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S3 Mongolia Discussion

Topic » S3 Mongolia Discussion

2251 days 11 hours ago
Let’s just say I’m rooting for Hufus and I’ll be back at the reunion.
2251 days 10 hours ago
claire, stephen, and stephen are the only 1s I don't know, everyone else I definitely know are great.
I'm saying james or dan will win. dan's only undoing is his bio page but, I know he is heroic
2251 days 7 hours ago
Ferdi (dutchone29) Confessional EP:1

So let's see. I wanna get out of the gate strong socially b/c it almost cost me my head in a non tengaged Survivor game. So, I chatted up Dan who had a similar idea. Soon enough we agreed on Ross and the three of us were a thing. I got hit up overnight by peeps. I talked to Josh who gives me the best vibes so far. It seems we're 4 of us right now. I hope that carries me if I am not able to attend the challenge tonight...
2251 days 6 hours ago
Ross (Ross56) Confessional EP:1

First Confessional: So all day yesterday I thought Flop was another member of the tribe in our alliance and was tryna rack my brains figuring it out and didnt have the courage to ask who it was but turns out its Ben rip. I feel dimbt
2251 days 3 hours ago
Dan (dwipeouts) Confessional EP:1

doing my first confessional right before the first challenge. anyways im glad im getting this second shot since my first time went so awful the cast hated me and it did feel like ben didn't like me as well. but surprising back then before people knew sometimes i can troll controversially the vl did support me. but i dont really expect it this season. anyways im gonna keep the results of what happened on my original season on the down low. even tho theres josh (who me and him are the closest together in this game_ and then cole(who hopefully doesn't remember me). but the reason why i want the little amount of people to know about my gen 1 season is if they know i was a 0 vote finalist they might percieve now in this season as a goat at the end. and even if i do try to get out of that they might still see me as a goat, which i don't want. bec perception beats reality. anyways im a little nervous being on the tribe, i hope we win so i don't have to worry about being first boot but im trying my best to talk as money people i can but i don't want too talk to too many people or that will might fuck me over. but hey at least claire isn't on my tribe. she talked with me yesterday and i can tell she was basically rolling her eyes on my conversation. anyways the two most people on my tribe is cole ( who i havent talked with since like my gen 1 season, which was basically a year ago) and also ross. bec although i really am gonna take this group game seriously the last group game i was in , ross was on my tribe and i trolled in that game. so im hoping he knows im taking it serious. but ross might also believe it and take it in the wrong way and percieve me as a threat. luckily i have been doing better at challenges in my most recent group games and i want to prove it to my tribe tonight but i feel like its probs gonna be pass the torch and you really can't prove anything but your activeness in that challenge. if feels good getting out a confessional at least.
2250 days 23 hours ago
Hufus (Hufus) Confessional EP:1

Hello, VL!  I'm really excited to come back to this series... I'm really hoping I can redeem myself after flopping in Gen 1, so hopefully I can at least survive being 2nd boot again LOL anything beyond that will be a win for me...

When I saw my tribe, I didn't know how to feel exactly. The thing is I literally have played with or know every single one of them, and that is tricky, cause besides having a reputation as a player, I also did some of em wrong...or beat them in competitions, or even was betrayed by them. LOL I'll do a quick assestment for you guys.

Clair - Okay, I love this girl as a person. But I know she's one hell of a player and I don't know if she thinks I'm no good or nah. We've played together before and she also got to watch me play in a game where she was a coach. I got to the end with one of her players as we got along super well, so hopefully we can aim for the same thing here...and we've already talked about it. I can only hope for the best and feel her out, but so far I think we're gucci.

James - We never really got to play in the same game, but we're in a skype VL, I picked him as my draft winner and rooted for him, and we've also exchanged a few words, like me saying I loved him due to something I can't quite remember right now. Despite that, I've already tried to reach out to him in this game and I didn't sense he was that excited about working with me tbh...he didn't make an effort to keep the conversation going. but who knows.

Josh - Me and Josh go way back... we've played against and with each other, so I don't know how we're doing it here. Since Tim isnt in this cast, maybe we can be a bit closer. But last time I saw him playing, he had no allegiances and was constantly flipping, and that makes me uneasy.

JB - He's the one I'm most excited about working with. He's a really good guy and I got some good vibes after talking to him. I've played in his series before, and I was loyal there, so hopefully he takes a chance on me!!

Lorenzo - YIKES. If it was up to me, I'd vote him out first. He constantly brought up my name in a challenge group game once, making sure to say I was a threat in every opportunity he had, and then he finally got me sent into elimination. Thing is he went into it too and I won. Cheers! He'll try to vote me out 100%, I believe.

Nicky - okay, I personally don't like him, as I feel he's one of that users that acts so superior just bc they're TV Stars and only work with their crew. He's voted me out in a game before after lying SO much to me. I don't trust him at all. But I'm running out of options, so I might try to stay cool and get close as long as I can if that's what I have to do to survive.

Zach - Ugh, I don't know how to feel about him. I thought we were close allies in a game 2 months ago, but then he tried to vote me out at f5 or 6 I think, but I played an idol and survived. He lied straight to my face and put a knife on my back instead of voting for the one who ended up winning the game. I'm over it, but I don't know if he'll ever believe me, and that makes me paranoid. Plus I surprisingly won immunities and found a couple of idols and the legacy advantage there, which is why I think he won't let me go very far.

Welp, that's it. Honestly my hopes were a LOT higher before writing this confessional. I didn't really realize how screwed I am until now. The only thing I can pray for is to win the challenge and avoid going to tribal council. I'm not that sure about surviving if we do lose, I can see a lot of votes coming my way. I need more time to try to do damage control and pull some people over. But FUCK, we're losing and there r only ~40minutes left. GOD SEND A MIRACLE PLEASE
2250 days 23 hours ago
Hufus (Hufus) Confessional EP:1




and of course you try to call someone on skype, but it doesnt always work... Moral of the story: A little push from the gods is never too much!

Jesus, I'm relieved now. Peace.
2250 days 23 hours ago
Stephen (SimvivoRWay) Confessional EP:1

It's not fun being one of the three people responsible for losing the first immunity challenge, especially when several people have mailed you what you need to post. I feel bad, honestly. It was an easy challenge and I'm good at scrambled words, I could've been of help, but I couldn't because it's Easter in my country and I was with family...

I gotta keep a clear head now. It is what it is and it is NOT the end of the world. I will do my damage control and it will be okay.

My strategy is to mingle around and see what's the word. I got to talk to pretty much everyone and the people I didn't get much from are Ross and Zach. With Ross, there wasn't a back and forth, it was just him answering my questions, and Zach didn't even reply to my first mail, but he did make sure to tell me that some of the answers were sportygirl and xiognu... It feels a bit arrogant, you don't bother talking to me, but you did write a nice, long, grammatically correct essay about two of the answers.

Right now, I want people to know three things - I feel bad for screwing them over, I will be active in other challenges and they have a loyal ally in me. Hopefully, no one tries to go after me, because let's be honest, there are other people here who haven't said anything except for doing the challenge and communication is just as important.

In a perfect world, Zach would go home. I just don't know where I stand with him and I don't like the unknown. He's a variable and that's a risk to go forward with. But, we know this is far from a perfect world, so I'll have to settle with anyone who isn't me. It will probably end up being one of the two other people who didn't complete the challenge - Cole or Ross, which I'm fine with. I'd prefer Ross though, but we'll see.

More info after I save my ass.
2250 days 12 hours ago
I'm putting my money on JB to win the season. I don't know why but I think he can do it
2250 days 8 hours ago
Josh (Joshbb17) Confessional EP:1

Thank you for giving me a shot on this series, I’m ready to work. Initially I think I’ve got my work caught up for me, there’s a few worrisome people and potenial allies.

Preferably I want to work with Clair and hufus, because I think that they are going to be playing the hardest. I want to work with them rather than against them. This season I don’t want to fall into the role of having to dictate to people what to do, that typically happens. I want to strategically position myself to where I am the one who people need. So I’m gonna chill for a bit. It can backfire but in the long term it can be very beneficial.

As long as my name stays off of radars, I’m going to be able to slowly extinguish the competition.
2250 days 8 hours ago
I'm putting my money on JB to win the season. I don't know why but I think he can do it


I'm actually getting similar vibes about JB.  He seems to be in a decent spot, but at the same time nobody is after him.  I think the only conflict JB will run into is if a Natalie or Stephen decides he's a huge threat because they've played with him before in older group games.
2250 days 7 hours ago
Natalie (OhNatalie) Confessional EP:1

It feels good to be back. I am playing for Jury because I've never made it passed pre-jury in your series but it will DEFINITELY be hard. Things surrounding our tribe since arriving to the island? DRAMA. Nothing else.

So this is what has happened so far: As soon as my tribe was revealed I gravitated towards Stephen. I need him on my side this season because I think we can both spice up Mongolia but that doesn't mean I trust him. He's the only one without a Skype so our communication is wacky but I'm willing to work around it. Bottom line, we made an alliance and we're ready to take this game by the balls.

Then, (this is where it gets good) I came up with an idea to get those who showed up to the challenge to start an alliance because I need an excuse to start an alliance (as I am in none) so this was the perfect excuse. Firstly, I wanted to talk to all of those who showed up (Dan, Ferdi, Josh and Zach.) I presented the idea to first Dan, then Ferdi, then Ziggy and lastly Josh. I was gonna run this agenda through all 4 persons and then create a group chat on Skype. BUT THEN I SPOKE TO JOSH and he told me that he was already in a group chat with Dan and Ferdi AND ROSS (????).... Yeah I know. FUNNY PART IS that these idiots added Josh after they've already been talking in that chat for a few hours LMAOOO So whatever. Josh doesn't trust them which is all I needed.

I'm gonna go ahead and maybe start this alliance chat but ultimately I haven't decided as this can end me. HOWEVER what I will do is make sure me and Josh continue with our own agenda. We (me and Josh) want to bring in Ziggy and Stephen to create a majority alliance after we vote out Coyle to combat the 3 original members of Josh's other alliance (Ferdi, Dan and Ross.)

AND LET ME ADD: I don't trust Sergeant or SimvivoRWay. I don't. I know how they play, I remember who they are and I will always have my guard. They just better have their guard up too ;)
2250 days 5 hours ago
Dan (dwipeouts) Confessional EP:1

My gut it telling me I'm getting votes tonight and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if I get julianed and I get first voted off. Supposedly the target is Cole but I've been lied to before so you never know
2250 days 5 hours ago
Clair Hufus or JB needs to win this season, that is all
2250 days 4 hours ago
Clair (haycsclair) Confessional EP:1

Hi! I'm Clair from the beautiful country of the Philippines also known as Pearl of the Orient Sea. I'm 26 years old and I work as an HR Supervisor.

So this is my first Survivor group game after awhile. I came back to Tengaged weeks ago from a very loooong vacation. This is the first time I'm going to play Ben's series. I don't have a strategy at all going into this game. My plan is to have fun and to make new friends. That's what I've been doing these past few days. So I'm happy to get 16th. But it's not going to happen since we won the first challenge. YAY! But I'm pretty sure the object I picked doesn't have an idol in it because I haven't receieved any mails from Ben yet. Yikes!

So as I've said earlier, I'm just going to chill here in Mongolia. Wait for my torch to get snuffed. If I'm lucky enough to get to the end, then YAY!

Anyway, here's my nonsense comments about the people in this game.

Let's start with my tribe mates.


Hufus - OMG! He panicked during the last challenge over Skype. Oh well. Me too. No one wants to go home first, right? So I messaged the three remaining people earlier who haven't sent their answers yet. Thank goodness Zach posted at the very last 5 minutes. Hufus is a chill guy, I think, but very smart. He seems pretty observant.

James - The guy from UK. He seems fun. He told me the difference between Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland. He mentioned some beautiful famous tourist spots in UK too. Because the only thing I know about UK are the London bridge and the Red Telephone Booth. Oh. He can speak French by the way. Just because it's one of his subjects in College.

JB - We played together before in Jimbo's Survivor series. Actually, he had already forgotten that we did. So I did my best to make him remember everything. If I'm not mistaken, the winner of our season is the host of this series, Mr. Ben himself. JB seems pretty strategic.

Josh - The Accounting major. The first thing that came into my mind was Mathematics. Lol. But he explained to me his major very well. Josh is the kind of guy who I can easily get along with, but he's being hesitant sometimes. He's holding back. A bit skeptical of people around him, perhaps?

Lorenzo - The half-Greek Italian and half-Latino. He can Spanish and I think Spanish is a sexy language. I've learned a lot from him about the things happening in Europe right now. He also discussed some hot issues about race and religion. He seems pretty smart. He also seems someone who knows what he want.

Nicky - The sporty girl. She taught me some workout techniques. It's really helpful since I'm not so sporty and I think living a healthy lifestyle is a must for all of us. I really admire her dedication and passion when it comes in healthy living. Good for her.

Zach - The guy is so quiet. But he was the reason why we won the first challenge. Without his answer, we wouldn't be able to win the first immunity challenge. So I'm very thankful of him.

Now the other tribe.


Cole - I haven't talked to him yet. Just a simple "Hi" and "Hello". But it's better enough more than nothing at all. He seems a quiet person like Zach.

Dan - I've played with him before. He was the winner in that season. I think that was the first Survivor group game where I quit. Don't ask why? It's personal. Dan is a strategic guy.

Ferdi - He's cool. He just told me I stole the answer he found on the last challenge. I posted it first, so it wasn't my fault really. But he said it was fine so I should not worry about it.

Josh (sergeant) - The guy in the workforce. He seems cool. I think he's strategic and a good challenge player. He seems like an asset in his tribe. We'll see.

Natalie - Queen Natalie. She's back! She's my winner pick to be honest. I'm willing to be the Amanda of this Parvati lady. She seems so sweet and kind. But I know she's a cutthroat player. I can't wait to see her work her magic.

Ross - He seems p

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