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2125 days 2 hours ago
-Final 3 enter-

We'll now bring in the members of the Jury
-Jury enters-
Paul, Marie, Jayden, Jessie, Johnny, James K., and Nick voted out at the last Tribal Council

Welcome to your Final Tribal Council. Alex, James C. & Ross, the three of you have done what 15 others could not, which is make it to this point. But now, the power shifts to the Jury. 7 people you all had a hand in voting out, whether it was directly or indirectly, now must decide your fate.

You each may post an opening statement. The Jury may ask questions/make comments.

JURORS - Remember that you are voting for a winner. I cannot stress this fact enough. Feel free to ask questions and make comments to help you make your decision. When you know who you want to vote for, mail me your vote.

Votes are due @ 8:30 PM EST on Sunday (August 12th).
If you want to include an explanation as to why you vote for the person you do, go ahead.

LIVE Reunion will take place on Sunday @ 9:00 PM EST (August 12th) ((after BB)), where the votes will be read and a winner will be crowned!

A few awards will also be given! :)
2125 days 2 hours ago
2125 days 2 hours ago
2125 days 2 hours ago
There will be a more formal speech shortly. For now, Tributes:

Paul - Paul, the truth is I started out this game wanting to go to the end with you. I did try to save you, and was very close, but just couldn't get it done.

Marie - Marie, tu étais un joueur incroyable. Je sais que vous étiez très fidèle et je suis désolé de ne pas vous être également fidèle. Nous nous sommes connus un peu et je vous aime vraiment.

Jayden - What an iconic player. Two idols?! And willing to play one to save an ally? I am a fan. I truly thought you were going to exit whether I voted for you or not. I wish I had known that my vote could have made the difference to save you. I vowed to somehow try to use this mistake to my advantage.

Jessie - Jessie, If all reports are true, you were gunning from me from the start as a threat. That's fitting, because I was targeting you from the start as well, and for the same reasons. I think we were both right. Your ability to dodge being a target time and time again gives proof to your abilities, and your competition skills were on point. You are a complete package. I only wish we had spoken so that we could put our talents to work together. Next game I hope?

Johnny - Johnny, I know we were on the same tribe multiple times, and never worked together. I clearly underestimated you as a player. I considered you to be my biggest threat to keep me from the getting to the FTC. It was no easy task to get you removed from the game.

James K - The "other James!" and frequently my rival in competitions. I hope you can see that that I wrote your name down because you would obviously beat me in the FTC. You ducked and dodged the target so many times that you were a clear and present threat IMO. I had secretly targeted you when I realized you were successfully talking to everyone in the game and still being listed as the most trustworthy! SKILLS!

Nick - OMG Nick, :( :( This is so sad for me. I know that we should have also been a F2 together, but I hope you can understand that I could NOT beat you in the end. You ran a large part of this game and avoided the axe better than ANYONE. I understand that this was a bitter betrayal. I sincerely hope you were planning to do the same thing to me. XD
2125 days 1 hour ago
James c 
Why you tried to backstab me if u knew I was loyal ? I wasn't that a threat agasint u anyways 
2125 days 1 hour ago
Ross u practically did almost nothing in this game
What would.u can tell me to convince u deserve the win?
2125 days 1 hour ago
James C
Why you tried to backstab me if u knew I was loyal ? I wasn't that a threat agasint u anyways
Marie - :( This was a betrayal that I'm not proud of. I was surprised at the way you and Sameed went after Alex. I had to choose a side, and I had known Alex longer. I agree that you were not a threat. I wanted to repair the damage and work with you, but I couldn't get the votes.
2125 days 1 hour ago
Hello everyone,

I honestly feel that out of the three of us standing here, I played the best overall game. I played a physical game, I played a social game, and I played a strategic game. I came into this knowing I would have to make adjustements to my usual game... to evolve. I never play the fully cutthroat game, so I decided to give it a try.

I started out wanting to make Final 2 alliances with everyone, knowing I would betray them all later. I never quite got there, but I'm proud to say that all of the F2 alliances I DID make, made it to the F5.

From there, I worked hard to keep the sides balanced, and most importantly to ALWAYS keep a target in the game that was bigger than myself. I strategically leaked information from allies to give them a leg up, even if it meant betraying other allies.

At Merge, Nick and I both played both sides and began the chain of events to evict Sameed. We leaked the information that Alex was being targeted, and Alex got us caught. Nick managed to still keep under cover from the target alliance gathering valuable intelligence, in part because of my plan of taking all the heat. I could easily have lost my cool and blown up a valuable resource. Instead, I confessed.

From the point of Jury, I was on the right side of the numbers, but I wasn't entirely comfortable voting out Paul. I lied to Nick, (the person pretty much running the show at this point,) in an effort to get the votes to switch from Paul to anyone else. It was too little too late though, and Paul went out by one vote.

At that point, I saw no benefit to targeting Marie. I'm aware she was targeting me, but I also knew that she had been a loyal ally early in the game. I would prefer to heal that relationship than retaliate. We did heal our relationship, but I was still unable to save her via votes.

When Jayden left, I admit it was a surprise to me. I voted him out to keep with "the majority" but it turns out I was a swing vote. But this was GOLD to me, because it meant that there was someone in the house who was a huge threat - James K. Him surviving the tie vote and playing so well overall meant that I needed to keep him in the game as long as possible.

When Jessie left, I had couldn't have been more happy. Sorry Jessie, but I did try, weakly, to talk to you. I had been suggesting your name for a long time now, and once you and Johnny left, I began to take control of the entire game.

Having the idol at the last possible week to use it is an opportunity to make a huge move. I felt that I could secure an ally in Nick by giving it to him. I also knew that this would make him a HUGE target that I would need to take with me to the very end of the game. He was the only person I believed people would absolutely vote out over me. And also remove Johnny? Johnny was the biggest threat to my overall agenda, because I believed everyone would take him to Finals over me, and we had only the barest thread of communication. The week of F6 was a humungous win for me, all around.

I set everything up. Everything fell into place. Among the F5, James K and Ross obviously needed to be broken up, and Nick and Alex took no convincing at all to vote out the bigger target. After that, among the F4, Nick was the obviously clear winner, and needed to go.

After that, (sorry Nick. :( ) I decided that I needed to make one last move. I wanted to control the votes at the end, so that my opponents would not be able to say that they made it through with no votes. They each made it with 1 vote, as did I. But I did it by being completely out front and visible to everyone. I made the right connections. I won challenges, not because I needed to keep myself safe, but because it allowed me to keep control. I always had a plan B. I made huge moves to further myself in the game and most importantly, I really enjoyed myself, and playing with all of you. I hope you all get to screw me over in a game in the new future. :/
2125 days ago
James C; Why did you stick with Nick for so long when he was a bigger strategic/social threat who would've beaten you at the end?

Ross: No possible chance at getting my vote.

Alex; I can't name anything you've done really, help me lol
2125 days ago
James C; Why did you stick with Nick for so long when he was a bigger strategic/social threat who would've beaten you at the end?
I needed a buffer. I admit that I do well in competitions, but I didn't want to rely on them. As long as Nick was in the game, he was giving me information, he was voting the way I needed him to vote, and was someone everyone would take out before me in the event I did not have immunity. Also, tbh, Nick is a great guy who is fun to talk to and work with.
2124 days 23 hours ago
Hey everyone! So I know that this season I haven't been as vocal as I usually am when I compete in any of these group games. This season however I do know that I played the best game. First off I would like to mention I only received 1 vote (at the final 4) throughout the entire game without ever having an individual immunity and going to several tribal councils prejury, and I think that is a major accomplishment. I made connections in the game that I needed to never be either an easy vote or a target. Everybody else in the game was a target, and the only time I can ever say I was close to being one was when Sameed threw my name out at the final 11, and as soon as I got online I completely flipped the script to get him out and I received 0 votes. I had no immunities asides a few tribe ones at the beginning and never had any idols or powers to protect myself.

Prejury wasn't too big of a deal. There was the initial alliance I had with John/Logan/Jessie but since Logan became so paranoid we all just made the executive decision to boot him off.

The swap happened and I knew things were going to get ugly with Dani and Marie. I liked both however Marie was much more useful down the road and was always going to be seen as the bigger target and I could use both her and John's vote at merge. Then it comes down to John's vote off. This was a super smart move on both Jessie and I's part. We needed to separate the two and once again Marie would always be a bigger threat than John so even though I really liked him, I needed to vote him off because merge was coming up and a power duo was not what I needed in the game coming into merge without even being on tribes with most of the people there.

Merge. The beginning of merge was the only time I was in trouble. I was put in an alliance with Nick and James C as well as my one with Jessie from being on the same tribe. Sameed for some reason began targeting me, his biggest problem was he told James C who has not only played in but WON my ORG series YouTube Survivor. Once I received this information I immediately put in work, making sure I didn't get any votes that round and that I had enough for Sameed to leave. I was the powerhouse behind this move and it was orchestrated perfectly. The next two votes were simple, the two people that voted with Sameed. Now even though I really liked Paul and Marie I would say I had the weakest connections with them at this point in time. Marie was a big target but if she made it much further she would've had a great shot at the end and with people like James K and Nick still in the game it would have been too much of a risk. Next was Jayden. Out of all the people up to this point I only talked to Jayden when it came time to vote and it was kind of just a check up. I also knew he had played some idols and was familiar with how to find them, meaning he needed to go before he ended up being too powerful. Jessie, I know we had that alliance with you Johnny and I mid merge but you became inactive and there was no point when I knew that the James' and Nick and Ross weren't voting me, neither was Johnny since I had a great connection with him.

Late merge. Now I was not in the majority on the Johnny vote, I voted Nick out. However I still managed to make both sides think that I voted with them. I knew Nick was an end game threat and that Johnny didn't talk too much and was going to get the boot, but then I set myself in the perfect position. 2 power duos, Nick/James C and James K/Ross, with myself in the middle. It was perfect. Next I had the choice of either Nick or James K. This came down to a last minute decision. I had a closer bond with James K, however I knew his relationship to Ross was closer than James' to Nick. As you can see, James C and Nick did not vote together at the final 4, and I knew this because James was willing to vote Nick off at final 5 if need be, but once I thought about it he didn't too hard in the last 2 immunities and had a weaker connection to his duo. Then Nick. Nick played hard and one of the best games of the season, I convinced his power duo to at least not vote with him at final 4 allowing me to personally take him out. The reason for not taking Ross out and sticking with the final 3 of me Nick and James C is not only that I knew Nick was the best player but also because everyone said that Ross barely if ever talked to them.I'm sorry to those who I lied to but it was for the betterment of my game and I'm glad that nothing went out of control at any point in time and that no one was bullied by anybody. I even made up with both John and Sameed afterwards.

I loved this game. It was exciting, fast paced, and best of all NON LIVE. Kara is a wonderful host and I had a great time playing with you all!

I do want to address the other finalists real quick.
Ross, I did not talk to you too much but you didn't really do much in this game, I am glad to have met you and happy I got you to sit with me in the final 3.
James C, you say you played the best overall game, I would say that is either James K/Nick/Myself, only reason to plug myself in there is because I was never targeted yet was making moves to get myself further in the game with as little blood on my hands as possible and it worked. You were the best ally and I'm glad that I can call you my friend. I do hope however that this turns out like Noah's BvW where I beat you again lol!

Jury, ask any questions and I will answer 100% honestly and I hope that I can gain your vote to win! I really appreciate it if you read all of this :D!
2124 days 23 hours ago
Alex; I can't name anything you've done really, help me lol

Of course I know that you posted this before I made my speech so I will paraphrase the basis of what I did. I moved myself further in the game by making moves with people and backstabbing them almost immediately after. John helped Jessie and I blindside Logan, we then took him out because he was too close with Marie. This continued when I needed to take out Jessie so I could position myself as much as possible to be in the middle of two power duos. Another thing I did was only get 1 vote throughout the entire game without immunities or idols or powers or whatnot. I relied heavily on my social and strategic game, talking with people to make sure they don't put me on their radar. I also pulled enough votes to get Sameed out when I was his initial target while ALSO putting blame on James C/Nick without them getting mad at me. I played it off perfectly and those 2 were seen as leakers and threats instead of me being seen as an easy vote, once again due to the social game.
2124 days 23 hours ago
Correction - I said I played the best overall game of the three of us standing here. Nick and James K absolutely played excellent overall games. I would not include you in that category as you made no moves and didn't have any physical game and honestly kinda floated.

Also, omg - it better not. LOL! I also remember the host saying I played the better game and should have won, but had the worst FTC performance in history. ROFL. A part of why I never targeted you was because I'm aware both you, Nick, and Ross all know how poorly I do at FTCs. XD
2124 days 22 hours ago
Alex give me 3 good reasons to vote for you
And give me 3 good reasons to not vote for you?
2124 days 22 hours ago
And yesssss I agree Kara was an awesome host ❤
2124 days 22 hours ago
And I still don't know how people saw me as a threat loll explain to me how Alex why was I a big target ?
When sameed and Paul got out I was like by myself...I wasn't really a target lol

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