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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The REAL All Star Tengaged BB Cast

17thNov 27, 2016 by cococolin122
Cococolin122 - Casted because he can speak his mind and because he would be America's Most Hated Houseguest
Fishingguy22 - Casted to have a shomance with Colin and to be VERY controversial and loud
Bengalboy - Casted for comic relief and the only male that can keep calm. Also bc all the gays want him, and it would be GREAT watching him having to constantly fend off Tigger.
Koolness234 - Casted to always fight with Fishing. Also, to call MANY house meetings and try and make the house better, but it would only make the house more annoyed.
Maturo - Casted to be the Steve of the cast. Ugly, thinks they're cool, and always saying he's going to kill himself. Also casted to basically just keep the house on their toes and A LOT of crying fits.
Thirteen - Casted to be the houseguest that everyone is scared of, but ends up beccoming America's Sweetheart. Also casted to summon demons and hex people when things aren't going his way. Make for a great meltdown
Tigger - Casted because everyone will hate him in the cast, and all the boys are over him because he's always either begging to be screwed or talking about how he was banged so hard it took him to a new dimension.
YasGaga - Casted because he's an honest player and probably the only one with self-respect in this game besides Bengal. Also, he would know all Lady Gaga songs and have all the gays singing with him, probably making Tigger jealous. 

Males That Could Also Work:
Imthtawesom - basically Tigger
Roshy - So everyone can sheep him
Johneh - Constantly crying that he got cast for Big Brother and not RPDR
AND Galaxies - basically Tigger + Maturo

Pegasus1234 - Casted to fill the role of the bipolar girl, and to have temper tantrums from being told to STOP singing by all of the other cast mates.
TaraG - Casted because we need someone that will make it far in the game and give America hope that there are still normal people in this world. Also, to have the best and weirdest alliance with Thirteen
KatarinaDuCouteau - Casted to be constantly yelling at Maturo and Pegasus to shut up, Tigger to put his dick in his pants, Colin and Fishing to stop making out, and Thirteen to stop summoning demons.
Kaylabby - Casted to constantly get shiz from most of the cast, and have a rough couple of weeks at first but then rise up. Make a hell of a good underdog story.
eliserose - Casted to butt heads with Pegasus about who's the most whorey of all. She would try to get with the only straight boy of the house (bengal), and he would go for her, making Pegasus mad. A whore-down like nothing else. Also casted just because she's a controversial bish, and would fight with Colin and Fishing for constantly calling her a whore.
Guigi - Casted because she would constantly be trying to be relevant, but in a house as crazy as this wouldn't get her voice herd. So she would throw a hissy fit and probably get out similar to Chima. Her last words would be "at least Im remembered"
PMMGuy - Casted because she would constantly be complaining about how she's going to kill herself when things don't go her way, also because she would constantly be saying she's nice and when people would say she isn't, she would throw a temper tantrum.
Maxi1234 - Because every cast needs a person who'll get 16th

Did I miss anyone???
And Who would WIN in this cast???


Kat is a man
Sent by Masonx,Nov 27, 2016
Sent by KatarinaDuCouteau,Nov 27, 2016
Lol omg. & boy KAT is a MAN
Sent by fishingguy22,Nov 27, 2016
WTF is wrong with you
Sent by Steven999,Nov 27, 2016
Sent by vansreborn,Nov 27, 2016
You expect me to plus this... even though I didn't make it??

Sent by Girllover101,Nov 27, 2016
too many gays and when did Maxi change genders?
Sent by WannaBeeFriends,Nov 27, 2016
Sent by karim,Nov 27, 2016
Who are 95% of these users?
Sent by nmh95,Nov 27, 2016
half of ur female cast are males....
Sent by Lalisa,Nov 27, 2016
Wrong. I'm not in there.
Sent by Druhhbby2,Nov 27, 2016
Um wot
Sent by Roshy,Nov 27, 2016
im ded
Sent by KatarinaDuCouteau,Nov 27, 2016
Sent by Michaelf1114,Nov 27, 2016
Thank you.
Sent by Thirteen,Nov 27, 2016
Wtf this is not an all star cast LOL
Sent by CrimsonEnnui,Nov 27, 2016
I'm not all star worthy?
Sent by Kelly2722,Nov 27, 2016
im dead @ maxi1234 being listed under female... bitch where?
Sent by Zuelke,Nov 27, 2016
How the hell am I not an all-star!
Sent by BBCANfan,Nov 27, 2016
Maxi1234 - Because every cast needs a person who'll get 16th

Sent by Maxi1234,Nov 27, 2016
The bottom three on the female list are males
Sent by Kaylabby,Nov 27, 2016
❤ you cococolin122
Sent by TaraG,Nov 27, 2016
You missed me
Sent by Cornelia,Nov 28, 2016
I'm Emotionally Unstable not Bipolar GET IT RIGHT
Sent by Pegasus1234,Nov 28, 2016

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