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Applications for Season 3

Topic » Applications for Season 3

2762 days 6 hours ago
Each player is allowed at most two characters, but due to the cast size do not expect to have both in. Any twins will immediately be denied. If you have any questions about the RP or this application, please PM ccwagu.
Name of Student:
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*):
Nationality (Should be Japanese*):
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you):
Private Biography/Backstory:
Face Claim:

*If you break this rule, you must give justification as to how you're here.
Preferred Name to be Called:
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk):
Time Zone:

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?:

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?:

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer):

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?:

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?:

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?:

Do you understand how killscenes work?:

Would you like to be the mastermind?:
Thank you for applying! If needed, I will PM you saying stuff about the application/RP. If you are a white-level, please friend ccwagu to receive messages.
2762 days 6 hours ago
Each player is allowed at most two characters. If you have any questions about the RP or this application, please PM ccwagu.
Name of Student: Ariel Green
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*): 15
Gender: Male
Nationality: Australian (Currently stationed in Japan)
Ultimate/SHSL: Combat Medic
Personality: Ariel is someone who is very optimistic, and is always looking on the positive side of things. He loves to lend a hand to his friends and will happily chime into a situation anytime to rescue others.
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you): Ariel is a skilled combat medic who has saved many lives in the battlefield. He is a cheerful young man who always has a positive attitude, and does not like to give up. He will put his skills to the test so he can help others who are injured.
Private Biography/Backstory: In reality, Ariel suffers from PTSD due to his time in the battlefield. He pretty much lost count of all the horrific injuries and deaths he witnessed in his life, including walking in on his father committing a murder-suicide with his mother. He has to go out every single day remembering all of this, and yet no matter how hard he tries, it's impossible to blank it all out.
Face Claim:

*This may be negated if justification is given.
Username: AintItFun
Preferred Name to be Called: Dialga
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): You know :)
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes
Thank you for applying! If needed, I will PM you saying stuff about the application/RP. If you are a white-level, please friend ccwagu to receive messages.
2762 days 6 hours ago
Name of Student:Chizuru Ruyrai
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*):17
Personality: Chizuru is a very forgiving person who feels no mistake shouldn't be forgiven. She loves to help others and make sure everyone is happy.
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you):Chizuru grew up in poverty with her 2 sisters and no parents. The only thing they had was each other and the little tiny bits of clothing and items they could find in trash cans. The 3 sisters soon found an instrument that Chizuru decided to keep. The sisters encouraged her to play it and soon people were giving her money to play. As she got money the sisters moved up in society.
Private Biography/Backstory: Chizuru's parents didnt actual leave her and her "sisters". What really happened was that Chizuru saw how happy the family next door was compared to her. Out of rage she kidnapped the two sisters when they were young. She ran off with them to start a new life and raised them to think they are her sister.
Face Claim:

*This may be negated if justification is given.
Preferred Name to be Called:Bonnie Katie#2 Jordan
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk):katiewiglesworth
Time Zone:Est

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?:Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?:Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer):Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?:Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?:Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?:Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?:Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?:Yes
2762 days 6 hours ago
Chojo Fujimoto
Arrow Shooter
Chojo is a nice and serious person who can really pack a punch
Since he was 4,Chojo has been on top of the charts for shopting arrows,he is an only child and his parents died at age 8. He has been living a fine life.
Chojo killed his mother on accident
Pokkle Hunter X Hunter 2011


2762 days 1 hour ago
Name of Student: Liliya Vasylyuk
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*): 15
Gender: Female
Nationality: Russian
Ultimate/SHSL: SHSL Graffiti Burner
Personality: Liliya tends to be rather secretive and doesn’t like talking to people for the most part, but can usually get along with people if they don’t irritate her. She is a bit of a trouble-maker and hates being told what to do. Despite her asocial tendencies, she fights for what she believes in and will never back down.
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you): Growing up in a city with some of the most vibrant and elaborate graffiti, Liliya quickly became an avid artist with a passion for creating graffiti, and began a life of public vandalism and used a mask to protect her identity, successfully avoiding (serious) legal trouble for the four years she’s been in the scene.
Private Biography/Backstory: Liliya is a member of an underground gang of anti-fascists, displeased with the government and taking after her father. However, her father was locked up due to his activism. These two factors have given her a major hatred for government and she wants to abolish any authority figure that stands in her way. Two years ago, she escaped her country and flew to Japan illegally using a fake passport. Her graffiti got her in trouble with the authorities in Japan, which led to her undocumentation being discovered. However, at the time, Hope’s Peak was also interested in her level of talent, which led to her being accepted into Hope’s Peak and properly gaining her citizenship despite governmental interests working against this.
Face Claim:

Username: Absol
Preferred Name to be Called: idk
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): live:indigo.jt9
Time Zone: MST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: yeah

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: yeah

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): yeah

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: yeah

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: yeah

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: yeah

Do you understand how killscenes work?: yeah

Would you like to be the mastermind?: I guess
2761 days 23 hours ago
Name of Student: Shinobu Watanabe
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*): 16
Gender: Male
Nationality (Should be Japanese*): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Gardener
Personality: Shinobu is said to have two personalities: Hot and Cold. Whenever Shinobu is cold, that means he's around people he dislikes, distrusts, or does not know well. This side of him is distant, inappropriate and occasionally confrontational. Finally, there is Hot Shinobu. This is who you see when he likes you or otherwise trusts you. Hot Shinobu is flamboyant, entertaining, and up for a good joke. He's also rather flirty, especially around men. Getting to meet Hot Shinobu is a bit like climbing a mountain. It's a long trek, but you feel accomplished afterwards.
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you): It is often said that Shinobu loves his garden more than he likes people. Once you step onto Shinobu's property, you will be greeted by beautiful arrangements of flowers and various other plants. A gardener since his youth, Shinobu can grow various plants in various manners, almost obsessively. No matter the plant, and no matter the space, he can plant it.
Private Biography/Backstory: The beginning of his gardening practice has a rather dark purpose. As a child, Shinobu's father died in a car accident, leaving behind Shinobu's mother and three siblings. Seeing as his father was the main provider for the family, they didn't have too much food on the table. As such, Shinobu began gardening in the hopes that the vegetables he grew would be enough to help sustain his family. This ended up paying off, and they are much better off now than they were years ago.
Face Claim:

*If you break this rule, you must give justification as to how you're here.
Username: SirNiceGuy
Preferred Name to be Called: Lukas
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): sirniceguy 00
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: I DO NOT CARE EITHER WAY
2761 days 19 hours ago
Name of Student: Toshi Takahashi
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*): 19
Gender: Male
Nationality (Should be Japanese*): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Ultimate Radio Host
Personality: Toshi is a very extroverted individual, he is very social with other individuals. He is very flamboyant and arrogant, he loves to play himself up to be better then he actually is as a person.
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you): Toshi grew up in the city of Kanazawa, Japan with his parents and 9 other siblings. He grew up not knowing what he was going to be, until he graduated middle school and he discovered the joys of radio. He threw himself into the profession, fitting in easily and enjoying hearing his own voice broadcasted to tons of other people.
Private Biography/Backstory: There is an unknown reason to everyone why Toshi found and jumped into the career of radio. It's due to his family. Having 9 other siblings didn't give enough time for him to get the attention that he wanted. Toshi was the youngest of the family, so he basically got no attention. He cared for himself mostly. Making sure his grades stayed decent, making his own food, etc. Radio gave him a chance for his voice to be heard. He didn't have to worry about 9 other voices, just his.

Face Claim:

*If you break this rule, you must give justification as to how you're here.
Username: Logie56
Preferred Name to be Called: Logan
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): TheLoganMTV
Time Zone: Eastern

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Sure.
2761 days 19 hours ago
Name of Student: Alejandro Díaz de Garayo
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*): 18
Gender: Male
Nationality (Should be Japanese*): Hispanic - He had to get away from his father, so he ran away and booked a flight to Japan once he hit 18.
Ultimate/SHSL: Swashbuckler
Personality: Ricardo is your man's man. He's every dream girl/boy's hero. He's adventurous, sponteaneous, charming, and bold. He never says no to a challenge, and usually saves the day when you can find him. He's also quite resourceful, and knows his way around a sword.
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you): Ricardo was born and raised in the heart of Spain. He was an average boy who went to school and did fairly well. However, he was always inspired by stories of heroic yet devious men in fairy tales like Robin Hood. So, he decided to become one, trying to cause mischief in his town and saving people (who were in danger because of him, usually). His father was sick of it, and yelled at him constantly. He told him to aspire to something serious. Ricardo couldn't take the constant abuse, and he fled to Japan.
Private Biography/Backstory: On one of his missions to save the town, he accidentally hit a woman, totally unintentionally. He has felt guilty about it to this day. Further, his father was a little more than just verbally abusive, especially when he got bad grades in school. Lastly, his mother died while giving birth to him, attributing to his never-ending guilt and stress.
Face Claim:

*If you break this rule, you must give justification as to how you're here.
Username: tyboy618
Preferred Name to be Called: Tyler or Tyboy or Ty
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): tyler.cappaletti
Time Zone: EST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yes!

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes!

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes!

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes!

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes!

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes!

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yes!

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes!
2761 days 7 hours ago
Name of Student: Kyoudo Kakumei
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*):18
Nationality (Should be Japanese*): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Revolutionary
Personality:Kyoudo is a very stand outish person. She speaks very highly of herself alot having a high self value of herself. She tends to be very happy and optimistic most of the time always aiming for the future she hopes for the world, unity.
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you):Kyoudo grew up in japan for most of her life living in a fairly wealthy family. She always made sure to keep up with global events when she was young looking at all the governments  doing things to their people that she thought was wrong of them to do. When she turned 13 she started traveling abroad to all the country's she read about overthrowing the corrupt governments one by one untill they where all changed for the better. She herself appointed new leaders to them ones that she could trust to bring her ideals to the people of the countries. She has been praised as a hero and a a saint by many that she has come across.
Private Biography/Backstory:(This will be PMed to you to prevent the bad RPers from seeing *looks at Flamey*
Face Claim:

*If you break this rule, you must give justification as to how you're here.
Preferred Name to be Called:Katie
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk):You have it
Time Zone:EST

Let me just save the trouble of doing them one by one and Say YES to all of them
Thank you for applying! If needed, I will PM you saying stuff about the application/RP. If you are a white-level, please friend ccwagu to receive messages.
2761 days 6 hours ago
Name: Papa Pizza
Age: Undetermined
Gender: Male
Nationality (Should be Japanese)* : Undetermined, presented as Japanese
Ultimate: Mascot
Personality: "Good Ol'" Pops is a bundle of energy, food and bear puns. He truly has the best intentions in his heart and he does his best to keep energy up at all times. He likes to dance, waddle and serve pizza.
Public Biography/Backstory: Papa Pizza's Pizzeria is the most successful pizzeria known to man. Its kid-friendly nature attracts families and over the years its expanded to having certain locations that appeal to teens and single people as well. The biggest credit to its success, however, is the adowwable mascot behind it all: Papa Pizza himself! Everyone knows who he is just by his appearance and everybody loves him and his jingle(which he always loves to sing). He hopes he can spread the love of pizza to everyone through this school.
"I can bear-ly contain my EXCITEMENT! Good ol' Pops is taking a piece outta this school! ¡Rawrrrrrr! ;DDDDD"
Private Biography: The only thing Pops won't address is a scandal that seemed to be overlooked by the press which involved the death of a child at the first store in which Papa Pizza the mascot was first implemented.
Face Claim:

*If you break this rule, you must give justification as to how you're here.

Username: Ninjohn
Preferred Name to be Called: Nin
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): ninjohnwoot
Time Zone: PST

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: Yas!

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes God!

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): I guess~

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yeah X)

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yeah X(

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Sure!

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Yeah :)

Would you like to be the mastermind?: ...No X) But yes...but no oop
2761 days 6 hours ago
Name of Student: Midori Ando
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old): 17
Gender: Female
Nationality (Should be Japanese): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Tessenjetsu
Personality: Very shy, doesn't talk much, Passionate, loyal, observant, polite, very kind
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you): Growing up Midori loved fans. Her mother and father made fans and were passionate about their art. Midori fell in love with them too. But she wanted to do more with them. She took up Tessenjetsu. She was the Tessenjutsu club president at her school and had a large collections of fans.
Private Biography/Backstory: Her parents were in a satanic cult and almost sacrificed her. But instead they made her marry the cult leader and have a child with him, who would be sacrificed. When she has flashbacks she reverts to cutting. The tattoo on her arm was to cover up major damages she's done to herself.
Face Claim:

*This may be negated if justification is given.
Username: Unicorngoddess98
Preferred Name to be Called:Ubi
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk):live: zeldeena
Time Zone:Est

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?:Yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?:Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer):Yes

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?:Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?:Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?:Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?:yes

Would you like to be the mastermind?:Yes
2761 days ago
Name: Kyou Naki
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*): 14
Gender: male
Nationality: Japanese (well technically see secret bio)
Ultimate/SHSL: martial artistist
Public Biography (what the other students will know about you): Well he's the youngest and shortest off his graduating class however that doesn't mean he's not the feisty one. He could easily beat up the tallest or biggest person of his class. He has a tough personality, he's nice when he wants to be and mean when he wants to be. He doesn't give a shit about really anything.   
Private Biography: Kyou is actually American however his parents left him at an young age in Japan so he doesn't ever remembering being in American so he's Japanese at heart. He was raised as an orphan however he did well in school and even started practicing martial arts. Soon he got accepted in Hopes Peak (or whatever the school is for this series), and he was a very popular guy until his best friend died due to the hands of himself. I mean it was an accident and no one blames him but from that day forward he changed to who he is now.  He is a softie at heart however you would never tell by his rough exterior unless you truly got to know him.
Face Claim:

*This may be negated if justification is given.
Username: spinfur
Preferred Name to be Called: Spin
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): YOU HAVE IT FOOL :p
Time Zone: central

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: yes

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: I'll try

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): sure

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: sure

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: yep

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: mhm

Do you understand how killscenes work?: i do

Would you like to be the mastermind?: most defiantly muhahahahaha
2760 days 17 hours ago
Name of Student: Yuri Takamiya
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*): 15
Gender: Female
Nationality (Should be Japanese*): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Veterinarian
Personality: Yuri is a laid back, and kind girl who loves the world on how it is. Call her an enviromentalist, if you would. She is extremely friendly and would not be afraid of trying out new things, for the better of course, not for the worst.
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you): Yuri has been all around the world, aiding animals. Mostly travelling in African forests, she has been helping on rehabilitating habitats of the wild. She has her own Animal Aiding Center in her home at Tokyo.
Private Biography/Backstory: (Skyping you later about it. Cuz private.)
Face Claim:

*If you break this rule, you must give justification as to how you're here.
Username: Coolexchangestudent
Preferred Name to be Called: DJ
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk):
Time Zone: GMT +8, also known as the Cancerous Japanese Timezone

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: I'LL TRY. This is why I applied in the first place.

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes.....?

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Yes, I'm willing to do that this time.

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes.

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand how killscenes work?: Dude, I host a DR.

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Yes, but please give it to someone more deserving than me. XD
2760 days 11 hours ago
Name of Student: Mayumi Onishi
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*): 18
Gender: Female
Nationality (Should be Japanese*): Japanese
Ultimate/SHSL: Eating Champion
Personality: Silly, Lazy, Ditzy, Caring.
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you): She has competed in over 27 eating competitions all over Japan, never losing a single one, but her greatest accomplishment was winning the Yamanashi Prefecture Eating Challenge as a rookie. Eventually she went pro and signed up for several eating competitions in America which won all of them. Mayumi has a habit of being somewhat of a lazy person, often sitting on her butt all day and for being a slob at times.

Private Biography/Backstory: She suffered from chronic depression for most of her life as a child which lead to her eating American fast food in order to help her feel a lot better, this then lead to her gaining lot of weight and then caused a few people in school to bully her. She even considered suicide for a good few months when she was 11. She eventually grew comfortable with her body size when she first started to compete in local eating competitions as a joke from her enemies and soon grew to love herself, regardless of the size or shape she's in.
Face Claim:

*If you break this rule, you must give justification as to how you're here.
Preferred Name to be Called: Aiden
Skype (not optional, but preferred for investigation/killscene/motive talk): N/A
Time Zone: GMT

Will you be active during the entirety of your play in the RP?: with the exception of when in at college and other stuff, yes.

Will you investigate the killscenes to be able to participate in class trials?: Yes

Are you willing to kill your character off to further the RP? (via being a victim/killer): Mostly

Do you understand that your character might be killed by another person in the RP?: Yes

Do you understand that your character might be forced to become a killer if no killscene is sent?: Yes

Are you willing to act in complex motives (motives that have roles that don't die) and cooperate with other people in the RP?: Yep ^^

Do you understand how killscenes work?: I might need it explained again so it goes though entirely

Would you like to be the mastermind?: Personally, no.
2760 days 7 hours ago
Name of Student:Tariko Luvaros
Age (Should be 14 to 19 years old*):14
Nationality (Should be Japanese*):Japanese
Personality:A very Introverted person, not tending to talk to most anyone
Public Biography/Backstory (what the other students will know about you):Tariko makes quilts for a local homeless shelter that he lives in. He was abandoned by his parents and left here alone. SO he started to make quilts to make him feel better able to knit extremely well but making the best quilts out of anyone
Private Biography/Backstory:When he was young he was sexually harassed by a random and. He got off scot free and it made him traumatized and stuff
Face Claim:To be sent to you
2760 days 2 hours ago

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