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Survivor Brazil Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Brazil Confessionals

2050 days 7 hours ago
2050 days 7 hours ago
wow its cool but i need to throw the challenges and create the first allance of this season
me and maddy are in a final 2 allance called purple pies im staying loyal to this
2050 days 4 hours ago
Mark is  either the dumbest player yet or or the smartest for wanting to do that and I think it's the first one, I did the same thing 1 time and got booted for it,  I'm seeing the same thing happen to him.
2049 days 17 hours ago
OMG okay so already people are playing hard and it's lowkey scary but like I am fucking ready! I am gonna suss out my tribe and choose a solid core alliance to stick with but like I don't fuck with bitches
2049 days 17 hours ago
Livingston (noobsmoke13)
Thus far I am trying to build relationships and get along with everyone on my tribe. If we lose, I want to be the guy everyone wants to vote with rather the guy everyone wants to vote out. I hope to just be a friendly guy that strategically lies low until the merge hits. I am in an alliance with Liam and Mark but I have also connected with both Madison and Alex (separately) over Skype. No matter what, numbers should be on my side.
2049 days 12 hours ago
So right now I'm trying to get myself into a majority and honestly any majority is fine with this hoe. ANYWAY so right off the bat of the game Mark asked Livingston and I for an alliance. I thought "omg this is great a final 3 deal so early" but then I compared notes to some other players and he has asked everyone in our whole tribe for an alliance so I was like "BITCH HELLO NO YOU AIN'T NO MARIAH CAREY SKINNY LEGEND YOU ARE DIRT" so I wanna gather an army I really like Livingston he's intelligent, easy to talk too and doesn't hide who he is. I like Madison because she's funny and seems loyal. I like Thomas because we are the same age and we are both hella into music. Alex I know Livingston trusts so I wanna trust him but he just seems shady and eventually I won't be able to work with him. But right now they're who I trust the most I guess and I might even get Grace to join just so she can send me cute photos of animals she works with.
2049 days 12 hours ago

2049 days 11 hours ago
I lowkey wanted to go to Exile but it's super risky! I already don't trust Alex so of course he was sent to exile

Also Madison the shady foot licking slut is shady as well like demanding Tris be sent to exile... Bitch this ain't your choice sit down

P.S. Thomas sent me an audio file of him singing and it was so bad and my fake bitch reactions were honestly:
2049 days 7 hours ago
Ayyyeee what's up viewers lounge!!! My name is Grace, and I'm here to fucking slay this bih!!! Okie so yassss my tribe won the first challenge, so I can't be first boot or have any chance of going yet. Alright next lets get this cast assessment started. First lets start with my tribe.
Alex- Yay I'm glad he got on my tribe!!! We've played in the same games before, and he's been very loyal. Plus right after the tribes were announced he immediately reached out to me, and asked to work with me. He's definitely someone I'm keeping close to me throughout the time we're in this game.
Madison- I'm glad she's on my tribe too!!! This girl had my freaking back in another Survivor game, but I couldn't really have hers since my best friend was in the same game and that was my ride or die there. I definitely owe her one. She's soo sweet and cool, so she's gang.
Mark- He's very nice and wants to work with me and Madison along with two other people, but I know he's got a history of getting out early. I don't think being aligned with him will be best for my game long term.
Liam- this boy called me a queen, so he's already cool. XD
Tristin- I voted him out of another game and he really didn't want to work with me. Right now, I'll keep him on his own and approach him when needed.
Livingston, Leo, and Thomas- really haven't spoken to them, but I look forward to if I do!!!
Now the other tribe.....
Raul- if we both make merge, I think I would really want to work with him because of the fact that my best friend on tengaged is one of his close friends. We kinda swam in the same circles, but never interacted. He would probably have my back. Let's see if he feels the same way.
Tris- I voted him out of another game too and barely had any interaction with him, so who knows how it'll play out here.
Others- I don't know very much of the other ones, so let's see what happens during this game with them.
So yeah, the ones who I'm really looking out for rn besides myself are Alex and Madison. Everyone else is fair game.
2049 days 7 hours ago
Hello, L. Hello, J. lol I don't know a lot of this cast, but I'll do somewhat of an assessment.

My tribe, I know Jorge is good. I've seen him around before, and he is able to go past the merge. Tris I've seen around, and he seems to be around the merge boot.I don't know Raul but I suspect he will be closer to Alex, and some other people on Tupis.

Tupis, I have seen Liam before, and we have history. I feel if we get to merge that will be a good thing. I know Alex is really good, and is a threat to win. He is smart and I bet he chose Raul to go to Exile because he wanted him as an ally. I haven't seen much of Mark's gameplay, but he included me in a message to other Tupis members about being in an alliance to have a majority on their tribe. lmfao
There is a lot of Cutthroat Survivor history over there with Alex, Thomas, Livingston, Madison, and Liam. I suspect that, and will try to get info from Liam.

As far as my gameplay so far, it's been just reaching out to people. I reached out to Devan, Josh, and Ray right away. Had a few interactions with them before immunity. During immunity I reached out to Tris and Jorge. Hopefully can form a bond with them. I am basically just trying to form bonds to stay good in the pre-merge phase. Hopefully I can plant seeds about the Raul/Alex exile thing, and possibly get Raul out during pre-merge.

Immunity was a fucking mess, that snowballed when Josh deleted his beginning posts. It was like watching my tribemates run head first into a fucking wall right away and then I end up doing the same because I was shook by it all. lmfao but hopefully that isn't a trend.

As for this vote, Charles is an easy target because he is inactive for three days now. Cody is probably too, since he held on to the idol last, but I want to lay low while trying to solidify alliances right now.
2048 days 16 hours ago

SO UMMM Yeah we lost the first challenge but honestly I don't mind we got like 3 inactives and one is probably leaving and I'm safe and I'm on Exile with my new buddy Alex and now we're allies etc etc woo social game!!

Anyways I'm going to start making connections and it's time to become THE threat of the game oh my god I can't wait!

PIES IS CASTING GOLD LOOOL he comes up to me and is like (translation from broken ass english to normal english) "hey dude I think Tris is a big player you should get him out, also I think we should form a secret alliance"

there's multiple problems with this private message:
- he had already sent me like 2 pm's asking for a secret alliance and to both I answered sure like pls stop
- we're in different tribes like please kindly fuck off and let us vote the players we want to vote out lol!
- he's around my age which is embarrassing for me, but that's not the problem the problem is that i CANNOT understand anything he says like YIKES

anyways yeah gj cant wait for pies to be the best player this season woo
2047 days 13 hours ago

SO TRISTIN THE FUCKING SLUT STOLE MY CHANCE AT GOING TO EXILE SO HE BETTER WATCH HIMSELF DEFYING MY KING-NESS AND SHIT. Anyway I am really enjoying this game because my tribe is winning which makes me feel cute. I've formed a really strong bond really quickly with Ray. I really like him, he's funny and likes soup so he's an A in my books. Other than that my game rn is boring because no tribal so I'm kinda considering throwing the next challenge.

FR strategy talk tho with my five person alliance I feel pretty solid rn and I have deals going with Ray, Mark and Garrett so I have connections. I wanna focus on building more connections within my tribe. I think if I can get that idol then I can be in the best position on my tribe so wish me luck MWAH
2047 days 11 hours ago
Shits going down already
2047 days 10 hours ago

Thus far, I am in a majority alliance on a tribe that is winning, so if I stay in a decent position into the merge, I have confidence in my ability to do well in this game
2046 days 15 hours ago
My plan here is getting out's really sad and I wanted to be friends with him...But I have to do what's best for the tribe and get out the inactives...But overall...I'm telling really good about this tribe and actually don't want to be switched to the other tribe...cause I still believe in the Arawaks
2046 days 15 hours ago
To be honest, I don't have much to say. I'm getting back in game mode, so I haven't done much. I talk to Carrot, Garrett, and Raul here and there. Raul and I have bonded the best personally. The other two are more gamewise. The votes have been easy because we have inacts. This next vote should be against Devan. I'll try to play harder, but I don't want an early target on my back again

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