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Survivor All-Stars Confessionals

Topic » Survivor All-Stars..

1754 days 14 hours ago
Ongoing drama -
trying to capture it for you as I  understand it... it's behind the scenes I think so...

Tired of Wade always throwing out the names, I threw out Kyle's name in the just extra chat.
Nopa told Kyle.
Wade told Kyle.
Icy told Kyle.

Anyway, so as I'm going around confirming individually with the people whether they're cool with the vote. Ikah informs me that it does actually bother him because he feels he's lumped with Grace and Kyle. Ok, well, I didn't know that, but after asking a few more questions I discover that Kyle was actually on team Hoop back in the day so I'm kinda NOT wanting to target him now.

But all these people seem (?) to be in some kind of feeding frenzy:
Grace? (as chum)

Wade is targeting Nopa/Vaughan?
Vaughan is targeting Kyle?
Nopalito is targeting Wade/Me?
Kyle is targeting Wade?
I'm targeting... All of the above?

I feel like the votes tonight will be amongst these people. As of RIGHT THIS SECOND, I feel like I'm actually voting Wade! I'm hearing that he was throwing Graces' name out, which matches up with something he told me. He's been too silent in the FourCore alliance, and not forthcoming with information. I want an alliance that works together. Grace has been absent. Azri and I weren't really working together to begin with except through Wade. I really strongly wanted to stay loyal to Wade, but I'm picking up on some signals that I need to maybe not sheep him quite so hard.

He has that idol though, so it has to be a blindside. He can't even get nervous. …

Ok, I took a quick break to come send you this, i'm diving back into the drama pool.
1754 days 14 hours ago
*Penguin win immunity*

My gurl Penguin win immunity and I'm so excited cos she killed it at finding the thief of the immunity necklace.
Nobody even stood a chance, but whatevs.

For this TC, Vaug, Bob and I are planning on voting for Grace. HELLO!? It's almost F10! A big move needs to be done before entering the halfway mark!
Wade has also been saying he has an idol in his pocket, but I haven't seen the proof behind it, so I'll actually vote for GRACE cos I'm 1000000% of the idol she got at mutiny. LMAO! XD
1754 days 12 hours ago
Confessional #14

This tribal didn’t go as planned whatsoever. And I mean whatsoever. Ikah told wade abt the blindside so wade could be a big target but I think that’s an extremely stupid move on ikah part so yeah. The revote also sucked I didn’t want nop to go home but everyone is wades little goats and they do what he says and I’m sick of it but every time I try and tell ppl they tell wade and now we’re having a one on one fight. I also found out that for the 1000th time ikah chose not to tell me something because he doesn’t trust me. Apparently Kyle and ikah switched their votes from wade to vaugh and I’m not happy ikah didn’t tell me. This immunity is do or die by I’m ass at no lives so rip. The only ppl I trust are josh and vaugh so I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m out soon but if I get voted out I’m not leaving without blowing up everyone’s games especially wade, ikah, and kyles
1754 days 12 hours ago

Actually turned out the way I hoped

So what happened was , grace and kyles names were thrown ...jimmy wanted kyle out and nopa wanted grace

Knowing nopa would go and tell Kyle I went over and told kyle myself too ...only to find out that nopa did infact tell Kyle that jimmy wanted him out

So I decided now is the time I went to nopa and I told him to his face “I’m voting you out” with that said I knew ASAP he would try to get votes gathered to vote me out ...which is what I wanted cause I had the idol

And it worked all that needed to happen was for him to go which I made sure by convincing enough people the danger he is ...and he left

Story time is over
1754 days 9 hours ago
Only one thing I have to say right now, I'm gonna really feel like crap if Ikah goes home tonight😔, he's on the outskirts and he's just doing his thing and I ruined it
1754 days 9 hours ago
First off sorry i haven't sent one in awhile I was on vacation. But pretty much we merged cause we all decided to mutiny and then there was a few tribals where i pretty much listened to nop and vaughan and did whoever. I was able to throw out maddies name and get her out tho and my ally liam went cause he was apparently going after me. But now we are up to this vote. Rn its a revote between ikah vaughan and nop. 3 people who im kinda aligned with. But what so far post merge ive done pretty much nothing cause i wasn't online enough to strategize. But what ive realized is that vaughan and nop are like the 2 biggest threats in the game. Both previous winners who have done alot so far. As much as i really like them, and vaughans one of my closest friends on this site, if i go to the end with them im 100% losing. So I really need to make a move to give myself some kinda resume. I'm not sure how much longer i can stay with those 2. For this revote it seems like its gonna be between nop and vaughan and im trying to get nop out cause although i trust him i trust Vaughan more ans again ill lose against him. Its all game play. I'm trying to work with ikah and kyle who not alot of people seem to like. But i gotta get a majority alliance going and do something in this game
1753 days 13 hours ago
*Nopalito is voted out*

This is so weird! I've never been voted out, idk what I have to say... :'(

I just feel it all happened so fast... one moment I'm in Nauru being in the minority, having to win all immunities, and now I'm in All Stars, one of the strongest social games and playing completely strategic... I think I def played a better game but I made a lot of mistakes this TC that made my entire gameplay so far not worth it...

I regret feeling pity for Kyle Kanto this week and approaching him. I regret telling Kyle that Jimmy wanted our alliance to gun for him, I regret giving those 2 the chance to talk to each other and bond. I regret allowing that convo that made them target Wade and led to someone snitching on Wade and coming back to me to haunt me. I regret trusting Wade... I regret telling Grace to waste her idol on herself and not on me... I regret ever feeling bad for Ikah, Kyle, Jimmy, Grace or Wade cos Wade conspired against me and an immunity idol, one he ACTUALLY GOT, sent me packing...

Overall this game has been everything to me! I put so much dedication and time to it because it's something I like and that keeps me isolated from this crazy real life... Idk what else to say... I'm shocked, kind of blindsided... I am pissed at Bob and Josh for turning on me when we had the votes for Ikah to leave... I regret trusting Wade and allowing him to get emotional and make it personal... BUT I REGRET making those decision... it is ONLY MY FAULT and I CAN ONLY BLAME MYSELF! I was playing a flawless game and I made some mistakes this TC expose me and make me a target... coming as a winner was hard, but not making it to the halfway point it's even harder... it's all my fault! ALL MY FAULT! I guess I deserve to be the worst winner EVER... :'(
1753 days 13 hours ago
This day man...I love the people here and working with them...But if you're like me and you make friends with everyone, eventually you do have to sometimes vote out people that u genuinely like, it's just a sad day all this and I'm feeling too much guilt, my friend at home's grandpa just died today...And thoughts are just coming back to when my mom passed when I was 10...I'm 17 now and I've healed, But just a sad atmosphere is holding me down for the first time in a while, sorry about such a sad confessional you guys...I just needed to get it off my chest, I should be good by tomorrow (I was straight up with Nopa and Vaughan that I voted him) I hope all is good and they understand
1752 days 13 hours ago
1752 days 12 hours ago
It does feel good to have immunity. That competition was a LOT of fun, and I keep playing it even as of this morning XD There's a board game? I'm intrigued.

So this is a weird and awkward part of the game for me. It usually is. I've come this far and I don't have a solid alliance. I have some relationships, but I'm not really sure how strong those bonds are from the other sides. I'm pretty sure I'd write down almost anyone's name except Grace and possibly Ikah. I dunno.

At this stage of the game, I tend to play vote more strategically. History informs me that that does absolutely nothing for me with the jury. The jury votes for someone they want to win, not necessarily who played the best game or who is most deserving of a win (although for some people that aligns with who they want to win). These damn games have a social component that just can't be ignored. (spits)

So here I am, about to make single digits (yay) and I have an awareness of what my problem historically has been. CAN I MAKE A CHANGE? I don't know. I'm not clear on what changes to make. I guess talk to everyone and talk to them a lot? I feel like people get targeted for tha, LOL. I guess it pays to also do it well? ROFL. ugh..

I think my plan right now is to try and revise my original plan. Get a new four core alliance going, between Kyle, Ikah, Grace, and myself. Tack on two more people, (Vaughan and Bob?) and go from there.

I think I'm going to be targeting either Wade or Josh this round. Wade, I might not, because I don't think he'd throw my name out just yet, and other people will target him so... Josh because he's so nice and sweet and lying all the while. He's been pretty under the radar this game, but this kid is good. It's time to start comparing notes with folks and see what we come up with.
1752 days 12 hours ago
And I thought I was playing too shady xD, apparently Jimmy and Wade are together trying to conspire against me in order to save Wade! So they've obviously working together for a while in this game, however it's just not going to cut it because Vaughan is helping me get the votes to stay, Wade is the target either way now, there's not a thing he can say to change that, we have Penguin, Azri and Bob as help besides me and Vaughan, I'm gonna also try to get Ikah, Kyle W won't do it because he said he really just wants Vaughan out😐, I understand though and I told him he could for his own game, But I have to do what's best for mine too
1752 days 12 hours ago
So all seems to be good as of right now except for one thing, Vaughan told me that Jimmy said my name was brought up, I wish I could know by who, But I think I might have an idea, that person will hopefully be out tonight, but we'll see what happens, I'm feeling better than I was before and I'm ready to go again just like I was before, maybe I'll need another immunity won just to show them, But I don't wanna look like a bigger target either
1752 days 9 hours ago
Well...the hour of reckoning will be at 10, I hope we have the votes to keep Vaughan in this game, But Penguin might be voting Vaughan and that'll screw it up, I'm hoping though that if Wade goes, that I can make amends with Wade and Jimmy, because my life in the game might depend on it, I even apologized to Wade and Jimmy for lying just like I've done before in this game, and Jimmy seems to understand and says it might be game, But outside he won't carry harsh feelings, I hope Wade is the same
1752 days 9 hours ago

Again Vaughn was my target , well actually I would’ve kept him as a shield and voted off josh ..but when I found out he was trying to conspire against me plus the other people who lied to my face and voted me before I knew that I couldn’t put faith in people who lied to me so I had to play it ...on the bright side I haven’t received a single vote against me lol

Now I need to get rid of josh ...I mean he lies and his lies aren’t good I mean if u going to tell a lie atleast make up a good lie ?

I know ikah, jimmy and azri will have my back ...just going to depend on if I can trust kyle
1749 days 15 hours ago
I'm not a gambler. I have never gotten actual pleasure out of waging a bet, whether I win or lose. I do get like, an adrenaline rush I guess, but not anything I'd call real fun. I think maybe that's why I'm having difficulty with the whole idol hunt thing. I'm just so not into it. I don't know what it says about me that I can have fun and get pleasure out of checking thousands of profiles in a search for an idol, taking hours or even days, but taking like 30 seconds to go google survivor contestants that match up to a clue is somehow just not worth the effort. I think it says I'm stupid or crazy, but whatever, I'm me. Searching endlessly is a sort of a cathartic release of energy. I don't have to think about anything, just zone out. As far back as I can remember, I've been into tedium. As a child I would frequently watch the doppler radar channel to watch the circles go around. Quickly guessing a survivor player and getting a response leaves me with little else to do so... like... meh.. I've been trying to remember to do it. Usually right after someone mentions it. XD It's probably for the best anyway, idols rarely seem to benefit me in the end anyway.

The extra day break took me by surprise. I spent most of a whole day thinking I was definitely the vote because absolutely no one was talking to me or responding to me. I felt completely ostracized. embarrassing. LOL.

I'm still rolling with the hoops army alliance. I get the feeling that it's a bit loose for the others, but it's what I'm doing for sure at this point. I'll be honest, I'm having great difficulty divorcing myself from Wade. I often forget just how social Wade is and how charismatic. It is what it is. It doesn't help (or does it?) that he got immunity. I don't know what to make of the FourCore alliance. I think it's long dead and I'm the last one to realize it.

The choices for votes as I understand them right now are Azri or Bob. That works great for me since I'm wanting either Azri or Josh out myself to further weaken Wade's influence. I don't think they're his sheep any more than I am, but I do feel like we're all a bit under his damn control. It's really just too bad for me that Wade lost my trust, because I like him so much and he could be great to work with if he wasn't so tightlipped about what he's saying to other people. It drives me bananas. We could work so well in tandem, but I always have to be the one to not talk to anyone because I might accidentally screw up something he's trying to do? yeah, no, that doesn't work for me. Tell me up front and I'll work with that. Let me play my game dammit, LOL.

I like Grace, Ikah, and Kyle a lot too though. They are all three people that I have wronged in the past and felt badly about it. I just love an opportunity to show each of them that I can be the loyal compadre that I did in fact want to be in other games. This works so well for me, it's as good as a win if we get to the F4, and we're nearly half the cast, so, woohoo!


This is allstars. I've decided to throw in my lot with this crew, but they could blindside me. This game hasn't seemed to be much focused on people staying true to their alliances, but these three have been together for a while now and hopefully they don't mind me wedging myself in there. I've decided to not worry even a little bit about being blindsided. These are allstars, if they want to blindside me, they can do it well enough that I won't see it coming.

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