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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Why Austin is the worst BB17 houseguest

1stSep 15, 2015 by Patrick319
imageFirst off, this blog does not discredit Austin's game. I genuinely believe Austin played one of the better social and strategic games this season as I'm able to separate game from personal taste. But that doesn't take away from the fact that I detest Austin and hands down believe him to be the worst houseguest this season. Of course, Austin isn't yet on Frankie levels as Frankie opened up an entire new realm of hatred, but Austin is definitely up there.

Where do I begin? I'll start with his pathetic alter-ego, Judas. To put it as simply as possible, Judas fucking sucked. I'm sure Austin genuinely believed Judas to have been this massive sensation that generated hype around Austin as a character when in reality, we all thought it was extremely pathetic. First off, what did Judas even do? The biggest thing Judas did was almost get Vanessa to backdoor him. Good one, Austin. Too bad it didn't work. Listening to Austin ramble on about Judas, and base both speeches and gameplay around this fictional character was intolerable to watch unfold. Nobody is intimidated, nor does anybody respect Judas as an intriguing layer to your character. Judas sucks.

What makes it even worse is that Austin seems to think of Judas as one of the reasons for why he must be liked, and why new opportunities will open up for him post-show. You want to be on The Bold and the Beautiful, really? You ain't Donny. Judas contributes to Austin's high sense of self, which has been present all summer. Austin believes he is well-liked by the Big Brother fan base because he was an underdog for the first week. You were an underdog for one week, big deal? You or one of your allies were in power nearly every other week. Austin is in for a massive reality check once he gets out into the real world and I'd honestly wish someone would record his reaction when he checks Jokers Updates, which he has brought up constantly on the feeds.

But I think a big reason as to why Austin displayed a grandiose sense of self was in order to mask his insecurity. Along with Steve, Austin was easily one of the two most insecure people this season. He needed constant validation from others that he was indeed one of this season's "good guys", or constant reassurance from Liz that she wouldn't hook up with any guys post-show at the wrap party. Why is that, Austin? Do you not want Liz to cheat on you like how you cheated on your girlfriend with Liz? His relationship with Liz is cringeworthy for a lot of reasons, not just the touching, which is a story for another time. But I could totally see Austin be abusive toward Liz, and implement limitations on what she can and cannot do. The other day he declared that Liz won't ever get a tattoo after she expressed desire to want one. Austin would be the worst feminist ever. I hope they don't last, as Austin will be a hassle of an insecure boyfriend.

When Austin didn't have his finger up Liz's vagina which is an entirely new topic in itself, he was also in a constant state of making ludicrous remarks. Some of the things he said about John or Steve for instance were truly ridiculous. Comparing John to a serial killer is a bit much, and I wonder whether everything Austin said about the other houseguests were attempts to boost up his self-esteem and self-image? He would bring up how Jason must have gotten a CBS-employee audience because there was no way Jason would have gotten such an applause otherwise. He believed Jason to be the villain of the season. He believed John and James to be disliked. He believed Liz to be well liked on Janelle-levels. Austin really was clueless.

On to a more personal level, Austin was sort of disgusting. I don't think I had ever seen him shower once on the feeds, yet he would get pressed every time his body odor was brought up one way or another. I remember one time Liz had made a comment that Austin stunk, so he went into the storage room to apply deodorant in front of Steve and Vanessa. How about a shower? Also, Austin ate like an animal. There are gifs of him eating and they're hilarious. Ladies and gentlemen, Austin:

And to wrap up Austin's Big Brother journey, his eviction was truly wonderful. Austin having been left speechless after making a pompous Judas inspired speech was literally the highlight of the season, and it culminated into my favourite Big Brother eviction since Jeff's on Season 13, and I think it's definitely in contention as one of the best Big Brother evictions of all time. A true Austin blindside after spending weeks on his high horse is what I had been waiting for, and it transpired, barefoot. Poetic.



tldr but i agree
Sent by LordJza,Sep 15, 2015
jesus Patrick
Sent by Don_Draper,Sep 15, 2015
Sent by temponeptune,Sep 15, 2015
I actually like Austin. I mean, he is not my favorite houseguest, but he's still a solid guy imo.
Sent by Akora,Sep 15, 2015
I gave this a thorough read and I completely agree with it!
Sent by Gardenia,Sep 15, 2015
Sent by Insanity,Sep 15, 2015
this is perfection
Sent by Number1SurvivorFan,Sep 15, 2015
I didn't like him, but he wasn't the WORST
Sent by lassidoggy,Sep 15, 2015
and he is bitter as fuck
Sent by cjuddy,Sep 15, 2015
YAS I love you Patrick I am rooting for Johnny!
Austin sucked :/
Sent by Philip13,Sep 15, 2015
The big boy needs his food :D
Sent by Go49ers,Sep 15, 2015
Austin is awesome!
Sent by AlaskanFiredragon,Sep 15, 2015
Sent by _Teemo_,Sep 15, 2015
every season you make a giant hate blog about my favorite hg
bb16: frankie
bb17: austin
bb18: ???
excited 2 read next years blog
Sent by PotatoSalad,Sep 15, 2015
this is annoying, you keep saying "he seems to think" or "he believed"
or "i could totally see" can u predict the future or he read minds?
the only thing you really had on him was the fact that he ate like a pig and you never saw him shower, don't think that makes him the worse houseguest.
Sent by PotatoSalad,Sep 16, 2015
ignore the he b4 read minds
Sent by PotatoSalad,Sep 16, 2015
PotatoSalad ok hun I clearly indicated a rundown of Austin's actions, with them alone already making him the worst houseguest this year.
Sent by Patrick319,Sep 16, 2015
as Danielle would say,
Sent by Patrick319,Sep 16, 2015
okay you mentioned the fact that he's insecure and called john a serial killer LOL.
calling someone a serial killer ina  joking manner isn't going to far, doing what aaryn did in bb15 is going to far. and i dont understand how him being insecure could make him the worst player. alright.
Sent by PotatoSalad,Sep 16, 2015
PotatoSalad I mentioned lots more things. It's mostly the things Austin said that made him awful. And Austin did say a lot more. He would constantly rag on both John and Steve but I only used limited examples.
Sent by Patrick319,Sep 16, 2015
okay okay, i was simply disagreeing with your opinion and i still stand by mine, i can't argue with your latest comment however as i didn't watch the feeds to much etc.
Sent by PotatoSalad,Sep 16, 2015
I didn't care for him, his girlfriend or her twin sister.
Sent by Diva1,Sep 16, 2015
is ur free time used to write essays about big brother.......
Sent by snoofle,Sep 16, 2015
Sent by HotMolli,Sep 16, 2015
Sent by HotMolli,Sep 16, 2015
Sent by doodyful,Sep 16, 2015
Sent by MikeRORO,Sep 16, 2015
agree with literally everything
Sent by nicknack,Sep 16, 2015
I think the part that pushed me the most was when he admitted he was purposely teaching John dangerous and wrong weight lifting techniques so that he would be injured for comps.
Sent by Amanyaman,Sep 16, 2015
Amanyaman LOL I didn't even bring that up but a lot of things he did w/ John or spoke of him in general irked me, including that.
Sent by Patrick319,Sep 16, 2015
I agree with all of this
Sent by Boots22,Sep 16, 2015
the only people who like Austin like him because they thought he was good preseason and don't want to change their preseason opinions.
Sent by AustinRules6969,Sep 16, 2015
Completely disagree. You like Johnny Mac, and he's a moron. Your opinions don't hold very strong imo
Sent by Iamrobot88,Sep 16, 2015
Sent by Moonfelar,Sep 16, 2015
tbh i hate vanessa more than austin and i think a lot of your comments on here are uncalled for and disrespectful... yes austin was not very well liked and very insecure but man you didnt have to go as far as you did
Sent by Razorclaw13,Sep 16, 2015
Razorclaw13 What are you talking about? For crying out loud Austin cheated on his girlfriend. If anyone deserves to be scrutinized, it's him. And what did I say about him that crossed a line? I didn't overly defame his character. I don't think Austin is a BAD person, just very deluded in the game and I feel as if I made that clear.
Sent by Patrick319,Sep 16, 2015
iamrobot88 ok but I'm assuming you dislike Johnny Mac for game related reasons hence why you called him a moron, which is totally fine, but I explicitly stated that I'm not basing my dislike of Austin for game related reasons in the first paragraph.
Sent by Patrick319,Sep 16, 2015

I completely respect that you can separate game play and personality. It's my biggest peeve when people say that they think Maggie is the worst BB Winner ever.... No, she's one of the top 5. People just get bitter because she was quite boring and was the reason Janelle lost. But she was a great player. Kudos to you.
Sent by Utsumi,Sep 16, 2015
i am not a fan of austin but going on a show such as big brother is putting yourself completely out there and you dont truly know the state of austin's relationships so i think crossing the line is when people judge someone for something they truly dont understand... making fun of how he eats or how much he showers to me is crossing the line for someone who would truly put themselves out there
Sent by Razorclaw13,Sep 16, 2015
you also attack him in this because he's incorrect in his speculation on how people will see him... yea he's wrong and yea he's done things that aren't good on the show but i dont think anyone deserves to be judged like that from anyone
Sent by Razorclaw13,Sep 16, 2015
Shocking,a gay tengaged user hating on a straight jock, and not bothering to see that hes actually much deeper than that.  Who woulda thought.
Sent by JeffWinger,Sep 16, 2015
Razorclaw13 I understand your points but Austin's delusions are a big part of why I found him so intolerable to begin with. I'm not saying Austin is inherently a deluded person, but I'm making that statement in the context of the game based on what he said in the house. And what you said about Austin going on the show and putting himself out there, well that also entails Austin having put himself out there for scrutiny and criticism, as did all the housesguests. I watch a show and develop opinions, whether they be good or bad, just as Austin does being a fan of the show.
Sent by Patrick319,Sep 16, 2015
jeffwinger your point would be valid if my favourite houseguest this year wasn't a straight white male, which it is.
Sent by Patrick319,Sep 16, 2015
Awww I liked austin :(
Sent by ninjohn,Sep 16, 2015
Why did u waste ur time writing this :/
Sent by Hassan_415,Sep 16, 2015
LMAO This was iconic.
Sent by bexypleb,Sep 16, 2015
Jason was pretty disgusting thoe all the things he said about Audrey make him worst than Austin
Sent by ManniBoi,Sep 16, 2015
How about how austin had a girlfriend, Jen, back home that he broke up with via kissing liz
Sent by Evildeadgirl,Sep 16, 2015
potatosalad lmao bye @ your faves
Sent by SomebodyAwesome,Sep 16, 2015
I didn't care for him, his girlfriend or her twin sister.
Sent by Diva1,Sep 16, 2015
Sent by SomebodyAwesome,Sep 16, 2015
John was the most horrible houseguest in the whole history of big brother.
Sent by Matthew09,Sep 16, 2015
if you're gonna call out austin for bashing people you might as well call out da'vonne/jason/julia/liz too.

the only thing you listed that was a real problem is how he was delusional about the fact that he was liked and that he was insecure .

eating/showering does not effect us
Sent by CocoaBean,Sep 16, 2015
i agree w u
Sent by coreyants,Sep 16, 2015
Sent by ajlikes17,Sep 16, 2015
Thought this was about austin in cbb in the uk!!
Sent by bibbles,Sep 16, 2015
Sent by _Panda,Sep 16, 2015
perf blog
Sent by iiKxnnyB,Sep 16, 2015
would you mind giving your opinion on Austin?
or was your RHAP rant the full extent of it?
Sent by flyfly456,Sep 16, 2015
pat this is like the longest essay on tengaged. b-
Sent by bunnycat,Sep 16, 2015

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