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Patrick319's Blog

Posts 16009 posts

I finally made my 1st Group!!!! Sep 21, 2009
imageYessss :):) I finally recieved enough $$ from other blog posts, and donations that I could finally make a group =D
It's called Patrick319's Quick Games!! We get to play Big Brother USA, Big Brother UK, Survivor Quick Games and of course many more!!

I would really appreciate it if you guys all joined :)
The link is:

Also please remember to comment, plus, and check mark ^^
Points: 22 3 comments
My first Survivor Game - No. 9970 Sep 20, 2009
imageHey guys :) So today I finally got some more T$ after winning my casting and I finally had enough to join a Survivor Game, so I did =D It is game No. 9970!! We are the Green Team xD And the tribe we are competing against is a merged tribe!!

Anyways, everything is soo cool, lol! You get to eat, drink, hunt, collect rain lol. Sometimes it gets confusing and I'm afraid that I might die, lool! Anyways wish me best of luck :)
The link is:

Please plus, comment, and check mark =)
Points: 38 5 comments
Please help me!! Sep 20, 2009
Hey everyone :) Please help me!! lool! I really want to make a Group so I can host Quick Games, but I need like 1.5 more $$!! So please click this link:
And then click the link on it =D Thanks so much guys!!
Points: 32 5 comments
I won another Casting Game!!!!! Sep 20, 2009
imageOmg :O lool! I just won another Casting Game. It was my 3rd Casting, and my 2nd Casting win :)

The game was actually REALLLYYY boring!! We didnt even make it to 1000 posts!! I wasn't even that active and still managed to win xD Algo's can be weird sometimes!!
The link is:

Please plus, comment, and check mark =D
Points: 27 8 comments
I won my first Rookies Game!!!!! Sep 18, 2009
imageYay!! I have exciting news. Yesterday I have won my first Rookies Game ever!! Wow, I'm so lucky :) I win my 1st casting, and my 1st Rookies! It was game #9813, and it had loads of drama xD

So first of all I made an alliance with one guy named Harlequin, and we agreed that we would have each others backs and get to the Top 5 :) So, then there was this other guy who SOMEONE told me had an alliance with Katy (Je) which made him a threat and he was nommed and his alliance member. Je was 1st evicted, but then people started thinking that he has more people in his alliance so me and and Harlequin thought that Katy, Crimson, and Luc were an alliance so we wanted to evict them. Crimson ended up getting evicted :) So then my alliance grew bigger and Leb and Glam kind of joined but later one of them backstabbed me =O

So the guy named Luc sent me a PM like this:
Well I already gave keys and it would be backstabbing =/ I like patrick I think we should take care of him and katy in the two evictions before the final.

So I grew suspicous thinking that this message was supposed to go to someone else but by accident he gave it to me. He then tried covering it up, and then I told Harlequin, and he said he already knew b/c Luc told him what happened already =O Luc then told me the truth, and said that the message was supposed to go to Leb and a few things were added to it. So basically, Leb wanted to backstabb and evict me because I was a strong player and I currently had HOH! So I brought Luc into our alliance and we were good friends! Me, Luc, Harlequin, and Glam made a Top 4 deal :)

So then I did my key ceremony and gave a key to Glam, Luc, Harley, Mike, and Katy. I dissed out Katy and said that she got a key b/c I was 100% sure her ass was gonna be evicted because she was already nommed before and I didnt want two of my nominees being algoed! I also nommed Leb because I told him what Luc told me that Leb wanted to backstabb me!! I also nommed pickem as a pawn! This is where the DRAMA started!! Leb was FURIOUS and started yelling and causing drama about me and Harlequin.

He told us that me and Harlequin will be the next 2 evicted because I made a stupid move by nomming him. I tried explaining to him that I believe Luc, and that I have proof that Leb wanted to backstabb me! Then Leb was saying that Harlequin was using me and that he had proof, and he did. A screenshot that said that Harlequin was saying that I'm a dumb idiot and should be evicted. Harlequin told me that he was lieieng to Leb at that time so he wouldn't suspect our alliance. Then more fighting started happeneing and Katy was in it too!! And guess who got evicted.. instead of Katy.. It was Mike so I was in BIIIGGG TRPUBLE!!!

Glam was the new HOH and Leb was sure that Glam was gonna nom me and Harlequin since Glam used to be on Leb's alliance but Glam backstabbed Leb and nommed him and Katy! Also there was a problem with the POV since NO ONE knew who had the POV, and Leb said it was him, and then said it was Katy!! Katy ended up using the POV on herself and Leb got evicted!! We finally ended up befriending Katy and she told us that Leb wanted her to use the veto on him so he could create some SERIOUS drama in the house!!

I was the next HOH and nommed Katy and pickem (for strategical reasons). I knew pickem was gonna be evicted and 2 of my friends would be algoed but I didnt wanna backstabb them and either way 2 of them would be algoed. Pickem ended up being evicted :)

Me, Harlequin, Glam, Luc, and Katy were in the Top 5!! We all became great friends and we told secrets to each other in the game. I got to know that Harlequin had a premade with Glam, lol! Maybe that was the main reason I came so far xD It was funny how formour enemies could become great friends like we did =D

Our Rankings:
5th - Katy
4th - Glam
3rd - Luc
2nd - Harlequin
1st - ME!!!!!

I won 1 POV and 2 HOH's and I think I played a pretty smart game :)
The game link is

Anyways please comment, +++, and check mark!!
Points: 52 16 comments
Jordan has won Big Brother 11!!!!! Sep 15, 2009
imageSo after a long and crazy summer, we have a winner! Jordan has won Big Brother with a 5-2 vote from the Jury!
In 2nd place came that bizznatch Natalie which imo whenever she talks, she makes herself sound like the best... when shes not!
And in 3rd came my favourite - KEVIN!!! Omg! I wanted him to win so badly xD <3333

Anyways, Kevin won the first HOH, and Jordan the 2nd meaning those 2 will compete in the Final HOH.. where there was a tie (3-3), and Jordan won the tibreaker in "How many total votes to evict were casted plus tiebreaker votes". Jordan said 50 and Kevin said 80 (WTF??). The answer was 51 :)

So Jordan won, and picked Natalie for the Top 2 since she didn't feel like she would win against Kevin!

This is how the juries voted:

Americas Vote - Jordan (I knew it!)
Jessie - Jordan (Im so glad he didnt vote Natalie!)
Lydia - Jordan
Russell - Natalie
Jeff - Jordan (this is where Jordan won!)
Michele - Jordan
Kevin - Natalie

Anyways, Jeff won the Favourite Houseguest of the Season thingy (I thought it would be Kevin or Jordan). Jeff won $25,000!

Anyways it was a CRAZY season full of lies, and backstabbing but I think we ended up with a fair winner!
Please remember to comment, ++++, and check mark if you love Big Brother, and if you dont.. then please ++++ too :P

So.. next.. Season 12 xD What awaits us?? Find out next time on BIG BROTHER!! loool.
Points: 17 5 comments