling matt the truth? is matt telling me the truth? ya know i really liked matt but he could just be doing this on his own to make me play an idol if i have one. theres so many layers to this that just about anyone could be trying to deceive me.

at this point i only trust david and dana. and even then dana has lied to me before :p this is an absolute mess.

if joey doesn't play an idol though, it doesnt seem like i need to do anything...i would just get 3 or 4 votes...and hopefully in a revote i would stay.

if joey DOES play an idol....i dont know what i'll do. it's so risky to not play my idol but holding onto it has SO MUCH REWARD!

wish me luck lol
1967 days 13 hours ago
Matt F. (GiGi10):

So heres the last few days in a very shortened summary

The night Ethan went home Joey came to me screaming about Dana and I knew at that moment I was a swing vote. I could've taken the easy path, stuck with my group, and just faked to the others like I was doing Qaz with them, and Joey would've left. But looking at who was remaining and what had just happened I couldn't take the risk. If I left Dana, David, Kara, and Qaz in the game the odds are I get 5th place. As much as they want to say it's not true I don't believe them. So I voted Qaz and caused a fucking earthquake in the game. Qaz's side was obviously pissed off but once I explained and calmed them down I was able to get back in their good books.

They wanted Joey bad this tribal and for a long time I thought I was gonna do Joey with them and try and take him out. But now I've heard that the vote leaked to Joey, and I think Dylan has an idol. They still think I'm voting with them but to avoid rocks they might use that idol on Joey. I don't want Joey idoled and me lookin like a damn fool trying to backdoor him, so I came up with an idea to vote with Joey/Dylan/Will and tie the first vote. I KNOW ITS RISKY AS ALL HELL but as long as everyone votes the way I expect, it should tie and go to re-vote. This way, if Joey is idoled I can still say I'm with them for another vote and they won't suspect a thing. If it does go to re-vote I just vote out Joey and it's the same as if I voted him in the first place anyways. I think it's a win-win as long as no one else fucks up their vote.

My game is super tricky right now because I have no one I fully trust whereas everyone else I feel like has that person. I'm in the middle and just need to keep picking at each side until I sneak my way past everyone. It's a tough game to play but the only way I see myself in finals.

I also had a really good talk with Will and trusted him fully with all my thoughts (basically what I said up there ^). If he leaks it's game over for me obviously but I needed to get everything out so I could have a second opinion and see clearly what I should do. He seemed pretty on board, and tbh he would be a bonehead to leak and let Joey and Dylan take this game to the end because they would 100% win it.

This should be a wild ending to this game if I have any say in it, gl everyone ~~
1967 days 13 hours ago
Dana M. (TotsTrashy):

Matt flipping his vote against Qaz really fucks things up. Not only is the Masoala strength down to 3, but Dylan winning immunity is so irritating. This guy is literally going to win the game. And Matt was willing to keep him over QAZ, who everyone but Mud on the jury would not vote to win. It didn't make any sense in my eyes.

But now that kind of makes Matt even more of an easy beat. He is going to be perceived as a wishy-washy flipper who can't make up his mind. And then when he does, he does it wrong. That literally pissed off half the votes tonight. We could easily vote for him, but that's dumb considering Joey is still here. Had Joey already been out of the game, Matt would probably be voted out tonight. But I guess it's nice because I made some finals deal with Matt, I've got my friendship with Will (which I'm not sure if I REALLY want to take him to the end), and then my deal with Masoala. The only issues are Dylan and Joey.

So, God can watch my back to avoid any idol plays tonight. If they have another one, then I don't see how neither of them don't make the end. Both of them narrowly beat me in the last two challenges, and they can easily win their way to the end.

Even if the vote originally ties, I think Matt would flip in a revote against Joey to avoid rocks. Our 4 votes are already locked on Joey. For once this merge, I actually sent a confessional and vote NOT 3 minutes before the deadline. I'm so good.
1967 days 13 hours ago
-----JOEY GETS 7TH-----
1967 days 13 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):


      Joey should have been gone SO long ago and the fact that he wasnt disgusts me. I dont know if Dylan just didnt have the idol or what but my guess is if he did, he thinks he can predict where votes are going and play it right this tribal and knew he couldn't win next to Joey. Anyway Joey is Gina and I am very happy.

      Matt came up with some plan to have us pretend we were voting him so they didnt play an idol on joey then asked Kara to vote her so he could cover his ass in CASE of an idol and honestly his gameplay makes me wanna vommit. He's being way too extra in the way he's doing things and I have a bad feeling that he is gonna flip back to those guys this next vote because he's an actual mess. All that put aside, I told him I want finals with him cause that's true and I made the mistake once already of not filling him in that me and Qaz might have taken him to finals. Hopefully that persuades him to take out Dylan or Will or at least take a shot at Dana over Kara cause I really have to make finals with Matt and Kara if I want any chance at winning.

       I'm going into this end game assuming my idol is fake cause lord knows I'll depend on it too much if I think its real. Karas I'm a little more confident in but that doesn't change the fact that we need one of Will or Dylan out. I guess I could tolerate Dana leaving but I REALLY need Kara and Matt to survive so that means Dylan and Will HAVE to lose immunity so they aren't both safe AND Dylan misplays or just doesn't play an idol. My whole entire game is resting on,this vote so you could say I'm a little nervous.

You know how I feel so just trust list:
1. Kara
2. Dana (I dont think he'll flip even though I don't want him in finals)
3. Matt (By default)
4. Will? (Idk anymore lol)
5. Dylan.

Basically I only really trust Kara and maybe Dana a LITTLE bit. I've been thrust into these who try situations all damn game and I'm not about to give up now. Lets get this bread 馃槀
1967 days 13 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

Here I am. Slaving away (not a good choice of words in this season...) lemuring away at a challenge at 1 AM during my 21st birthday with classes at 8:30, plans all day, and working on 5 hours of sleep. So how did I get to this low point in my life? Well after Ethan left, Joey/Will/I worked on the impossible, getting by another vote with all odds against us. Well I guess that's normal for Joey/Will... However there was 1 crack, Matt. Matt was willing to do Qaz, and tbh I didn't know if I could believe it... But BITCH WE WILL OVERCOME! What? I can't use that? Yeah I did vote Ken out....

So Matt does it! Unlike me in bed, we not only came, we OVERcame! I was honestly shook, but it was Matt's best move. After that, David/Kara/Dana were pissed. David was complaining in a lot of chats which I found funny because he was basically saying Matt shoulda voted me out. They got over it though, even though they acted like they were voting Matt? I think they thought we have another idol which I would love but lol no. We decided to vote Kara, she may have an idol but we also wanted her immune at a rock draw since we like her.

They ended up voting for Joey though... And I thought long and hard about voting Joey out. However I've fucked that bitch over enough times and decided I wouldn't. Although it would put me in a good position to win out, which is really my best chance, I decided to give Joey immunity from rocks by ty- what? Fuck. Wait. Matt flipped. Welp so much for being (Chris) noble. Still I went from screwing him in WPF's HvV, BigBen's HvV, and just voting him in Tasmania (FOR THE RECORD HE WAS VOTING ME FIRST THEN I SHOULDN'T BE BLAMED FOR THAT) to not voting him once here. What a multi season arc.

I can't be mad at Matt, that was his best move, and puts him in a great position to win. I think his best move is to take out Kara this next tribal, then take out Will/I to win, but he may just go for Will/I since we are bigger challenge threats. But Dana likely beats him final 4 in that scenario and they vote him out. So he has a choice of being in the final 4 as the one who HAS to win the challenge to win, or being in the final 4 just making sure ONE OTHER PERSON doesn't win. Personally I'd go with the latter, but I can see arguments for the first nonetheless.

Meanwhile if I can somehow overcome, my best move is to TRY to take out Dana, increasing my chances of winning out. I think the only one who can really beat me at this point is Will, and I don't think I have a HORRIBLE shot against him, although I can't really even imagine a way for us to make it. Anyway back to celebrating by doing an endurance challenge on online survivor.
1967 days 13 hours ago
Kara K. (k4r4k):

- realized in my last confessional i said i hadnt told anyone about my idol. what i meant was i havent told anyone else about it. david has known all along -

well tribal was fun i guess lol. my stomach was in my throat since i was having to just trust that id be ok. joey messaged me at the tie and said that they voted me so i'd be safe in rocks. idk how much i buy that but it was a nice thing to say anyway lol :p im not sure if he really thought it would go to rocks but im guessing so or maybe he had faith someone would flip to keep him. unfortunately for him, he was wrong. joey is a king thats for sure but im so glad he's gone. he would've hands down won this game. finale is after this vote and hes a monster at challenges and could've just ridden this to the end.

the obvious vote today is dylan since will is safe. dylan had apparently told david he still had an idol but if he did why in gods name would they continue to play the stupid challenge just the two of them for 8 hours by themselves??? if dylan had an idol he'd just be like ok will you take immunity and we'll both be safe this vote.

matt went out of the competition right after me which i found a lil sketch lol. i mean what are the chances of us going out back to back within a couple minutes? id just had enough and went to bed. there was no way i was staying up all night and sacrificing my sleep to post every 6 minutes. i love endurance challenges and had it been an hour check in thing i would've rocked that, but a 6 min check in? nah. my sanity is worth more lol! i was tired and my head hurt and i was ready for bed. i stayed up later than usual and i guessed that it would probably go until about 1 or 2 am. and i knew people like matt had an advantage being in a different time zone. so it wouldn't have done me any good to stay up. when i saw they went until almost 6 i was happy i made the right decision. cause WTF?!

i would never vote david. so if im not voting dylan it would be matt or dana. dana has been a good ally but we cant forget hes a pure villain and was never my friend before this game. for me the best choice is dylan today cause i havent talked to him in idek how long so he would have no reason or loyalty to keep me around. i just wonder who they are going to vote.

will/dylan/joey vs me/dana/david (matt??)
hope people start talking to me before tribal. obviously at this point if we all vote dylan and dylan does in fact play an idol, i would play mine too for myself. but idk who they have their target set on atm. idr want to play my idol on someone else and be vulnerable next round but it would be something to think about. dylan and dana are the best at comps of the people remaining. will is also pretty decent. lots to think about!
1967 days 13 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

It was fucking 5 AM. I was tired af but willing to go on. Even if it meant I had to tengaged and drive on my way to class, the #2 cause of tengaged death other than diabetes. Then I just... passed out. I couldn't go on. The caffeine crash was upon me and I realized the crushed up adderall pills were really just viagra a bit too late. Don't do drugs kids, they are a hell of a drug. I also like missed my morning class cuz I slept thru my first like 10 alarms somehow. Almost like I had been awake for almost 24 hours on a caffeine crash on 5 hours of sleep the previous day or something. It's like I'm really playing survivor. Also that was the first day of that class so lol it's gonna be awk. At least I know the prof maybe she will understand unless she is a Dana multi.

So now here I am, a sitting duck, a really tired sitting duck, a really tired and pissed off sitting duck for me having to do that ass challenge to ruin my bday. Even tho I haven't cared about bday's since I was like 12 I'm gonna guilt Mike more than Ryan did when I voted him out for creating such a challenge at that night of all nights. Clearly just revenge for BigBen's HvV. Speaking of which, am I having deja vu?

Let me take you back to BigJew's HvV... Well I may have to drag yinz cuz I don't think you want to relive it. There I was, final 6, losing immunity and being the #1 target. However, I had a fellow ally who was also a huge jury threat, 3 goats, and LQ. LQ was someone who could beat the goats, but not Jimbo/I. I pleaded with her to stick by me that one vote, hope Newz pulls a rock, and she just has to make sure Jimbo or I didn't win final 4 immunity. She ended up voting me out, and promptly going next.

This is very similar, where Will/I are Jimbo/I, Dana/Kara/David are the 3 goats, and Matt is someone who can't beat Will/I likely, but also would get voted out final 4. As far as I see it, Matt has 2 options. A.) Vote me out. If Will wins final 5 immunity, he's 5th. If he doesn't, he then HAS to win final 4 immunity. I would say that's unlikely because Dana is really good at challenges, although it is no LQ having to beat Christian Underscore. Option B.) Keep me safe, here he is safe final 5 because if Will or I win immunity, they can vote the other out, he is safe final 5. Not only that he doesn't have to WIN immunity he just has to make sure Will or I DON'T win immunity.

That makes Matt safe final 5 no matter what if he keeps me, and instead of having to win F4, he just has to hope someone else doesn't win it. Overall, that seems like a much better option. As for Will, I think he is better saving me because I'm a target over him final 5, and because does he really want a final 3 of Kara/Dana/David to be a possibility..? I have a lot of fight left in me, and sleepies. And alcohol after tonight. Worst comes to worst I can try the ol guilt trip.
1967 days 13 hours ago
Dana M. (TotsTrashy):

That last vote couldn't have gone any better. The Mariah Carey fan club came crashing down over fucking Ethan, so sending Joey out was best for my game. He could have easily won his way to the end, and everyone did vote him as the biggest jury threat in that superlatives challenge.

Tonight's tribal council is a lot easier considering Will stuck it out for immunity against Dylan. I honestly don't know what I would have done if he fucking won again. Because at the moment, I'm caught between two finals deals. I've got David and Kara with our Masoala strength ever since the first swap, but I've got my friendship with Will, as well as my deal with Matt. It's definitely a lot to think about on who exactly I want to take to the end, because half of me wants to win this game, but the other half of me wants to keep my word to friends.

As I'm writing this confessional, even Will pointed out to me that I'd be the swing vote if Dylan is voted out tonight. That scares the hell out of me for Finale, because I could make or break my chances at winning the game. The most obvious two goats to take are David and Matt, but even the idea of voting out Kara and Will makes me sick to my stomach because of how close I've become with them over the course of this game.
1967 days 13 hours ago
David M. (DavidM7):

My idol bluff somehow worked on Kara and she knew about the scene 馃槀

       I literally just explained to her that I still might have an idol because I played a fake one on Dylan so everyone knew that's what I was trying to save Qaz with. I still dont even know if my idol is real though because Dylan might have it. The annoying thing about him having it is I can't do shit if he does. Cause lets say he does have the idol then I cant play mine since its a fake but if he doesn't play an idol then idk if I am even getting votes. Normally in this situation I would just play mine if he played his but I don't really have that option and it kinda sucks.

      I personally think he does have the idol so I'm REALLY hoping they vote Dana or at the very least vote Kara and she plays an idol so it goes to a re-vote. I dont know if I trust Matt not to flip this vote again but Kara does so I'll trust her instincts as she's been right about idol plays so far.

I dont know if it's too early to count jury votes but assuming I make it there with Matt and Kara like I want here's what I assume will happen

Jabbar: Matt???
LQ: Matt/Kara
Kenneth: ???
Tashi: me???
Mud: Me?
Ethan: Matt
Qaz: me
Joey: ???
Dylan: Me or Matt
Will: me or Matt
Dana: ???

So I think I have like 1 locked vote and two leaning my way while Matt has maybe 1 locked and a few up in the air for him and the rest are in between me and him. Maybe I'm underestimating Kara but I just dont see the jury liking her game.
1967 days 13 hours ago
Will J. (SurvivorFan37):

I'll be unfortunately voting for Dylan tonight as a means of securing Richard's trust to ensure he takes me to the end.

My strategy of keeping Richard and Dylan at odds with each other has to come to an end tonight -- at this point, my best (and possibly only) shot to make it to the end is to put the screws to Matt and Richard, keep them on side and convince them that their best shot is with me rather than the 2-strong voting bloc of David and Kara who won't take them over each other. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work -- nobody can say I didn't try the absolute best I could with the information I knew at the time.

This is undoubtedly one of my best group game performances to date and I'm crossing my fingers that I can pull this out. I've already left my mark on this season but it's not over yet
-- the ultimate end goal is to get myself in that winner's chat so I can (most likely) retire from this series knowing I've accomplished what everybody sets out to do.
1967 days 13 hours ago
Dylan O. (DBWs):

*takes deep breath*
*Gets out powerpoint*
Dylan Oliver fingers himself
4:15 PM
I know you probs see Will/I as jury threats which I understand, I've made plenty of enemies in that jury but I guess whatever I look like I made FlAsHy MoVes
Even going based on that assumption tho
Now would not be the best time to vote Dylan, DBWs, winner of Tasmania and the hearts of 2 Facebook Moms
That is because with me gone you are left in the final 5 with a clear 3 of Dana/Kara/David as ya know
If Will wins that final 5 immunity, ur done son
Cooked like my dinner will be if I'm voted out
Assuming he doesn't!
You gotta win final 4 immunity still
And Dana is even better than I, the great DBWs, and Will at speed challenges and the like unless they involve luck because I'm Irish and sucked off a leprechaun
And if ya lose
Ur done son
Now that's a sad reality if u ask me
But imagine this reality
You don't vote off me, on my BIRTHDAY I MIGHT ADD TO GUILT U
Now ur in the final 5
You have 2 goats in any 2 of Dana/Kara/David
If you want you can still go with Will/I, if not you have the option of the easy win
No matter what, Will/I are targets over you final 5
So you're safe
And if you want to take out us back to back and get that perceived easier win, instead of having to win final 4 immunity you just need one of Will or I, whichever one remains, to lose it
So either u vote me out and risk being the #2 target in #5 and forcing yourself to win F4, or keep lil ol me and be safe F5, and just have Will or I have to LOSE it

Thank you for coming to my dead talk
1967 days 13 hours ago
-----DYLAN GETS 6TH-----
1967 days 13 hours ago
Matt F. (GiGi10):

I have two F3s, one with Will/Dana and the other with David/Kara. Depending on how things go I probably want to go with the second as it gives me a better chance to win. The only problem is immunity, because Will and Dana are much better competitors. So it'll depend on who wins this first immunity, and I'll go from there. The only worry is that Dana Kara and David have a deal, which is what Dylan's pitch was. I'm hoping that's not the case but it definitely could be. It would be tragic to see that be the final 3, and if I don't win I'd definitely like to see Will win. It should be an interesting finale, but I think I'm set up fairly well at least.
1967 days 13 hours ago
Kara K. (k4r4k):

My stomach is in knots. I hope this finale goes smoothly :x

Honestly David and I have f3 deals with both Matt and Dana. And I love them both!

Dana has been super sweet to me, which would be unexpected for a pure villain lol. But we鈥檝e really had a great relationship throughout.

Matt I鈥檝e always liked but maybe we haven鈥檛 talked quite as much consistently throughout the game but I鈥檝e felt close to him

I guess I really did end up playing the part of hero this season cause I haven鈥檛 backstabbed anyone and if I have to decide between Matt and Dana in the end it will be extremely hard :(

But let鈥檚 see if I can even make it to the end lmao 馃ぃ

It鈥檚 nice knowing that at least David and I are f4 with our idols 馃挏 nice to have that comfort at least for this vote

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