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Survivor Khao Sok Confessionals

Topic » Survivor Khao Sok..

2013 days 9 hours ago
2012 days 23 hours ago

Ok lets begin.......................................

When i saw Brien in my tribe and the game i was like OH MY GOD.BRIEN IS A HUGE THREAT IN THIS GAME.He played BENLIUNS survivor(ask BENLIUNS how brien was in raja and heros v villians) and he was extremely strategic.thus we need to vote him off.I don't really know anyone else in my tribe but hopefully i can make bonds with them And maybe make an majority alliance.I want to make it to merge and also get Brien out of this game
2012 days 23 hours ago
So before I reach out to anyone, I want to lay out what my opening plans are.

Obvs, I want to get myself into a majority alliance. I feel like doing this successfully results in a smooth ride to merge. And there is a lot of material to work with on this tribe.

Golok Tribe -

Jasoi - I don't know him at all, but recently his name has been coming up as someone who is an enemy of some friends of mine. I don't know what that's about. I'd like to meet him and get to know him on my own terms.

Jabbar - Unless something happens to change this, I expect to be extremely loyal to Jabbar. I've played games with him before and although he's one of my favorite people on tengaged, I've always wound up working against him. Not this game. I'm reaching out to him first before I talk to anyone else to ensure that this doesn't happen. I for sure want to work with Jabbar 100%

Josh - Josh and I have had amazing success as alliance partners before in TPS. Since then, we've only played once, and I didn't feel like the same magic was there. We didn't talk as much as we previously had and I wonder how our relationship will go this game. At any rate, I do trust him more than most people on tengaged. He's always there for my charities. I don't see me writing his name down, but I also don't know that I'll be spilling my plans to him all the time either. We'll have to see how it goes.

Julian - I really don't know where we stand. I really like Julian, but I have this feeling that he thinks I don't and am after him. It kinda stems back to this weird STARS game that a friend of mine, (Burger) was in. LOL. Burger was telling me  he didn't have any allies, and I told him. "find someone you don't know, and tell them you heard their name. See if you can work that into a relationship". He wanted to know what to do when they asked where he heard it. I wasn't in the stars, so I was like, "meh, just tell them you heard it from me." ... ok, so like, literally, the only other person in that game I knew was Julian, and that was the person Burger chose. :/ I didn't know it was coming when Julian very sanely came to me and asked what the fuck. LOL. Since the entire thing was a lie to begin with and I didn't want to blow up Burger's game, I was left with no choice but to be shady. He thinks it's related to him cancelling his org I was in. I've never explained myself or apologized, so oops. fingers crossed, because he's a power player. I want to work with him, but i'll have to feel like I'm safe and he's not after me.

Tris - A friend of hoops I think. I've played with him before in a BB where I repeatedly used him as a pawn. he wasn't happy about it. He talks in all caps and it's weird. This is the first time we've played since I found out he was close to hoop, though, so that kinda influences my opinion of him. I'm going to try talking to him and see where it goes.

AJ/Brien/Maddie - I have no knowledge or background with any of these people.

Tarang Tribe -

I've played with Jay before... He's like an ally who is more of a threat than an ally. I dig him a lot as a person. I fear him a bit as a player. He does what I can't - he talks to everyone. So when he makes a move it always seems to fucking work, and it's always completely out of my control because it's coming from unexpected directions. He's good at playing people, and I think he's good at playing me. ;)

Kyle - played a game with this guy once where he was widely detested. I wound up being ostracized because I was willing to work with him. I never found out why he was so hated, he seemed nice enough to me. A little whiney maybe, but not in a super terrible way. Maybe i'll get a chance to get to know him a little better.

The rest? - I know none of those people, I'm so glad i'm not on that tribe.

I have an idol! OMG! I'm so excited. ignore the fact that everyone has one. Most people don't play their idols wisely.
2012 days 23 hours ago
What's important is that I do. If you're in power, then idols are for making power moves, duh. If you're not in power, then it takes multiple idols and multiple wins to keep yourself safe, and then people don't respect that in the jury, so if you need an idol to ACTUALLY save yourself, then in my experience, you weren't going to win anyway. So playing an idol to save myself is boring and I'd rather be voted out with an idol. The better use of an idol is to make sure you have a bright spot on your resume. Use it to make a move, to get out a threat, to surprise everyone, and most of all to turn an enemy into an ally at a critical moment. Even combining the idols to save people is kinda a bit boring and obvious of a play. The real danger of everyone having idols is that everyone will be able to calculate who has one. And being one of the few to still have one in the mid-game will be dangerous.

Ok, well. I'd better go send my mail to Jabbar now, along with a few others. toodles!
2012 days 11 hours ago
I'm used to non-live comps where I have plenty of time to write confessionals. I'm not sure how many times I'll have opportunity to write one up during a competition, but I'm just kinda sitting around waiting on Jasoi right now, so why not.

Things are going decently. I'm talking with Jabbar like I wanted.  Hopefully he's going to trust me as much as I plan to trust him. I'm telling him literally everything I know. He's not giving back much, but i'm not concerned about it.

Things are looking good for me on the Golok tribe, I think. It looks like possibly Jimmy/Jabbar/Julian/Josh/Tris/Brien might become a thing... unless things don't come together like I hope. It's no where near come together yet, but looks like that's going to be the easiest path. That'll allow us to split votes in this crazy veto-riddled environment, so yeah, It's my most important goal right now. I'm trying to reach out to other people, again for the crazy veto environment thing. I'm not great with social game though, so I'm trying to keep it light..

As far as this competition goes, I like it. I wish it didn't have a time limit, but I am a fan of all non-live games so of course I'd feel that way. haha. It's bothersome to be dependent on other people's activity levels, but so far so good. We just have Jasoi left and he's in Stars so he should be along shortly I imagine. The OT has someone at like 10 hours so there is hope for us. I'm trying to talk Brien into working with me to form a tribal alliance. I don't want to be the guy who does it, at least not by myself. I will if I have to, but It's preferable that someone else appear to be in the leadership seat.
2011 days 21 hours ago
Jay's cast assessment/twist assessment
2011 days 21 hours ago
Vaughan's cast assessment
2011 days 21 hours ago
i forgot to seen confessional for the entire first challenge HI IM THAT BITCH AND IM BACK I'm back mainoy because my season was mainly a joke season and getting me out was apart of that dumb joke but I'm back to show these childern how it's done
2011 days 21 hours ago
So the challenge sucked. I showed up late (sorry) and kinda helped my tribe lose.. So now that we need to go to tribal, I feel really in trouble. Before the challenge, I tried reaching out to Julian who I've played with before in an old survivor group game. He was nice but never really gave me much. I also reached out to the returnee Tris and he straight up ignored me so I'm done with him. I'd like to see him go first, he's had his chance already. But if he feels confident enough to ignore a message from someone who reached out to him, he's probably got more allies than me. I thought as the only returnee on the tribe that he'd feel vulnerable, but maybe he knows more than I do.

Martha told me my name has come up, and Julian has told me that he hasn't heard anything yet. Is he lying? Who knows. But I do have my idol I could play. I'd hate to do it in the first vote, but I REFUSE to be the first to go so I might have to if I get a vibe that I'm the one that's going.
2011 days 21 hours ago
Martha tells me that they were debating between Jasoi and I for the vote tonight. This sucks major ass. I thought it should be Jasoi since he's the most MiA but because he "was the first to show up for the premiere" they think his inactiveness is a fluke. Fuck them.

Martha obviously is in with lots of people to be getting info yet people are ignoring me. So I approached Jasoi and want to work with him. Maybe we could use this idol twist to our advantage and see if we get someone else outta here besides either of us. If the others are all in agreement that it's me, it could be 7-2. Will be hard to both survive this vote, but we will see. It's still early.
2011 days 21 hours ago
So Liam showed up and we lost. boo.

Jasoi hasn't responded to the Skype messages I sent him letting him know about it. I see he got nominated in the stars game he's in. Yeah, no kidding. You've been offline for 11 hours. shame.

Meanwhile, decisions must be made. I think I want AJ to go, but really I'm not partial. As long as it isn't Jabbar/Julian/Josh don't leave, along with whoever we wind up with. Having 7 working together this week would be safest I think. I don't want to be seen as playing too hard, but I don't want things to get out of control.

I feel like I'm getting courted from  many sides and that is a good thing. I refuse to reveal my true allegiances to anyone but Jabbar, and soon Julian once our trust gets up to speed. AJ reached out to me, so I'm going to feed him false information wherever/whenever it seems doable.
2011 days 21 hours ago
I tried talking to Jimmy and Jasoi about us three teaming up and using this idol twist to our advantage to take out a bigger player like Tris or even Julian. Jasoi ignored me and Jimmy was non-commital. I'm on a tribe full of losers. So, if they all vote for me, I'm playing my idol and Tris is going home. But I suspect they will split votes so who knows what will happen. If they split votes between Jasoi and I, Jasoi will wish he didn't ignore me. And if he plays his idol too, it'll be full on chaos. Fun times. This will be good.
2011 days 12 hours ago
Brien leaves on the votes

Logan quits on the other tribe, and gives his idol to BB
2011 days 12 hours ago
I LOVE that my tribe was blindsided by me playing the idol. I don't think they expected that, otherwise the would have split their votes. While I didn't get who I wanted out, it wasn't me that left so I'm happy. As far as I'm concerned, Julian, Tris, and Jabbar I am certain all voted for me. Julian can go fuck himself because we were chatting and he said he'd keep me informed and then went AWOL, and voted for me, no less. What an idiot. If you didn't want me playing my idol then maybe don't suddenly start ignoring me making it clear that I'm being voted for. Moron.

I look mkto be the next to go, and I have no idol for protection now. But I'm talking to Maddie who I don't know if I can trust. I think she much more honest than Julian is. I suggested that the four of us who played our idols team up and try to stick together since we all felt insecure enough and on the outs enough to play an idol. Idk what's going on, but I don't like being on the bubble this early.
2010 days 15 hours ago
I reached out to Martha, Josh and Jasoi and basically told them that since the 4 of us played our idols last night, we obviously didn't feel safe or in the loop with the vote so I want to make a 4-way alliance with them all. So far Josh got back to me and said he's in so that's good.
I don't know that I can completely trust all of them because just based on sheer numbers, one of them obviously voted for me last night. I feel like even if just 1 voted for me, they obviously didn't completely trust the plan or alliance enough to not feel like they would be the alliance's back up plan in case an idol was played. Or they were saving their neck in case all votes for me were voided and they thought I'd be voting for one of them. Who knows.
At this point, I have nothing to lose. I either try this and have a slim chance of surviving the next vote, or don't do it and go home anyways.
I REALLY hope we win this challenge though so I've got at least another day or 2 to try and plan my way out of this..
2010 days 13 hours ago
these bitches are so annoying let me fucking tell you Vaughn his forehead is bigger then my future and he wants to have a alliance with me that's laughable like bitch I only align with people with their waist size under a inch and this bitch jasoi is still obbessed with me since fucking forever after i outplayed his ass in a game when he tried to get me out

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