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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Apr 2, 2012 by Kelly_Kelly
I know there arent a lot of wrestling fans here but I need to vent. BROCK LESNAR?????? Really WWE not only did you disrespect the WWE fans by having the Rock win at Wrestlemania. But now you bring back a roided up bitch back. Lets look at the facts shall we. Yes Lesnar is a monster no denying that. However when Lesnar went to UFC what did he do he talked shit about the WWE. About how fake it was and how none of the wrestlers are athletes. Really because it was good enough to pay your fucking pay check for a good number of years. Brock Lesnar is a nother has been who wants his 15 mins of fame back. I cant deal with it any more I have to seriously consider not watching the WWE anymore. And Ive been a WWE fan since 1984.

Again sorry if you dont like wrestling but I have to get this of my chest before I explode


Sent by Janelle_Pierzina,Apr 2, 2012
Kelly_Kelly its called build
and they now have enough to build a good fucking spot for jerkoff john
He can and WILL use that against him
Lesnar isn't gonna get off that easy.
WWE Did what the fans wanted
Lesnar is good for business, WWE Brought back people who done worse to the business than him
(michaels, hogan, JEFF FUCKING HARDY)
Sent by tomhartnell,Apr 2, 2012

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