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AIRHEADS 1.3 "The Ghost of Fatty Nutt"

Topic » AIRHEADS 1.3 "The Ghost..

1694 days 8 hours ago
Cara: crawls over to Thayer and snaps out of it
Starts crying omg
Looks at Paloma holds her hand and thayers
1694 days 8 hours ago
*Thayer's yell consumes pretty much all energy he had left*
J...ust...get me an ambulance......
1694 days 8 hours ago
Gideon just helps martin up and down the staircase then he looks at the town.
1694 days 8 hours ago

In the distance, the students can hear boat motors and sirens wailing down the street

1694 days 8 hours ago

The episode is closed for posting!! I am typing up some closing scenes right now, and will post them when they are finished!

1694 days 8 hours ago
1694 days 7 hours ago
September 10, 2019, THE NIGHT SARA SARAH DIED -- Bear Bottom Road --

        “I’ll see you when I get there. Thank you,” Sara hangs up the phone. She looks around as Grant’s tail lights disappear around the corner. The woods are dark, and Sara steps towards the middle of the road for safety.
        She begins walking down Bear Bottom, looking behind her every few seconds. She takes out her phone and looks at the screen for comfort. She hears something behind her.
        “Hello?” She turns around. She can’t see anything further than a few feet ahead of her. “Is somebody there?”
        There is a quick rustling in the leaves. Sara turns around and begins walking quicker, but the rustling continues behind her. She bites her lip and thinks about callin Grant. She’d apologize, say he was right, anything to get him to turn the truck around and pick her up.
        The rustling stops.
        “Hello?” Sara turns around again, but there is nothing there. She continues down Bear Bottom road at a quick pace, not looking behind herself again. She makes it out of the woods and approaches a nearby street.
        The street it empty, and one of the lights is out above her. She takes a deep breath and continues on to the street. A car rolls up behind her slowly, but is careful not to pass her. Sara ignores the car and continues walking. The car revs its engine, but Sara just continues to walk.
        Sara turns up a driveway, and the car speeds away along the road. Sara turns back and watches as the car drives away. She turns back to the door and gives it a single knock.
        She waits for a second, and the deadbolt unlatches. The door is opened and Sara smiles and wipes away a small tear.”
        “Hey, you,” Gideon smiles back at her, reaching out and wiping away the tear.
1694 days 7 hours ago
September 18, 2019, 6:00 p.m. -- Mary Todd Lincoln High School ROOFTOP --

        On the roof of Mary Todd Lincoln High, the students are laying low, trying to keep themselves from blowing away in the wind. The students can hear motors and sirens wailing down the street towards them. Two safety boats turn the corner and rush towards the school, dropping anchors into the flood waters.
        Paloma, Mark, and Adrien burst onto the rooftop, carrying a barely-conscious Thayer. “It was all Dakota Johnson Smit…” He closes his eyes.
        “Somebody help him!” Paloma and they boys set Thayer down on his side, his blood spilling onto the rooftop. Martin makes his way back up the fire escape and rips off his shirt to cover up Thayer.
        Thayer opens his eyes dramatically and grabs Paloma’s arm. “Paloma,” he whispers. “My gay porn.. Is.. still inside. You can’t let it die with me. Please..” He closes his eyes again.
Paloma turns towards the roof door. Martin presses his shirt on Thayer’s back.
“Students!,” Agent Weathers calls from the boat using a bullhorn. “We are here to rescue you! I’m coming up!” Agent Weathers jumps from the boat onto the fire escape and makes her way to the top.
Grant pulls Kimberly into his arms and walks her to the edge of the building. “It’s okay, Kim. You’re going to be okay. Don’t go into the light. It’ll be there next time.”
Kimberly faints in Grants arms, and he lays her on the side of the building. Agent Weathers makes her way onto the roof and over to them. “We need to get her into the boat,” she tells Grant.
“Yeah, obviously,” he spits back at her. “And the rest of us, too. Isn’t that what you’re here for?”
        “Just go to the fucking fire escape,” she rolls her eyes. At the fire escape, Athena has already made her way down, tired of everybody else’s bullshit. She safely gets into one of the boats and is handed a rain poncho.
Gideon begins his descent, with Cara on his back. He slips due to the weight, but is able to catch himself. Cara claws into his shoulders. “Don’t drop me!”
“I won’t, I won’t” He continues down the fire escape and safely into one of the boats.
        Paloma kisses the top of Thayer’s head and turns to run back in to the school for Thayer’s gay porn. Dakota, standing next to Brad, watches as Paloma goes back into the school and follows her.
        Adrien helps Mark carry Thayer to the fire escape. “Jesus,” Agent Weathers looks at Thayer. “I don’t know if he’s going to make it.”
        “He has to,” Adrien looks at her.
        “I don’t really care either way,” Mark shrugs. Adrien hits him. Mark hits Adrien back.
        “Knock it off,” Agent Weathers flicks both of them on the top of their head. “Just get him into the boat before I charge you both with manslaughter.”
        Slowly, everybody begins to make their way into the safety boat. Sissy and Holly go one after the other. Adrien hugs Holly as she enters the boat. Thayer instinctively opens one of his eyes and glares at them before closing it again. Brad sees a few pairs of boobs in the boats and assumes Dakota has to be down there, making his way as well.
        Bernie makes his way over to Agent Weathers. “Grant killed Anne Olive, and I’m pretty sure Sara Sarah.”
        “Kid, I’ve been singing that tune since day one, and it’s not catching on,” she sighs.
        “No,” Bernie shakes his head. “I swear. I have proof. There was a body in his locker, and and and, I have evidence on *my* phone of texts from *his* phone the night he killed Sara.” Bernie takes his phone out of his pocket, but the phone is destroyed from the water.
        Agent Weathers looks down at the broken phone. “Uh huh,” she nods. She motions towards the fire escape. “We need to get out of here first. Is this everybody?”
        Bernie looks around, and there’s obviously people missing. “I think, maybe. But there’s still others inside. They might need help… if they’re still alive.”
1694 days 7 hours ago
September 18, 2019 6:00 p.m. -- Mary Todd Lincoln High School: Stairwell --

        Paloma bursts back into the school to find Thayer’s gay porn. She looks at the immediate area after coming inside and sees nothing. She walks down the steps and on to the second floor, the water rushing past her ankles. She sees blood from Thayer’s back on a classroom door, and enters the classroom.
        Thayer’s phone is sitting on a table in the classroom. Paloma goes to grab the phone and put it in her pocket.
        “Sucks to see one of my best friends dying up there because of you,” Dakota enters the classroom behind her.
        Paloma turns around and clicks her teeth together. “Excuse me? Because of me? Did you just follow me back in here?”
        “Um, yeah,” Dakota nods. “Obviously. I’m here to fight you, bitch.”
        “Fight me?”
        At that moment, the vengeful widow alligator bursts out of the closet. She gets down on the floor and marches towards the girls.
        “Oh, hell no!” Paloma snaps her fingers at the alligator. “This bitch is mine.”
        The saluting alligaytor makes his way into the room, and puts his hand on the widow alligator’s back. “Come on, Mary,” he pats her back. “Let’s go home.” Mary the Widow Alligator bursts into tears and follows the other one out.
        “They killed Charles!” Mary cries out.
        “Shhhh, shhh,” Gaytor escorts her out of the room. “I know, I know.”
        Dakota turns back to Paloma. “Where were we? Oh, right. Bitch!” Dakota lifts up her hands and swings at Paloma, but Paloma easily dodges and kicks Dakota away from her.
        Paloma charges at Dakota, kicking up water with her feet. She slides past Dakota, turning and kicking Dakota behind the knees. Dakota’s knee’s buckle and she falls.
        Dakota grabs a pair of dull scissors from under the water, turning around and slashing at Paloma, who turns and dodges the attacks. Paloma grabs Dakota’s hand, but Dakota pulls a full on Arya Stark and drops the scissors into her other hand, plunging them into Paloma’s stomach.
        Dakota lets go, and Paloma steps back, trying to pull the scissors out of her. Dakota brushes her hair back, and Paloma tosses the scissors to the ground. She lunges at Dakota again, bouncing off of a table to high kick Dakota in the face. Dakota turns, dodging the kick and running towards the wall.
        Dakota sprints up the wall, pushing off with her feet and landing on top of Paloma in the water. She tries pushing Paloma’s head under the water, but face-up it only covers her eyes. “Turn over you, ugly, brown, bitch,” Dakota tries to turn Paloma over underneath her.
        Paloma pushes up with her knee, knocking Dakota over face-down into the water. Paloma pushes herself onto Dakota’s back and begins holding her head under the water. Dakota claws at Paloma’s hands and arms, but Paloma doesn’t let go.
        After a minute, Dakota stops moving in the water. Paloma lets go and stumbles back into the room. She looks down as Dakota’s body starts to softly float. Paloma kicks Dakota, but she doesn’t move. “Fuck,” Paloma reaches for Thayer’s phone and runs towards the door. She looks back and watches as Dakota floats lifelessly in the water. She makes her way back up to the roof.
1694 days 7 hours ago
September 18, 2019 -- Mary Todd Lincoln High School: ROOFTOP --

        “I think, maybe,” Bernie looks at Agent Weathers. “But there’s still others inside. They might need help… if they’re still alive.”
        Paloma bursts out of the school and on to the rooftop again, carrying Thayer’s gay porn.
        “Hey,” Agent Weathers calls to her. “Is there anybody else inside?”
        Paloma looks back at the door and the to Agent Weathers and shakes her head. “I didn’t see anybody.”
        “You’re bleeding,” Agent Weathers looks at her stomach.
        “You’re bleeding. What happened?”
        Paloma looks down and grabs the scissor wound. “It was an alligator. They’re still in the school.”
        “Alligators? What are you--”
        “Where’s Thayer,” Paloma notices the blood on the rooftop where Thayer used to be.
        “Who the hell is Thayer?”
        “My friend! The one with the cut on his back?”
        “Oh,” Agent Weathers nods. “The gay one? I thought his name was Fletcher… He’s on the boat, like you should be. Come on.” Agent Weathers grabs on to Paloma and Bernie and escorts them onto the boat.
        As they make it onboard safely, Paloma sits by Thayer’s side, caressing his cheek. Brad looks for Dakota among all the various boobies. The boats begin moving.
        Grant inconspicuously reaches into Kim’s pocket and pulls out her burner phone, tossing it into the flood waters beneath them.
        Inside Mary Todd Lincoln, Dakota’s body continues to float in the water.

NEXT TIME on AIRHEADS: “The Life and Death and Rebirth of Sara Sarah” -- One month later. Mary Todd Lincoln is undergoing construction to be fully operable again. Thayer and Kims’ lives hang in the balance. Bernie tries to deal with his loss of evidence. Paloma has to deal with the line she crossed. And the entire town is rocked by the return of somebody they all thought was long dead and murdered: Sara Sarah.
**(Thank you guys again for another episode! We apologize for how long it took to get this one out, but we appreciate you guys coming back after weeks to put another in the books! The next two episodes (4 and 5) will actually be a TWO-PART ONE-NIGHT-EACH FINALE event. That is, Episode 4 will air on the Friday, and Episode 5 will air on the Saturday. When we return to Kermit, it will be one month later, and the death toll of Hurricane Katerina will be revealed, including some of the characters. Be looking out for the date of the FINALE event!!!!)**
1694 days 6 hours ago
(oh shit)
1694 days 6 hours ago
(oh shit indeed)
1694 days 6 hours ago
(OOP- <3)
1694 days 6 hours ago
1694 days 5 hours ago
(Not my Babe...)

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