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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Ok honest question??

Apr 8, 2012 by Kelly_Kelly
Honestly does it really matter how people type on a website.Really why is it that the grammar police wanna jump on someone for misspelling or not using correct punctuation. I guess Im just a lot more laid back then most people because i simply do not give 2 rats ass about grammar online. Because honestly Id bet no one talks how they type seriously think about it the people who cant fucking type at all do you really think they cant speak well??

Lemonsalsa Im not talking about @Benron because I think hes an idiot anyways and he just does and says stupid shit to get a raise outta people. Im just saying in general why is it so important for someone to be grammatically correct online.


plz play these
Sent by Xbac5,Apr 8, 2012
It matters when the person doing the misspellings is trying to declare another group of people stupid. It's a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Hope that answers your question.
Sent by lemonsalsa,Apr 8, 2012

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