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[S8] Week #9: Tengaged Can't Post in Greek #lame

Topic » [S8] Week #9: Tengaged Can't..

2756 days 5 hours ago
Previously on Ozzy and Kira’s Next Top Model…
With the return of Cinnamon to the competition the girls knew they had to be fiercer than ever in order to impress the judges. In the final test before the girls headed overseas, fashion came into play on a beach background. With no swim suits allowed, it seemed that every girl did an exceptional job. In a tough decision for the judges, Song Hana and Lalisa were determined to be the bottom two and faced elimination. The Pose Your Ass Off victory went to Yaja, her first top photo achievement. She had the tough choice and sent home Song Hana. Now the six girls are headed overseas to stunning MYKONOS, GREECE for the remainder of the competition! Now only six are left! Who will be eliminated tonight?

-Photo Shoot-
???? ??? ??????! ????? ?????? ???? ??????, ??????! <---------This was in Greek, originally.

That was Greek for, “Hello Ladies, Welcome to Mykonos, Greece!!!” We are glad you made it overseas and we are so excited to share the beautiful white sandy beaches, stunning blue waters, and amazing sunsets to you all. Don’t get to caught up on the beach though, there is still a lot of competition left to go and only one of you can take home that final prize. So best of luck to all of you!

In order to be the best, you have to beat the best. In the history of Ozzy’s Top Model, there has been only one girl to claim SIX number one photos. She is a legend of my competition and she is making waves in the fashion industry as we speak. Who is this fierce model you may ask? Well. I think you all know her pretty well by now, her name just happens to be KIRA!!!

Sadly, I have got some bad news for you. Kira missed her connection in New York! She is stuck at the airport but she will arrive on time for judging. So I wanted to cook up a little surprise for her.

For your photoshoot, you will be tasked to submit a HIGH FASHION photo that pays homage to one of Kira’s TOP PHOTOS. Please note that you are not simply copying the theme but rather, you are paying tribute to one of the photos in your own fashion forward way! Think creatively and push the limits. PLEASE ALSO submit 1-2 sentences with your photo to explain your PHOTO CHOICE and YOUR INTENTION with your homage! We cannot read minds.

Here are Kira’s Top Photos (you all can recreate/homage the same photo if you want but note that it will make it easier to compare you should you chose the same photo as someone else!)

Eye Make-Up:
With Men:
Winner Photo:

SAAYYYY WHAT? There is a challenge this week! Indeed there is! This week’s challenge, the judges are looking at you to evaluate your remaining competition. You must answer the following two questions in 1-2 sentences each.

Who is your biggest competition?
Who is your least competition?

Answers will be judges on connections to competition performance, clear explanation of choices, and authenticity in answers. Be honest and have fun!

-Fiercest Model of the Week-
Your weekly poll has been posted and we have tallied the results of who has had the most wins so far.

Yaja, Cinnamon, Olivia, Allison – 1 Win each
Lalisa and Allie – 0 Wins

Not impressive ladies. There are eliminated girls who have more wins than some of you. You better go get those votes!

2756 days 4 hours ago
I'm paying homage to Kira's winning photo in this challenge and I am getting. My. LIFE. With this photo, I intend to show Kira's extreme versatility by two very different looks in one. The black dress goes with Kira's cutthroat sense of fashion, the ripped stockings show she ain't no innocent virgin! I'm serving legs for days and the main shades are black and white, topped off with a crown because Kira IS that champion. The half makeup is to show that Yaja is still pounding that powder on henny and I decided to not sit on a throne since I don't have it. Yet. I'm feeling my oats!
2756 days 4 hours ago
And now for the challenge.

I believe my biggest competition in this stage of the game would probably be Lalisa. I love her to death and I feel that in terms of charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent, Lalisa's strength is in her aesthetic and that it serves her very well. Also, she's such a nice girl, anyone who might send her home would feel bad.

For least competition, I honestly juggled through everyone literally except Lalisa before making this decision but I feel my weakest rival currently is Olivia. In a group where everyone has improved so much over the course of the competition, I feel like Olivia has not brought the same edge of fight. And average wise I feel like she's somewhere near the lower end as well. I LOVE her though.
2755 days 23 hours ago
im paying homage to Kiras winner photo
i think a winner photo has to be stellar and amazingly high fashion and i think i accomplished that .
i feel that i gave a similar pose with similar emotions without completly copying her photo. i think the phot speaks for itself ...dark sexiness with a edgy feel :) hope i do u proud Kira

Who is your biggest competition?
my biggest competion is myself really i can be my own worst enemy but to chose one of the other amazing ladies id have to go with Allie ..girl shes just amazing and always on top of her game she knows what she wants and goes for it.

Who is your least competition?
id have to go with cinnamon here i just find sometimes she doesnt have the shine factor in her photos that most of us aim for :)
2755 days 23 hours ago
I'm paying homage to Kira's photo with men
I feel the photo I chose is similar to Kira's with a new- young and fun angle. The photo of her with men was great and hopefully I accomplished.


Who is your biggest competitor?
I would have to say without a shadow of a doubt- Allie. She has been bringing it EVERY SINGLE WEEK and is a stunning model. She has really impressed me so far.

Who is your least competition?
I would have to say Cinnamon. She is truly a great model but she has been eliminated before and although she performed well last week, when she was in the competition before she really didn't shine those weeks either.
2755 days 23 hours ago
Photoshoot (birds):

I decided to take birds and I wanted to make a twist/storyline about it. In Kira's photo she is wearing a black plumage, she is haughty in her picture  and now I am the new girl, the "weak" one so I dethroned her (thats why I have black feathers as a trophy) and take her crown which I am wearing at the photo representing that I WILL be the next winner of Ozzy and Kira's next top model. Hope you like it.

And for the challenge.

My biggest competition is without a doubt Allie. She has been literally at the top 2 almost everyweek. Maybe she is "that white girl at modeling shows" but she is rocking it. She lacks of uniqueness but god her photos are almost 100% awesome (I just don like one of her photos just ONE! so thats pretty impressive). I love her at the same time I hate her for being that good. Also a finale with a cotton candy haired korean girl vs a white chic who is pretty fantastic at photoshoot is like cycle 19 finale "the editorial unique girl vs the strongest girl at competition" I just hope that I beat Goliat at the end and not before.

Well for my least competition, sorry Cinnamon but you have been eliminated before and yes your last two photos were great but I dont know if you can continue at this level. I hope so and I want you to prove me wrong
2755 days 19 hours ago
Fuck u all u stupid bitches i am the fiercest queen and although i may have been eliminated i WILL OUTSHINE YOU ALL

stay tuned for my look to be posted shortly
2755 days 10 hours ago
I am recreating Kira's winning photo. When I look at Kira's photo, I see a fierce model, obviously. But more than that, I see a model who is on top. There is an intensity and confidence in her eyes that says "I'm on top, I dare you to try to take me down. You think you can? That's cute" . Her body also says, "Yeah, I made my way to the top, now what?" This is what I tried to capture in my photo. I wanted to have a photo that represents the passion I have to be on top, while showing I'm not stressing. I know I can do this and if you think you're going to take me down, let me prove you wrong.

Who is your biggest competition?
Every single girl here is competition. We have all made it this far for a reason, and I'm not counting anyone out. Of course some girls have performed consistently better throughout the competition *looks at Allison and Lalisa*  but each week multiple girls bring it and push me to be even better. With that being said, in this industry the only thing you have control over is yourself. So for me, I am my biggest competition. It doesn't matter to me what the other girls are doing, because I'm going to focus on myself and make sure that I'm proving what I can do. I'm never going to compare myself to anyone because I want to be different and prove that I am unique and one of a kind. I don't want to be great in comparison to the other girls here. I want to be great PERIOD.

Who is your least competition?
Like I said, I'm not going to write anyone off. Each girl here brings something and until they pack their bags and are headed back to the USA, they are competition. While I see each girl as a threat in her own way, I would have to say that Olivia is the least threatening.  The fashion industry is about pushing boundaries and standing out. I feel like a lot of her photos are good, but most weeks she seems to settle around the middle and hasn't quite really delivered a show stopper yet. The easy answer would have been Cinnamon because she was eliminated once, but I think being given a second chance has sparked a new fire for her.
2755 days 5 hours ago

My shoot is inspired by the eye make up photo. I wanted to take the similar colours that Kira used and do a spin on it. The use of the eye shadow on the eyes and along her cheekbones creates movement in a static pose. No matter where on the face you look, my fierce stare will always be the centre of attention. The simple pose is necessary for this look to work because again, the eyes are the focal point.

To be honest, my greatest competition I have is myself. I was already eliminated and I proved my way back into the competition so I have to keep challenging myself to bring better shoots each week as I compete with the best going forward.

The rest of these bitches are no competition for me. They are just waste girls here to hopefully snatch a spot on the Bachelorette as a filler girl while I aim to be on the front of Vogue alongside Kendall, Naomi and GiGi.
2755 days 2 hours ago
TIME IS UP! The judges will post our critiques.
2755 days 1 hour ago
Let’s take a look at your Kira homage photographs! Remember this week, two of you will be on top, two of you will be safe, and two of you will be in the bottom.

YAJA: I have a love/hate relationship with this photo. I think the concept is really strong and I think it’s a beautiful image to look at. However, I think the face is sort of blah and I see where you were going with the pose having two different looks but I find it just kind of awkward and too much thought put into it. What I love about this is the connection to Kira and her impressive versatility. I think you had a great idea but in the end, it’s just all a little much happening.

ALLISON: I think the dress is TOTALLY INSANLEY BEAUTIFUL however, I am not seeing the Kira photo reimagined perfectly. I think a stronger face and pose would have done the trick. I think it overall is a really stunning look and beautiful photograph but just a little more fire and a little more UMMPPFF would have really brought this to the next level. I think the laying down aspect is what is bothering me the most however, I think you look really great nonetheless.

OLIVIA: I honestly, really like this photo. I see the obvious connection to the Kira Men shoot and I think you nailed it with the very similar pose. Kira went with a more vintage look and you went for something a little more modern and fresh which I love! I think your face is a little weak spot for you, you look a little messy here. I think if you just gave it some sexy smize then you could have really blown this one out of the water. In the end, I think it’s a great photograph though.

LALISA: This photo…is not my favorite. I like how you used the challenge and you went with the bird themed photograph. However, I don’t think this is your best work. I find your photo to be kind of basic. I think your body looks amazing and the pose is phenomenal but the face is a total let down. You look kind of sleepy and like you are half there. I think you did a good job with the challenge but you lost the model look that we all know and love.

ALLIE: I LOVE THIS PHOTO!!! I think you look totally amazing. I think there is a relaxed look in your body and in your face that still screams MODEL. She looks like a badass and you did a nice job with the challenge as well. You took and existing photo and made it something on your own, this is the photo I have been waiting to see and I am so glad you gave it to me. It's my favorite photo so fan and perhaps one of my favorites from you so far as well. Great work.

CINNAMON: I like the idea here. I think there is something spunky and fun that totally works here. They eye make-up also is working really well for me. However, I don't see Kira in this photo so much. When I saw the eye makeup photo from Kira, there was just a certain ease to it overall and it just was such a natural striking beauty. This photo from you looks like you were simply copying the challenge and not making it your own. Good photo but not exactly what I imagined.
2755 days 1 hour ago
After consulting Tengaged and, a Fiercest Modle of the Week emerged.

Congrats... YAJA!!! The fans have voted you. Good work.
2755 days ago
That model is An Qi and she has An alienesque face asían models usually dont do the smize Sincé there fashion is different from here :S their tendency is That look but if the judges want smizing and That stuff i Will use european/american Girls then :3 no problem haha
2755 days ago
Btw im not complaining hahaha to be honest I love that look thats why I love asian modeling world, they are so different from here they usually have a blank but delicated face and they are way better posers than occidental xD points of views and since this is a competition I must do it by your point of view not mine :P
2754 days 16 hours ago
Yaja claps for herself winning FMOTW and sighs.

CF: "I never thought that any picture I thought would have TOO MUCH out into it. I really wanted my streak to continue into this week and I feel might not...."
2754 days 13 hours ago
Yaja- I am going back and forth on this picture, literally. I feel like if it just had the left side I would like it better. Even though the trashed side makes it an interesting picture, I ultimately think it brings it down. I do see the challenge clearly though. A good photo but Im not blown away.

Allison- This is a good photo, but not your best. Your face is good but the whole thing feels kind of blah. Its missing the umph that we expect from you, that thing that really takes it over the top. As for the challenge, I kind of see it, but I think the connection between the pictures could be clearer.

Olivia- Hmmm I like it! Its fun and flirty, and has a classic feel like my picture did, yet it does feel like you put your own modern twist on it. The face is good, but the mouth is a little awkward. However for being on a guys shoulders I think youre working it well.

Lalisa- I see what you were going for but honey let me tell you- its going to be a while before you dethrone me. The pose is interesting and you do look long and lean but this face is just sinking your ship. You look bored and I feel like your worried about falling over.  I think a different head/ eye position would have served you better.  You can do better!

Allie- You keep slaying every week. I love this picture. It has the same simple and clean fierceness that connects it to my photo, yet it total feels like your own.  Eve though its simple I still think its works and even though youre sitting down You are selling that coat! Good work.

Cinnamon- Eh. Just eh. I REALLY want to like this photo! I think the look is super interesting and I see the potential. But your face has no energy even with the wink! And speaking of the wink, its definitely killing this photo! You have a beautiful eyes and features and  think this picture isn’t showing that off.

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