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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Charlie's Survivor: Trend vs. Stars Episode 4

1stMay 8, 2013 by charlesdawn

Last time on, Charlie's #Survivor:

Andy and Taylor came close to finding the hidden immunity idol.
Tarro won another immunity challenge, but both team need to lose one member.
The first purple rock came up and send Dools home, before Gerard was voted out.

Tarro Tribe: (Trending People Most Mentioned)
1. obscurity: Sagar
2. Teddybear: Alexa
3. dav_o_79: David
4. andychuck08: Andy
5. Diva1: Diva
6. donaam: Caroline
7. STOKES2009: Teresa

Sulli Tribe: (Big Brother Stars Game Winners)
8. Bo_oM: Mike
9. TaylorStLouis: Taylor
10. AngelOfWater: Kenya
11. LiteCitrus: LC
12. Trust: Trust

13th: RoboZoe: Gerard (Tarro Tribe)
14th: dools: Dools (Sulli Tribe)
15th: TheSexiestDude990: Julian (Sulli Tribe)
16th: Survivor8: Mikayla (Sulli Tribe)


At the Tarro tribe, Teresa and Caroline were a bit upset that 5 votes were originally cast against them altogether. Teresa, Caroline and Alexa were trying to figure out how the votes went, but they were all glad that all but one vote kept Teresa in the game. They were trying to figure out who was the one that voted Teresa at the second vote, but nobody was saying anything.

Sagar, David and Andy came together to discuss on how to explain the votes. They were regretting the votes because had they voted Teresa out, they didn't really need to explain anything because that would only leave Alexa and Caroline to deal with. Now that there were only three of them and possibly Diva's vote on their side, it could be shaky especially with the merge coming up. Sagar and David said that they didn't know Andy has Gerard's vote. Andy explained that it was a last minute thing. Sagar and David were complaining that Diva was hanging out with him too much that they couldn't even talk strategically around Andy any more. Andy countered and said that they should have included Diva sooner then that wouldn't have become an issue.

They finally came to a consensus and decided to include Diva in their alliance. Andy called Diva over and told her everything about the trio and how the vote went that night. Diva was not happy to hear that the three of them had been working together and Diva knew nothing about it. Andy apologized, Sagar and David backed him up by saying that it was their decisions to not let her in before because they didn't want Diva to lie to other people. Diva commented that the only reason that they let her in now was because they needed the vote. Andy said that it's not true, but Diva said that she needed some time by herself to think over everything.


At the Sulli tribe, everyone was surprised by the purple rock. Trust and LC shared a look when everyone was still reliving the event. Trust gave a speech to everybody, saying that they all need to put all the differences aside at this point and work together, because they need to be able to work with each other closely now that merge is coming.

Trust and LC talked briefly and said that they were surprised that they both switched their votes. They said if this ever happens again, they need to come up with a better system.

Taylor: (To camera) I'm starting to feeling isolated because Mike and Kenya are close, and Trust and LC are somehow close too. I'm thinking about working with David and Andy when we merge, but it will all be up to how the merge works out. We'll see!


(Theme Song)


Good morning Sulli tribe, take a look at the new Tarro tribe, with Gerard voted out last tribal council.

Well, last time we have a great time getting to know people from your opposing tribe. In today's challenge, we're testing how well you know each other from your own tribe. All of you will have your own surveys that compiles of questions about your own tribe mates. Tarro tribe, since you have two more members, two of you will have to sit out. Caroline, you were sit out last challenge, you cannot sit out this challenge.

*Tarro team discussed.*

Caroline: We are sitting out Sagar and David.

Okay, and to clarify, everyone will get 8 questions on their surveys, with 2 questions on each of their fellow tribemates. All the questions are yes and no questions, so if you don't know the answers, take a guess. Each right answer counts as one point. At the end of the challenge, I'll tally up the total points for both tribe. The tribe with the most points will win this challenge.

You want to know what you're playing for? *Crowd said yes.* You're playing for a sensual massage for all of your tribemates back at your camp. *Crowd cheered, Sagar whistled.* At this point of the game, with all the challenges being so rigorous and tiring, we decided to give y'all a break, with this challenge and the reward.

Are we cleared on the challenge? Then let's get started...


As you can see, there is a chalk board in front of us, with a piece of paper covering your points by all your names.

Tarro Tribe:
Teresa -X
Alexa -X
Diva -X
Andy -X
Caroline -X

Total: -X points

Sulli Tribe:
Mike -X
Taylor -X
Kenya -X
Trust -X

Total: -X points

Let's see how Tarro tribe did first, shall we?

TERESA has...

7! Very impressive! *Tarro cheered.*

ALEXA has...

3! Now Tarro has 10 points.

DIVA has...

4! Now Tarro has 14 points.

ANDY has...

0! *Diva looked at Andy and mouthed, you got mine wrong?* Tarro has 14 points.


6! Which means Tarro has a total of 20 points! Sulli, you'll need to have at least 21 points to beat that. Now let's see how the Sulli tribe did.

MIKE has...

8! He got everything right! *Sulli cheered and some gave Mike a high-five.*

TAYLOR has...

7! Wow! 15 points already for Sulli tribe! *Sulli cheered again and Mike gave her a hug.* Kenya, you only need 6 points to beat Tarro.

KENYA has...

1! *Tarro cheered.* It's okay, now Sulli have 16 points. Trust, you need 5 points to beat Tarro.

TRUST has...

6! *Sulli cheered.* Which means Sulli wins reward! *Sulli hugged each other.* Let's see how much LC has just for the fun of it.

LC has...

6! *Sulli cheered again.* Which means Sulli has a total of 28 points versus Tarro's 20 points! Congratulations Sulli, you won the reward! Massages will be waiting for all of you back in camp!


Final Score Board:

Tarro Tribe:
Teresa -7
Alexa -3
Diva -4
Andy -0
Caroline -6

Total -20 points

Sulli Tribe:
Mike -8
Taylor -7
Kenya -1
Trust -6
LC -6

Total -28 points


But wait, there's more... Sulli, because you've won the reward, now you have a decision to make. EITHER you take the reward all for yourself, and send two people from the other tribe to Exile, OR you choose to send one member from the other tribe AND one of your own to Exile, which means one of you don't get to enjoy the massage, but everybody else, including the Tarro tribe will get to enjoy the massage as well.

*Sulli tribe murmuring, Tarro tribe looking excited.*

Taylor: (Whispering) We are going to vote on it... Whoever thinks we should let everyone has the massage raises their hands at 3... One, two, three... *Taylor, LC and Trust raised their hands.* Okay then... Do you guys want me to go then? I mean, I've already been there. *Everyone nodded.* So who are we sending?
Kenya: Let's do Andy again, I bet Diva will be pissed.
Taylor: Okay. (Talking to Charlie) We have decided, we will only send one person from the other tribe and we will send one of our own so that the other team get to have a massage as well.
Charlie: Who did you decide to send and who are you sending from your own tribe.
Kenya: We are sending Andy and Taylor there again. *Diva looked pissed.*
Charlie: Okay! There we have it. Everybody go back to their own tribe and enjoy an afternoon of massage. Andy and Taylor, you're all going to Exile again.


At the Tarro tribe, Diva was not pleased with the Exile decision. She started complaining about it to the girls. Alexa, Caroline and Teresa nodded along. Diva was especially not happy with the fact that Andy got nothing right, even the ones about her. Alexa suggested that Diva should just hang out more with the girls than with Andy. Caroline agreed and said that Diva should not just trust Andy fully. She commented that this was a game after all and nobody was in here for the romance. Teresa added that if all the girls stick together, they would be unstoppable. Diva agreed and said that once merge happened, if they were able to get Taylor *Diva cringed a little bit.* and Kenya on board, that would be six votes already.

Sagar and David watched the girls talking together and they were getting more worried. Without Andy here, they couldn't even pull Diva aside to talk to her. They deeply regretted voting out Gerard, because at least Gerard would talk to the two of them. They were discussing that they needed to pull in Taylor when merge happened to ensure some votes, and they were talking about how this was the second time Andy and Taylor would be at Exile. They hoped that they would find whatever rewards that would be there this time around.

At the end of the day, everyone from Tarro enjoyed a wonderful massage and they all seemed very harmonious together.


At the Sulli tribe, everybody was celebrating. Kenya commented how they were getting their momentum now and they would not be stopped at all afterwards. Kenya also apologized about her low score in the competition, but LC jokingly commented that she just needed to hang out with everybody more instead of just hanging out with Mike. Everybody laughed at that and they were all super excited for the massage. They felt bad that Taylor had to go to Exile, but they all felt that it was a good move at this point, so that when merge happened, the other tribe might be more accepting of them and they wouldn't be voted off one by one.

After the relaxing massage, the tribe was split into two groups, Mike and Kenya, LC and Trust. Both groups were talking a little bit about strategies but then all of them realized that it's stupid for them to still talk about strategies now that nobody was there with them. They ended up gathering up near the fire and started sharing their personal stories. The tribe bonded over the event and they felt very strong going into merge.


At Exile island, Andy and Taylor wasted no time and went straight for the third clue in the pot. And it reads:

Don't be scared, as this will be fair.
Follow the shell, you may be amazed yourself.
Don't stop until you reach a tree of life.
The secrets within lie in between those eyes.
The only trees with fruits so ample.
Are the ones that are filled with apples.

They started looking for apple trees that were among the trees they searched in last time. They found only four apple trees within that area. Andy and Taylor looked around the trees and they even tried climbing up the trees to see if there were anything hidden in tree branches. They couldn't see anything.

After a while they got really tired from climbing the trees, Taylor grabbed some of those apples and started eating them while walking across the beach. Before she left, Andy said he'd keep looking and tell her if he find anything. Andy looked at the clues once again, and he focused on the second clue that he got last time.

Andy: (talking to himself) It says "a tree of life" "between those eyes"... There were four apple trees. FOUR... LIFE has four letters... EYES... "I"s... *He looked up and focused on the second apple tree and noticed something.*

Andy walked up to the second apple tree, and noticed that there was a part of the tree trunk that looked very out of place. There was a part that was slightly carved and looked like a shape of an eye. He touched that part and felt a slight movement of the wood. He wiggled with it a bit and found that piece of wood removable. He took out the wood and saw a scroll of paper and something else inside the empty space within the tree. He looked around and saw that Taylor wasn't looking. He quickly took out the scroll of paper and started reading it. It reads:

Congratulations, you have found the HIDDEN IMMUNITY IDOLS! There are not one, but TWO of them inside of the tree. These idols have the ability to prevent you from being voted off the game. If you decide to play this in tribal council, all you need to do is to announce it before Charlie start counting votes, then all the votes cast against you will be nullified. You can only use this ONCE, please consider carefully.

Andy took the idols out of the tree and took a careful took at them. Both of them were doll-shaped and wooden-made. Andy put both of the idols in his pocket, and started walking towards Taylor. Andy whispered to himself, and tried to debate whether he should give one of them to Taylor or not...


I hope all of you got a great massage yesterday and you all enjoyed it. Now we welcome back Andy and Taylor, once again back from Exile island. *Andy and Taylor walked in, Andy looked a bit excited, but Taylor just looked tired.*

Now, before we have our fourth immunity challenge, Sagar and David, please step forward.

*Everyone looked confused, Sagar and David more so, but they stepped forward.*

You two were the two sat out last challenge, so now you'll get your own team. Don't get confused just yet, I have more information. For this challenge, we will have FOUR teams competing against each other instead of our normal TWO. Sagar and David, each of you HAVE to select someone from your opposite tribe to be on your team, then whoever that got picked needs to pick someone from their opposite tribe as well. As long as how the four teams are compiled, I'll get to that later.

Sagar and David, please play rock, paper, scissors to decide which of you are picking first. *Sagar threw scissors, David threw paper.* Alright, looks like Sagar will be picking first. Sagar, who do you want on your team? *Sagar picked Kenya.* David, who do you want on your team? *David picked Taylor.* Kenya, who do you pick? *Kenya picked Caroline.* Taylor? *Taylor picked Andy.* Caroline, what about you? *Caroline picked Trust.* Andy? *Andy picked Mike.*

Okay, now we have Sagar, Kenya, Caroline and Trust on the first team, David, Taylor, Andy and Mike on the second team, the rest of you, Teresa, Alexa, LC and Diva, you're on the third team. *LC shouted, "I thought there were 4 teams!"* Yes, there are.


Here comes the surprise of the day, let's welcome some outcast from the game, I bet you will all recognize them!

MIKAYLA, voted off from Sulli tribe! *Mikayla waved at everybody.*

JULIAN, voted off from Sulli tribe! *Julian waved at Sulli tribe.*

DOOLS, outed by purple rock from Sulli tribe! *Dools waved at everyone, Diva screamed.*

GERARD, voted off from Tarro tribe! *Gerard walked in, didn't wave at anyone.*

If you haven't figured it out yet, Mikayla, Julian, Dools and Gerard, will be the fourth team.

*Everyone was super stunned by what's happening and nobody had a clue what's going on.*

So here's how it works, all four teams will be competing against each other in the next immunity challenge. The only teams that are safe from tribal councils tonight are the ones that beat the fourth team. Which means, fellow survivors, if you do NOT beat the people that you voted out, you will need to go to tribal councils tonight. That means, there's a chance that three of you could be going home tonight! *Everyone protested.* But to give you some advantage, all three teams that are still in the game will get a one-minute headstart than the returning team. But if any one of the team that are still in the game loses to the returning team, one of the team member will be voted out AND REPLACED by one of the member of the returning team.

Here's the challenge of today:

For today's challenge, you'll race to assemble stepping poles, you will then use those poles to transfer two team members from one platform to another platform, which means two of you will be transferred and two of you will be doing the transferring. All four members will then swim to a small tower at the end of the finishing line. The tribes that get all their four members on the tower before the fourth team will escape tribal councils from tonight. That means all of you have to get to the top of the tower with both feet on the top of the tower in order to finish this challenge. There's also a silver lining, if one of the team that is still in the game finishes the challenge early, they can choose to help some of the other teams to finish the challenge, which means you can either help one of the team still in the game, or help the returning team to make sure the teams that haven't finished would go the tribal councils tonight. Each team is only allowed to assist other teams until another team finishes the challenge. I'll give you all a few minutes to strategize, then we'll get started.


First Team: Sagar, Kenya, Caroline and Trust
Second Team: David, Taylor, Andy and Mike
Third Team: Teresa, Alexa, LC and Diva
Fourth Team: Mikayla, Julian, Dools and Gerard

Charlie: All teams except returning team ready, GO!

David's team ran off the fastest to the assemble mat as they were quickly assembling the pieces to the stepping poles together. Teresa's team was not far behind and they managed to assemble the pieces as fast as David's team. Some of Sagar's team tripped a little bit on their way to the assemble mat, but they got there fast enough and managed to assemble a few pieces before Charlie let Mikayla's team start.

David's team was the first to start getting people across platforms. They were taking some big risks at the challenge as they set their poles really far apart. Taylor had to step very far away to get to the other pole as she first attempted crossing over. She managed to do just fine as she quickly passed through the poles and went to the other platform. Mike had a little bit of trouble crossing through but when David and Andy bridged the gap a bit closer he crossed to the other platform with ease.

Teresa's team was getting a bit held up when their pieces of the pole fell apart. They finished the assembling and ran to the platform to start crossing over. Teresa and Alexa were holding the poles as Diva crossed over. It was a bit of a struggle but Diva managed to get across pretty fast. When LC tried to get across, he fell down a couple of times and the team needed to start over.

Sagar's team caught up with Teresa's team pretty quick and they assembled all the poles before Teresa's team did. They ran to the platform but Sagar and Trust were having trouble holding the pole still. Caroline kept falling down from the pole, and Kenya ran down from the platform to help stabilize poles. It seemed to help a little bit, but Caroline still fell off from time to time.

Mikayla's team started to catch up really quick. They finished all the poles very quickly, only seconds later than Teresa's team's finish. It's when they were getting to the transferring part that it got difficult for them. All of them were relatively strong which made it really hard for any of them to be stable on the pole. Mikayla was trying to get across when the rest of the team were helping out. They decided to let Dools go first because then they wouldn't need too much manpower to get Mikayla across.

After quite some time, the first team to finish the challenge is...


Second Team: David, Taylor, Andy and Mike! *Charlie yelled, "You're all safe now and free to assist any other team!"*

They saw that Sagar's team was having more problem than Teresa's team, so they went ahead and assisted with Sagar's team with their finish. With their help, Caroline finally managed to cross through and Kenya went up the poles. With the help of David's team, there were 6 people holding the poles which made it really stable for Kenya to walk across. Kenya walked across with ease and now Sagar's team just needed to figure out how to fit all of them on the tower...

Mikayla's team kept progressing steadily though slowly. Dools finally got across, and Mikayla was swift enough to went through a few trials before dropping into the water right before she reached the other platform. They started adopting David's team's idea of separating the poles further apart, and it seemed to work...

Teresa's team were still trying to get LC to cross over when David's team was helping Sagar's. LC kept falling from the poles over and over again and it started frustrating Diva, who could do nothing but watch because she couldn't get off the platform to help. Teresa and Alexa kept making the gap smaller for LC to cross but for some reason, LC kept falling. It looked like LC almost crossed over until he fell off the pole again...

And the second team to finish the challenge is...


First Team: Sagar, Kenya, Caroline and Trust! *Charlie yelled, "You're all safe now and free to assist any other team! David, Taylor, Andy and Mike, you can no longer assist!"*

Kenya and Trust ran over to assist Teresa's team. Sagar and Caroline looked at each other for a second and they nodded and ran to assist Mikayla's team. Trust yelled "What the heck are you doing?" and Kenya just ignored that and continued helping Teresa and Alexa with stabling the poles. Sagar and Caroline didn't talk back to Trust and focused on helping Mikayla across. Both teams were neck and neck and there were four people helping each team with the poles.

After less than a minute, both teams finished crossing over and they were all running towards the tower to make their finish...


And the last team to finish the challenge is...

Fourth Team: Mikayla, Julian, Dools and Gerard! Which means Third Team: Teresa, Alexa, LC and Diva, is the only team that lost to the returning team.

Well, congratulations to Mikayla, Julian, Dools and Gerard, at the end of tonight, one of you will get to come back into the game and relive the moment. Unfortunately for the third team, Teresa, Alexa, LC and Diva, one of you will be going home tonight.

One more announcement:
David, Taylor, Andy and Mike, you are now a new tribe! Because you finished the challenge first, you get to decide which camp you'd like to stay at. *David picked Tarro.* Okay then, you are now the new Tarro tribe! You can all go back to the Tarro camp now.
Sagar, Kenya, Caroline and Trust, you are now the new Sulli tribe! You can all go back to the Sulli camp. I will see all of you tomorrow.

Mikayla, Julian, Dools, Gerard, Teresa, Alexa, LC and Diva, please follow me as we will soon be having our tribal councils.


At the NEW Tarro tribe, David, Taylor, Andy and Mike were still a bit shaken by the whole event. Mike thanked everybody for helping out with Sagar's team because Kenya was safe because of that. David and Andy said that it wasn't a big deal they were just trying to look out for the teams that were still in the game.

Taylor was a bit surprised by Sagar's team's split effort in assistiing two different teams. Mike said that it's understandable because Sagar and Caroline had no reason to help with Teresa's team because even if they lose, the Tarro tribe people had the numer. David and Andy agreed and said that they believed that's why they did it. David asked Mike if he was close with LC, and would he mind LC going. Mike said that all he really cared about in the Sulli tribe was Kenya and he was glad she was safe.


At the NEW Sulli tribe, it was a little bit tense between Sagar and Caroline, and Trust. Trust asked why Sagar and Caroline would help the returning team rather than Teresa's team, they simply explained that they really didn't care about it that much since they knew for sure Alexa, Diva and Teresa would be safe either way. Kenya nodded and said that she understood why they did it and she wouldn't hold anything against them. Trust was not content with the answer he got but he couldn't really say anything about it. Trust tried to find a topic for them to talk about so he asked Sagar how Exile island was like. Sagar said it was just a lot of nothing but he managed to stay alive there for a day.


Tribal Council:

Charlie: Welcome everyone! It has been a while since a tribal has 8 participants. Is everyone still in shock of what just happened?
Diva: Are you kidding me? That was the craziest thing that just happened! I can't believe one of us will be going home and one of them will be coming back!
LC: I guess we all know who will be going home...
Charlie: What do you mean, LC?
LC: Well isn't it obvious? These girls are all Tarro member, why would they vote each other out rather than me, a Sulli member out?
Diva: You don't know that!
LC: Well who would you vote out then?
Diva: ...
LC: Exactly.
Charlie: So Dools, how do you feel about potentially coming back into the game?
Dools: It's definitely exciting. I really feel like I should get back just because I was the only one not voted out of the game.
Julian: I think we all deserve to be here no matter what.
Mikayla: Yeah, I don't think anyone deserves any more than the others to come back. We all earned a spot to be here.
Alexa: To be honest, you're all out of the game, none of you should be here in my opinion.
Charlie: Why do you say that?
Alexa: I don't think anybody should get a second chance in this game, but that's just my opinion. No matter what happened, one of you is coming back, I've accepted that. But that doesn't mean I'll respect you for that.
Mikayla: Well you wouldn't say that if you're in our shoes...
Charlie: So here's how tonight's votes going to work. ALL of you will have a say in determining who gets to stay and who gets to leave. You will be putting two different names on two different sheets and casting them in two different jars. One of the vote is for who you want to vote out of the game, that can be either Teresa, Alexa, LC, or Diva. The other vote is for who you want to see back in the game, that can be either Mikayla, Julian, Dools, or Gerard. As a reminder you cannot vote for yourself even if you're voting on who to come back. Now it's time to vote, LC, you're up...


Diva, you just annoyed me.
*writing Gerard on the sheet*

*writing Alexa on the sheet*
I think you deserve to come back. (Vote not shown)

LC, need I say more?
*writing Mikayla on the sheet*

*writing on the sheet* (Vote not shown)
*writing on the sheet* (Vote not shown)

*writing on the sheet* (Vote not shown)
Mikayla, I want this girl alliance to happen.

*writing Alexa on the sheet*
Gerard, maybe you can stir up some trouble?

*writing Alexa on the sheet* Yeah I don't like you.
*writing Dools on the sheet* I hope you get to go back.

*writing on the sheet* (Vote not shown)
Dools, you deserve this.



First off, I'll read the votes for the person that will rejoin the game. Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person with the most votes will rejoin the game immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, Mikayla.

Second vote, Dools. One vote Mikayla, one vote Dools.

Third vote, Mikayla. Two votes Mikayla, one vote Dools.

Fourth vote, Gerard. Two votes Mikayla, one vote Dools, one vote Gerard.

Fifth vote, Gerard. Two votes Mikayla, two votes Gerard, one vote Dools.

Sixth vote, Dools. We're not tie, at two votes each for Mikayla, Dools, and Gerard.


Seventh vote, Gerard. Three votes Gerard, two votes Mikayla, and two votes Dools.

Eighth vote...


The person voted to return to Survivor: Trend vs. Stars is, Gerard. Congratulations!


Now, I'll read the votes for the person that will be leaving the game. Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person with the most votes will be voted out immediately. I'll read the votes.

First vote, LC.

Second vote, LC. Two votes LC.

Third vote, LC. Three votes LC. *LC mouthed, shocker.*


Fourth vote, Diva. *Diva mouthed, what?* Three votes LC, one vote Diva.

Fifth vote, Alexa. Three votes LC, one vote Diva, one vote Alexa.

Sixth vote, Alexa. *Alexa mouthed, wow.* Three votes LC, two votes Alexa, one vote Diva.

Seventh vote, Alexa. *Alexa laughed nervously.* We're now tie, at three votes LC, three votes Alexa, one vote Diva, and one vote left.

Eighth vote...


The fourth person officially voted out of Survivor: Trend vs. Stars is, LC. Please bring me your torch.

*Alexa gave a sigh of relief, Teresa gave her a hug.*
*Gerard gave Dools, Julian and Mikayla each a hug.*
*LC gave Gerard a hug.*

Charlie: LC, the tribe has spoken. (Torch Snuffed)

LC: Bye.

Gerard, please bring me your torch. *Gerard brought torch.* (Torch Rekindled) Welcome back to the game. Goodbye Mikayla, Julian and Dools, you will leave this game for good. *Mikayla, Julian and Dools all said bye.*

Now, there's more. Alexa and Gerard, you two will be going back to the Tarro camp and join the Tarro tribe. Diva and Teresa, you two will be going to the Sulli camp and join the Sulli tribe. I hope you all have a good rest tonight. I'll see you tomorrow!


Next time on, Charlie's Survivor:

After the tribe switch, both tribes were surprised to see who joined them in the new tribe.
Diva was not so happy with the fact that she's no longer in the same tribe as Andy.
David and Taylor got closer.


New Tarro Tribe:
1. dav_o_79: David
2. TaylorStLouis: Taylor
3. andychuck08: Andy
4. Bo_oM: Mike
5. Teddybear: Alexa
6. RoboZoe: Gerard

New Sulli Tribe:
7. obscurity: Sagar
8. AngelOfWater: Kenya
9. donaam: Caroline
10. Trust: Trust
11. Diva1: Diva
12. STOKES2009: Teresa

13th: LiteCitrus: LC
14th: dools: Dools
15th: TheSexiestDude990: Julian
16th: Survivor8: Mikayla


To celebrate my 22nd blog:

I don't know if this one is as long as my last update, but this took me legitimately 6 hours to write... There're again a lot of contents and I really hope that y'all enjoy this! Everytime I update this series it takes a lot of energy and work and I hope y'all appreciate that :P So Please plus and comment to show your support :D Thank you!


Sent by unkown,May 8, 2013
Sent by lanikai,May 8, 2013
Sent by MariaBalcanFlower,May 8, 2013
Sent by AxKxAxBatman,May 8, 2013
Sent by MattMerch,May 8, 2013
Sent by atlbrvs,May 8, 2013
noooooo LiteCitrus :(


Yas @ your Tay Swift 22 video though
Sent by kevinbryan22,May 8, 2013
How the hell do you come up with these things? :))
Sent by remorawr,May 8, 2013
I hope Diva stays divalicious on this tribe :)
Sent by Diva1,May 8, 2013
Nice :)
Sent by andalarew_2231,May 8, 2013
miss ya LC :(
Sent by justwannasayhi,May 8, 2013
Thanks! kevinbryan22 :P
Sent by charlesdawn,May 8, 2013
remorawr lol sometimes I think I have no life :PPP
Sent by charlesdawn,May 8, 2013
I'm thinking about adding another love interest for you Diva1 :P
Sent by charlesdawn,May 8, 2013
too much to read lol
Sent by carleebear,May 8, 2013
Thanks charlesdawn!
Sent by Diva1,May 8, 2013
You have to much time +10
Sent by AlanDuncan,May 8, 2013
Plussed I like how you go into depth with it
Sent by treyhurt13,May 8, 2013
wow as the one old tarro member to actually leave is back... and replaced with another Sulli member

=[ dying breed of fabulousness
Sent by Bo_oM,May 8, 2013
haha yes bye curtis
Sent by obscurity,May 8, 2013
Sent by schmooboy,May 8, 2013
Sent by top20fan33,May 8, 2013
Sent by kimmal8,May 8, 2013
Sent by canadiankid,May 8, 2013
Sent by tommyboy614,May 8, 2013
Sent by LiteCitrus,May 8, 2013
This is probs better than 1/4 of the real Survivor seasons so far. Keep it up! charlesdawn
Sent by coolexchangestudent,May 8, 2013
Sent by obey_me,May 9, 2013
Love it! As I look like I don't get to know anybody else.. TOTALLY not me lol
Sent by AngelOfWater,May 9, 2013
Thanks everyone for the support!!! :D
Sent by charlesdawn,May 9, 2013
Keep up the good work charlesdawn < 3
Sent by EveRain,May 11, 2013

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