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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother All Stars 2: Dream Story W11P1

Oct 3, 2015 by Shabootyquiqui3
*Week 11 Part 1

McCrae (BB15) 1 HOH 4 NOM
Becky (BB17) 3 HOH 2 NOM
Nicole (BB16) 3 HOH 4 POV 1 NOM
Aaryn (BB15) 1 HOH 2 POV 1 NOM
Kalia (BB13) 1 HOH 1 POV 2 NOM
Britney (BB12/14) 1 HOH 1 POV

20th- Frankie (BB16) 1 NOM
19th- Rachel (BB12/13) 1 POV 1 NOM
18th- Ian (BB14) 2 NOM
17th- Jason (BB17) 1 HOH 1 NOM
16th- Dominic (BB13) 1 NOM
15th- Amanda (BB15) 1 NOM
14th- Derrick (BB16) 1 NOM
13th- James (BB17) 3 NOM
12th- Dan (BB10/14) 2 NOM
11th- Daniele (BB8/13) 1 HOH 1 POV 2 NOM
10th- Elissa (BB15) 1 POV 2 NOM
9th- Jackie (BB17) 1 HOH 3 NOM
8th- Donny (BB16) 1 HOH 2 NOM
7th- Zach (BB16) 2 POV 3 NOM

It had now gotten down to the Final 6 in the game and everyone besides McCrae had seemed satisfy with what had recently occurred. However McCrae still thanked everyone for saving him. Everyone realizes that it is now time to compete for the next HOH competition, and this week two people in particular had really wanted power, that being Britney and McCrae. Britney and Nicole had talked right before the Double Eviction and had discussed that they needed to win the next 2 HOH's (Nicole had won the last one now Britney needed to win the next) so that they could show their loyalties to the other girls, and then get one out at the final 6. McCrae had also talked with Zach prior to the Double Eviction about how if they both managed to stay in the house, one of them would need to get close to one side of the house and the other would have to get close with the opposite side. McCrae's plan was all screwed up and he now felt in danger so he felt his only option was to win the next HOH.

The houseguests wait three hours after the Double Eviction until it is time for the next HOH competition. Aaryn and McCrae talked in the kitchen and awkwardly studied the memory wall together incase of a memory competition, Kalia and Becky had one of their #SoulSisters talks, and Britney and Nicole had been going over what happened on each day number incase it was a day number competition. The houseguests then learned that they would be separated in rooms during the competition. Aaryn was put in the animation room by the bathroom. McCrae was put in the cave have-not room. Britney was put in the antique paris themed bedroom. Becky was put in the train themed bedroom (lol). Kalia was put in the upstairs outer space bedroom and Nicole had been able to view the cometition from the HOH room. The competition would be the face mashup competition where three houseguests were combined to make a set of faces. The houseguests to get through the 7 faces the fastest would win the HOH competition. Kalia goes first and starts off really fast but gets stuck on face 5. Becky goes next and gets through all of them with an average pace. McCrae went third and he had gone decently fast seeing as he just was studying the memory wall, but he got somewhat stuck on the last face. Britney went fourth and she completely butchered the competition and couldn't figure half of the faces out. Aaryn went last and she had a pretty fast time considering she was confused about the competition during the first face and she thought you only needed two houseguests rather than three.

It was then time for the results. Kalia finished with a time of 4:25. Becky finished with a time of 4:11 and takes the lead. McCrae finished with a time of 2:56 and everyone looks mortified as he takes the lead. Britney finished with a time of 9:14 and everyone tries to hold back a laugh as she is eliminated from the competition. Aaryn's time is revealed last and she gets a time of... 2:23, meaning that she is the new Head of Household. Everyone claps and congratulates her as they make their way inside.

Right after the competition everyone besides McCrae had met up in the Ancient Egypt themed bedroom while McCrae was showering. They talked about how they now have one more week and it will be a final 5 with all girls. Nicole brought up that it would beat the record of season 6 which had a final 4 of all females. They were all happy and thankful as they heard McCrae getting out of the shower and all quickly made their way to separate rooms.

Later that night, after Aaryn got her HOH room and everyone had left, the #QueensofAllStars2 had began to discuss nominations for the week, and all women had a different viewpoint. Kalia had wanted McCrae to go this week to ensure an all female winner and in hopes that Nicole and Britney can trust them and they can get them to turn on each other. Becky had wanted Britney to go home this week since she had been unnominated up until this point even as a pre nominee. Aaryn was puzzled but she said "I want Nicole gone this week, but I don't know how we would do it since she is a strong player. If we put her up with Britney she would know she was in danger and play hard. If we put Britney up with McCrae she would fight hard to save Britney and then try to flip the votes this week on one of them since the two girls would have majority. But if we put up Nicole and McCrae she might truly think she is a pawn, and not fight hard to ensure Britney still doesn't go on the block, since she would think she is the bigger threat." I just don't know what to do. All girls discussed the different options but came to no conclusion as the night came to an end.

In the morning, it was then time for the nomination ceremony. Aaryn came and joined the rest of the houseguests as she brought the key box to the table. She gave her initial speech and then gave keys to the following people: Kalia and Becky. The final person to get their key was... McCrae. Aaryn stood up and said "This is just a game and I need two pawns on the block this week and I know one of you can win the POV initially to save yourself and make sure that my main target goes on the block this week. Good luck you two!" Aaryn had then adjourned the meeting and we got DR sessions from all 6 houseguests. Kalia and Becky's were similar because they both discussed how none of the blood would be on their hands this week and they could take out who they wanted regardless of what Aaryn said. McCrae said it is ridiculous how none of the girls are playing the game and are just going to hold hands til the end for the soul purpose of girl power. Britney had discussed that she was nervous for being on the block and she doesn't know if she can fully trust Aaryn's intentions. Nicole had said she DID trust Aaryn and she thinks that her or Britney will win the POV. Lastly Aaryn discussed that this week, she wants a female to go home, and she plans to make a final 2 deal with McCrae this week since she didn't fully trust #QueensofAllStars2 However nothing was set in stone with her plan this week.



Sent by Rperduex11,Oct 3, 2015
McCrae needs to go
Sent by CarsonWorld,Oct 3, 2015
Wtf @ McCrae still here?
Sent by Kaseyhope101,Oct 3, 2015
Sent by lanadelrey_,Oct 3, 2015

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