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S14 Caribbean - Last Chances [Confessionals]

Topic » S14 Caribbean - Last Chances..

1611 days 3 hours ago
Erik (YoundAndReckless) Confessional EP:1
Which is so fucking funny but I cant help but laugh because Christian thinks I have nothing to do with it and is saying there is a war about to happen. Let me say, why yes Christian. I do believe you are correct. I'm just sorry to say that I am perfectly fine with Chili leaving the game. This game is going to be cutthroat.  Im so excited for tribal whether I end up on the right side of the nunbers or not. I feel i am in a fine position at this moment.
1611 days 3 hours ago
Harry (harrywasnak) Confessional EP:2
So I’m back again! I thought I’d be a big target from the start, but now I’m not so sure. There are so many big players in this game, that I feel like I can blend in. I’m not really sure what’s gonna happen at tribal tonight, but I’m the chat of the supposed majority for this vote. The problem is that Dallas is a crucial vote if we’re gonna send Chili home tonight, but he’s incredibly silent.
I knew this tribe would probably break into two sides, but nobody is even pretending, I thought I’d at least hear a name from some of the people that aren’t in my alliance, but oh well. I’m not comfortable, but I’m hopeful that this plan will work out.
1611 days 3 hours ago
Josh (Joshbb17) Confessional EP:2
Having LEANNA go out first tribal sucks.. leanna was my bvw partner and someone who I was able to depend on completely last time. I was hoping for one last rodeo to see what we could do. The game moves on though

I’ve made an unlikely connection with my vendetta Julian. We’ve never worked together for years and I manned up and apologized, because I had negative bias to him in games. We have no beef with eachother; but we just never talk and work together. Our interests are completely aligned and we both realize that. I’d love for a redemption story and build trust and accomplish great gameplay.

There are two groups. Chili and friends, and everyone else apparently. Billy made an alliance of himself, Erik, me, josh, Julian, Ethan, and dallas. I will 100% support this as chili and friends have not really given me the time of day. I will work with anyone I can out here, whoever gives me the best offer at the right time will get my vote. Doesn’t matter if I hate your guts.

Very interested to see where John and Christian are. Two guys who are stellar players and I respect a lot, but have been very hush on what they want to do with me. As I’ve stated in a previous confessional, I want transparency on what you want to do. And they aren’t doing that.

Erik and billy have put themselves out there. I know what they want to do, and they are moving with a mission. I respect that and I’m going to follow that. Until then, that’s my go to plan.
1611 days 3 hours ago
Andrew (DallasAndrew) Confessional EP:2
So far it's a total chaos, the tribes are enormous. You can't create alliances and gain a majority, so far it's about easy votes and just not get into any attention until there are less members, somewhere at at least 12-13, when you could count into the game. Everybody is talking about Lalisa, I have no idea what other groups are, I know I'm into a group with 4 other people that want to work together. Or at least that's what they're saying. I have no purpose to be loyal into this game, every single vote will be different, I will just be a joker, make everybody happy, talk nicely to everybody and I will have no hesitation in voting out anybody. And that is what will get me into the final, everybody will look for me, everybody will count on me and everybody will consider I have no chance into a final. And that's why I'll win this game. I'll just play the most intelligent and also the most simple game from what you've seen. And I think I will never propose anybody for the vote, this game I'm the joker. And in the end the joker will become the king. Have a nice day!
1611 days 3 hours ago
Logan (lhoopernumbers) Confessional EP:2
This tribe is turning us all mad. I just want to have some peace and crazy obsessed Kelly won't shut that trap of theirs. Literally she's a bane to many of us on this tribe. So far I have made the AntiKelly Brigade and have several one on ones like with Barbara, Rob, Claire, Keizo, Absol, and everyone in AntiKelly Brigade so if that's not social, what is.
Anyways my tribe won immunity so it's another day of dealing with the crazies. Hopefully the next tribal my tribe goes to, Kelly goes with this gift.
1611 days 3 hours ago
James (J2999) Confessional EP:2
So our tribe lose, sorta sucks considering it was 5-4, but hey I scored a point so at least pulled some weight!

I then find out that I'm going to Ghost Island which is fun! Cheers to Absol, Clair, LeQuisha, not sure who, if anyone, else voted me, but cheers to them too!

So on Ghost Island my options in le chatzy are a ADVANTAGE power and IDOL. INITIALLY I want the IDOL, though in hindsight chatzy letting me play for the advantage wouldn't be so bad, and realistically better....

Anyway, I tell AJ about my game so that I can have an extra set of eyes. It was risky telling him, but I TRUST him, and I was uncertain to if I'd get through all 25 Gen 1 seasons (granted some involved returnees) within 30 mins.

About 5 mins in, I find it:
(coincidentally the guy who got voted out the round AFTER AJ in their first season xd!)
1611 days 3 hours ago
James (J2999) Confessional EP:2
CONFESSIONAL:  So tonight is the first Tribal Council of Tortuga and I hope one of those people who didn't try reaching out to me gets voted out.  I haven't found the Antigua idol yet but I'm sure someone has already found it. I just hope it's not someone who has a secret vendetta against me.

And then I receive this information:

2.        “Pieguy’s Idol” – Survivor Tuvalu – Heroes vs. Villains (This Idol Is Good for The First Three Rounds of the Merge)
You’ve managed to win a hidden immunity idol.  This idol comes from “Survivor Tuvalu – Heroes vs Villains” where Mike (Pieguy555) left with an idol in his pocket and was blindsided at the merge vote.  He claims if the deadline wasn’t as early, he would’ve played it and that he’d dominate the game.
This idol comes with a twist.  This idol is a real hidden immunity idol but cannot be used just yet.  Due to Mike’s majority placements being as the first or second juror this idol will only be good for the first three merge votes.  It can only be used once in those three votes.

LITERALLY I couldn't have jinxed myself more as I was talking about hypothetical situations with Ben and the one I mention was 'one not able to be used before merge'. Hot damn.

But look, an idol eligible for 3 rounds at merge is better than no idol at all.

Back to the vote, I like straight up target Julian despite being on Ghost Island, like he has an issue with me and is obsessed about a world where I am a massive gameplayer who wins any game I play despite winning like 12 total in over 100. Whatever.

Then half the tribe randomly target CHILI?! Like are you kidding me? Not only is he one of my closest allies, but he is literally one of the best, if not THE BEST, competitors on our tribe? It's ridiculous.

Like the votes I know we have (considering we need 8):
AJ, Brian, Chili, Chris, Christian, then I think Erik and John. But like that is only 7, everyone else is set on doing Chili apparently and I just cannot fathom as to why they think that is smart. Oh we may also have Alan, but not Erik? I truly do not exactly know, but somehow Chili just is leaving.

If Chili leaves I'll definitely feel fucked, and I'll perhaps have to stretch the truth of my idol, like obviously if I just say "SOOOO it's only good to the merge !!!" I'll get the boot, but yeah I mean gonna be gunning for immunity. I DO feel bad as now I'm on Ghost Island and could possibly prevent.

I'm HOPING Chili has an idol, like all the good idol finders (bar like Ethan and maybe Josh sergeant(?)) are on my 'side' - granted I don't know many of their idol finding abilities!

I am happy Christian and Chili, but also Chris and Christian are same side as them becoming mates again would be cute.

I am also in a chat of 4 with AJ, Brian and Christian. I love that chat. 3 of my very closest people in the entire game!

I just hope Julian leaves tonight I really really do. VERY WORST case I'm hoping Josh sergeant will be as loyal as he is claiming he will be and not vote me regardless, but I guess we will see.
1611 days 3 hours ago
Ashanti (KingGeek) Confessional EP:2
hii! i usually write these confessionals a bit earlier before the voting deadline but i've been a discombobulated mess so you get what you get! i must say upon first look at this cast.. it was something! it wasn't a bad feeling, it was interesting even! lots of personalities and people i can work with. the gag of it all? all those personalities and people i can work with end up on the other tribe! there are exceptions, of course. i immediately knew i would be able to get something going with chili, christian, james, brian, and CHRIS (LOL) respectively. as for everyone else, i would have to try and give my all and make sure i don't drown.. which seems to be working? i surprisingly have strong social relationships with andrew, billy, and julian at the moment. the latter of the three which surprised me the most, although i've always liked julian we've been mild adversaries in this second half of the year.

thankfully, i didn't have to worry about being ashamed of being the FIRST BOOT (32nd 32nd 32nd) and my tribe won immunity. however, we of course weren't so lucky our second go around and have to manage a 15-person tribal council! to sum it up quickly, i crafted an alliance of james/christian/brian and myself because that seemed to be the most sensible thing. chili and chris were pegged as affiliates, mostly because of the chili/christian conflict (which has nothing to do with chris but i'll be damned to let him estonia me again!). this group of four is the first wives club, because i was thinking of that movie at the time of making the chat.

initially, while talking to brian, i suggested voting andrew due to him being a more standoffish character when looking at everyone else on the tribe. not to knock him, he's a sweet person and i've grown to like him but yeah. however, that vote kinda went nowhere until i caught wind of another vote via billy.. chili! i immediately ran to the first wives with this information and kinda blindly assumed that the vote was crafted by julian rather than billy. i know julian and chili don't like each other personally, so it made sense?? i'm probably wrong and opened up a pandora's box of problems as the counter-vote ultimately ended up being, well.. julian!

nonetheless, chaos ensued as those two votes buzzed around. i was pretty mia for most of the day, but came home to chili telling me that they had majority consisted of the first wives/chris/erik/alan and possibly andrew. after going around, mainly to erik and andrew, i learned that it just ain't happening. as much as i like chili and cherish our friendship, the good sis is INEPT in managing votes delicately. erik/andrew were turned off by chili and didn't seem like viable votes for him anymore so like.. what now. all the while i was talking to julian and even told him i wasn't voted for him, which is a lie. honestly, i'm not even sure why i AM voting him at this point when i know no miracle is gonna happen. chili is leaving and if it's known that i voted julian, he and billy will both be equally sketched out by me and there goes my chance at early game relationships with them.

oh well, it'll be final 30 and i'm praying ben just spreads us in 3 tribes of 10 'cause i'm TIRED and am in need of spiritual healing after this SHIT division of 16v16.
1611 days 3 hours ago
1611 days 3 hours ago
Josh (Joshbb17) Confessional EP:3
I love the way things have shaped on this tribe. A crazy 8-7 split. Everyone was forced to show their cards, and i prefer that. Like i said before, I didnt press the action, and i let others fall in front of me and i pushed them down. People are going to put themselves in the light and be vulnerable, and its going to be tough for them.

Never in a million years would I have thought that Id be one of a few deciding votes to save Julian. Usually, i jump immediately on the thought on voting Julian, but game recognizes game, and i want to work with him, and he wants to work with me. The alliance of 8 reigned supreme.

Yeah.. im floating, but we are top 30 and other people are going to take the fall before me. Right now, Erik, Julian, Billy, Christian, James are all out there as possible targets i feel.

John says he voted Chili, but that appears to be a lie, and I am dissapointed in him. If he's telling the truth, that means we have a traitor in the alliance of 8.

Christian and John have been so dissapointing, I gave them all the tools to have me as a powerful ally, but they just didnt want it, they want to ride the fence too tough. I won't be waiting around.

Moving forward, I wouldnt mind letting these two waging wars go at it, and being sent to ghost island. If someone from my alliance goes home, it will only strengthen the fight.
1611 days 3 hours ago
Ethan (Brittney) Confessional EP:3
Sorry I'm trash and I haven't sent shit bc I've been busy af. That's maybe gonna benefit me because from what I've heard there's a lot of dynamics between people and since I'm so busy I can just lay low early on and let people take their shots and I'll jump on the moves that benefit me.

I came in this game and the two people I trust right away are Erik and Billy, both have been great allies in the past and I feel really good with them. They each have different groups of people in this game that they run w so I'm able to get information from each of them. HOWEVER.. both of them seem to be going hard from the start, which is gonna make them targets probably sooner than later so I'm doing what I can to make sure I don't rely on them.

I'm glad there's so many people going hard because like there's still 30 people left and if you stand out you're gonna be an easy target. I'm working on making relationships with people, but also playing up the fact that I'm just not around much for all the strategizing. When the game gets down to it you know I'll kick it up, but with 30 people here I'm really not trying to have my name start coming up as any kind of leader in any moves. I'm happy to play the sheep right now.
1611 days 3 hours ago
Kyle (Kyle12212) Confessional EP:3
So Kelly winning the individual immunity was probably the worst case scenario. Not for me, lol, but for the tribe as a whole. It seemed as if the tribe was going to take Kelly out at the next tribal we attended, as she would be the easy vote, which is fair. But the longer both her and Livingston are here, the longer I'm not a target. And I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job of being invisible but not inactive to my tribe. I feel as if I have landed in a pretty good spot. Which is why I didn't go all out to win immunity as well. Why paint a target on my back just to have immunity at a tribal where I'm most likely getting zero votes? It just doesn't make sense. I still have good relationships with Barbra, Livingston, Robert, and Hufus mainly. I'm also talking with the likes of Absolita and Keizo. I feel I have good social ties in this tribe that will protect me if my name comes up. Right now, I'm focusing on getting rid of people that aren't going to work with/talk to me. There's a lot of people that I haven't spoken to yet, but as long as I get one of them out tonight, and Kelly, another one, goes the next time we vote, I'll be making some progress.

I've also been on the hunt for this idol, but I'm getting flashbacks of Israel's rehidden merge idol and the elusive Gad idol that was never found. I think I'm going to need another clue before I can find this thing, but who knows? I could get lucky. Or someone already has it, which becomes more and more likely as time goes by. At this point I just have to keep my eyes peeled and hopefully stumble across it. I has a chat with Absolita and apparently Ghost Island is not just to save someone from the other tribe like I had originally thought. There's some sort of shenanigans that go down there, Absol didn't give me much details because she didn't want to ruin the surprise, but she did tell me that there were advantages to be had. As tempting as that is, I'm going to sit on it for a bit, let the others campaign to go to GI, I'll start campaigning when I actually feel like I'm in danger going to tribal, that seems like the more logical thing to do.

So for the vote, Livingston seems to be on a witch hunt to get out whoever voted with Kelly for him last tribal. He had narrowed it down to Jordan, Jackson, and Luis. I'd be fine with seeing Jordan and Jackson leave, but although it hasn't been much, I have spoken with Luis, so I'd rather not see him go at the moment. But we're not so connected that I'm going to lobby for him to stay, either. If he's gotta go, he's gonna go. There's no reason to rock the boat this early in the game. This is literally LAST CHANCES. If I get voted out, that's it. I'm done. No 3rd season for Kyle. I can't risk that. I gotta go with the rest of the tribe on this one.
1611 days 3 hours ago
Livingston (noobsmoke13) Confessional EP:3
1611 days 3 hours ago
Barbra (BarbraStreisand) Confessional EP:3
Confessional: Now that we had an easy tribal, I am ready to get revenge on players that backstabbed me in the past. I’m striking first blood, and I hope i don’t miss. Sorry boo boo, but your last chance was in Estonia and you fucked it up. Good luck.
1611 days 3 hours ago
Robert (Robson704) Confessional EP:3
so tonights tribal seemed to be pretty easy but in the end a lot of people changed their idea and i think i changed the vote from voting out jordan to voting out jack tonight. Barbra wanted to vote out jordan and convinced everyone to vote him out. Then Clair and Absolita told me that Jack is shady player who can go with the flow and then be untrustworthy more than Jordan so i decided to change my vote and help them sway the votes to jackson. Absolita Clair Luis and Kelly seemed to be the ones who wanted to execute this idea from the start and i think i convinced Foxy and Hufus to vote with us plus Tina or Lequisha will propably follow our idea to make it at least 7 6 vote to vote out jackson. Since Absolita cant vote tonight thats why we need one person more to have majority

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