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The Archives of Icarus_Mark

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One Killer Character Assessment 2 (Eps. 4-6) Jul 6, 2016
For the first time in 2 months, a series I have been assessing has made it to a 2nd assessment.  If you have missed the previous assessment, here is the link to catch up:

So for quite a few characters, my opinions have certainly changed from the last assessment.  For other people, not quite so much or even not at all.  But all the same, the story is looking to progress, even though we are still almost at the full roster of people left despite there being 2 captives.  Let us begin by saying goodbye to those we’ve lost in the last 3 episodes.

In Memorium:

MrBird - Melanie Patterz - EPISODE 2 - EPISODE 4 – It looks like I was right to have my doubts about Melanie.  She never really became her own character, and when Episode 4 came along, all she did was bitch to her true friends, and then she died.  Safe to say I am not sad that she is gone.

PoohSnap - Adam Bates - EPISODE 2 – Last assessment, I criticized him for being too background of a character and that he was a huge perv.  He CERTAINLY made his mark these last few episodes, but at least I was right about his perverted nature.  You do NOT just go making sexual advances on someone like Viola, you disgusting slut!  I am glad that he got what was coming to him!
GHRocky100 - Alex Jackson - EPISODE 3 – Speaking of people getting kicked in the dick, sorry in advance for being such a dick to Alex, but if there’s anyone who deserved to get kicked in the dick, it’s this guy, and Tallulah needs to be the one who does it.  Preferably in THIS manner:

Seriously, it is disgusting how controlling he is towards Tallulah.  What is the cause of all of this?  I am hoping that question will be answered so that I can finally see where Alex is coming from.
KatarinaDuCouteau - Andrea Mazzarra - EPISODE 2 – As much as people say that Andrea has her karma has her karma getting handed to her for getting arrested, I honestly think that is the dumbest move anyone could have done.  Anyone with a living brain should know that Andrea is just being thrown under the bus here.  I doubt Andrea would be killing anybody if she found Olivia in her locker with the killer saying that ANDREA was the one who would be next.  As bitchy as Andrea is, I actually approve of her a LOT.
AnnaMay - Anna May - EPISODE 2 – Now here’s a complete 180 from what I expected from Anna, and to be honest, I am really impressed with Anna.  I thought she was going to choose a side, but she rightfully called out BOTH SIDES and stormed off like a queen!  It really sucks she got taken captive right afterward, but yeah, Anna really shined in Episode 5 and I am hoping she stays alive despite her captivity.
Bluba164 - Burt Macklin - EPISODE 5 – It only took 5 episodes, but we finally get Burt and already I don’t like him.  Sure, it’s really good to see him bail Andrea out of jail, but this guy came from a mental institution and he comes across as super creepy.  WHY WAS HE IN THE GIRLS SHOWER ROOM EATING A SANDWICH!?  I think the bailing of Andrea is what’s keeping me from putting this insane lunatic on my To-Want Dead List.
Brayden_ - Dwight Schrute - EPISODE 3 – Last time, I wasn’t really sure what to make of him.  This is still the case since he didn’t really do shit between the last assessment and now.  I am hoping he makes an impact soon.  Otherwise, he will just end up being filler.
TDBigBrotherLover112 - Elizabeth Caldwell - EPISODE 1 – Last time, I said that Elizabeth could be the protagonist.  These last few epsiodes though, I am not quite so sure.  She’s been put in the back burner for a little bit, but that might have been to give other characters their chance to shine.  I still like her though.
PieGuy555 - Jade Nator - EPISODE 3 – Last time I left off, Jade was called out by Rebecah about her suicide attempt.  So far, I’d have to say if what I saw in Episode 4 is Jade’s way of rebounding, that was really disappointing.  I am hoping that is not the case though and there is something bigger in store for Jade in the future.
RyanAndrews - Jake Parker - EPISODE 2 – Like Jade, this guy has barely even BEEN in any of the last 3 episodes, so talk about being thrown into the background.  For now, it seems like he’s been smothered in it to the point of nonexistence.  Hopefully he makes a return soon!
MrPokeGuy9 - Oli Grubb - EPISODE 2 – Well last time, I said Oli needed to develop more.  In the last few episodes, I am becoming more and more convinced that he is either working with the killer or IS the killer.  I mean, does anyone else find it suspicious that this guy goes around stalking people and taking pictures when the killer showed Tori the pictures of Melanie and Tallulah?  Maybe it’s a coincidence, but that, to me, raises a red flag.
Katherinee_ - Rebecah Black - EPISODE 3 – After her iconic scene in Episode 3, Rebecah has kind of taken a back seat.  No, scratch that.  She’s REALLY taken a back seat in these last few episodes.  Can we have iconic Rebecah back please?
LivvieBoo12 - Shelby Watson - EPISODE  3 – The news reporter I didn’t assess last time because I felt her to be too irrelevant to be worth my time.  Now that she’s involved with the whole case though, this is my only real reaction towards her:

Enough said, and the same goes for that officer who was all up on Andrea’s business.
Guigi - Sydney Burton - EPISODE 2 – Sydney didn’t seem like much at first, but the award for most grown-on character for the last 3 episodes goes to her!  She’s really been on the case, discovering Melanie’s death AND being the one to find out on the news about Anna’s disappearance!  I think what I liked most though was, at the end of Episode 4, she went over to Melanie’s house with chocolates and stuff.  I felt that was really sweet of Sydney and Sydney has really grown on me quick.
QueenMichelle - Tallulah Maraschino - EPISODE 3 – I really like Tallulah.  These last few episodes have told me that she is actually really calculating and is always willing to plan her next move to try and get ahead.  I wonder what’ll happen once she meets Andrea again, BUT I more want to see her give Alex a piece of her mind and at least call him out.  Hell, I’ll even like it if she kicks Alex in the dick, just like I mentioned in his segment.  ^_^
Kelly2722 - Tori Matthews - EPISODE 2 – Now that we know what happened to Tori, I’m going to say that I still like her even though her life still hangs in the balance.  My theory on Tori that I mentioned earlier was that I felt like the killer would rape her, especially if the killer is one of those insane creepos we’ve seen from these last few episodes.
Aoki - Viola Washington - EPISODE 2 – Viola is just the gift that keeps on giving.  She came into the scene calling out Andrea, and NOW when Adam is acting like such a creepo towards her, SHE KICKS HIM IN THE DICK!  Can someone say legendary badass right here?  Anyone?  I’m hoping Viola keeps going in this direction of not taking anyone’s bullshit and taking names.
Kaseyhope101 - Violetta Smith - EPISODE 2 – Guess I was right about Violetta.  I’m glad she had some time away from Sydney so we can see what kind of person she is.  It isn’t much, but it is a step in the right direction and I am hoping Violetta will grow into someone likable.

And that will do it for this assessment.  If I can get a timeframe of how many episodes this will have, I can space these out accordingly and plan when to do these in a proper manner.
Points: 63 8 comments
One Killer Character Assessment Jul 4, 2016
So before I begin, let me just say in advance that normally, if I am going to do an assessment, 3 things must happen: I would need to have a character in the blog series because I otherwise usually don’t even read those series, the blog series must impress me in some form or fashion because I am taking the time to do these, and I need to know the characters enough to make the assessment because these are, first and foremost, CHARACTER assessments.  On special request from melindaMrskk, here is a character assessment for “One Killer”, and thankfully, as I’ve read the first 3 episodes, I was not disappointed and so despite not having a character, it was worth making the assessment.  Either way, even though I am more than willing to continue doing these assessments for this series, don’t ever get used to me making assessments when I do not have a character.

As is a custom I made in another blog series, whenever a character dies in a blog series I am making an assessment of, I make an “In Memorium” section, kind of like what The Talking Dead does for The Walking Dead.  So first, let’s say goodbye to those we lost in the first 3 episodes of One Killer.

In Memorium:

LivvieBoo12 - Olivia Light - EPISODE 1 – Olivia felt much like that obvious first victim in horror movies, kind of Casey Becker in the first Scream movie.  That being said, her efforts to get away from the killer were actually pretty decent.  She did everything she could to survive and couldn’t.  It really is a shame she had to die first.

And now onto the rest of the characters:

PoohSnap - Adam Bates - EPISODE 2 –Before doing the assessment, I already forgot who he was.  That’s how background he really is.  lmao  To me, Adam seems like one of those jockies who wants to slut his way into any girl’s pants he can.  Will not care if he dies or not for right now.
GHRocky100 - Alex Jackson - EPISODE 3 – I don’t really care for him because he seems really controlling towards Tallulah, which is kind of unnecessary.  I feel like if this story is going to let characters grow to their full potential, Alex would need to die sooner or later.
KatarinaDuCouteau - Andrea Mazzarra - EPISODE 2 – Andrea really seems like a raging bitch, but she at least doesn’t seem like those try-hards like many other characters seem to be.  She reminds me a bit of Regina George from Mean Girls.  I’m not sure if you intentionally modeled Andrea to be like Regina, but she does give me that kind of vibe.
AnnaMay - Anna May - EPISODE 2 – Anna is the one who breaks the news that Olivia was dead.  Honestly, I think Anna is the uncommitted type, wanting to be friends with both Andrea’s group AND Elizabeth’s group.  I can foresee her having to take a side sooner or later, and I feel like it is going to be a blowout once it happens.
Bluba164 - Burt Macklin – Burt has not been introduced yet, and therefore, there will be no assessment of him.
Brayden_ - Dwight Schrute - EPISODE 3 – HE seems to be a friendly guy, but at the same time, I’m not really sure what to make of him.  He could easily be one of those jockies like I already think Adam is, but we’ll see with him.
TDBigBrotherLover112 - Elizabeth Caldwell - EPISODE 1 – I have a feeling our main protagonist will be Elizabeth.  She is the one from Episode 1 who is still alive, is the one who is the main rival to Andrea, and is so far pretty likable.  I am hoping she will continue being the likable character she is moving forward if she is indeed going to be the protagonist.
PieGuy555 - Jade Nator - EPISODE 3 – Jade seems like the really nervous type who has a dark past.  The fact she got called out by Rebecah has got me feeling sorry for Jade, but I also, in an admittedly evil kind of way, am glad she did get called out only because it shows this story isn’t afraid to take risks.  Now I just need Jade to find a proper reaction to what had happened and how she is going to move on past that.
RyanAndrews - Jake Parker - EPISODE 2 – At first, I thought that said Jake “Porker”  lmao  Would kind of explain his “past” with Olivia  ;)  Porking jokes aside, he doesn’t really stand out to me in any particular way, mainly because the spotlight is stolen from him by his friends like Adam and Dwight.  So if Jake is going to be of any importance to me, we’ll need to see it from him next episode unless he is the killer.
MrBird - Melanie Patterz - EPISODE 2 – Melanie is basically just a minion to Sydney, kind of like how the other “Chanel” characters in Scream Queens were minions to Chanel Oberlin.  I am not quite sure if she will grow to be her own character or if she will stay in Sydney’s shadow the entire time.  Only time can tell.
MrPokeGuy9 - Oli Grubb - EPISODE 2 – There really much to go by with him.  All he did was open a letter Tori gave him in Episode 2, but maybe that could be a sign of some sort.  Could he be the killer?  Could he be working with the killer?  We’ll just have to find out as the story continues, if we ever do see him again.
Katherinee_ - Rebecah Black - EPISODE 3 – lol is Rebecah a heartless bitch!  She villainously called Jade out at the party!  If she is the killer, that would be interesting.  But for now, I can only classify her as an evil, sadistic bitch who loves to bring others down.
Guigi - Sydney Burton - EPISODE 2 – So far, Sydney isn’t really anything memorable, but she does seem to be more important of a character than Melanie or Violetta, so maybe she will have her chance to shine in coming episodes.  All I know is that, for now, she needs to step away from her inquisitive nature and take action.
QueenMichelle - Tallulah Maraschino - EPISODE 3 – One of Andrea’s friends, but I actually already prefer her to Alex.  She needs Alex out of the picture if she is going to develop to her full potential though, and if Tallulah dies relatively early, that won’t be good for her at all because I really want to see who she is.  As a bonus note, the name reminds me of this song I heard as a kid:

Maybe because I watched the movie Twister as a kid as well as Scream  lmao
Kelly2722 - Tori Matthews - EPISODE 2 – At the end of Episode 3, we may have seen the last of Tori, but since she is not confirmed dead yet, she did not go in the In Memorium section.  Anyway, I didn’t get to know that much of Tori, but she seems like a nice person from the 2 episodes we got to see her in.  She also seems balanced, not afraid to stand up to Andrea and I like that she has some kind of crush on Dwight.
Aoki - Viola Washington - EPISODE 2 – Her hatred towards Andrea was a real surprise, but I like that she is willing to call out Andrea at every turn.  But being friends with Elizabeth shows that she is capable of not being a complete and total jerk-off who has had her period every 16 seconds.  I’m excited to see what kind of direction Viola is taken throughout the story because it seems like she will play a major role throughout.
Kaseyhope101 - Violetta Smith - EPISODE 2 – Much like Melanie, I feel like she will stay in Sydney’s shadow, but I feel she will have more of a chance to develop than Melanie will and I do like the sass she gave to Melanie in Episode 2.  If she is going to develop, I wanna see who she becomes.

And that will be that for now.  If I am doing these for the future in this story, I can't wait to see what direction this story goes!  ^_^
Points: 48 8 comments
Descendants Pre-Season Assessment Jul 3, 2016
Hope none of you mind the assessment!  I have done this in the past with a Walking Dead Blog series I am in by assessing every few episodes. and I may do the same thing here depending on the pace of the story.  Since I am new to the whole story though, this will be based on first impressions, so if I say something negative towards a certain character, I apologize in advance.

Being new to the whole story of Aydanmac01’s Descendants of the Guardians, I caught up reading all of Season 1 and decided to do a little pre-season Assessment, describing my standing with all the characters from the previous season as well as what I look forward to seeing in Season 2 with the new characters and such.

Season 1 itself was a good read and was good enough for me to do this assessment, though being from Connecticut, I don’t know how to feel about New Haven being a small town.  Lol  Especially once you consider that I live in New Haven County, it becomes more strange to hear of a small town with the same name.  Maybe because the New Haven I am used to seeing is actually a city.  But that’s just me.  The plot was pretty good and I am excited to see what Season 2 will bring to the table.  Now onto the characters.

imprincearthur as Edward Mott (Shadow Male) – It seemed obvious from the very beginning that Edward would be a villain, not because he is a Black Descendant, but because he hasn’t had any indication of really being an ethical character.  But him being a villain is really all I can make of him, and the main one at that.  This has turned him into a one-dimensional character.  If there is no way for him to get more likable as a villain, I may even begin to question if even a comeuppance for him would even be satisfying.
Hints as Tisha Mai (Water Female) – I feel like the main protagonist of this series would have to be Tisha, but she also seemed really gloomy at first.  Maybe it’s the collapse from the pilot episode talking.  As the season went on though, Tisha really grew on me in a big way.  She’s basically Water Katniss at this point, and I am hoping she will grow even more in Season 2.
Macda27 as Mac Anderson (Nature Male) – He is kind-natured (see what I did there?)  But there really didn’t seem to be much of else to him this time around, which is funny because other incarnations of Mac have developed better in fewer episodes in other blog series.  He will need a quest of his own to go on maybe.  We will see how he grows in the future.
IceIceBaby as Crimson Wilson (Magic Female) – Crimson is much like a mother to those with powers in a way as she raises those trying to discover their powers.  Of course, this also means she can come across as really bossy at times.  But she is also kind and protective, so in many ways, I feel like Crimson was the most balanced character from Season 1 and still has room to grow herself in Season 2.
Coolkat as Chandler Parks (Poison Female) – Chandler is a very hard character to really pinpoint, to be honest.  Being a Poison Descendant, she can see into the future, and while it makes her scared for others, that’s really the only major plot point I’ve gotten from her character.  Maybe she will give me a better impression in the next season.
Fell6 as Jenni Valentine (Energy Female) – I actually quite liked her at first, but as the story went on, she began to feel a bit more uncommitted, which I am not a huge fan of.  She is in great need of recovery on an emotional level, and hopefully she gets that in Season 2.
Lynette as Natalya Hernandez (Fire Female) – Like Edward, she seemed like an obvious choice for a villain.  When compared to Edward though, I prefer her to Edward.  She seemed to be the more energetic of the 2 main villains, so I’d have to say I preferred her even though she is still pretty despicable.  I will mention that her being chained in a basement is much like when Jaime Lannister was taken prisoner by Robb Stark in the first few books of A Song of Ice And Fire.  Will one of the good guys help her escape, much like when Catelyn and Brienne helped Jaime escape in A Storm of Swords?  That will be definitely be a question worth answering.
Booyahhayoob as John Doe (Air Male) – In the pilot, John seems like someone who acts disinterested.  As the story goes on, I never really seemed to care for him even with his near-death.  If John does not develop further into his own mantle, I will not care if he dies in Season 2 or not.
tkoj555 as Quinton Benjamin (Water Male) – Of the Water Descendants, he is the more immature of the 2, having wanted to quit just as Mada died in Episode 5.  While I would say Quinton needs to toughen up, I think maybe weaker characters do balance out the plot, so maybe he could stay as he is?  It’s unclear to me at this point for him.
ForYouSelena as Sabrina Del Rosa (Holy Female) – Sabrina, being a White Descendant, is a really caring girl.  But she’s also what I would expect from someone who is the holy type.  Having gone to church, I know that holy people have caring natures.  If they didn’t, Jesus would not have been the kind person he was to die for us.  Religion aside, I do like Sabrina as a character and I want to see how she fares in the next season.
RyanAndrews as Samuel Weeks (Air Male) – I’m not gonna lie, Samuel is kind of a nerd, but it’s good that he is.  Because of his nerdy nature, he becomes a useful character, kind of like the nerdy characters in other shows or movies before this series.  I want him to be able to keep his nerdy nature throughout Season 2 because I wanna see where it leads him.
_Ivyyy_445 as Bailey Jaxxon (Human Female) – Bailey was utterly annoying and seemed much like the whiny type at first glance.  Because of the attack on her, I didn’t much get to see what Bailey was really like, but hopefully she gets to be more likable this next time around because I certainly couldn’t have cared less for her in Season 1.
Mada Jones – Honestly, Mada seemed like a nice woman, but at the same time, I didn’t get to see too much of who she was as a person.  Maybe that’s what happens when you are a special guest, but yeah, her death, while it felt too soon, was otherwise played out quite well.
topazisqueen as Evelyn Shields (Air Female) – Not gonna lie, it would have been better for her to just remain in the picture from the beginning instead of coming into the scene at the middle of the season, but c’est la vie.  She will need some kind of development come Season 2 for me to really care about her.

I definitely think some of this Season 1 cast will die in Season 2 as well as those who will be newcomers in Season 2, and I definitely think some of our deaths will be from the Purple group as well as the Black one and maybe the Yellow one too.  I am definitely excited to see how my first villainous role in Arlene will turn out.  Will she die a villain, or will she go the Darth Vader route and have a change of heart?  And how will her connection to Yellow Descendants be portrayed?  This and more I would love to see answered about her because I definitely think she can be a great villain.

Other questions I’m looking forward to seeing get answered as Season 2 moves along:
Will Adore be villainous like Natalya was or will she be on the side of good?
Where did Ruthie get her connections from?
How will Kate and Mac reunite?
Did Veronica, as a stripper, have some connection with Arlene or Ruthie in any way?
Could Wendy be the first Black Descendant that ISN’T a villain?
How will Anthony be able to control his powers if he can?
Could Gabriel’s cockiness turn him into a villainous character?

Points: 66 4 comments
Need donations Jul 1, 2016
Please donate to me here!  I have donated to various people before, but now I'm the one who needs health.  TYIA
Points: 17 0 comments
Quick question Jun 30, 2016
How many TV Stars are we at now?
Points: 19 5 comments
I just created a new e-mail address for myself because I haven't been able to access my old one.  I mailed myself the new e-mail address so I can get acquainted with it.  In the meanwhile:

- If you have spam for me, put it in the comments here.  If you even TRY to mail me spam, I will delete it because I need to be able to see my new e-mail.

- In JesseM's case with the Stars Guessing Game, comment here if I get my guesses right.

- If you are in Survivor with me and wanna talk game, PM me on the Survivor game, NOT in the mails!

Once I familiarize myself with my new e-mail, I will allow you all to mail me again, but for now, yeah.

Points: 35 5 comments