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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Charlie's Survivor: Trend vs. Stars Episode 2

12thMay 5, 2013 by charlesdawn

Last time on, Charlie's #Survivor:

Tarro tribe dominated the first two challenges.
After the challenge, Mikayla and Trust tried to fight their way out of elimination.
After a shocking blindside, Mikayla was voted out of the game.

Tarro Tribe: (Trending People Most Mentioned)
1. obscurity: Sagar
2. Teddybear: Alexa
3. dav_o_79: David
4. andychuck08: Andy
5. Diva1: Diva
6. RoboZoe: Gerard
7. donaam: Caroline
8. STOKES2009: Teresa

Sulli Tribe: (Big Brother Stars Game Winners)
9. Bo_oM: Mike
10. TaylorStLouis: Taylor
11. AngelOfWater: Kenya
12. LiteCitrus: LC
13. dools: Dools
14. Trust: Trust
15. TheSexiestDude990: Julian

16th: Survivor8: Mikayla (Sulli Tribe)


At the Sulli tribe, people were coming back to camp after the tribal council.

Trust was laughing with Dools and Julian. Julian didn't seem to be bothered that he received votes in the tribal council. Mike and Kenya started whispering to each other, trying to count out the votes to figure out what just happened at tribal. Taylor was trying to comfort a very annoyed LC. LC didn't understand what just happened, he thought that Julian was for sure going.

(Flash back)
Mikayla and Trust approached LC to propose a 3 people alliance. They said that since they just pointed fingers at LC, other people shouldn't suspect much. LC wanted them to explain more about what they wanted to do. Trust said that now Mike and Kenya is set on him leaving, and Dools and Julian is set on Mikayla leaving, so that's 4 votes against either of them. If all three of them work together, then they'd have 3 votes together and all they needed to do would be to convince Taylor to vote with them. LC agreed and shook their hands.
(Flash forward)

LC: I thought we're getting Julian out. What happened?
Taylor: Trust didn't want to get Julian out last minute, and he didn't want there to be a tie vote so he told me to switch my vote to Mikayla.
LC: Why didn't he tell me too?
Taylor: I guess he forgot?
LC: (Yelling) Hey Trust! Why did you lie to me?
Trust: (Speaking from a distance) What are you talking about?
LC: (Yell) I thought we were gonna vote out Julian!
Trust: (Walking towards LC) Well I changed my mind. I was gonna tell you but it was very last minute.
LC: I really don't appreciate the fact that you weren't being truthful. And now you're just happily hanging out with Julian when a few hours ago you want him out? How can people trust you when you do things like that?
Trust: You know what? I changed my mind, just accept that. I'm not going to debate about this. What's done is done. Just move on.

Everyone in the tribe looked very awkward and nobody talked for the rest of the night.


(Theme Song)


At the Tarro tribe, everybody was still sound asleep except Alexa. Alexa was a bit restless, and she started feeling a little bit homesick. She missed her family and couldn't cope with the environment just yet because she felt that nobody was really talking to her in the tribe. Caroline woke up and saw Alexa sitting by herself and went talking to her. After a while of chatting, Alexa was able to open up to Caroline about her homesickness and they bonded over icecream flavors and favorite band.

Everybody started waking up. Everyone saw that Andy and Diva slept next to each other last night. The tribemates started teasing the both of them about it and called them the first showmance of the tribe. Andy and Diva both said there were nothing between them, they just happened to be hanging out, other dismissed their denials.

Teresa went ant got tree mail, and it reads:

To avoid being the one exiled,
One must match the symbol filed.

Teammates from Tarro started speculating about what that meant but couldn't come up with a solid speculation.


Good morning Tarro Tribe, prepare to take a look at the new Sulli Tribe.
Mikayla, was the first to be voted out of the Sulli tribe.

Now, I believe you have all read the tree mails and you must be wondering what this challenge is all about. First of all, this is a reward challenge and not an immunity challenge. But this is a challenge that you should definitely try to win.
All 15 of you will be randomly separated into 5 teams of 3. Each team would have to compete against each other and the one that wins will move on to the next round.
In the second and final round, the 5 remaining people will compete the same way against each other. The winner of the final round will win the Reward challenge for their team.

The challenge is simple. As you can all see, there is a large barrel filled with symbols carved out of woods, and the objective is to collect as many different symbols as possible within 30 seconds. You have to run to the barrel, try to collect as many symbols as possible, and run back in time for your symbols to count. The person with the most symbols will win against the others.

Understand? Now let's begin...

First Round:

1st Team:
Alexa, Dools, Andy

ANDY advanced.

2nd Team:
Trust, Sagar, Kenya

TRUST advanced.

3rd Team:
Caroline, LC, Teresa

TERESA advanced.

4th Team:
Julian, Diva, Mike

JULIAN advanced.

5th Team:
David, Taylor, Gerard

TAYLOR advanced.

Second and Final Round:

Andy, Trust, Teresa, Julian, Taylor.

TAYLOR won the REWARD for Sulli Tribe! Taylor, you have won a feast for your tribe, and you will all get to enjoy a full meal all prepared for and you'll all get to have fun feasting.

Taylor: Yay!!! (Everyone from Sulli tribe cheering)

However, your reward comes with a responsibility. (Everybody silenced)
Taylor, because your tribe is feasting, you'll have to send one of your opposed tribe member to a faraway island for exile. (Tarro tribe started protesting)
You have to choose one member from the opposed tribe, and send them to the exile island, and this person will not be coming back until after the immunity challenge.

Taylor: (Scratching her head) I don't really know them that well and I have nothing against any of them... So I'll just randomly point to somebody... Uh you there! The one in green.

Charlie: You mean Sagar?

Taylor: Sure, I'll send him to the exile island... I'm sorry!

Charlie: Well Sagar, Taylor has made her decision, here is some supplies for you to fend for yourself. You will have to leave immediately and you will come back right after the immunity challenge is finished, which means you will be automatically sitting out the immunity challenge. You will still have to go the Tribal if your tribe loses. Good luck out there!

Sagar: (Waving at everybody at Tarro tribe) I'll miss you guys! I'll be back soon!

Well Sulli tribe, you can start walking back to your camp, your feast will be ready for you.
Tarro tribe, I've got nothing for you, please go back to your camp and I'll see you tomorrow.




At the Sulli tribe, everyone came back to camp with a full set of feast. Everybody thanked Taylor for the win, and they all congratulated each other. There was still some tension between LC and Trust, but Taylor sat between both of them during the feast and she managed to mend some fences for them. Mike and Kenya started telling random jokes at the feast and every laughed. Everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time.


At the Tarro tribe, people were not so happy about Sagar missing the challenge. They discussed and said that Sagar was one of the best at challenges last time and losing him in the next challenge could seriously affect them. After complaining for a while, Tarro tribe realized that there really wasn't anything they can do about it. Though they would have appreciated a feast, but losing that reward challenge was not the worst thing in the world for them.

Gerard managed to fashion some tree branches into a dull fishing spiel, and he went to the lake and tried to get some fish. He managed to get one fish and brought it back to the tribe. Everyone was happy to see the fish and they managed to share the fish while cooking it over the fire.

After the meal, David started hanging out with both Andy and Diva. David got to know more about Diva, and vice versa. Andy was happy about them getting to know each other more, because he wanted to include Diva in their alliance. Andy hinted at David about including Diva in the alliance, but David didn't catch the hint and they didn't talk about alliances at all.

Caroline, Alexa, Gerard and Teresa were hanging out on the other side of the camp. They gossiped about how Andy and Diva were getting close and they were becoming a duo, but it didn't seem like they were threatened by it. Teresa said that she didn't think that she would be able to start some sort of relationship on this island, but said that it's not entirely impossible. They started chitchating about the other tribe, how separated they all looked. They were pointing out to each other that they can tell during the challenge that LC seemed a bit distracted from the challenge. Both Teresa and Caroline thought that when they were competing against LC, it felt like he wasn't even trying. Caroline said that there must be something bothering him but she couldn't figure out what.


At Exile, Sagar started unpacking the bag of supplies that Charlie gave him. There was a flintstone, a pot and a machete, so he wasn't too worried. In fact, that's more than he needed to survive there.
He walked around the barren campsite, trying to walk further to get some water by the sea. He suddenly noticed that there was a scroll of paper inside the pot that he didn't notice before.
He flattened the scroll paper, and it reads:

Don't be scared, as this will be fair.
Follow the shell, you may be amazed yourself.

He noticed that there were some seashells on the beach that were kind of lined up in a particular manner. He walked towards the beach, and saw that there appeared to be some sort of trail alongside the shells. He noticed some trees randomly standing around but he couldn't figure out how this was all connected. But he continued to follow the shells and kept walking, hoping that he'll find something that'd be rewarding, because he was afraid that if he couldn't play in the next challenge, he could potentially be in trouble.


Welcome back Tarro and Sulli. I hope you're prepared for our second immunity challenge.
Tarro, if you could hand me back the immunity idol, that'd be great. (Diva handed in the idol)

The immunity idol is back up for grab! In this challenge, all participants for each tribe are asked to race to the barrel filled with carved letter, one at a time, and pick up letter and race back to their group. The first group that received enough letters to spell out a 7-letter word will win immunity for the tribe.

This is for immunity, survivors ready. GO!


Tarro tribe quickly assigned Diva to be the puzzle person, as she would try to figure out what word they were trying to spell out while other teammates would run to gather the letters. Sulli tribe assigned LC to be the puzzle solver. The rest of both tribes started running towards the barrel at a constant speed. It can be seen that both tribes were neck and neck in terms of speed.  Both Diva and LC were trying their best to figure out what the word they were trying to spell out.

At Tarro tribe, they got a lot of "I"s, "U"s and "R"s. After a while, Diva whispered to the teammates that they should stop collecting those letters because they surely had enough.

At Sulli tribe, they got a lot of "S"es, but among the other letters they got some "U"s and "I"s. LC looked at the letters but couldn't figure out what word it was.

Tarro found a "V" and several more "I"s, "U"s and "R"s. Diva told them again that they should just stayed at the barrel and searched for different letters instead of just getting random letters. Diva noticed some "S"es on the other tribe, and asked them to start looking for "S"es.

Sulli tribe found a lot of "V"s and they were starting to piece it altogether. LC thought that the word that they were looking forward could potentially be "SURVIVOR" so he asked the team to start looking for "R"s and "O"s.

Tarro managed to find only 2 "S"es but they also found 2 "E"s. Diva looked at the letters closely and started to piece it together. She accidentally yelled out, "It's SURVIVE! Look for another 'V'!" Sulli tribe overheard Diva's sentence, and they realized that there were no "O"s in the barrel. LC looked over the letters quickly and realized that all they needed was a "E". He yelled at the people running to grab the letters, "Look for 'E', that's all we need!"

Caroline ran to the barrel looking for a "V" from the Barrel, while Taylor was already at the barrel looking for the "E" that could give them the win. They were both hectic and nervous because this would be the line between safety and a tribal council, and neither of them wanted that to happen. After another 10 seconds of searching, one of them finally managed to find the piece she needed and she ran back to her tribe...


Charlie: Tarro Tribe wins immunity! Again! Congratulations Tarro! Here is your idol. (Caroline came up and took the idol, everybody hugged her for bringing the win) Unfortunately for Sulli Tribe, I'll see you tonight at tribal. One of you will be eliminated from the competition.

Tarro tribe screamed with excitement, everybody hugged each other, while Sulli tribe looked very devastated as they would lose another member of their tribe.

Sagar walked into the crowd, and he noticed that Tarro tribe was screaming, and that put a smile instantly on his face. Sagar shouted "Did we win?" and got a lot of confirmations.

Charlie: Welcome back Sagar, as you can see, your tribe has won immunity and you're safe tonight. Now everybody go back to your tribe.


At the Tarro tribe, everyone congratulated each other on the win, and they applauded Diva and Caroline once again for their roles in their win. They asked Sagar what happened at Exile Island, Sagar said that it was actually not that bad. He brought back the supplies he got from Charlie and everyone was pleased to see that now they have extra things to work with.

Sagar and Andy went to collect water for the tribe. Sagar told Andy about the clue he got at Exile, and that he believed there was some sort of reward there to collect. Sagar told Andy not to share this information with Diva yet, because he didn't want anybody but Andy and David to know. Andy agreed that he wouldn't tell Diva about this, but suggested that they should reel in Diva to be a part of their alliance officially. Sagar said that they would talk to David about it to discuss it.


At the Sulli tribe, everyone was afraid of their own safety. The tribe was clearly divided. Mike and Kenya were together, Dools and Julian were together. Taylor, LC and Trust were kind of in the middle, and they haven't claimed allegiance to either side of the tribe.

Mike and Kenya wanted Trust gone last time but now they'd rather see LC go. Mike thought that since LC just blew up on Trust, that they could possibly reel in Trust's vote. But they couldn't think of a fourth vote and that made them a bit worried. Though they were not necessarily worried about their own safety. They felt that their names haven't been dropped at all and the fact that they were good at challenges shielded them away from the consideration of elimination.

Julian and Dools discussed on who to get rid of. Julian really wanted Taylor gone because he felt that Taylor haven't done anything for the tribe. In fact, she was the one that should be blamed for losing the immunity challenge. "I mean, how hard is it to find a freaking 'E'?" Dools understood Julian's argument but he wasn't sure that Taylor should be the priority. Dools pointed out that LC voted for Julian last round and LC could be a threat to him. Julian agreed and said that it'll has to be between LC and Taylor at this point.

LC was still mad about what happened at the last tribal. LC was talking to Taylor and he said that he's considering voting for Trust tonight. Taylor said that it would be a waste of votes because nobody wanted Trust out at this point, not even Mike and Kenya. LC said that he really couldn't care less. Taylor went and talked to Trust and insisted that Trust and LC need to talk it out. Trust went and talked to LC and admitted that he felt that he made a mistake last tribal. LC nodded along with Trust's apology, saying that it was okay but if they were to work together again, they needed to be on the same page. Trust agreed and suggested that maybe they should really vote out Julian this time for real. Taylor joined the conversation and said that she wanted Julian out now too. LC said he'll think about it.

Mike, Kenya approached Trust and said that they wanted to work with him. Trust hesitated and asked why they voted on him last tribal. Kenya said that it was nothing personal, they just thought that everybody would be voting him out but they were misinformed. Trust said that they could totally work together. Trust asked them who they wanted out next. Mike said that they wanted LC out at this point but they'd be open for another consideration. Trust said that they needed a majority vote or else the same thing would happen like last tribal. Mike and Kenya agreed...


Tribal Council:

Charlie: So here we are again. How do you feel about the second lost in a row?
Julian: It definitely didn't feel so good, we really wanted to win that challenge.
Charlie: Who do you think should be blamed for the lost?
Julian: I personally think Taylor should be blamed because she couldn't find the letter.
Charlie: What do you think Taylor?
Taylor: I don't think I should be blamed for this. It's a team effort. Everyone went searching for the letters, I wasn't the only one.
Charlie: Trust, how do you feel right now, after being called one of the worst in challenges and almost voted out at last tribal?
Trust: It's okay. It was a bit tough because I was yelled at after the tribal.
Charlie: By whom?
LC: By me.
Charlie: Why?
LC: Well, he lied to me about who's going and who's not.
Trust: I wasn't lying, I just changed my mind.
LC: Put it however you want, but I was cheated last tribal, that's for sure.
Charlie: Hmm, how does everybody think about the tribe right now?
*Everyone shrugged and said nothing*
Charlie: Not a talkative group, huh? Well, it's time to vote, Trust, you're up...


Trust: Sorry buddy, I enjoyed talking to you. (Vote not shown)
Kenya: *writing on the sheet* (Vote not shown)
LC: You reap what you sew. (Vote not shown)
Mike: Well, see ya! (Vote not shown)
Taylor: *writing on the sheet then kissed the sheet* (Vote not shown)
Dools: Taylor, you're too dumb for your own good.
Julian: *writing Taylor on the sheet*



Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person with the most votes will be voted out immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, Taylor.

Second vote, Taylor. Two votes Taylor.

Third vote, Julian. *Julian looked mad* Two votes Taylor, one vote Julian.

Fourth vote, Julian. We're now tie, at two votes Julian, two votes Taylor.


Fifth vote, Trust. *Trust looked confused* Two votes Julian, two votes Taylor, one vote Trust.

Sixth vote, Julian. *Julian started shaking his head* Three votes Julian, two votes Taylor, one vote Trust.

Seventh vote...


The second person voted out of Survivor: Trend vs. Stars is, Julian. Please bring me your torch.

*Trust looked at LC, mouthed "Did you vote for me?", LC shook his head.*
*Julian hugged Dools.*
*Taylor tried to give Julian a hug, but Julian refused.*

Charlie: Julian, the tribe has spoken. (Torch Snuffed)

Julian: Good luck Dools! Bye everyone!

Charlie: That could be a sign to a more unified tribe, it could also be a sign that your tribe is tumbling down even more. Bring your torch, go back to your camp, I'll see you tomorrow.


Next time on, Charlie's Survivor:

Two members from the Tarro tribe had a small fight.
Someone would get closer to the hidden immunity idol.
After the immunity challenge, a twist of events shook up the game.


15th: TheSexiestDude990: Julian
16th: Survivor8: Mikayla


Again, I hope you enjoy all of this, please plus and comment to show your support :D Thank you!


I was behind reading but I have read it now < 3 and I am enjoying it :) I was outta town :P
Sent by AngelOfWater,May 5, 2013
Awww thanks for supporting! < 3 AngelOfWater
Sent by charlesdawn,May 6, 2013
I'm behind on the readings but catching up now, loving the early episode drama already, LOL
Sent by Bo_oM,May 6, 2013
love it :)
Sent by Lamia,May 6, 2013
Sent by _Aria,May 6, 2013
Sent by Yingyang,May 6, 2013
Sent by unkown,May 6, 2013
Sent by chibideidara,May 6, 2013
Very impressive !!
Sent by DanielleDonato,May 6, 2013
wow that was quite long but nice :)
Sent by lanikai,May 6, 2013
++++ great effort
Sent by obey_me,May 6, 2013
didnt read
Sent by Admir,May 6, 2013
++ must have been long
Sent by Guillomouve,May 6, 2013
+++++++ really good!
Sent by zaktheboss9012,May 6, 2013
+15 :)
Sent by Jenna2010,May 6, 2013
+'ed! =]
Love it!
Sent by mattkwon1,May 6, 2013
Long but good
Sent by BlondBabe,May 6, 2013
+11 tag me in these so I can stay updated
Sent by soxroks247,May 6, 2013
soxroks247 will do! : )
Sent by charlesdawn,May 6, 2013
obscurity I'm rooting for you
Sent by Cookiewisdom,May 6, 2013
Sent by MariaBalcanFlower,May 6, 2013
+++ :D
Sent by Jerard,May 6, 2013
Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support!!! :) < 3
Sent by charlesdawn,May 6, 2013
I messed up that challenge just like here on Tengaged!
Sent by Diva1,May 6, 2013
Love it :)
Sent by obscurity,May 6, 2013
i wanna be in this ;o
Sent by AxKxAxBatman,May 6, 2013
Wow great effort Charles!! I like it
Sent by Lonelystar1,May 6, 2013
Wow! That was good!
Sent by Esquiff,May 6, 2013
I'll put you in the next one AxKxAxBatman :D
Sent by charlesdawn,May 6, 2013
Thanks everyone for the support and making this the 12th blog! Ily!!!
Plz stay tuned to the series if you like them so far :D
Sent by charlesdawn,May 6, 2013

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