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EB's Blog

Posts 488 posts

yay! My first Rookies game! Feb 5, 2009
FINALLY!!!!!!! I am in a rookies game! I am so happy, hahaha, incase you couldn't tell. I can't wait to get it started, they seem like so much more fun than the casting ones. Wish me luck! =)
Points: 29 6 comments
Summer.. Summer.. Summer time.. I wish Feb 3, 2009
imageSo.. I changed my look, in hopes and dreams that summer would start tomorrow, but it will not. See here in Indiana, I have been hit with numerous snow storms, ice storms, and they have all been bad and have piled up so much snow that I am frankly sick and tired of it. So I am thinking summer. I miss all the fun. Sitting by the pool, going in the pool, all the fun activites... everything!

I am about to get hit with another bad storm. All thanks to lovely Lake Michigan and a little thing called Lake Effect snow! So lovely! While everyone else is getting about 2 inches or a dusting of it.. I will be getting 6-12 inches. YUCK!

Summer please hurry! I can not take the winter no more!
Points: 27 2 comments
Black Widow =) Feb 2, 2009
imageAnyone want to learn about the black widow? I know I don't because I hate spiders, lol, but I want my team to win another challenge. So here we go! =)

The Black Widow
The Black Widow is apart of a group of spiders, which include the southern (Latrodectus mactans), the northern (Latrodectus variolus), and the western (Latrodectus hesperus) black window. Black widows range in the southern parts of British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba and Ontario. They are often confused with the False Black Widows. Since common usage of the term "black widow" makes no distinction between the three species (and many people are unaware of the differences between them), and because the three species have much in common, this article treats all three species of black widow equally.

Black Widow spiders typically prey on different varities of insects but occasionally feed upon woodlice, diplopods, chilopods and other arachnids.

When the prey is entangled in the web, the black widow comes out from hiding, wraps the prey strongly with more webbing, then bites and envenoms its prey. The venom takes 10 minutes to take effect. In the meantime, the Black Widow is holding it's prey securely in it's webbing. If and when the prey begins to move digestive enzymes are released into bite. The Black Widow does not eat it's prey in the web, it takes it back to it's retreat before feasting.

When it comes to reproducing, a male Black Widow spins a web, deposits semen on it, and charges his palpi with the sperm. The female deposits her eggs in a globular silken container in which they remain camouflaged and guarded. A female black widow spider can produce four to nine egg sacs in one summer, each containing about 100-400 eggs. Usually, eggs incubate for twenty to thirty days. Rarely do more than a hundred survive through this process. On average, thirty will survive through the first molting, because of cannibalism, lack of food, or lack of proper shelter. It takes two to four months for black widow spiders to mature enough to breed, however full maturation typically takes six to nine months. The females can live for up to five years, while a male's lifespan is much shorter. The female, on occasion, eats the male after mating. (Now that's not nice lol)

Besides themselves as enimies, wasps and spider wasps have been generally known to be predators of the Black Widow.

The Black Widows vemon is known to be more potent than that of the cobra and coral snake. Their chelicerae (the part of their body that injects the vemon into the prey) is not very large nor powerful. The chelicerae is only 1.0 millimeters long. A female Black Widow injects more vemon than a male as well. Even though the vemon is extremely potent, it is very small in physical volume. When this small amount of venom is diffused throughout the body of a healthy, mature human, it usually does not amount to a fatal dose. Deaths in healthy adults from Black Widow bites are relatively rare in terms of the number of bites per thousand people. Sixty-three deaths were reported in the United States between 1950 and 1959. On the other hand, the geographical range of the widow spiders is very great. As a result, far more people are exposed, worldwide, to widow bites than to bites of more dangerous spiders, so the highest number of deaths worldwide are caused by members of their genus. The venom can cause a swelling up to 15 cm. Improvements in plumbing have greatly reduced the incidence of bites and fatalities.

Well... there is some knowledge about the Black Widow. I have actually learned something today. =)
Points: 40 9 comments
I'm bored lol Jan 31, 2009
imageSo I'm waiting like every hour to post this 5 number thingy on this group i'm in.. lol I'm so impatient.. But I want to get POV because I'm nominated =( I don't want to leave already. But if I leave, I leave. No hard feelings. I just wanted to stick around longer and take in the experience.

But I'm bored.. just sitting here listening to some music. Whats everyone up to?
Points: 0 0 comments
Chaos Game Jan 29, 2009
So I've always wanted to play in one of the Rookies game, but I never have the money... i think this Group game, Chaos is gonna be good experience for a Rookies game. I wish everyone luck in the game =) and have fun.. please no drama =(

Points: 3 2 comments
lalala Jan 28, 2009
lol so I'm pretty bored... I wish the two games I was enrolled in were over with already. I got evicted already =( It's okay tho.. moving along lol. So how's everyones day/night going? It's pretty late here. I think I'm gonna head to bed soon. Let me know whats up.

<3 =)
Points: 31 9 comments