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V&W S8: Greenland Confessionals

Topic » V&W S8: Greenland..

1271 days 9 hours ago
Mike S. // Forcemike1

My vote is for Robbie. This is a dumb ass move but I can't sacrifice my position in the game when i know he's going home anyway

Confessional 9:

I'm so fucking annoyed. I hate playing the game with scary ass players. This really put me in a really bad spot and truly idk what Marwane was thinking...He knows Max, Jake and Alvaro are so fucking close and he didn't even want to take the chance. I pray that we're merging rn because if we don't and we lose this's not gonna be pretty for me. Ughh I just want to merge soooooo bad. I have no breathing room here
1271 days 9 hours ago
1271 days 7 hours ago
Jake H. // ouijake

Confessional/ Robbie made a last ditch effort to save himself by trying to pit Max, Marwane, Alvaro, and I against each other which was cute and everything but ultimately Robbie was evicted. The merge finally happened and I feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. I hope Chris is ready to work with us going forward. Max won immunity and told me the idol clue so I’m already on the hunt for it. Having the other idol in my back pocket is a huge peace of mind. Right now my preference would be to take out Ashley but i don’t know if we can pull that off. We will have to see
1271 days 6 hours ago
Matt F. // GiGi10

Yeah so like there hasn’t been a lot of game developments since last time we chatted after the final swap/auction. I don’t really care that Robinson left, he was funny but eh. I’m hardcore going after Jake and blaming it on him targeting me in the bloody hands comp but in reality it’s because he is a Maxi sheep and it is time to start dwindling down his numbers! (cowboy)

Alvaro – A maxi sheep. I don’t really plan on working with him much and I don’t think he’s close with many people. Kinda floating and won’t help my game long term.

Anthony – Honestly? A king. Twistos twist but he’s one of my closest allies now and hopefully he sees it that way as well. I think he’s serious about wanting to go far together and I think I’d be down for that which is stunning after what happened on that Mara tribe. He is down for targeting Jake this vote which you love to see. I really think we are amazing for each other’s games. It also helps that speaking to him doesn’t make me wanna commit sudoku like half this cast 😊

Ashley – Still mom and I really do not want to vote her anymore. I’ve already voted her and then the next vote lied to her about my vote, ya’ll probably think I’m the fakest bitch smh. But I genuinely do feel bad and don’t have any plans to target her. Hopefully she feels the same, she said she’s on board to vote Jake as well. Also still kinda relying on her bond with Austin to pull him in hehe.

Austin – Dude why are there so many A names still in the game? Like it’s kinda fucked up by ya’ll. Austin sorta is sketchy like I never know where his heads at, his replies make me kinda nervous. But he hasn’t fucked me over and I do like him! I also have no idea how close he is with people, so idk if he is someone I wanna go far with or not.

Chris – I mean he is a king but is also suuuper fake to people (not to me YET) and that’s become pretty clear. Depending how the game goes I wouldn’t hate making it far with him as long as a bunch of his allies aren’t around because he will most likely be hated by the jury if he keeps playing the way he has been.

Isaac – LMAO I feel really bad here, like I eliminated him and kinda had no intentions of working with him until Jake eliminated me and I decided to target him. But now I definitely need his vote so I have spoken to him and I think mended things? He seems like a nice guy, maybe we will work together moving forward idk! Maxi also randomly seems to hate him so keeping him around might be funny.

Jake – BAAAH! Like byeeeeee I really hope he goes because he brings nothing and came for me.

Marwane – I don’t really know how to feel here. Out of Chris/Max/Mar I am for sure least close with Marwane. BUT I also feel like Marwane would be the most willing to kinda go against Maxi, so maybe I need to stick with him. He also came up to me asking if I was serious about doing Jake which is kinda funny. So like yeah dad for now. Also we didn’t have each other added on skype until today. Social threat.

Max – Sigh. I really don’t dislike Max. He’s a fine dude. But my lord the guy goes around chatting up EVERYONE and is close with so many people. He definitely needs to go at some point or he’s easily gonna win. Luckily I think people are seeing that. I hope ya’ll have that comp where you answer questions like “Who’s playing the best game” and that shit so that he gets outed 😊

Mike – He’s probably one of the easier targets and I’d assume BBB will go after him this vote. I’d rather he not go obviously! We aren’t super tight but we talked a bit when we were on the same tribe and I think he’s pretty alone in the game. I think he would be pretty loyal to me and that’s what I need baybay.
So yeah overall I think I’m in a good spot for now. I’m good with most people and I’m not seen as a huge threat I don’t think, but I’m also not seen as weak. I want to build my relationships with people outside of BBB so that if I have to go against them it’s a bit easier to do it. If Jake does go I’ll probably just chill for a few votes because I think that’ll put me in an even better spot and I don’t wanna make it look like I’m playing too hard this early. If he doesn’t I might be in a bit of trouble but I don’t think it’s the end of the world. I just hope he doesn’t have an idol or advantage but realistically he probably does. I kinda was randomly psycho about him voting me out and I enjoy openly targeting him even though it’s pretty stupid the not keep it a sectet. MWAH!

1. Ess – Outstanding, Stunning, Brilliant! The lady of the light was truly touching in so many ways.
2. Will – Appreciated my cookie
3. Daniel – Ignored my cookie
1271 days 6 hours ago
Ashley S. // wheatbread

robbie was rly robbed i’m so upset

i really have like no allies left except austin and anthony

tripe A


i've probably made

the most alliances in this game

i make a new alliance like every round adjusting to who i wanna work with

i don't even think before i just make it then say shit like

LMFAO are u anti marwane

bc this is the anti marwane and christos alliance
1271 days 6 hours ago
Marwane E. // Marwane

Isaac just voted me out of another game and lied straight to my face. Is he dumb the kid is in minority here he could have just been honest
1270 days 11 hours ago
Jake H. // ouijake

We haven't spoken once this entire game, and tonight I'm pretty sure it's either going to me you, me, or one of my closest allies in the game... so I hope that it's you.

I vote to eliminate Ashley.

Also I will likely be using my idol tonight. I will be ready to post it live during TC.
1270 days 10 hours ago
Anthony M. // iYBF


So this round is a fucking MESS. We had the easy vote for Jake ready to go, but unfortunately some people who I'm friends with (Alvaro, Max, & Chris) want to keep him around as a number for them. However, the rest of us aren't cool with that and we want him to still go. As long as I make it through this Tribal, I'll be safe for the next one thanks to my Immunity Token, so I'm just doing whatever I can to try and stay in everyone's good graces and be as honest as possible.

Apparently, the other vote is Isaac, which wouldn't be a huge loss, so honestly I hope that some advantages are pulled out to save Jake because it'll isolate the other side even more and it'll be wasted on someone I don't really care about. Like that would definitely be best case scenario.

Sorry for the short confesh today, life's been a lot today, but I promise I'm still trying and I will be winning!
1270 days 10 hours ago
Alvaro F. // varlto

im voting


i suck at group games


conf: sorry but i dont have much time but basically im voting ashley as i said and i do think only jake and max are doing it too, jake is playing an idol and ash should be going home! i really dont think they're going for me cause anthony and i have been having good conversations, marwane and i too... i doubt i'm going home, but if i do, i wouldn't be shocked tbh! i love max so much and jake too, then i like chris marwane and anthony and idk if i can trust austin and mike. the rest are my targets!
1270 days 10 hours ago
Austin T. // ItsAustin

i kinda just like made deals with a bunch of people incase i lost immunity then i kept winning now a bunch are at merge

f3 with ashley/gigi

f3 with ashley/anthony

f4 christos marwane ashley

i told isaac hes my guy

mike wants to work together now

Marwane and Matt told me to vote Jake

Last night

and I just woke up and leaked it to Jake


How did that go

don’t know I’m leaking it to Alvaro now

I just want it to be chaotic

vote jake
1270 days 10 hours ago
Matt F. // GiGI10

voting Jake

People trying to flip the vote on Ashley and not tell me is funny

I don’t think it’ll work and if it does rip half idol and my only actual friend left in the game
1270 days 10 hours ago
Marwane E. // Marwane


Im voting for Jake

im sending a confessional in a bit lemme make sure the vote goes thru and chris votes in minority


the ice cold ocean of greenland whatever tf its called

1270 days 6 hours ago
1270 days 6 hours ago
Marwane E. // Marwane

I need to break up the 3 headed dragon of Maxi, Alvaro & Jake. Chris has been pissing me off the last few days and we need to talk more and get on the same page asap. Ashley going isn't the worst for my game but I wanted Jake gone so bad, He keeps pulling these idols out of his ass. We should be fine cuz we still have 5 people voting with us. its me, mike, anthony, matt & austin. Hopefully we can stick together and vote out max. Jake needs to be next. Chris is just up their ass not realizing how tight them 3 are. I'm not telling Chris what the vote is because I dont trust him.

Chris going soon isn't too bad for me either. It lowers the target on my back. At the same time tho us voting on opposite sides is reducing our threat level as well.

I trust Mike & Anthony way more than I trust Chris and thats insane

Anthony is my #1 at this point in the game
1269 days 12 hours ago
Alvaro F. // varlto

so i thought i'd make a confessional before people wake up cause idk i'm bored!

basically maxi, jake and me are fucked. i think my social game is what is keeping me in this game because i trust marwane, anthony and even mike not to go for me. austin has also been talking to me way more than ever so i don't think he'd gun for me, it doesn't make sense in my opinion

i wanted to target matt for this round but while some people get pizza in the auction, other gets immunity tokens i guess LMAO! i hate my luck. but him, mike and anthony have immunity (which just confirms that anthony and mike are way too close) which means that i can't go for my target woo

i feel like the only option i have this round is to vote for isaac because he's the one who is least connected overall and i believe that literally everyone will be fine w voting for him. anthony, mike and matt scare me the most cause as they're safe they might try to do something bold but i'll make sure i'm not the one they target<3

so for now, that's going to be my plan, vote for isaac and hopefully all 3 of us (maxi, jake and i) stay and keep fighting! right now my perfect f3 would be with jake and chris, as i feel like i have a better chance at beating them at the end of the game than going to the end w maxi or marwane, even though i love them both!

right now i really like everyone and i really don't want to go for anyone but if i have to do it, i'll be loyal to the people who have been loyal to me before. i want to play loyal this game until i feel safe enough to start making moves, but sometimes staying under the radar and making the right connections IS a big move, just not as striking i guess!

also today stream solo amigos by enol xx

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V&W Survivor Confessionals

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