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Finale and Reunion

Topic » Finale and Reunion

3414 days 5 hours ago
First of all, I cannot really congratulate you, guys for making it to Final 2, because you're there mostly because of OUR MISTAKES. So to me, you're both good players... but not great, so don't get all high and mighty. :) You did exploit the situation, you were active players I'll give you that, but if it weren't for our poor decisions you would've failed misurably. And so you're both the same to me from that angle.
(That's why we're playing Survivor and not "The Weakest link" Exploiting the situation and getting the better hand is better than dictating your way through.)

Just my 2CENT
3414 days 5 hours ago
Now Dan... Dan I have something a little bit different to say to you. I feel like you were very fake. You would schmooze and butter up everyone in hopes of making them mentally attached to you, I mean look, I worked with josh.  then you would betray their trust and forget them. So tell me, were any of the relationships you made actually real? Or were they all you scrambling, to make fake relationships so that when you suck at challenges and strategy then you would have that to fall back on?
3414 days 5 hours ago
(Nate part 3- Trying to go as fast/in order as possible lol)

"Josh- what was your Kryptonite this game what aspect of game did you suck at"

Probably talking to people outside of my tight alliances. Obviously I won the most individual challenges, so that counts for something. I was always thinking two or three rounds ahead on most of my votes. In fact, at the end of the game if u get to see my confessionals, you'll see I more or less had the boot order in tact since final 8 (Swap Kath/Ash and Emmy/Nate I think). I kept the people who I felt closest to, and got rid of those who weren't. But yes, if I had to say one thing was a flaw, it would be my lack of building connections.
3414 days 5 hours ago
I like that, Dan. :) And sorryyyy for the "balls" word. I didn't see people using it so much. Had I seen it, I would've used something else. :)

I also have my second, last question:

Dan and Josh, both of you - Explain to me exactly what do you think happened on the night Ash went home. And I mean particularly the idol situation. Cause from my point of view, we were voting Dan out, everybody was voting Dan out, Dan's gone. Done. But then Carlos came to me and said: "Cedric wants me on his side and he's targetting you." I said: "Play along, find out what he knows, who he has, are there any idols involved. Cause even if Cedric is up to something, we still have the numbers from the rewards at the Auction. we might turn it against Cedric, if he's changing sides." and then after a while Carlos came back, said: "Dan has an idol played for him tonight." So we immidiately switched our votes to Cedric but unfortunately he had an idol too. What's your side of the story?
3414 days 5 hours ago
¥¥¥Dan- I've read up on the whole situation about you getting the fake idol thing to go in your favor. It all makes sense now! Stupid Ceddy! But I offered to play my idol on you and you basically told me not to, because you had gotten busy with schooling. At the time,I thought it was basically you saying you gave up. Was there any OTHER motive beside keeping that information a secret?

I honestly just wanted you safe, but it also took out the last idols in the game which was good for me XD
3414 days 5 hours ago
Thanks you guys go at your own pace Im not in a rush
3414 days 5 hours ago
Sorry if the question is harsh Dan, but I really thought we had a real relationship. But now it looks to me like you had the same exact relationship with everyone.
3414 days 5 hours ago
Both of you guys dont be rushed answer this go at your own speed

Both-Who in the jury do you think that you would beat at the FTC and who do you think you would lose to please explain
3414 days 5 hours ago
Hi Ash :D

"do you feel like Dan really had a better social game or is that just how it came off? Would you take a moment and defend your social game? Because that's what's really in question tonight."

I'll agree with you 100% that Dan had a better social game than me. Hell, it showed up in that challenge showing how everyone truly felt in the survey. Dan is a great guy, and he definitely is easy to be friends with! I won't lie or be delusional and think I out-socialized him. But that's just one aspect of the game. Clearly I was social enough, especially with the people who I kept closest to me. If this were a real life game, I'd be cracking jokes with everyone- this is tougher to do online, at least for me. I'm not very charismatic over a laptop screen. However, I was liked/social enough to keep people believing me.
3414 days 5 hours ago
@Cedric, you're an idiot, first of all. I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to Dan and Josh, trying to have an insightful conversation with them, to determine who should get my vote. I wanna make as good and well-thought decision as possible, so quit butting in, and arguing with everybody. It's not your time. It's Dan's and Josh's time.
3414 days 5 hours ago
I also have my second, last question:

Dan and Josh, both of you - Explain to me exactly what do you think happened on the night Ash went home. And I mean particularly the idol situation. Cause from my point of view, we were voting Dan out, everybody was voting Dan out, Dan's gone. Done. But then Carlos came to me and said: "Cedric wants me on his side and he's targetting you." I said: "Play along, find out what he knows, who he has, are there any idols involved. Cause even if Cedric is up to something, we still have the numbers from the rewards at the Auction. we might turn it against Cedric, if he's changing sides." and then after a while Carlos came back, said: "Dan has an idol played for him tonight." So we immidiately switched our votes to Cedric but unfortunately he had an idol too. What's your side of the story?

Cedric told me that everyone was voting me, I was like "WHAT THIS IS TERRIBLE" *insert puppy dog eyes* and he came up with the idea to falsely tell you that I had an idol, this made you change your votes to Cedric, but I did not want cedric going out so this was also bad for me, so I sent out a group message to me, cedirc and josh, telling them about the situation. Cedric was convinced that they were voting me out, I didn't know if you were 100% going with cedric, so I told them we needed an idol. I already had 3 clues leading up to an idol, I shared these with both josh and cedric, cedric got it right and got the idol, MIRACLE, and then he was insistent on using it on me, but I thought you were going with him so I told him I would quit if he used it on me so he finally backed off and I persuaded him to use it on himself. BOOM, josh then annonces he has a second idol, and due to the uncertainty of who you were voting, josh volunteered to use his idol on me and cedric use the one I gave him the clues to on himself, = both of us safe, I got rid of all the other idols in play and ash went home = WIN, but you blamed Nate for telling but it wasn't, it was carlos, but as you would have the numbers if you were with nate, I just smiled and nodded with you ;) BOOM. :D haha
3414 days 5 hours ago
And @Josh, you're answer wasn't the right one, but you didn't do badly. Point taken. :)
3414 days 5 hours ago
Thanks Josh. Good game. 1 more question. Say our plan in the final 8 had worked and Cedric had gone home and you and Dan had gracefully followed. Who do you think would be during where you are now.
3414 days 5 hours ago
Ced <3 I'm happy you're keeping a smiling face man.

"Josh- Sitting here right now I went back and thought of all the times I could have easily taken you out with little as 1 change of a vote, etc. But didn't (d'oh!!). I want to know If there were any times that you had the opportunity of taking me out, but didn't. Just ease my mind please!"

I don't believe I ever had the opportunity to take you out, and I honestly doubt I would've entertained it. The only thing was planting seeds for the final 4 in case Nate won immunity, but outside of that I was never tempted. No use in me booting loyalty!

" Name one thing you did or quality that you have that you feel could have given you the win against any person who would have sat beside you."

I definitely believe I out-thought everyone in this game. I'll give you an example. The first merge vote, you'll remember how shocked I was that Kathrine and Co. didn't split the vote against you and Dan. Maybe that's a testament to Dan's game, but if the goal was to help weaken me, then they really should've thought more, but hindsight is 20-20. Like I mentioned earlier, I always had my moves planned out a round or two in advance. Good chess players do it, and so do Survivor winners. I like to think I was better at that than anyone else.
3414 days 5 hours ago
Now Dan... Dan I have something a little bit different to say to you. I feel like you were very fake. You would schmooze and butter up everyone in hopes of making them mentally attached to you, I mean look, I worked with josh.  then you would betray their trust and forget them. So tell me, were any of the relationships you made actually real? Or were they all you scrambling, to make fake relationships so that when you suck at challenges and strategy then you would have that to fall back on?

Firstly I didn't suck at challenges, I won my fair share, and YAS people I really did = Luis, Nate, Cedric, Josh, and I would say Carlos but I don't think he likes me anymore hahah XD

Honestly with people like you, kathrine, emmy etc it was pretty forced, and we didn't really speak that much so I didn't feel bad about voting any of you :P sorry haha

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