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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The Shit I've Learned in 2012

Dec 31, 2012 by Icarus_Mark
So with 2012 coming down to a close, I want to take time to recap what I have learned here on Tengaged throughout my time here in 2012, or from whenever I started here, anyway (I started my account here on August 14th, 2012).  If you have anything you would like to say and tips on how I can do better, don't be afraid to comment here on this blog.  I don't bite... much.

So, anyway, without further ado, let's get them rolling!

1. The First thing I would like to list is that in some games, if you're going to work with someone, you need a way to communicate with your alliance outside of a Chatzy.  Now, I am notorious with this for a few reasons.  One, I don't have a Skype.  Two, my MSN is crap.  The Skype part, I have been asked by some people like gotanygrapesxo and BBlover96 if I had a Skype when I wanted to work with them in games or when, in the case of the latter person I just mentioned, if I'm stepping into higher territory like a Frookies.  I could never really get anything cohesive going on in any of those games where I was asked this question because I just didn't have the luxury of having a Skype.  And the MSN thing?  That it's crap has been confirmed already by a few choice people that I will leave private.

2. If you're going to join a 13-post or whatever-the-fuck-the-amount-is-post, you are probably required to have a Skype.  I say this because I joined a 15-post Fasting before that was started, and deservedly won, by jakehou97 and let me just say that that game, for me, I just didn't know how to communicate in the game.  At least jakehou97 was nice enough to explain how it works to me, so I was able to follow along with it.  But it was hell communicating because I could only use PM's and it was annoying me.  Another reason why I should probably make myself a Skype.  :P

3. If you're going to join a day that is not a Frookies or a Fasting, make sure you have a few days of free time so you can actually do it.  I know this because I work on Saturdays and it requires me to be gone the entire day, so I know that if I'm going to join these types of games, I need to set aside enough free time to fully invest in the game, which is why I finish in good positions in Slow Castings.

4. Frookies is like Fastings if Fastings were to smoke 10,000 pounds of crack cocaine.  It's hard enough to vote and socialize in the game when you only have, like, 5 minutes to get your fucking votes in, but on top of that, you have to deal with POV comps, which eat up your voting time.  Sure, that's why you get 7 minutes to vote, but it doesn't matter if the HOH noms quickly and then you get evicted before you even get to make the puniest case as to why you should stay over the other guy because you're doing the fucking POV.

5. In order to do good in Frookies, it's probably a good idea to join in a premade.  The reason I say this is because of #4 where you have to do everything else in the competition.  At least if you're in a good alliance and know you're safe, you can throw the POV and not have to worry about it.

6. You can check for keys, apples, and whatever the fuck else you need to in games if you go to your PM's, log out, then hit the back shift arrow.  However, in order to log out, you need to have enough room at the top of your screen.  I say this because I have tried to do this many times with a small, scrunched screen on the laptop and it wouldn't let me log out.  I know it works because I was able to log out just fine and do this on my Nintendo 3DS.

7. If you're not in a premade but are in a game with them, by all means play against them if you have the numberrs to do so.  However, not all premades are created equal.  There may actually be someone in a premade that you may actually come to like in the selfsame game.  How do I know?  Because I had that happen to me once.  :P

8. Now, this one, I have only heard, so I take no credit for it, but I list this because one of my friends on the site, ASupreme, has experienced this firsthand.  There may be some veterans on this website who will go King Kong on steroids on steroids if they get outplayed by one of the newer people on the site.  Like what has once been said, and I quote from ASupreme, "In Frookies, people will send you nasty messages upon nasty messages if you betray them.  They will also be complete douchebags if you write to them saying no hard feelings.  I swear these people forget that there is a life outside Tengaged and the World Wide Web in general."  However, not all people are like that, so you just have to find the people who you mesh with very well because there are people like that out there.

9. Only bet on Charities.  If you bet on anything else, like a 13-post, you're most likely going to lose your money.  I remember one time I bet on nikki101 because that was what everyone else seemed to be doing at the time, but, as it turned out, she got 13th place in the game and, well, the game wasn't a charity, but rather a 13-post.  Here was the bet chart:

See what I mean?  But yeah, that's how the cookie crumbles, unfortunately.

And that's all I have for this blog.  Hope you all have a great Happy New Year's, and best wishes to you in 2013.  :)



Nice blog Icarus_Mark!
Very nice to read =)
Sent by teamjacz,Dec 31, 2012
Thank you, teamjacz!  :D
Sent by Icarus_Mark,Dec 31, 2012
Nicely written, Icarus_Mark...
Sent by TheBlackDog,Dec 31, 2012
Thanks, TheBlackDog!  :)
Sent by Icarus_Mark,Dec 31, 2012
cool! I got like a whole paragraph! And you should really make a skype, yeah
Sent by jakehou97,Jan 1, 2013
omg im sorry :( shah
Sent by nikki101,Jan 1, 2013

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