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S3 Mongolia Discussion

Topic » S3 Mongolia Discussion

2250 days 15 hours ago
Clair (haycsclair) Confessional EP:1

Now onto the other tribe.


Cole - I haven't talked to him yet. Just a simple "Hi" and "Hello". But it's better enough more than nothing at all. He seems a quiet person like Zach.

Dan - I've played with him before. He was the winner in that season. I think that was the first Survivor group game where I quit. Don't ask why? It's personal. Dan is a strategic guy.

Ferdi - He's cool. He just told me I stole the answer he found on the last challenge. I posted it first, so it wasn't my fault really. But he said it was fine so I should not worry about it.

Josh (sergeant) - The guy in the workforce. He seems cool. I think he's strategic and a good challenge player. He seems like an asset in his tribe. We'll see.

Natalie - Queen Natalie. She's back! She's my winner pick to be honest. I'm willing to be the Amanda of this Parvati lady. She seems so sweet and kind. But I know she's a cutthroat player. I can't wait to see her work her magic.

Ross - He seems pretty distant. We had a very little interaction and if I would based my judgment of him on those convos we had, I think he's a bit skeptical of me. Oh well. I can't blame him. We're on a different tribe.

Stephen - Haven't talked to him yet. He seemed pretty busy in the last two days. I think I've played with him before. I'm gonna search that game.

Zach (ziggyzaggy) - Not sure about the username. But I'm sure that I do like him. I really appreciate and admire his love for the Mother Nature. As a beauty queen at heart, I am a passionate advocate of protecting the Mother nature. I'm all for spreading the news of how we are going to conserve the energy, of how we can save the planet from climate change, of how we are going to change the Earth into a much better community to live in. I'm happy that we share the me passion in life.

So that's my opinion of the people in this game. I hope the best player wins in the end.
2250 days 15 hours ago
Oh my god when did queen Clair get back on this site
2250 days 14 hours ago
Stephen (SimvivoRWay) Confessional EP:1

So, I have a pretty confusing day behind me (and it's not over yet) and I'm still feeling uneasy. I basically mailed everyone to see what's the deal with tribal, what are their thoughts and where the vote is headed, and nobody was really that open or communicative as I was expecting them to be. I thought, fuck, it's over and I'm gonna be the first boot. But I kept trying to work my ways and suddenly I saw some light.

After I had some conversations with people (Natalie, Josh, Dan the most), I learned some things:
- People were apparently pissed at me, Cole and Ross for screwing them up, so much so, that they agreed to form an alliance between them and pick us off one by one.
- Natalie is tight with Josh, or at least, she seems to be, because they fed me the exact same information and told me about the same plan, which is us three having an alliance and overthrowing the other alliance that has apparently been made between Dan, Ferdi and Ross. For now, I'm happy with this plan of the alliance of three, because it keeps me safer than I normally would be and it gives me an opportunity to reach a swap or a merge and get better options there.
- The reason why I want better options is that Natalie and Josh seem tighter with each other than any of them is with me. They talked and just gave me the info, which I'm still grateful about, but it obviously makes me the third wheel. Plus, Natalie gave me a whole lot more to work with than Josh.
- Zach is apparently key in this, because if the plan goes well, Cole is gone tonight and we're down to a Stephen-Natalie-Josh vs Dan-Ferdi-Ross and Zach as the swing vote. The plan is to let this tribal be over and then spill the beans to Zach and get him on our side. Should be easy, since apparently the other three think they've got Josh and they don't care about Zach. What I also want is to form a close bond with him, so I have a ride or die of some sort and not be as dependent on Natalie and Josh as I am now. It's tricky though, because we haven't talked much, but I already started planting my seeds (no pun intended). I really hope he sees a nice, trustworthy ally in me, because like it or not, we both need each other in this game, despite me wanting to vote him out just hours earlier (lol).

I really hope what I heard is true and not a strongly elaborate scheme to get me out. If I survive, which I think I will, I'm not fooling around. You'll see me at 6pm, armed and ready to kick some ass in the challenge.

Also if I survive, I'll be investing more in my relationships with people, which means you'll see an account on Skype with my username on it. I was told that apparently I was out of the loop because I didn't have Skype, which kinda holds, so I think it's time to fix that. I didn't make a 3 year hiatus from Tengaged to be voted out this soon, there's no way.
2250 days 14 hours ago
What an awesome cast! Pulling for Clair, Hufus, Cole, and of course Natalie!! <3
This will definitely be a fun one to watch.
2250 days 14 hours ago
2250 days 14 hours ago
Stephen (SimvivoRWay) Confessional EP:2

This vote actually went smoothly, just as I had expected half an hour ago. I'm amazed, honestly. I thought for sure something was brewing, but glad to see it's just me.

Now, Zach self-voted, which means he didn't have time to read my last mail in which I told him to vote for Cole, but it also means that he was also excluded from plans and didn't know the vote until it was too late. This absolutely works in my favor, because I can say ''hey man, I was the only one who told you about the vote and that proves that my intentions with our alliance are genuine''. I need him to trust me and I need our alliance to flourish and be a secret. Can you imagine overthrowing everyone when the time is right? :')

I also don't wanna limit my game to just Natalie-Josh-Zach, so I'll also talk to the others, especially Dan who talked to me a lot. I can make him believe I trust him so he doesn't target me and chooses one of the others instead, just in case.

Noe, let's win the challenge!
2250 days 13 hours ago
Josh (sergeant) Confessional EP:2

So I meant to send another one earlier but got busy... so here is what's happened since then.

I got into a four person alliance with Ross, Dan and Ferdi.... though when I joined the skype chat they seemed like they had already been chatting for a while and that made me suspicious of where I stand in the alliance. Sim reached out to me and wanted to work together since we know each other from a while back, I also had been chatting with Natalie. So I let Natalie in on the 3 person alliance that I was somewhat in and then we joined forces with Sim... which means I am sitting kind of in the middle of this tribe.

So after losing this challenge I have a decision to make, do we just take out Zach because he's inactive or, do we try and get Zach to vote with us and take out one of Ross, Dan and Ferdi. If we do vote out Zach that would put us at a potential 3-3 and bring us to rocks at the next tribal we go to... there's a lot to think about.
2250 days 13 hours ago
Hufus (Hufus) Confessional EP:2

OOPS we did it again! YASS @ staying out of trouble! I'm so glad we once again won't go to tribal council... I've been doing my best to stay out of it and to enjoy the time I have to constantly talk to my tribemates... I'm on the verge of harrassing them. LOL Just kidding.... (am i though... no, dw, i am)

BUT YOU KNOW WHAT'S BEST? I'VE JUST IMPROVED MY PLACEMENT!!!!! Proportionally speaking, of course, since we had 18 people in my Gen 1 season, and I got 17th there. BUT HERE I SURVIVED BEING SECOND BOOT! *cheers*

I'm so happy that we can have the night off. I don't have anything else to say right now, just wanted to share that lil piece of information with y'all. I hope you guys are rooting for me, and if you aren't, maybe I can change your mind soon enough!!!

Peace out, fam!
2250 days 8 hours ago
I did not expect Stephen to be like this. He is a threat
2249 days 22 hours ago
Natalie (OhNatalie) Confessional EP:2

I DID IT! Well, we did it. Stephen, Josh and Zach came together and created an alliance to combat the mediocre alliance of Dan, Ross and Ferdi. We're voting Ross tonight in what might be a 4-3 vote.

I know, dividing the tribe with a possible tribe swap looming near is us never a good idea but it's honestly us or them. I am making merge, especially since I have connections with people from the other tribe. Shoutout to JB and Clair <3
2249 days 22 hours ago
**Highlight of Yesterday**

Stephen, finally makes a Skype account!
2249 days 22 hours ago
Stephen (SimvivoRWay) Confessional EP:2

Let's celebrate that I'm finally on Skype! It took my inner 80-year-old some time to figure it out, but I eventually made it work. Now, I really feel like I'm more in the loop, in this hour alone I've had more conversations than I've had here since we started.

So, as it turns out, Natalie and Josh gave me the correct information. There is indeed an alliance of Ross-Dan-Ferdi who think they have Josh. How did I check this? Skype ^_^

First, Josh, Natalie and I pulled in Zach with us. Thankfully, he was on board and the fact that the other group is targeting him helped our case a lot. Then, I made sure to let Zach know that he's got a valuable ally in me and that we could be like Stephen and JT from Tocantins (note that my name is also Stephen). He seemed to love the idea and I hope he sticks to it, because that's my advantage going forward. I wanna be one step ahead and right now, I have Zach believing I wanna take him to the end, and possibly Natalie, who seemed very enthusiastic to have me on Skype. Truth of the matter is, it's too early to talk about Final 2, but I like that people trust me. I need my majority alliance, but I also want to be safe within that alliance and not be targeted.

Another interesting note is that I talked some with Dan, who is aligned with Ferdi and Ross. They're targeting Zach, which is great, but also, it shows exactly where things stand. Dan asked me to vote for Zach, I said sure, but then I asked who else was in and he named Ferdi, Ross and Josh. He basically exposed his alliance and it shows exactly what their pecking order is, they want Zach out first, then Natalie and then me and I don't want to go home so soon. Thankfully, we're solidified as an alliance and Ross is our target. I actually suggested him, because out of those three, he's the one I have talked to the least and it was easy to target him since he wasn't at the challenge and apparently didn't form relationships.

Overall, I'm feeling much more secure and confident in my chances going forward and I have Skype to thank. It was the miracle I needed to make those connections and I'm excited now. One thing I'm worried about is that if this vote goes as I think it will go, it will create a 4-2 divide and if a swap happens and I end up with Ferdi and Dan on a tribe, I'd be royally fucked. I will need to think of a way to make some damage control if something comes up that might potentially be a deal breaker for me. Ultimately, it's their fault, because they aligned with other people and I found out I was not included in their plans. I will still tell them I'm voting Zach and that everything is fine between us. They underestimate me and that's awesome, it's the perfect setting for me.
2249 days 22 hours ago
Ross (Ross56) Confessional EP:2

At this point I could make a move and send someone like Josh home but theres no real point to it. Thats only going to make me seem untrustworthy down the road
2249 days 17 hours ago
Zach (ziggyzaggy16) Confessional EP:2

So at this point our tribe is split with me, Natalie, sergeant, and stephen on one side against the other three. Sergeant found out those guys had a final 3 and tried to pull him in as their fourth number but sergeant didn’t want to be on the bottom so we pulled this whole thing together! I feel really good with this alliance and Stephen reallys wants to be my ride or die. So I told him I’d stay committed to him until the end but you never know what could happen in this game.
2249 days 17 hours ago

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