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The pok3rf4ce's blog

Posts 587 posts

Been listening to 'The Cure' on repeat for 24 hours Apr 18, 2017
It's so fucking perfect.... ughghghghghghgh!
Points: 0 1 comments
*death drops* Apr 11, 2017
Points: 11 2 comments
Things I've learnt from Sobriety Apr 9, 2017
1) Only true friends will stand by you. When you're no longer the butt of the jokes and the bottom rung of the ladder then those who only used you for free drinks and a cheap laugh will very quickly disappear. Sober Pok3rf4ce can sniff out fake people a mile away - take your negativity and shove it.

2) Eating cheesy chips and BBQ sauce at 3am is not a good look. Seriously, you can barely string a sentence together and you think eating something hot with a small plastic fork is going to bode well. Dearie... it's not.

3) Drunk Pok3r and Sober Pok3r dance equally as bad. #whiteguyproblems
Points: 15 1 comments
Bitch, Why You Mad? Apr 7, 2017
Cause my pussy pops severely, and yours don't?
Points: 7 1 comments
RPDR S09E01 Rankings Mar 26, 2017
1 - Nina Bo'nina Brown. Bitch slayed. From her entrance look all the way to her Georgia Zika-virus look and then to her Gaga red lace look, Nina destroyed everyone. No one even came close to her in this episode. And then the cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake was her moment during Untucked. Nina is CUNT and she is going to go far in this competition.

2 - Eureka O'Hara. Just the right amount of bitchy and hilarity to come across as likeable. Her Tennessee runway was hilarious and totally unpredictable for a 'pageant' queen, and her Telephone Gaga runway was amazing! If only she had a can in her hair to act like a hair roller...
3 - Shea Coulee. OK, coming into season 9 I knew some of the queens from YT and other performances (Alexis, Nina, Jaymes...) and had very limited knowledge about the other queens. Before this episode, I thought Shea was very a straightforward, stoic, professional ho who took drag VERY seriously, dahling and very unlikeable.... and she totally changed my opinion of her. I cackled so much at the "dot-com" comment in the workroom and her Chicago runway was everything! I loved the little nod to Mystique (bitch I'm from Chicago) on the runway and I was throwing metaphorical dollar bills at her Gaga runway. Shea is one to watch, in my opinion, she is very versatile and very funny.

4 - Alexis 'Roxxxy Andrews' Michelle. Am I the only one who thinks boy Alexis looks like boy Roxxxy? Anyways, I live for Alexis. Her entrance look was amazing and reminded me of Lil' Kim, I really liked her NYC inspired look and it was a different take on showing the Statue of Liberty and her Gaga look was insanely polished (she MADE that outfit... like COME ON she MADE that fucking dress!!!).

5 - Sasha Velour. Going into this episode I liked Sasha Velour a lot; she's educated, quirky and could be another Sharon Needles type of queen (unconventional, different etc.). However in this episode I felt that she came off a tad pretentious. And her Gaga Applause runway was shit - clearly a dude even with the corset and the heels.

6 - Peppermint. I liked her looks, although I think that the NYC inspired one was a bit of a cliche and she could have done something a bit different. I really liked her entrance look with the braids and she has a great personality. I hope she does really well.

7 - Trinity Taylor. Similar to Peppermint, there were a few issues regarding her runway looks and I think some things could have been edited to make them even better, but Trinity is lower purely down to the fact that she is totally unlikeable. She did not make a very good impression on me personality-wise, but I do like her aesthetic.

8 - Aja. Safe, boring, next.

9 - Farrah Moan. Literally middle of the road. Even if she had revealed that tearaway during the Gaga runway she wouldn't have moved much further. Both her runway looks were similar (huge dresses that covered her up) so there is a lack of forward thinking on her part, and the fact that she decided NOT to show the latex catsuit underneath her Gaga look tells me that she isn't as confident as she needs to be.

10 - Charlie Hides. Too quiet. Even on the runway introducing herself it seemed like she was half asleep. WAKE UP PEA....I MEAN CHARLIE!!! Her entrance look was meh, her Mayflower pilgrim look was meh (even for a tearaway it wasn't exactly an OMG look) but her Gaga look was great. She just needs a couple of Red Bulls (or Alyssa's gogo juice) and a huge dose of charisma.

11 - Valentina. I liked her looks, I liked her personality. But for someone who has only been doing drag for 10 months I think that this might be a step too far. Her mariachi look was OK, but was just a modified version of a look that could be bought anywhere, and I hated her Gaga look. The wig was a basic shake-n-go and I thought that out of all the Gaga looks you could have picked, you chose a simple black dress, a blue bobbed wig and a pair of sunglasses? Pfffffft.....

12 - Jaymes Mansfield. Ooof, the premiere was not a good appearance for Jaymes; awkward, quiet and unimpressive. However, I think that she has a LOT of potential (I do prefer comedy queens to look queens so I am being slightly biased). She needs to paint a lot more, too, as I felt that both her entrance and her Gaga runway looks lacked the draggy makeup.

13 - Kimora Blac. She is fucking gorgeous, no doubting that, but I found her personality to be a bit flat. Both of her runways were lacklustre and even in Untucked I felt that she was not as charismatic or as eye-catching as the other queens. I hope she has more to offer because I think that she could be a dramatic queen, but at the moment I am doubting she will be around for long. Maybe eliminated in the next 3/4 episodes?

If you want to be tagged in next week's rankings, let me know.

#rupaulsdragrace #rpdr
Points: 10 0 comments
It's taken me almost 2 days Mar 26, 2017
but I have finally recovered after watching Season 9 premiere of Rupaul's Drag Race.

#rpdr #rupaulsdragrace
Points: 15 1 comments